105 research outputs found

    Periodic thermal behavior of walls: an experimental approach

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    The need for testing methods that could verify the performance of building components is continuously increasing, as it is mandatory to reduce the overall energy need of the buildings. This work provides a method that determines the dynamic behavior of walls. The time-shift due to the thermal and physical properties of the component is measured using infrared thermography. A case study on a typical wall sample is proposed, validating the technique

    Correlated electron-hole plasma in organometal perovskites

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    Organic-inorganic perovskites are a class of solution-processed semiconductors holding promise for the realization of low-cost efficient solar cells and on-chip lasers. Despite the recent attention they have attracted, fundamental aspects of the photophysics underlying device operation still remain elusive. Here we use photoluminescence and transmission spectroscopy to show that photoexcitations give rise to a conducting plasma of unbound but Coulomb-correlated electron-hole pairs at all excitations of interest for light-energy conversion and stimulated optical amplification. The conductive nature of the photoexcited plasma has crucial consequences for perovskite-based devices: in solar cells, it ensures efficient charge separation and ambipolar transport while, concerning lasing, it provides a low threshold for light amplification and justifies a favourable outlook for the demonstration of an electrically driven laser. We find a significant trap density, whose cross-section for carrier capture is however low, yielding a minor impact on device performance

    Size diversity of old Large Magellanic Cloud clusters as determined by internal dynamical evolution

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    The distribution of size as a function of age observed for star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) is very puzzling: young clusters are all compact, while the oldest systems show both small and large sizes. It is commonly interpreted as due to a population of binary black holes driving a progressive expansion of cluster cores. Here we propose, instead, that it is the natural consequence of the fact that only relatively low-mass clusters have formed in the last ~3 Gyr in the LMC and only the most compact systems survived and are observable. The spread in size displayed by the oldest (and most massive) clusters, instead, can be explained in terms of initial conditions and internal dynamical evolution. To quantitatively explore the role of the latter, we selected a sample of five coeval and old LMC clusters with different sizes, and we estimated their dynamical age from the level of central segregation of blue straggler stars (the so-called dynamical clock). Similarly to what found in the Milky Way, we indeed measure different levels of dynamical evolution among the selected coeval clusters, with large-core systems being dynamically younger than those with small size. This behaviour is fully consistent with what expected from internal dynamical evolution processes over timescales mainly set by the structure of each system at formation.Comment: In press in Nature Astronomy, 9 September 2019 issue. 24 pages, 7 figures, 2 table

    Star-density Profiles of Six Old Star Clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We used resolved star counts from Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images to determine the center of gravity and the projected density profiles of six old globular clusters (GCs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), namely NGC 1466, NGC 1841, NGC 1898, NGC 2210, NGC 2257, and Hodge 11. For each system, the LMC field contribution was properly taken into account by making use, when needed, of parallel HST observations. The derived values of the center of gravity may differ by several arcseconds (corresponding to more dal 1 pc at the distance of the LMC) from previous determinations. The cluster density profiles are all well fit by King models, with structural parameters that may differ from the literature ones by even factors of two. Similar to what was observed for Galactic GCs, the ratio between the effective and the core radius has been found to anticorrelate with the cluster dynamical age

    Slowly cooling white dwarfs in M13 from stable hydrogen burning

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    White dwarfs (WDs) are the final evolutionary product of the vast majority of stars in the Universe. They are electron-degenerate structures characterized by no stable thermonuclear activity, and their evolution is generally described as a pure cooling process. Their cooling rate is adopted as cosmic chronometer to constrain the age of several Galactic populations, including the disk, globular and open clusters. By analysing high-resolution photometric data of two very similar Galactic globular clusters (M3 and M13), we find a clear-cut and unexpected overabundance of bright WDs in M13. Theoretical models suggest that, consistent with the horizontal branch morphology, this overabundance is due to a slowing down of the cooling process in ~70% of the WDs in M13, caused by stable thermonuclear burning in their residual hydrogen-rich envelope. The presented observational evidence of quiescent thermonuclear activity occurring in cooling WDs brings new attention on the use of the WD cooling rate as cosmic chronometer for low-metallicity environments

    Star density profiles of six old star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud

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    We used resolved star counts from Hubble Space Telescope images to determine the center of gravity and the projected density profiles of 6 old globular clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), namely NGC 1466, NGC 1841, NGC 1898, NGC 2210, NGC 2257 and Hodge 11. For each system, the LMC field contribution was properly taken into account by making use, when needed, of parallel HST observations. The derived values of the center of gravity may differ by several arcseconds (corresponding to more than 1 pc at the distance of the LMC) from previous determinations. The cluster density profiles are all well fit by King models, with structural parameters that may differ from the literature ones by even factors of two. Similarly to what observed for Galactic globular clusters, the ratio between the effective and the core radii has been found to anti-correlate with the cluster dynamical age.Comment: 15 pages, 12 figures, in press on the Ap

    PSR J1641+3627F: a low-mass He white dwarf orbiting a possible high-mass neutron star in the globular cluster M13

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    We report on the discovery of the companion star to the millisecond pulsar J1631+3627F in the globular cluster M13. By means of a combination of optical and near-UV high-resolution observations obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope, we identified the counterpart at the radio source position. Its location in the color-magnitude diagrams reveals that the companion star is a faint (V \sim 24.3) He-core white dwarf. We compared the observed companion magnitudes with those predicted by state-of-the-art binary evolution models and found out that it has a mass of 0.23 \pm 0.03 Msun, a radius of 0.033^+0.004_-0.005 Rsun and a surface temperature of 11500^+1900_-1300 K. Combining the companion mass with the pulsar mass function is not enough to determine the orbital inclination and the neutron star mass; however, the last two quantities become correlated: we found that either the system is observed at a low inclination angle, or the neutron star is massive. In fact, assuming that binaries are randomly aligned with respect to the observer line of sight, there is a \sim 70% of probability that this system hosts a neutron star more massive than 1.6 Msun. In fact, the maximum and median mass of the neutron star, corresponding to orbital inclination angles of 90 deg and 60 deg, are M_NS,max = 3.1 \pm 0.6 Msun and M_NS,med = 2.4 \pm 0.5 Msun, respectively. On the other hand, assuming also an empirical neutron star mass probability distribution, we found that this system could host a neutron star with a mass of 1.5 \pm 0.1 Msun if orbiting with a low-inclination angle around 40 deg.Comment: Accepted for publication by Ap

    A kinematic view of NGC 1261: structural parameters, internal dispersion, absolute proper motion and Blue Straggler Stars

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    We constructed a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) astro-photometric catalog of the central region of the Galactic globular cluster NGC 1261. This catalog, complemented with Gaia DR2 data sampling the external regions, has been used to estimate the structural parameters of the system (i.e., core, half-mass, tidal radii and concentration) from its resolved star density profile. We computed high-precision proper motions thanks to multi-epoch HST data and derived the cluster velocity dispersion profile in the plane of the sky for the innermost region, finding that the system is isotropic. The combination with line-of-sight information collected from spectroscopy in the external regions provided us with the cluster velocity dispersion profile along the entire radial extension. We also measured the absolute proper motion of NGC 1261 using a few background galaxies as a reference. The radial distribution of the Blue Straggler Star population shows that the cluster is in a low/intermediate phase of dynamical evolution.Comment: 19 pages, 12 figures, 2 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    Electronic structure of fluorides: general trends for ground and excited state properties

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    The electronic structure of fluorite crystals are studied by means of density functional theory within the local density approximation for the exchange correlation energy. The ground-state electronic properties, which have been calculated for the cubic structures CaF2CaF_{2},SrF2SrF_{2}, BaF2BaF_{2}, CdF2CdF_{2}, HgF2HgF_{2}, β\beta -PbF2PbF_{2}, using a plane waves expansion of the wave functions, show good comparison with existing experimental data and previous theoretical results. The electronic density of states at the gap region for all the compounds and their energy-band structure have been calculated and compared with the existing data in the literature. General trends for the ground-state parameters, the electronic energy-bands and transition energies for all the fluorides considered are given and discussed in details. Moreover, for the first time results for HgF2HgF_{2} have been presented