279 research outputs found

    Affective Terrains: Art, War, and National Belonging

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    This paper examines how cultural representations affirm national belonging within the context of Canada’s involvement in the War on Terror. To do this, it takes as its central case study an exhibition of official war art, 11 Artists for 11/11 (2012), which was mounted on public display in celebration of Remembrance Day. This paper approaches the exhibition and the works included in it by addressing their representative and non-representative (or affective) qualities, in order to think through the ways in which visual narratives of military history participate in shaping sentimental attachments to Canadian identity and being Canadian

    A New Mass Formula for NG Bosons in QCD

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    An often used mass formula for Nambu-Goldstone (NG) bosons in QCD, such as the pions, involves the condensate , fπf_{\pi} and the quark current masses. We argue, within the context of the Global Colour Model to QCD, that this expression is wrong. Analysis of the interplay between the Dyson-Schwinger equation for the constituent quark effect and the Bethe-Salpeter equation for the NG boson results in a new mass formula.Comment: Minor correction. Extended text incl. appendi

    Interprofessional Collaboration to Support Children with Diabetes

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    Background: The purpose of this study was to investigate school nurses’ perspectives related to interprofessional collaboration to support health promotion and development of self-management skills of students with diabetes. Method: A link to an on-line survey was sent to 312 school nurses. The survey included 11 items pertaining to the nurses’ perceptions. Results: The majority of the respondents (91.8%, n = 56) reported that instruction and maintenance of diabetes self-management skills would benefit from an interprofessional team. Few of the respondents (20.8%, n = 11) identified occupational therapy practitioners as possible collaborators. Nearly two-thirds (62.7%, n = 37) of the respondents suggested that students’ lack of incorporated self-management strategies into their daily routines was a concern. Half of the nurses (50%, n = 30) believed that students were concerned with how to process their emotional reactions related to diabetes, and most of the respondents (80.33%, n = 49) identified the need for students to develop strategies to deal with unanticipated events around diabetes management. Discussion: Diabetes is complex, and students with diabetes would benefit from an interprofessional team approach at school. More research is needed to understand why occupational therapy practitioners were infrequently endorsed by school nurses as possible collaborators

    Globalni model boje QCDe za hadronske procese

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    The global colour model (GCM) of QCD is a quark-gluon quantum field theory that very successfully models QCD for low energy hadronic processes. An effective gluon correlator models the interaction between quark currents. Functional integral calculus allows the GCM to be hadronised. The dominant configuration of the hadronic functional integrals is revealed to be the constituent quark effect, and is identical to the truncated quark Dyson-Schwinger equations (tDSE). However the GCM shows that hadronic physics requires processes that go beyond the tDSE. In this review examples of meson and nucleon processes are given. The GCM also plays a pivotal role in showing how QCD may be related to many other hadronic models.Globalni model boje (GCM) kvantne kromodinamike (QCD) je kvantna teorija polja kvarkova i gluona kojom se vrlo uspješno modeliraju procesi QCD na niskim energijama. Efektivni gluonski korelator služi za opisivanje međudjelovanja struja kvarkova. Funkcionalni integralni račun dozvoljava opis hadronizacije u GCM. Najvažnije konfiguracije hadronskih funkcionalnih integrala se javljaju kao učinak konstituentnih kvarkova, što je jednakovrijedno krnjoj kvarkovskoj Dyson-Schwingerovoj jednadžbi (tDSE). Međutim, GCM pokazuje da hadronska fizika zahtijeva opis procesa koji prelaze tDSE. U ovom pregledu daju se primjeri za mezonske i nukleonske procese. GCM je važan jer pokazuje kako se QCD odnosi prema mnogim hadronskim modelima

    Globalni model boje QCDe za hadronske procese

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    The global colour model (GCM) of QCD is a quark-gluon quantum field theory that very successfully models QCD for low energy hadronic processes. An effective gluon correlator models the interaction between quark currents. Functional integral calculus allows the GCM to be hadronised. The dominant configuration of the hadronic functional integrals is revealed to be the constituent quark effect, and is identical to the truncated quark Dyson-Schwinger equations (tDSE). However the GCM shows that hadronic physics requires processes that go beyond the tDSE. In this review examples of meson and nucleon processes are given. The GCM also plays a pivotal role in showing how QCD may be related to many other hadronic models.Globalni model boje (GCM) kvantne kromodinamike (QCD) je kvantna teorija polja kvarkova i gluona kojom se vrlo uspješno modeliraju procesi QCD na niskim energijama. Efektivni gluonski korelator služi za opisivanje međudjelovanja struja kvarkova. Funkcionalni integralni račun dozvoljava opis hadronizacije u GCM. Najvažnije konfiguracije hadronskih funkcionalnih integrala se javljaju kao učinak konstituentnih kvarkova, što je jednakovrijedno krnjoj kvarkovskoj Dyson-Schwingerovoj jednadžbi (tDSE). Međutim, GCM pokazuje da hadronska fizika zahtijeva opis procesa koji prelaze tDSE. U ovom pregledu daju se primjeri za mezonske i nukleonske procese. GCM je važan jer pokazuje kako se QCD odnosi prema mnogim hadronskim modelima

    National Survey to Identify Mental Health Topics in Entry-level OT and OTA Curricula: Implications for Occupational Therapy Education

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    Mental health has been identified as a priority practice area for occupational therapy. However, recent research suggests that the number of occupational therapy practitioners working in mental health is declining. The purpose of this survey research study was to examine the extent to which occupational therapy (OT) and occupational therapy assistant (OTA) programs include mental health topics in their curricula. A link to an on-line survey was sent to program directors of OT and OTA programs in the United States. A total of 105 programs fully completed the survey (33% response rate). All of the respondents (n=105) reported that their curricula included content related to adult mental health conditions and interventions and 98.1% (n=103) included content related to 11 child and adolescent mental health conditions. Programs varied in how explicitly they focused on specific intervention strategies to support or improve mental health. Focused pre-service curricular content and intentional fieldwork experiences may help to ensure that OT practitioners are inducted into mental health settings and equipped to meet practice demands. Entry-level OT and OTA programs cover a broad range of mental health-related topics. More research is needed to understand why some topics are included in curricula at greater rates than others

    Perceptions of Occupational Therapy Involvement in School Mental Health: A Pilot Study

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    Background: Mental health providers outside of occupational therapy, including those who work in school systems practice, often do not fully understand the contribution that occupational therapy practitioners can make to the delivery of mental health services. Method: The purpose of this mixed methods pilot study is to describe how instructional support staff from one special education cooperative learned about occupational therapy’s role in school mental health and to explain how this education changed the instructional support staff members’ perceptions regarding the involvement of occupational therapy practitioners in school-based mental health services. Results: Instructional support staff\u27s perceptions about occupational therapy changed as a result of the training. Discussion: Occupational therapy practitioners can be viewed as valuable members of the school mental health team if other practitioners are educated about their scope of practice