549 research outputs found

    The 2-Ga peraluminous magmatism of the Jacobina-Contendas Mirante belts (Bahia, Brazil) : geologic and isotopic constraints on the sources

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    L'étude pétrographique des intrusions granitiques du craton Sao Francisco (Bahia, Brésil) permet de définir la chronologie absolue des épisodes magmatiques et d'identifier les sources magmatiques ainsi que les processus géodynamiques se produisant lors de l'orogenÚse transamazonienn

    Moho topography beneath the Corinth Rift area (Greece) from inversion of gravity data

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    International audienceOur aim is to understand better the rifting process by imaging the Moho depth variation beneath Corinth and Evvia. We present here the results of a gravity inversion analysis in the region of the Corinth and Evvia rift system, and compare them to those obtained independently from teleseismic tomography and receiver function analyses. The results of these different studies appear to be consistent and show (1) a 10 km crustal thickening in the western part of the area beneath the Hellenides mountains, (2) NW–SE-trending periodic crustal thinning, and (3) a maximum crustal thinning north of the Gulf of Corinth. This 4 km thinning is unlikely to be the result of the rifting alone, which seems to have been reactivated since only 1 Ma. We propose here a geodynamical scenario in two major steps to explain the evolution of Corinth area. Aegean Miocene extension involving boudinage resulted in periodic crustal thinning, consistent with observations. These lithospheric instabilities could have favoured rupture initiation in particular areas, especially near the city of Corinth. Then, the reactivation of the Corinth Rift extension, 1 Myr ago, led to westward rift propagation. The offset observed between the maximum crustal thinning and the Gulf of Corinth could be accommodated by a low-angle normal fault at about 10–15 km depth. The Corinth Rift is thus asymmetrical and was initiated in places of crustal weakness due to Miocene lithospheric instabilities

    Pliocene Te Aute limestones, New Zealand: Expanding concepts for cool-water shelf carbonates

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    Acceptance of a spectrum of warm- through cold-water shallow-marine carbonate facies has become of fundamental importance for correctly interpreting the origin and significance of all ancient platform limestones. Among other attributes, properties that have become a hallmark for characterising many Cenozoic non-tropical occurrences include: (1) the presence of common bryozoan and epifaunal bivalve skeletons; (2) a calcite-dominated mineralogy; (3) relatively thin deposits exhibiting low rates of sediment accumulation; (4) an overall destructive early diagenetic regime; and (5) that major porosity destruction and lithification occur mainly in response to chemical compaction of calcitic skeletons during moderate to deep burial. The Pliocene Te Aute limestones are non-tropical skeletal carbonates formed at paleolatitudes near 40-42°S under the influence of commonly strong tidal flows along the margins of an actively deforming and differentially uplifting forearc basin seaway, immediately inboard of the convergent Pacific-Australian plate boundary off eastern North Island, New Zealand. This dynamic depositional and tectonic setting strongly influenced both the style and subsequent diagenetic evolution of the limestones. Some of the Te Aute limestones exhibit the above kinds of "normal" non-tropical characteristics, but others do not. For example, many are barnacle and/or bivalve dominated, and several include attributes that at least superficially resemble properties of certain tropical carbonates. In this regard, a number of the limestones are infaunal bivalve rich and dominated by an aragonite over a calcite primary mineralogy, with consequently relatively high diagenetic potential. Individual limestone units are also often rather thick (e.g., up to 50-300 m), with accumulation rates from 0.2 to 0.5 m/ka, and locally as high as 1 m/ka. Moreover, there can be a remarkable array of diagenetic features in the limestones, involving grain alteration and/or cementation to widely varying extents within any, or some combination of, the marine phreatic, burial, and meteoric diagenetic environments, including locally widespread development of meteoric cement sourced from aragonite dissolution. The message is that non-tropical shelf carbonates include a more diverse array of geological settings, of skeletal and mineralogical facies, and of diagenetic features than current sedimentary models mainly advocate. While several attributes positively distinguish tropical from non-tropical limestones, continued detailed documentation of the wide spectrum of shallow-marine carbonate deposits formed outside tropical regions remains an important challenge in carbonate sedimentology

    Slave-Boson Functional-Integral Approach to the Hubbard Model with Orbital Degeneracy

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    A slave-boson functional-integral method has been developed for the Hubbard model with arbitrary, orbital degeneracy DD. Its saddle-point mean-field theory is equivalent to the Gutzwiller approximation, as in the case of single-band Hubbard model. Our theory is applied to the doubly degenerate (D=2D = 2) model, and numerical calculations have been performed for this model in the paramagnetic states. The effect of the exchange interaction on the metal-insulator (MI) transition is discussed. The critical interaction for the MI transition is analytically calculated as functions of orbital degeneracy and electron occupancy.Comment: Latex 20 pages, 9 figures available on request to [email protected] Note: published in J. Physical Society of Japan with some minor modification

    Interplay of Mott Transition and Ferromagnetism in the Orbitally Degenerate Hubbard Model

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    A slave boson representation for the degenerate Hubbard model is introduced. The location of the metal to insulator transition that occurs at commensurate densities is shown to depend weakly on the band degeneracy M. The relative weights of the Hubbard sub-bands depend strongly on M, as well as the magnetic properties. It is also shown that a sizable Hund's rule coupling is required in order to have a ferromagnetic instability appearing. The metal to insulator transition driven by an increase in temperature is a strong function of it.Comment: 5 pages, revtex, 5 postscript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Metal-insulator transition in a doubly orbitally degenerate model with correlated hopping

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    In the present paper we propose a doubly orbitally degenerate narrow-band model with correlated hopping. The peculiarity of the model is taking into account the matrix element of electron-electron interaction which describes intersite hoppings of electrons. In particular, this leads to the concentration dependence of the effective hopping integral. The cases of the strong and weak Hund's coupling are considered. By means of a generalized mean-field approximation the single-particle Green function and quasiparticle energy spectrum are calculated. Metal-insulator transition is studied in the model at different integer values of the electron concentration. With the help of the obtained energy spectrum we find energy gap width and criteria of metal-insulator transition.Comment: minor revisions, published in Phys. Rev.

    “All citizens of the world can save a life” — The World Restart a Heart (WRAH) initiative starts in 2018

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    “All citizens of the world can save a life”. With these words, the International Liaison Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR) is launching the first global initiative – World Restart a Heart (WRAH) – to increase public awareness and therefore the rates of bystander cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) for victims of cardiac arrest. In most of the cases, it takes too long for the emergency services to arrive on scene after the victim's collapse. Thus, the most effective way to increase survival and favourable outcome in cardiac arrest by two- to fourfold is early CPR by lay bystanders and by “first responders”. Lay bystander resuscitation rates, however, differ significantly across the world, ranging from 5 to 80%. If all countries could have high lay bystander resuscitation rates, this would help to save hundreds of thousands of lives every year. In order to achieve this goal, all seven ILCOR councils have agreed to participate in WRAH 2018. Besides schoolchildren education in CPR (“KIDS SAVE LIVES”), many other initiatives have already been developed in different parts of the world. ILCOR is keen for the WRAH initiative to be as inclusive as possible, and that it should happen every year on 16 October or as close to that day as possible. Besides recommending CPR training for children and adults, it is hoped that a unified global message will enable our policy makers to take action to address the inequalities in patient survival around the world.Revisión por pare

    Fault kinematics in northern Central America and coupling along the subduction interface of the Cocos Plate, from GPS data in Chiapas (Mexico), Guatemala and El Salvador

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    International audienceNew GPS measurements in Chiapas (Mexico), Guatemala and El Salvador are used to constrain the fault kinematics in the North America (NA), Caribbean (CA) and Cocos (CO) plates triple junction area. The regional GPS velocity field is first analysed in terms of strain partitioning across the major volcano-tectonic structures, using elastic half-space modelling, then inverted through a block model. We show the dominant role of the Motagua Fault with respect to the Polochic Fault in the accommodation of the present-day deformation associated with the NA and CA relative motion. The NA/CA motion decreases from 18-22 mm yr−1 in eastern Guatemala to 14-20 mm yr−1 in central Guatemala (assuming a uniform locking depth of 14-28 km), down to a few millimetres per year in western Guatemala. As a consequence, the western tip of the CA Plate deforms internally, with ≃9 mm yr−1 of east-west extension (≃5 mm yr−1 across the Guatemala city graben alone). Up to 15 mm yr−1 of dextral motion can be accommodated across the volcanic arc in El Salvador and southeastern Guatemala. The arc seems to mark the northern boundary of an independent forearc sliver (AR), pinned to the NA plate. The inversion of the velocity field shows that a four-block (NA, CA, CO and AR) model, that combines relative block rotations with elastic deformation at the block boundaries, can account for most of the GPS observations and constrain the overall kinematics of the active structures. This regional modelling also evidences lateral variations of coupling at the CO subduction interface, with a fairly high-coupling (≃0.6) offshore Chiapas and low-coupling (≃0.25) offshore Guatemala and El Salvador
