1,874 research outputs found

    Ensayo clínico aleatorizado sobre el control del dolor en las fracturas pertrocantéreas de fémur mediante el uso o no de tracción cutánea

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    Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de control del dolor de los pacientes afectos de fracturas pertrocantéreas de fémur en función de la aplicación o no de tracción cutánea. Método: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado unicéntrico, paralelo, controlado y abierto realizado en el ámbito hospitalario. Los sujetos a estudio fueron pacientes que acudieron al servicio de urgencias por fractura pertrocantérea de fémur. Muestra de 40 pacientes (potencia 80% IC: 95%). Muestreo no probabilístico consecutivo. Pacientes asignados de manera aleatoria (1:1) a tratamiento con tracción cutánea o sin tracción. La asignación fue realizada mediante sobres cerrados. La variable principal de estudio fue la evaluación del dolor a las 48 horas de ingreso. La recogida de datos se realizó durante febrero a octubre de 2008 mediante cuaderno de registro de datos ad hoc, siendo evaluadas basalmente, a las 2 h, 24 h y 48 h del ingreso del paciente. Resultados: A la 48 horas del ingreso el dolor basal medio de la muestra mejoró en 4,4 puntos (DE: 1,8) (p < 0,001), el efecto diferencial del nivel de dolor entre los dos grupos de estudio fue de 0,7 puntos de la escala EVA (IC: 95% -0,7 a 0,6), el efecto de la tracción no demostró diferencias estadísticamente significativas (p = 0,721). Fue retirado un paciente por reacción cutánea al adhesivo de la tracción. Conclusiones: El tratamiento con tracción cutánea en los pacientes con fractura pertrocantérea de fémur no produce cambios en la evolución del dolor en comparación con los pacientes sin tracción cutánea

    Heat application on lumbar and suprapubic pain during the onset of labour using a new abdominal two-pocket belt: a randomised and controlled trial

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    Background: midwives from the Obstetrics and Gynaecology Unit at University Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, have developed a device for the application of thermal therapy on lumbar and suprapubical areas when labour pain appears. Objective: To assess the beneficial effects of heat application on lumbo-suprapubical pain during initial stages of labour. Study design: Randomized, parallel, open, non-blind clinical trial. Methods: Participants were pregnant women in the prodromal, early and active labour (up to 4-5cm of dilation), with lumbo-suprapubic pain. The study was conducted in the delivery ward of Hospital Universitari Germans Trias I Pujol, in Badalona (Catalonia, Spain) during 2017-2018. One hundred and thirty-four childbearing women giving birth between September 2017 and March 2018 participated. The intervention group (n=67) received local heat at a temperature between 38-39C on the lumbo-suprapubic areas for 30 minutes using an elastic pelvic belt as a pain relief device and was compared to a control group in which no heat was used. Primary outcomes were: pain level perception measured with a Visual Analogic Scale and a satisfaction index regarding the utilization of the belt device in the intervention group by using a specific ad-hoc non-validated questionnaire designed for the study. Results: Among the 134 participants: 41% (55) were in prodromal labour, 53.7% (72) in early labour and 5.2% (7) in active labour (up to ≤ 4-5cm); groups were not balanced for the phases of labour. Pre-intervention pain level in the intervention group was 0.71 points higher (6.28 ± 1.59) than in the control group (5.57 ± 1.87) p=0.02. At 30 minutes of heat application, pain level in the study group decreased 0.65 points (5.88±1.82) while it increased in the control group (6.53 ± 1.85) p=0.046. The difference between basal pain level and post-intervention, was 0.39 ± 1.35 in the intervention group while in the control group it was 0.95 ± 1.11 (p=0.000) in the Visual Analogic Scale. The global satisfaction index for the pelvic elastic belt was 15.38 ± 2.15 (range 5-19) which corresponds to 80.94% over 100% of the maximal punctuation. Conclusion: Heat application on both lumbar and suprapubic areas in case of labour pain is effective in relieving pain. The heat pads subjection device, a new abdominal two-pocket belt, obtained a positive feedback from women in the study group who used it and answered the satisfaction questionnaire

    Differences in Salivary Flow Level, Xerostomia, and Flavor Alteration in Mexican HIV Patients Who Did or Did Not Receive Antiretroviral Therapy

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    Objective and subjective alterations related to salivary flow have been reported in patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), and these alterations are associated with the introduction of antiretroviral therapy. The aim of the current study was to discern whether these alterations are disease induced or secondary to drug therapy. Objective. The objective was to determine the relationships between low salivary flow, xerostomia, and flavor alterations in HIV patients who did or did not receive antiretroviral therapy. Materials and Methods. In this cross-sectional study, HIV patients were divided into two groups based on whether they had received antiretroviral therapy. Those patients with a previous diagnosis of any salivary gland disease were excluded. A survey was used to assess subjective variables, and colorimetry and salivary flow rates were measured using the Schirmer global test. Results. A total of 293 patients were included. The therapy group showed a significantly lower average salivary flow than did the group without therapy, and we observed that the flow rate tended to decrease after one year of therapy.The results were not conclusive, despite significant differences in xerostomia and flavor alteration between the groups. Conclusion. The study results suggest that antiretroviral therapy can cause cumulative damage that affects the amount of salivary flow

    Analysis of University Postgraduate Nursing Education in Spain

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    Background: The nursing education program framework in Spain has recently been adapted and modified. This study aimed to analyze university postgraduate master'slevel nursing education during the past 21 years in Spain in terms of educational supply and demand. Method: A retrospective, longitudinal, descriptive, and observational design was used. The educational offerings at 15 university nursing schools in Spain were examined. The target population was 7,871 registered and licensed nurses who had completed postgraduate education. Results: Among the 211 programs offered, public universities' educational offerings focused on two areas public health and emergency care whereas most courses in private universities were in surgery. Regarding demand, 1,235 nurses were enrolled. The most frequently requested educational areas were surgery, emergency and urgent care, and public health. Conclusion: Although the postgraduate nursing education situation has changed, supply and demand for this type of education in Spain are well balanced at both public and private universities

    Comparación de la ingesta de energía y nutrientes en adolescentes mujeres con sobrepeso y obesidad

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    Overweight and obesity result from change in dietary patterns and increasingly sedentary attitude. Objectives: To compare the energy and nutrient intake in female adolescents with overweight and obesity. Design: Cross-sectional, observational and analytical study. Location: Lima’s urban area Education Center. Participants: Adolescents aged 10 to 18 years. Interventions: One hundred overweight adolescents and 87 obese adolescents were studied. Diagnosis was done by body mass index (BMI) with the World Health Organization (WHO) reference population and cutoff levels between 85 and 95 percentile for overweight and over 95 for obesity. Amount of energy and nutrients was determined by a semi quantitative food frequency questionnaire using the Peruvian Table for Food Composition and the Table of the USA Department of Agriculture. FAO recommendations were used to determine the adequate percentage of energy and the quantitative identification of vitamin and mineral intake. Statistical analysis used Student t-test to compare measures. Main outcome measures: Energy intake, ingested nutrients, vitamins and minerals adequacy according to the study groups. Results: There was no difference in energy intake between the groups studied, and these values were lower than requirements. Adequacy of fat consumption, saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats was below requirements; however saturated fat was more consumed. The amount of vitamins and minerals ingested covered requirements except for folates. Fiber intake was very poor. Conclusions: Neither group exceeded energy requirements, so it could be assumed that cause of these conditions was very little physical activity. On the other hand the main problem was dietary fiber, fat and folate intake deficiency.El sobrepeso y la obesidad son consecuencia de una modificación de los patrones dietarios y de una actitud cada vez más sedentaria. Objetivos: Comparar la ingesta de energía y nutrientes de adolescentes mujeres con sobrepeso y obesidad. Diseño: Estudio transversal, observacional y analítico. Lugar: Centro Educativo de la zona urbana de Lima. Participantes: Adolescentes entre 10 a 18 años. Intervención: Se estudió 100 adolescentes con sobrepeso y 87 con obesidad. El diagnóstico se hizo mediante el índice de masa corporal (IMC), con la población de referencia de la Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) y con los niveles de corte entre 85 y 95 percentil para sobrepeso y más de 95 para obesidad. La evaluación de la cantidad de energía y de nutrientes se realizó mediante un cuestionario de frecuencia semicuantitativo, utilizando la Tabla Peruana de Composición de Alimentos y la del Departamento de Agricultura de los EE UU. Para el porcentaje de adecuación de la energía y para la identificación cuantitativa de la ingesta de vitaminas y mineral se utilizó las recomendaciones de la FAO. El análisis estadístico se hizo con la prueba t-Student para comparación de medias. Principales medidas de resultados: Energía ingerida, adecuación de los nutrientes, cantidad de vitaminas y minerales ingeridos, de acuerdo a los grupos estudiados. Resultados: No hubo diferencia de la ingesta de energía entre los grupos estudiados, y estos valores fueron menores que los requerimientos. La adecuación porcentual mostró que el consumo de las grasas estuvo por debajo del requerimiento; lo mismo sucedió con las grasas saturadas, monoinsaturadas y poliinsaturadas; sin embargo, lo que más se consumió fue la grasa saturada. En cuanto a las vitaminas y minerales, fueron ingeridas en cantidades que cubrían los requerimientos, a excepción de los folatos. La ingesta de fibra fue muy pobre. Conclusiones: Se puede afirmar que el consumo de energía en ambos grupos fue por debajo de su requerimiento, por lo que se podría asumir que la causa de la presencia de estas enfermedades responda a una muy poca actividad física. Por otro lado, el principal problema en la alimentación de este grupo fue la deficiencia en la ingesta de fibra dietaria, de grasa y de folatos

    Formación a enfermeras en la valoración del dolor en pacientes con afasia secundaria al ictus

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    Objetivo: determinar el impacto de una formación dirigida a enfermeras en el uso de la versión española de la escala Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia en pacientes adultos con afasia secundaria a un ictus. Método: estudio antes y después no controlado. Se realizó una formación teórico-práctica en el uso de la escala a 341 enfermeras. La variable principal fue el número de pacientes con ictus evaluados mediante la escala de dolor durante el ingreso. Para el análisis de las variables se utilizó el test exacto de Fisher para las variables categóricas, y la prueba no paramétrica U de Mann-Whitney para las variables cuantitativas. Resultados: el 99% de las enfermeras contestaron correctamente el test de conocimientos con una nota media de 94.6/100. En el período a estudio un total de 80 pacientes hospitalizados se evaluaron mediante la escala de evaluación de dolor: 23 en el período pre-formación y 57 en el período post-formación. El uso de analgésicos y antipiréticos fue superior en el periodo pre-formación. Solamente se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el consumo de hipnóticos y sedantes (p=0,015), siendo superior tras la formación. Conclusiones: La formación en instrumentos de evaluación del dolor es eficaz en el abordaje del dolor de los pacientes afásicos tras sufrir un ictus

    Evidence on port-locking with heparin versus saline in patients with cancer not receiving chemotherapy: A randomized clinical trial

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    Objective: To assess the safety and efficacy of port-locking with heparin every 2 months vs. every 4 months and vs. saline solution every 2 months in patients with cancer not receiving active chemotherapy. The hypothesis stated that locking with heparin at four-month intervals and saline at two-month intervals would not increment > 10% of port obstructions. Methods: Multicentre, phase IV parallel, post-test control group study took place at the two chemotherapy units of oncology hospitals. Included patients with cancer with ports that completed the chemotherapy treatment but still having port maintenance care or blood samples taken up to four months. A sample of 126 patients with cancer in three arms was needed to detect a maximum difference of 10% for bioequivalence on the locking methods. Consecutive cases non-probabilistic sampling and randomized to one of the three groups; group A: received heparin 60 IU/mL every two months (control) vs. group B heparin every four months and vs. saline every two months in group C. Primary variables were the type of locking regimen, port obstruction, and absence of blood return, port-related infection, or venous thrombosis during the study period. Clinical and sociodemographic variables were also collected. Results: A total of 143 patients were randomly assigned; group A, 47 patients with heparin every 2 months, group B, 51 patients with heparin 4 months, and group C, 45 patients with saline every 2 months. All participants presented an adequate blood return and no obstructions, until the month of the 10th, when one participant in the group A receiving was withdrawn due to an absence of blood flow ( P 1/4 0.587). Conclusions: Port locks with heparin every 4 months or saline every 2 months did not show differences in safety maintenance, infection, or thrombosis compared to heparin every 2 months

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the "Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire" (W-DEQ-A)

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    The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ-A) is an instrument that evaluates fear of childbirth through the expectations of women in relation to childbirth and their experience during the birth. The objective of this study was to translate the W-DEQ-A into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adapting the questionnaire to Spanish and (2) a transversal study in a sample of 273 pregnant women in the Sexual and Reproductive Health centres in the Metropolitan Northern Barcelona in Catalonia (Spain). The psychometric properties were analysed in terms of reliability and construct validity. The confirmatory factorial analysis did not confirm the unidimensionality of the original structure of the WDEQ-A, as happened with the other studies in which it has previously been validated. The result of the exploratory factorial analysis suggests four factors, or dimensions, very similar but not identical to those obtained in other analysis studies of the W-DEQ-A. The Cronbach alpha and the omega scale were also adequate for all the scales and for each of the dimensions. The results of this study confirm the findings of other studies that suggest that the W-DEQ-A is multi-dimensional. In the Spanish version of the W-DEQ-A four dimensions have been identified to explore fear of childbirth in pregnant women. The Spanish version of the WDEQ-A (WDEQ-A-Sp) is reliable and valid for the measurement of fear of childbirth in clinical practice and for use in future research

    Reliability and validity study of the Spanish adaptation of the “Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire” (W-DEQ-A)

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    The Wijma Delivery Expectancy/Experience Questionnaire (W-DEQ-A) is an instrument that evaluates fear of childbirth through the expectations of women in relation to childbirth and their experience during the birth. The objective of this study was to translate the W-DEQ-A into Spanish and analyse its reliability and validity. The study was carried out in two phases: (1) adapting the questionnaire to Spanish and (2) a transversal study in a sample of 273 pregnant women in the Sexual and Reproductive Health centres in the Metropolitan Northern Barcelona in Catalonia (Spain). The psychometric properties were analysed in terms of reliability and construct validity. The confirmatory factorial analysis did not confirm the unidimensionality of the original structure of the WDEQ-A, as happened with the other studies in which it has previously been validated. The result of the exploratory factorial analysis suggests four factors, or dimensions, very similar but not identical to those obtained in other analysis studies of the W-DEQ-A. The Cronbach alpha and the omega scale were also adequate for all the scales and for each of the dimensions. The results of this study confirm the findings of other studies that suggest that the W-DEQ-A is multi-dimensional. In the Spanish version of the W-DEQ-A four dimensions have been identified to explore fear of childbirth in pregnant women. The Spanish version of the WDEQ-A (WDEQ-A-Sp) is reliable and valid for the measurement of fear of childbirth in clinical practice and for use in future research

    Factors associated with implementation of the 5A's smoking cessation model

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    Background: several health organizations have adopted the 5A's brief intervention model (Ask, Advise, Assess, Assist, Arrange), based on evidence-based guidelines for smoking cessation. We examine individual, cognitive, behavioral, and organizational factors associated with the 5A's performance among clinical healthcare workers in Catalonia. We also investigate how these factors interact and potentially predict the implementation of each component of the 5A's. Methods: a cross-sectional survey was conducted among clinical health workers enrolled in an online smoking cessation training course (n = 580). The survey included questions about individual characteristics as well as cognitive, behavioral, and organizational factors previously identified in research. We assessed self-reported performance of the 5A's, assessed on a scale from 0 to 10, and used Multivariate regression to examine factors associated with its performance. Results: the performance means (standard deviation) were moderate for the first 3A's [Ask: 6.4 (3.1); Advise: 7.1 (2.7); Assess: 6.3 (2.8)] and low for the last 2A's [Assist: 4.4 (2.9); Arrange: 3.2 (3.3)]. We observed a high correlation between Assist and Arrange (r = 0.704, p < 0.001). Having positive experiences and feeling competent were positively associated with performing the 5A's model and having organizational support with Assist and Arrange. Personal tobacco use among healthcare workers was negatively associated with Advice and Arrange. Conclusions: our study found that clinical healthcare workers do not perform the 5A's completely. The main barriers identified suggest the need of training and making available practical guidelines in healthcare services. Organizational support is essential for moving towards the implementation of Assist and Arrange