4 research outputs found

    Aging all over the place : a multidisciplinary framework, that considers place and life trajectories of older adults within their communities

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    Abstract : Purpose This conceptual paper describes Aging All Over the Place (AAOP), a federative framework for action, research and policy that considers older adults’ diverse experiences of place and life trajectories, along with person-centered care. Design/methodology/approach The framework was developed through group discussions, followed by an appraisal of aging models and validation during workshops with experts, including older adults. Findings Every residential setting and location where older adults go should be considered a ‘place’, flexible and adaptable enough so that aging in place becomes aging all over the place. Healthcare professionals, policymakers and researchers are encouraged to collaborate around four axes: 1) biopsychosocial health and empowerment; 2) welcoming, caring, mobilized, and supportive community; 3) spatiotemporal life and care trajectories; and 4) out-of-home care and services. When consulted, a Seniors Committee showed appreciation for flexible person-centered care, recognition of life transitions and care trajectories, and meaningfulness of the name. Originality Building on the introduction of an ecological experience of aging, AAOP broadens the concept of care as well as the political and research agenda by greater integration of community and clinical actions. AAOP also endeavors to avoid patronizing older adults and engage society in strengthening circles of benevolence surrounding older adults, regardless of their residential setting. AAOP’s applicability is evidenced by existing projects that shared its approach. Social implications Population aging and the pandemic call for intersectoral actions and for stakeholders beyond healthcare to act as community leaders. AAOP proposes opportunities to connect environmental determinants of health and person-centered care

    PROTOCOL: Global elder abuse: A mega‐map of systematic reviews on prevalence, consequences, risk and protective factors and interventions

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    This is the protocol for a Campbell systematic review. The objectives are as follows: to produce a mega‐map which identifies, maps and provides a visual interactive display, based on systematic reviews on all the main aspects of elder abuse in both the community and in institutions, such as residential and long‐term care institutions

    Maltraitance organisationnelle dans les CHSLD : la réponse du gouvernement du Québec en contexte de crise sanitaire

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    Les nombreux cas de COVID-19 dans les centres d’hĂ©bergement et de soins de longue durĂ©e (CHSLD) forcĂšrent le gouvernement Ă  rĂ©agir Ă  ce qui fut qualifiĂ© d’« urgence nationale » par le premier ministre quĂ©bĂ©cois. Cet article a donc pour objectif de mettre en exergue les facteurs politiques et organisationnels ayant jouĂ© un rĂŽle central dans la dĂ©tĂ©rioration des conditions de vie et de la santĂ© des rĂ©sidents en soulignant, notamment, les manifestations de maltraitance organisationnelle ayant eu cours au sein de ces Ă©tablissements entre mars et juin 2020. Une analyse thĂ©matique des discours publics consignĂ©s par l’AssemblĂ©e nationale du QuĂ©bec (N = 73), Ă  partir de 14 thĂšmes, fut menĂ©e. Ces donnĂ©es furent croisĂ©es avec de la littĂ©rature scientifique, grise et journalistique afin de complĂ©ter l’analyse. Le manque de prĂ©paration, combinĂ© Ă  une absence massive du personnel ou Ă  sa mobilitĂ©, contribua Ă  la circulation du virus. Pour contrecarrer cette « crise dans la crise », une formation accĂ©lĂ©rĂ©e pour les prĂ©posĂ©s aux bĂ©nĂ©ficiaires fut mise sur pied. Or, son Ă©chafaudage comporte des limites : un temps de formation amputĂ© de moitiĂ©, de mĂȘme qu’une rĂ©duction du nombre de compĂ©tences enseignĂ©es. Fait prĂ©occupant, la compĂ©tence abordant la lutte contre la maltraitance y semble absente. À la lumiĂšre de ce portrait, il est justifiĂ© de se demander si, dans sa volontĂ© de redresser rapidement les dĂ©terminants Ă  la base de situations de nĂ©gligence organisationnelle, le gouvernement ne risque pas, ironiquement, d’y contribuer Ă  court et Ă  moyen terme.The numerous cases of COVID-19 infection in Quebec’s long-term care facilities forced the government to react to what the Premier defined as a “national emergency”. This article thus aims to present the political and organisational factors that played a central role in the deterioration of the living conditions and health of residents, especially focusing on how organisational mistreatment occurred between March and June 2020. We completed a thematic analysis of public discourses available on the National Assembly of Quebec website (N = 73). We matched data from the 14 themes with scientific and grey literature and journalistic articles to complete the analysis. A lack of preparation, combined with either a massive lack of personnel or their occupational mobility, contributed to the circulation of the virus. To counteract this “crisis within a crisis”, the provincial government created an accelerated training program for personal care attendants. However, its design has limits: a training period cut in half, as well as a reduction in the number of taught competencies. Particularly concerning is the lack of education on the actions to counter mistreatment to the elderly. With this portrait, it is justified to question if, in its desire to quickly redress the determinants at the heart of organisational neglect, the government ironically risks adding to it in the short to medium term