7 research outputs found

    C Secure Coding Standards Performance: CMU SEI CERT vs MISRA

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    We present a prospective study for performance comparison between programs written in C language and the same programs reviewed and modified to be compliant with CMU SEI CERT C Secure Coding Standard and with MISRA C, the most relevant Secure Coding Standards in existence nowadays. Our initial results show that, as expected, any of the Secure Coding Standards is susceptible to have a negative impact on performance, increasing program running time. We have also found that MISRA C Standard may be less likely to affect code performance than SEI CERT C Standard is, and that it may produce a more optimal code than SEI CERT Standard does; however, further research is needed for proper confirmation of these results

    "Desarrollo de la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de segundo y tercer grado de educación básica del Centro Escolar Católico San José De Ahuachapán"

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    El desarrollo de la comprensión lectora ha sido considerado como parte fundamental de las competencias que se deben lograr en la educación formal; ya que esta competencia permite que los estudiantes logren éxito tanto en su vida académica como personal. El desarrollo de la comprensión lectora se logra a través de la trascendencia dentro de cada uno de los niveles (literal, retención, organización, inferencial, interpretativo, crítico y creativo) que la componen

    CoDysAn: A telemedicine tool to improve awareness and diagnosis for patients with congenital dyserythropoietic anemia

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    Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia (CDA) is a heterogeneous group of hematological disorders characterized by chronic hyporegenerative anemia and distinct morphological abnormalities of erythroid precursors in the bone marrow. In many cases, a final diagnosis is not achieved due to different levels of awareness for the diagnosis of CDAs and lack of use of advanced diagnostic procedures. Researchers have identified five major types of CDA: types I, II, III, IV, and X-linked dyserythropoietic anemia and thrombocytopenia (XLDAT). Proper management in CDA is still unsatisfactory, as the different subtypes of CDA have different genetic causes and different but overlapping patterns of signs and symptoms. For this reason, we developed a new telemedicine tool that will help doctors to achieve a faster diagnostic for this disease. Using open access code, we have created a responsive webpage named CoDysAn (Congenital Dyserythropoietic Anemia) that includes practical information for CDA awareness and a step-by-step diagnostic tool based on a CDA algorithm. The site is currently available in four languages (Catalan, Spanish, Italian, and English). This telemedicine webpage is available at http://www.codysan.eu

    Rifted Margins: State of the Art and Future Challenges

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    8 pages, 1 figureImprovements in seismic imaging, computing capabilities, and analytical methods, as well as a number of industry deep-water wells sampling distal offshore settings, have underpinned new concepts for rifted margin evolution developed in the last two decades; these mark significant progress in our understanding of extensional systems. For example, the tectonic, sedimentary, and magmatic processes linked to the formation of rifted margins have been overhauled, giving rise to more quantitative approaches and new concepts. However, these processes cannot be understood in isolation, requiring consideration of the continuum in which inheritance and physical processes are integrated within a plate tectonic framework. The major progress and fundamental developments of past research in rifted margins have been made hand-in-hand with other domains of Earth Sciences and have fundamental implications for the understanding of key geological systems such as active rifts, the ocean lithosphere, subduction zones, and collisional orogens. The “IMAGinING RIFTING” workshop, organized in Pontresina-Switzerland in September 2017, gathered researchers from all disciplines working on rifts and rifted margins, and included participants from academia and industry. This contribution summarizes the workshop discussions, in addition to outlining our state-of-the-art knowledge of rifted margins. We highlight future challenges in unraveling the processes and conditions under which these extensional systems form and, ultimately, how tectonic plates rupture and new oceans are born. Our aims here are to provide a framework for future research endeavors and to promote collaboration not only within the rift and rifted margins communities, but across other Earth Science discipline

    J1-M267 Y lineage marks climate-driven pre-historical human displacements

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    The present day distribution of Y chromosomes bearing the haplogroup J1 M267*G variant has been associated with different episodes of human demographic history, the main one being the diffusion of Islam since the Early Middle Ages. To better understand the modes and timing of J1 dispersals, we reconstructed the genealogical relationships among 282 M267*G chromosomes from 29 populations typed at 20 YSTRs and 6 SNPs. Phylogenetic analyses depicted a new genetic background consistent with climate-driven demographic dynamics occurring during two key phases of human pre-history: (1) the spatial expansion of hunter gatherers in response to the end of the late Pleistocene cooling phases and (2) the displacement of groups of foragers/herders following the mid-Holocene rainfall retreats across the Sahara and Arabia. Furthermore, J1 STR motifs previously used to trace Arab or Jewish ancestries were shown unsuitable as diagnostic markers for ethnicity

    Brasil en la integración de América Latina

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    En el marco de las transformaciones que están ocurriendo en escala global, Brasil se ha venido posicionando como una potencia a nivel regional. Este nuevo protagonismo que ha adquirido el “gigante del Sur” se debe en gran medida a la disminución de la presencia de Estados Unidos en la región, fenómeno se hizo evidente después del fracaso de su iniciativa para crear un Área de Libre Comercio para las Américas (ALCA), la cual fue definitivamente sepultada en la Cumbre de las Américas realizada en Mar del Plata en el año 2005