58 research outputs found

    Pendidikan Islam Inklusif Gender (Studi Kritis Ekofeminisme Vandana Shiva)

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    Vandana Shiva in her thinking of Ecofeminism, tried to deconstruct the paradigm of masculinity (its an ideology or principle that emphasizes more competitive, dominant, ambitious, vertical and fulfilling personal interests, it has hegemony many things, especially in terms of feminism and mainstream ecology, and also offers alternative understandings in the form of marriage between ecological thinking and feminism. Secondly, here I would like to discribe, the concept of ecofeminism. Vandana Shiva had been emphasized the need to restore feminine values (love, and nurturing), as a formulation or solution of the hegemony for masculinity that has been penetrated in many aspects. Third, the most important thing according to Vandana Shiva, is the restoration of the feminine values based on the overall principle, namely the creative existence and awareness in nature, women, and men. The implication for the nature is as a living organisms. For women, as a women productive and active beings. And finally the implication of the principle restoration of men is the transfer of life\u27s actions, not to create a life-threatening society that had destroys the life

    Studi Retrospektif Penggunaan Trihexyfenidil Pada Pasien Skizofrenia Rawat Inap Yang Mendapat Terapi Antipskotik Di Rumah Sakit Jiwa Sambang Lihum

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    Trihexyphenidyl (THP) is used to treat symptoms of Parkinson's disease or involuntary movements due to the side effects of certain psychiatric drugs. It can also decrease other side effects such as muscle stiffness/rigidity (extrapyramidal syndrome or EPS). EPS were an unavoidable consequence of effective antipsychotic therapy. EPS reduce beneficial effects of antipsychotic treatment on the negative, cognitive, and mood symptom domains, while increasing the risk of tardive dyskinesia and reducing compliance. The purpose of this research was to analyze the percentage use of THP and the pattern of THP usage on schizophrenia patient which treated at Sambang Lihum Hospital. This retrospective observational study was conducted at an inpatient Sambang Lihum Hospital. This research were conducted to 264 medical records of patients period January 2013 to December 2013 which receive antipsychotics medication. Data were analyzed by univariate analysis. The result showed 94.32% (n=264) received THP. This research has shown the pattern of THP usage in Sambang Lihum Hospital which was to give THP directly to patients without EPS examination is 96.79% (n=249) and there are 15.66% (n=249) patients evaluated after 14 days after THP administered


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan nilai religiositas dalam kumpulan cerpen karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Nilai religiositas yang terkandung dalam kumpulan cerpen tersebutdapat digunakan sebagai bahan alternatif dalam pembelajaran sastra di sekolah. Pendekatan penelitian yang digunakan, yaitu deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber datanya berupa kumpulan cerpen karya Habiburrahman El-Shirazy. Hasil penelitian dari nilai religiositas dalam kumpulan cerpen ini ialah akidah yang meliputi 1) iman kepada Allah Swt, 2) iman kepada kitab Allah Swt, 3) iman kepada rasul Allah Swt., dan 4) iman kepada qada dan qadar. Syariah yang meliputi 1) taaruf, 2) pinangan, 3) pernikahan, dan 4) wudu. Akhlak yang meliputi 1) akhlak pribadi, 2) akhlak dalam keluarga, dan 3) akhlak dalam bergaul

    Penanggulangan Lost Circulation dengan Menggunakan Metode Under Balanced Drilling pada Sumur Y, Blok Z

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    Drilling operation is process for creating a hole before production operation. “CT” Well and “Y” Well is located at same area which is Z Block. Those wells are vertical offshore wells. “CT” Well had been drilled on 1971 before “Y” Well was drilled on 2009.While drilling “CT” Well occurred total loss circulation on 12 ¼” at 3928 ft and cured with injection of 375 bbl LCM (Loss Circulation Material) with concentration 300 ppb but the loss circulation still occurred. Then total loss circulation occurred again at depth 4343 ft and 4545 ft. It cured with the same method but it didn't succeed at all. Thus, using blind drilling method is the only option to anticipate the loss. This operation took 17 days using those methods.Well “Y” on 12 ¼” was drilled conventionally. When it reached depth 2910 ft occurred total loss circulation. Based on “CT” Well, using Under Balanced Drilling Method is the best way to anticipate the total loss circulation. This method only took 8 day


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    Penelitian ini mendeskripsikan kemampuan menceritakan kembali isi fabel peserta didik kelas VII-B SMP Negeri 3 Banjarmasin. Metode deskriptif kuantitatif digunakan pada penelitian ini dan statistik deskriptif untuk analisis datanya. Selain itu, Fabel “Semut dan Belalang” dan tes unjuk kerja menceritakan kembali menjadi instrumen yang digunakan. Datanya berupa hasil tes kemampuan menceritakan kembali isi fabel dalam bentuk tulisan. Berdasarkan aspek-aspek yang diteliti, peserta didik kelas VII-B berada pada kategori mampu. Mampu tersebut dinyatakan dari rata-rata perolehan nilai akhirnya yaitu 82.8 dengan predikat C (Cukup). Dengan demikian, sebanyak 93.75% peserta didik (30 orang) termasuk mampu, sedangkan 6.25% peserta didik (2 orang) termasuk tidak mampu

    Nothing to report? Motivations for non- disclosure of social issues by Indonesian listed companies

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    A study based on the extent of voluntary social disclosure practices of Indonesian listed entities using Global Reporting Initiatives as a simplified social disclosure index found that all Jakarta Stock Exchange listed entities voluntarily disclose some social information in their annual reports, but at a low level (14.15%). Stakeholder theory partially explains the disclosures but does not explain why some issues such as Child Labour, Forced and Compulsory Labour, Bribery and Corruption andPolitical Contributions are not disclosed by any listed companies. This paper examines the motivations for these non-disclosures and suggests that one of the more likely reasons that companies do not disclose certain items is to avoid scrutiny, particularly on issues where they are not performing or where it is evident that they are in breach of government regulations

    Pengaruh Pemberian Ekstrak Etanol Daun Kajajahi (Leucosyke Capitellata Wedd.) Terhadap Efek Pembekuan Darah Dan Penurunan Agregasi Platelet Pada Darah Manusia Sehat Secara in Vitro

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    Kajajahi (Leucosyke capitellata Wedd.), an Indonesian medicine plant, is often used in society as traditional medicine. One of kajajahi's benefits that haven't much been explored is antiplatelet activity. Previous research results have shown that kajajahi extract contain flavonoid compound and is effective as an antioxidants. Flavonoid is an antioxidant compound which can inhibit the adhering, aggregation, and secretion of platelets because it obstructs the metabolism of arachidonat acid by cyclooxygenase. The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of platelet's anti-aggregation of ethanolic extract from kajajahi leaves. The testing of microscopically blood clotting effect showed that ethanol extract of kajajahi leaves could prevent blood cell from coagulating. The testing of plasma absorbance reduction before and after the addition of ADP showed comparison toward negative control to positive control with significance of 0.007

    Differentiation of Head Shapes and Positions of Shadow Puppets Arjuna Kedhu and Kinanthi in Surakarta Style

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    This research was conducted to see the differentiation of the shape and position of the head which shows the different concepts in Arjuna's self-control which are famous for its ability to control themselves. These different concepts occur over time by the creation of Arjuna wanda (specific expressions of puppets) of Kedhu, Kinanthi, and Muntap created in different centuries and eras. The method used in this research is ethnosemiotic which is a combination of ethnographic and semiotic methods by analyzing three wanda, namely wanda Kedhu, Kinanthi, and Muntap. The results obtained indicate that Kinanthi has a slighter differentiation from Kedhu, but Muntap has a wider differentiation. This differentiation is related to the size of the hair bun, the angle of the forehead, the angle of the eyes and the position of the head. This shows that there are gradations of expression from the three wanda, where the happy expression on the Kinanthi wanda mediates the pious expression of the Kedhu wanda and the wrath of the Muntap wanda. Keywords: head, shapes, positions, expressions, differentiations DOI: 10.7176/ADS/76-04 Publication date:September 30th 201