164 research outputs found

    Potential for Chemical Repellents Against the Mite Tyrophagus putrescentiae to Prevent Infestation of Country Hams

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    Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Shrank), commonly known as the ham mite, is a cosmopolitan pest found of various stored food commodities, including aged hams and cheeses (Amoah et al. 2017; Campbell et al. 2017). Recent research suggested methods to deter T. putrescentiae from infestation of country hams using different types of food-safe chemicals (Abbar et al. 2016). In this experiment, four chemicals were tested to ascertain their effectiveness in deterring T. putrescentiae from ham infestation. Repellency tests used a piece of ham and a group of mites placed on opposite sides of a Petri dish with a black construction paper floor. A test barrier of a test compound or solvent control was deposited on a white filter paper strip bisecting the dish at its center. The chemicals Nootkatone, Propylene Glycol, Glycerol and a fatty acid blend called “C8910” prevented more mites from contacting the ham compared to strips with solvent. These results suggest the potential for using one or more of these food-safe compounds to prevent ham mites form infesting hams in aging rooms

    Analysis of the Economic Development of Statesboro, Georgia’s Blue Mile: A Structural Approach for Diversification

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    The Blue Mile has become a center for Statesboro’s Economic Development plan of business diversification and downtown revitalization. Downtown revitalization is important not only to existing businesses but also to expanding the property tax base. The gauging of revitalization and diversification in the field of community development has been overlooked in favor of qualitative generalizations. Burayidi’s Scorecard is used as a basis to establish a standard for the structural analysis tests conducted to measure business diversification

    Music as Art: A Study of Expressing Emotion Through Music and Art

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    People have been expressing emotion with different art forms throughout history. Emotion has always been something that is hard for us to explain with words, so we have turned to painting, drawing, dancing, and music to add a visual or auditory explanation to what we feel. Depending on the chords or colors that are used, music and art can evoke specific emotions. There are many similarities between art and music, especially in the terms used to describe it. Both artists and musicians refer to their work as “compositions” and “pieces.” The musical term “timbre” means tone color and refers to the color provided by different instrument voices that make up an orchestration. Both art and music use motifs, themes, texture, and harmony. A common way that composers and directors will describe how they want a band to sound is by using the world “color.” Then the question becomes, “what color?” Of course, it is just an expression and a word to describe tone quality, but some artists have taken what they hear musically and they have translated it into an expression of color and shapes

    Raising Māori Student Achievement - Journeys of Success

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    Educational success for Māori students is influenced by confidence in one’s identity, positive role models and support; and positive attitudes to learning and success. This project asked Māori tertiary graduates about their educational experiences. Half of the participants in this study had successfully completed secondary school and the other half did not complete secondary school education. This selection of participants was selected to highlight that although some students don’t complete secondary school it is still possible to successfully pursue and complete tertiary level qualifications. The feedback given from the participants highlighted the positive factors that influenced their successful completion. From these factors recommendations have been developed to support Māori student success. The objective of this study is to encourage the development of increased self-confidence for Māori rangatahi and to promote the continuation of lifelong learning. When Māori students are supported both at school and in the home they are more likely to achieve educational success, particularly at secondary school level. Similarly, at tertiary level study; students who graduate with a completed degree qualification are likely to have had positive support and successful role models, they are likely to be secure within their own identity and wh!nau network. Māori students that successfully complete tertiary study are more likely to have positive attitudes to learning and to achieving; knowing how to access support and feeling confident in their efforts. The key to this study is the link between successful completion of secondary school and the follow-on to successful tertiary study. When Māori students are supported appropriately in the development of their identity their confidence soon follows. This support would ideally come from wh!nau in the home and the school. When Māori students are confident in their learning journeys through high levels of confidence in identity they are more likely to persevere under pressure and despite setbacks. Influencing factors to developing self-confidence for Māori students include awareness of Te Reo Māori and Tikanga Māori, responsibility at home, responsibility at school and the positive influence of role models. The study then concludes by providing recommendations for learners, educators and wh!nau to support the educational achievement of their tamariki

    Green Growth or Degrowth? The Economics of Climate Change

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    The paradigm dominating how American policymakers currently approach the climate crisis issue is green growth, positing that the global economy can maintain desirable levels of persistent economic growth while also effectively reducing carbon emissions and slowing the process of global warming, all by means of market-spurred technological innovation and green production processes. Some environmental thinkers dispute the sustainability potential of green growth, urging green growth economists and policymakers to think beyond the ostensibly “limiting” economic growth paradigm. Among this dissent, a new paradigm has emerged, one de-centering goals of economic growth and instead advocating for a reduction in economic throughput, consumption, and – by extension – a reduction in energy and resource usage. This movement, called “degrowth”, seeks a balance between environmental health and human well-being. After careful review of the research and literature supporting both methods of economic strategy, I find that the growth imperative has limited potential for sustainable environmental transformations. In the short amount of time our economies have left to transition to renewable energy sources and effectively avert an irreversible 1.5 degrees of global warming, the degrowth perspective is more promising. There has been no significant historical evidence that green growth can effectively decouple economic growth from greenhouse gas emissions, and because of this, a more radical solution is needed. The degrowth strategy propounds a period of economic degrowth, observing lower output and consumption rates, with the goal of reaching an environmentally sustainable steady state that compounds lower throughput with much more availability for leisure and work-sharing. The necessary approach to a post-degrowth sustainable steady state must account for the vast differences in economic development levels across the globe. I advocate for green growth in developing countries who have yet to grow into an ecologically sustainable steady state and degrowth for wealthy countries who have surpassed the sustainable economic state, with the goal of moving the global economy towards a sustainable steady state in the long run

    A Mathematical Framework for Analysis and Design of MagneticClimbing Mobile Robots

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    Robotic platforms that can successfully traverse atypical environments like those found on steel bridges, turbines, and silos are currently being researched and developed globally through funding from a range of governments. Improvements to robots of this type are highly desirable because efficient and detailed inspection of infrastructure is in demand as the world's current infrastructure ages. In this thesis we propose a framework of analysis for the engineering and design of magnetic steel climbing mobile robots to standardize the industries approach toward these robotic solutions. This framework equips members of the computer science and engineering field with the knowledge to analyze their own design concepts and optimize for desired parameters. In addition, this framework provides engineers with the ability to quantify the degree of confidence they would prefer through the definition of factor of safety (FOS) equations. The application of this framework has assisted the design of two state-of-the-art robots created by the Advanced Robotics and Automation (ARA) Lab of the University of Nevada, Reno (UNR) and has also been used to analyze previous robotic designs. The ARA Lab's V3 and V4 robots designed through the application of this framework have been created. The successful functioning of them shows that the framework proposed in this thesis can efficiently predict operating capabilities and consequently, will help to reduce the frequency and cost of potential future project design failures by allowing designers to catch them before purchasing, manufacturing and physical verification testing is performed

    LV Debt Collect v. Bank of N.Y. Mellon, 139 Nev. Adv. Op. 25 (Aug. 24, 2023)

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    The Nevada Supreme Court affirmed the district court’s grant of summary judgment in a quiet title action disputing the ownership of real property. The Court held that, for the purposes of NRS 106.240, a Notice of Default is not sufficient to make a secured debt wholly due for the following reasons: (1) the plain language of the statute requires an interpretation of whether a debt is wholly due according to the original terms and any extensions, (2) state law requires a waiting period after a Notice of Default has been recorded before the debt can be accelerated, and accelerations of a debt must be clear and unequivocal, and (3) policy reasons behind the statute do not support its application to Notices of Default

    B.Y. and A.F. v. Dist. Ct., 140 Nev. Adv. Op. 32 (Apr. 25, 2024)

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    In a per curium opinion, the Nevada Supreme Court found an abuse of discretion in the lower court’s denial of an ex parte temporary guardianship petition. The considerations outlined in NRS 159A were not met, therefore, the lower court improperly denied the petition. NRS 159A.053(4) presumes that petitions for guardianship are in the best interest of the child under certain conditions. This presumption is rebuttable at any time, but an ex parte motion need not be denied merely because an opponent cannot rebut it before a decision is rendered. Further, NRS 159A.053(3) requires that an affidavit describing the emergency supports an ex parte petition for temporary guardianship. The lower court’s evaluation of the emergency here improperly relied on a misunderstanding of who filed the petition. For these reasons, the Court granted the petition for a writ of mandamus in part to reconsider the original petition for temporary guardianship

    What is the Female Gaze in Literature?

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    Just as Laura Mulvey defined the male gaze, feminist scholars are constantly working to identify a female gaze in visual arts and literature. Does it exist? This project works to answer the following questions: What is the female gaze? Is it simply the male gaze in reverse, or is it something more, a lens encompassing the desire of intimacy instead of an inherent sexual desire? To find the answer, or at least one possible answer that I can situate myself and my writing into, I plan to read both fiction and scholarship and write utilizing a female character as she herself explores this question in an indirect way through life experiences. By drawing from outside sources I will see the two opposing sides of this argument and turn them into a fiction piece all the while working to fully understand the female gaze