48 research outputs found
Modelos de fuente de sismicidad LP para la actividad del volcán Galeras 2004-2010 (Colombia)
El volcán Galeras (VG), se encuentra localizado al suroccidente de Colombia, a 9 km de la ciudad de Pasto, capital del departamento de Nariño. En su zona de influencia habitan alrededor de 500 000 personas. El VG pertenece al Complejo Volcánico Galeras (CVG) al que se le ha estimado más de 1 millón de años (Cepeda, 1985) y que comprende 6 estados a lo largo de su evolución. Según los estudios de Murcia y Cepeda (1991), los centros eruptivos del CVG están conformados principalmente por depósitos de flujos de lavas, depósitos de flujos piroclásticos, depósitos de caídas de cenizas, depósitos de avalanchas de escombros y depósitos de flujos de lodo. El CVG está formado sobre uno de los segmentos del Sistema de Fallas Romeral, cuya dirección aproximada en este punto es de 45° noreste. A lo largo de su evolución, el CVG ha presentado erupciones efusivas y explosivas que han formado un estratovolcán y dos calderas (Calvache, 1990), estas últimas con edades aproximadas de 560 000 años BP y 150 000 – 40 000 años BP, por otra parte, hace 12 000 a 5 000 años se presentó un colapso en el costado occidental del edificio favorecido por la alteración hidrotermal y la elevada pendiente
Conduit Resonance Models for Long-Period Seismicity at Galeras Volcano (Colombia), During 2004–2010
This study analyzes the long-period (LP) seismicity of Galeras volcano from the period 2004–2010, based on resonance models of a magma column. In this model an initial disturbance is propagated through the magma column’s walls in the form of waves until it reaches a receiver located on the surface. The input parameters for the crust and magma were obtained from previous studies, and the solution of the systems of equations was found using a finite element method. Models for two groups of LP events were found: group G1 associated with the emplacement of the lava domes in 2006 and 2008, and group G2 related to the seismicity preceding the emplacement of these domes. Group G1 is modeled by the resonance of a magma column about 2800 m long with its top near the surface and group G2 is related to a column close to 2000 m in length. The main frequency of initial perturbation differs between the groups. Additionally, the results of this study cast doubt on the effectiveness of location methods of fluid-related seismicity based on amplitude attenuation
El caso Santo Domingo
On incidents occurred on December 12th and 13th of 1.998 in Country's House of Santo Domingo (Arauca), civil population accused a Colombian AirForce - FAC helicopter UH - 1 H, to had throw up a "clauster" device, that brouth death to seventeen (17) people and hurt an another. Public's opinion handled news to round to a point of view in victims' defence and opened a favour and against discussion around to soldiers and FAC'S members mixed up with incidents; Internationals Human Rights Organizations declared possible sentences against to state; but at the end of the process, it can be noticed the existence of omissions and improvisations, once be clarify and identify itself, let consider involved people innocent.En los sucesos ocurridos los días 12 y 13 de diciembre de 1998 en el caserío de Santo Domingo (Arauca), la población civil acusó al helicóptero UH-1H de la Fuerza Aérea Colombiana (FAC), de haber arrojado un dispositivo clauster, que diomuerte a 17 personas e hirió a otras tantas. La opinión pública manejó información que llevó a la defensa de las víctimas y que abrió la discusión a favor y en contra de los militares y los miembros de la FAC involucrados; los Organismos de Derechos Humanos Internacionales se manifestaron con posibles condenas en contra del Estado; pero, a lo largo del proceso se puede apreciar la existencia de omisiones e imprecisiones que, una vez aclaradas e identificadas, permiten calificar la inocencia de los involucrados
Evaluation of pleural effusion sCD26 and DPP-IV as diagnostic biomarkers in lung disease
In this study, we measured ADA and DPP-IV enzymatic activity and sCD26 concentration in 150 pleural
effusion (PE) samples and tested for correlations between these and other cellular and biochemical
measures. We found that DPP-IV in particular might improve the specificity (but not the sensitivity) of the
ADA test for diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis, since half of the false ADA positive results in
non-tuberculous PE were also DPP-IV positive. A percentage of patients with malignant PE were sCD26 or
DPP-IV positive; however, some patients with benign PE also tested positive. As a pattern associated with
DPP-IV (but not the CD26 protein) was observed in PE, we searched for a finding that might increase the
value of these biomarkers for diagnosis of malignancy. The observed pattern was related to the presence of
leukocytes, as indicated by correlations with the cell count, and to a band of 180 kDa, detected by
immunoblottingThis research was partially supported by grants PS09-00405 and Research Intensification activity from the Fondo de Investigación Sanitaria (FIS) of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Spain) and funding from Xunta de Galicia and FEDER (CN 2011/024). We are grateful to the patients who participated and made the study possibleS
Surface expression marker profile in colon cancer cell lines and sphere-derived cells suggests complexity in CD26+ cancer stem cells subsets
Taking advantage of eight established cell lines from colorectal cancer patients at different stages of the disease and the fact that all of them could form spheres, cell surface biomarkers of cancer stem cells and epithelial-mesenchymal transition were tested. The aim was to investigate cancer stem cells and metastatic stem cells in order to provide functional characterization of circulating tumor cells and promote the development of new anti-metastatic therapies. Our model showed an important heterogeneity in EpCAM, CD133, CD44, LGR5, CD26 and E-cadherin expression. We showed the presence of a subset of E-cadherin+ (some cells being E-cadherinhigh) expressing CD26+ (or CD26high) together with the well-known CSC markers LGR5 and EpCAMhigh, sometimes in the absence of CD44 or CD133. The already described CD26+/E-cadherinlow or negative and CD26+/EpCAM−/CD133− subsets were also present. Cell division drastically affected the expression of all markers, in particular E-cadherin, so new-born cells resembled mesenchymal cells in surface staining. CD26 and/or dipeptidyl peptidase 4 inhibitors have already shown anti-metastatic effects in pre-clinical models, and the existence of these CD26+ subsets may help further research against cancer metastasis.This work was done with the Xunta de Galicia grants (supported by the: European
Regional Development Fund (ERDF): Axudas consolidación e estructuración de
unidades de investigación competitiva [GRC2014/019], Galician Network for
Colorectal Cancer Research (REGICC) [R2014/039] and Agrupación estratégica
InBiomed [2012/273]S
Data acquisition system development for EGIM on EMSODEV EU Project
The EMSODEV1 (European Multidisciplinary Seafloor and water-- column Observatory DEVelopment) is a UE project whose general objective is to set up the full implementation and operation of the EMSO distributed Research Infrastructure (RI), through the development, testing and deployment of an EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM). The EGIM module will measure various ocean parameters in a long-term consistent, accurate and comparable manner. These measurements are critical to respond accurately to the social and scientific challenges such as climate change, changes in marine ecosystems, and marine hazards. Here we present the current status of the EGIM data acquisition system development.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
OGC SWE-based Data Acquisition System Development for EGIM on EMSODEV EU Project
The EMSODEV[1] (European Multidisciplinary
Seafloor and water column Observatory DEVelopment) is an EU
project whose general objective is to set up the full
implementation and operation of the EMSO distributed Research
Infrastructure (RI), through the development, testing and
deployment of an EMSO Generic Instrument Module (EGIM).
This research infrastructure will provide accurate records on
marine environmental changes from distributed local nodes
around Europe. These observations are critical to respond
accurately to the social and scientific challenges such as climate
change, changes in marine ecosystems, and marine hazards. In
this paper we present the design and development of the EGIM
data acquisition system. EGIM is able to operate on any EMSO
node, mooring line, sea bed station, cabled or non-cabled and
surface buoy. In fact a central function of EGIM within the
EMSO infrastructure is to have a number of ocean locations
where the same set of core variables are measured
homogeneously: using the same hardware, same sensor
references, same qualification methods, same calibration
methods, same data format and access, and same maintenance
procedures.Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version
Habilidades de argumentación. Una propuesta para el planteamiento de posibles soluciones a los conflictos interpersonales
El presente artículo muestra los resultados de una investigación en torno a la influencia del desarrollo de habilidades argumentativas en el planteamiento de posibles soluciones a los conflictos interpersonales que se presentan en el entorno escolar. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo descriptivo, en el cual se diseñó una unidad didáctica desde la estrategia del análisis de dilemas morales, a partir de situaciones conflictivas presentadas en el aula —adaptados al modelo de desarrollo moral de Kohlberg—. El estudio permitió la comprensión del concepto de conflicto interpersonal y el uso de la argumentación para el planteamiento de posibles soluciones sustentadas en argumentos razonados y razonables. La investigación permitió concluir que el desarrollo de habilidades argumentativas les brinda a los estudiantes herramientas conceptuales y metodológicas para afrontar situaciones de conflicto interpersonal de forma constructiva, de manera que se planteen soluciones argumentadas
Análisis de mecanismos focales de sismos volcanotectónicos en el volcán Galeras, Colombia, mediante los métodos manual y computacional
Se calcularon 120 soluciones de mecanismos focales para sismos volcanotectónicos localizados en el Complejo Volcánico Galeras (CVG), durante 2005 – 2018, utilizando como datos de entrada la localización del hipocentro, el acimut, ángulo de incidencia y polaridad dentro del catálogo de eventos detectados por la red de monitoreo del Servicio Geológico Colombiano, Observatorio Vulcanológico y Sismológico de Pasto (OVSP). Se determinaron soluciones manuales y computacionales. Las soluciones manuales se graficaron con el programa Stereonet, y las soluciones computacionales se modelaron con el programa HASH. Los datos de rumbo ( ) y buzamiento ( obtenidos por cada método fueron comparados, para calcular los desajustes entre ambas aproximaciones para y ; de otro modo, se realizaron comparaciones entre las soluciones manuales y datos teóricos de estudios previos, del rumbo ( ) y buzamiento ( de la falla de Buesaco. A su vez, los desajustes revelaron variaciones espaciales y temporales en el estado de esfuerzos del sistema tectónico-magmático del volcán Galeras (VG), integrándose con información geológica y estructural. En particular se concluye que existen diferencias en el estado de esfuerzos respecto al tiempo y la profundidad bajo el VG entre los 3 km y 6 km, igualmente se detectan variaciones en el área circundante al volcán definidas para la distancia de acuerdo con coordenadas de latitud entre 1º-12.94’ y 1º-14.70’ y de longitud entre 77º-20.73’ y 77º-18.16’, y diferencias en el estado de esfuerzos medidas a lo largo de la falla de Buesaco, principalmente a lo largo del segmento NE
Serological survey of Coxiella burnetii at the wildlife-livestock interface in the Eastern Pyrenees, Spain
Coxiella burnetii is a zoonotic bacterium that infects a wide range of animal species and causes the disease Q fever. Both wild and domestic ruminants may be relevant in the epidemiology of C. burnetii infection. In order to investigate the significance of the ruminant host community in the alpine and subalpine ecosystems of the Eastern Pyrenees, Northeastern Spain, in the epidemiology of Q fever, a serological survey was performed on samples from 599 wild and 353 sympatric domestic ruminants. Specific antibodies against C. burnetii were detected with a commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). Domestic sheep showed the highest prevalence (12.7 %, CI 95 % 8.6-16.9), followed by European mouflon (Ovis orientalis musimon) with a 6.8 % prevalence (CI 95 % 1.6-12.1), red deer (Cervus elaphus) with 2.4 % (CI 95 % 0-5.6), and cattle with a prevalence of 1.1 % (CI 95 % 0-3.2). No positive domestic goats, fallow deer (Dama dama), roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) and Southern chamois (Rupicapra pyrenaica) were detected. Sheep flock prevalence was 75 % (nine of the 12 sheep flocks sampled were positive, within-flock prevalence ranging from 11.1 to 25.0 %), whereas cattle herd prevalence was 11.1 % (one out of the nine cattle herds sampled was positive, within-herd prevalence of 10.0 %. Both domestic and wild ruminants from the alpine and subalpine ecosystems of the Eastern Pyrenees were exposed to C. burnetii. The higher seroprevalence in sheep and its relative abundance suggest that this species may have a major contribution to the ecology of C. burnetii. Conversely, wild ruminants do not seem to represent a relevant host community for C. burnetii maintenance in the Eastern Pyrenees