47 research outputs found

    La Peña de Estebanvela

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    Pleistocene and Holocene hunter – gatherers in Iberia and the Gibraltar Strait: the current archaeological record, aims to be an updating of the current knowledge on human predatory societies settled in Iberia. The archaeological record of that region is essential for the reconstruction of Human Evolution in Europe in biological, behavioural and cultural domains thus it preserves the earliest and more significant records of the humanization in the continent and because it allows the recovery of the main trends in that process. This is possible thanks to a rich, large and complete record, encompassing all the stages on that development and all the adaptive and cultural modes. Moreover, the discovery of that record is amongst the earliest known archaeological occurrences in the history of our discipline, materialized already during the XIX century. The main aim of that volume is the systematic presentation of the current empirical data written by the same research teams already on work every year on the excavation and analysis of the sites. We have included the current knowledge on the main archaeo-palaeontological sites, those bearing the more significant record. These sites are arranged in eight physiographic and geological regions with the aim of making clear the adaptive ways of human societies to similar environments. Beyond these eight regions it seemed important to us to present the heritage of symbolic behaviour on the caves of the two regions bearing the more extensive record of that cultural trait: the Cantabrian and the Levantine regions. The cave paintings coming from outside these two regions are presented in their own region. Finally, beyond the empirical data, we would like to highlight the main research lines in which the modern Iberian Archaeology is currently engaged in the field of Human Evolution and Palaeoecology.Peer reviewe

    Observation and control of maximal Chern numbers in a chiral topological semimetal

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    Topological semimetals feature protected nodal band degeneracies characterized by a topological invariant known as the Chern number (C). Nodal band crossings with linear dispersion are expected to have at most |C|=4, which sets an upper limit to the magnitude of many topological phenomena in these materials. Here we show that the chiral crystal PdGa displays multifold band crossings, which are connected by exactly four surface Fermi-arcs, thus proving that they carry the maximal Chern number magnitude of 4. By comparing two enantiomers, we observe a reversal of their Fermi-arc velocities, which demonstrates that the handedness of chiral crystals can be used to control the sign of their Chern numbers.Comment: Accepted manuscrip

    Quid: observatorio de medios

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    El informe está dividido en cuatro apartados: “Derecho a la información y transparencia”, “La televisión mexicana”, “Empresas y prácticas periodísticas” y “Los que se fueron”. En el primero de ellos se presenta un texto que ayuda a entender cuál es el momento en el que se encuentran las propuestas legislativas para regular a los medios y las telecomunicaciones en México, y una evaluación de los primeros cinco años del Instituto de Transparencia e Información Pública de Jalisco. El segundo apartado del informe es ecléctico, pues se compone de artículos que trabajan distintas temáticas de la televisión:la estructura y oferta de la televisión en nuestro país (en particular en la ciudad de Guadalajara), la televisión por cable (enfatizando el caso de Megacable), un recuento de cómo se gestó el Canal 44 y de sus prospectivas en 2011, y los mundiales de futbol. La tercera parte del informe documenta algunas de las situaciones más importantes que se viven en el periodismo local: estos trabajos presentan sistemas en crisis (alta vulnerabilidad de los periodistas mexicanos ante un clima de violencia que lejos de disminuir va en aumento, y la participación, por acción u omisión, del Estado mexicano en la sistemática violación de los derechos de quienes dedican su vida al trabajo periodístico. Los siguientes artículos tratan sobre las transformaciones de las empresas periodísticas, particularmente las del sector de la prensa escrita: la rápida e inexorable desaparición de los suplementos culturales, y una radiografía sobre las formas de producción de algunas secciones internacionales de los periódicos tapatíos. Al final se presentan las semblanzas de José Galindo, Raúl Mora Lomelí, S.J., Tomás Eloy Martínez y Juan Pablo Rosell.ITESO, A.C

    Interrelación de laboratorios de control y laboratorios de investigación en España para la armonización de metodologías de determinación de toxinas paralizantes

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    XII Congreso Nacional de Agricultura, Madrid 24-26 de noviembre de 2009Marketing of cultured and harvested shellfish is linked to monitoring programs for granting food safety. Its complexity requires constant cooperation between research and monitoring laboratories in order to improve sampling and analysing performances, achieve legal requirements, etc. for increasing consumer’s health protection but not reducing producer’s benefits. The JACUMAR project «Comparison of methodologies for the evaluation of Paralytic Shellfish Poisoning (PSP) toxins in bivalves. Application for aquaculture in Spain» groups research and monitoring laboratories from Galicia, Andalucía and Cataluña. Efforts are focused on detection and quantification of PSP toxins, searching an analytical method able to fulfil technical and management requirementsEste proyecto está financiado por la Junta Asesora de Cultivos Marinos (JACUMAR), y los programas de control por los gobiernos autónomos de Galicia, Andalucía y CataluñaN

    Identification of volatile constituents in wines from Vitis vinifera var vidadillo and sensory contribution of the different wine flavour fractions

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    A wine made with vidadillo, a very old Spanish variety, has been continuously extracted and the extract further fractionated in a silica gel column with successive portions of hexane/dichloromethane/ether mixtures following an elutropic order. Ten fractions showing different odours were isolated and analysed by HRGCMS and their olfactory and flavour threshold determined via triangular tests. More than 200 compounds belonging to different biosynthetic pathways have been identified. It is important to note the large number of and lactones and of compounds derived from the phenylpropanoid metabolism present. From a sensory point of view, all the fractions showed aroma values below 100, meaning that there are no clear impact compounds. Three fractions scored aroma values higher than 10, and therefore play an important role in the perception of the different flavour and aroma nuances of the wine. Compounds that may play an outstanding role are fusel alcohol acetates in the fruity notes, and lactones in the peach notes, and some unidentified compounds in the liquorice notes. The silica gel prefractionation method leads to a class separation, and compounds showing similar aromatic notes are eluted together, allowing an easy interpretation of the role of the different groups of flavours. Copyright © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Lt

    Investigation on the role played by fermentation esters in the aroma of young Spanish wines by multivariate analysis

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    The role played by ethyl esters of fatty acids and by acetates of higher alcohols on the aroma of young wines from neutral grape varieties has been investigated. The statistical methods used have been stepwise linear regression and principal components analysis. Very significant conclusions have been reached. The role played by these compounds depends on the type of wine. In white wines their main role is in the perception of tree fruit and tropical fruit notes. It has been demonstrated that the former notes are linked to ethyl esters, while the latter are linked mainly to acetates of higher alcohols. In rose wines the intensity of tree fruit aroma was correlated with ester content, however no clear conclusion was reached about the role of various compounds on the perception of quality. Finally, in red wines these compounds do not determine the intensity of fruit aromas, and they only play a modulating role on aroma quality. This indicates that red grape varieties must have other aroma compounds which are responsible for the fruity characteristics of wines. Copyright © 1995 John Wiley & Sons, Lt