1,442 research outputs found

    Physical and recreational activities to promote community environmental education

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    Through a diagnosis made in the distribution "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" of Bayamon municipality, Granma province, it was determined that there were limitations regarding the needs, tastes, and recreational preferences in the adolescent population that responded to the development of an environmental culture , Which was the starting point for the programming of physical and recreational activities with this objective. For this, theoretical and empirical methods as well as statistical-mathematical methods were applied. After its application, the high level of knowledge and satisfaction of this population was corroborated, evidenced in the behavioral change experienced


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    En el reparto “Carlos Manuel de Céspedes” del municipio Bayamo se desarrolla la presente investigación con el objetivo de aplicar un proyecto recreativo desde una perspectiva medioambiental dirigida a los jóvenes de 16 a 19 años de edad, Esta investigación muestra los sustentos teóricos acerca de la recreación y el medio ambiente, posibilitando esto que la autora implementara el proyecto “Los jóvenes se recrean” con el propósito de satisfacer las necesidades recreativas de la población juvenil, además de promover el conocimiento medioambiental, mediante el diagnóstico efectuado se determinaron las regularidades en relación con las necesidades, gustos, preferencias recreativas y la cultura medioambiental, teniendo en cuenta las expectativas de los jóvenes y sus limitaciones en relación con la educación ambiental. Para ello se aplicaron métodos teóricos, empíricos y estadísticos.PALABRAS CLAVE: proyecto recreativo; jóvenes; medioambiental.PHYSICAL-RECREATIONAL PROJECT FOR YOUNG PEOPLE FROM A COMMUNITY ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVEABSTRACTIn Carlos Manuel de Céspedes neighborhood in Bayamo city, takes place the present research which is aimed to the making of recreational project from an environmental point of and lead to the young people between 16 and 19 years old. This research is supported with the theoretical basement of recreation and environment, what makes possible that the author be able to apply the project entitled Young People Have Fun which, at great extent, supply the recreational needs of these juvenile population.KEYWORDS: recreational project; young people; environmental

    Non-overlapping multi-camera detection and tracking of vehicles in tunnel surveillance

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    We propose a real-time multi-camera tracking approach to follow vehicles in a tunnel surveillance environment with multiple non-overlapping cameras. In such system, vehicles have to be tracked in each camera and passed correctly from one camera to another through the tunnel. This task becomes extremely difficult when intra-camera errors are accumulated. Most typical issues to solve in tunnel scenes are due to low image quality, poor illumination and lighting from the vehicles. Vehicle detection is performed using Adaboost detector, speeded up by separating different cascades for cars and trucks improving general accuracy of detection. A Kalman Filter with two observations, given by the vehicle detector and an averaged optical flow vector, is used for single-camera tracking. Information from collected tracks is used for feeding the inter-camera matching algorithm, which measures the correlation of Radon transform-like projections between the vehicle images. Our main contribution is a novel method to reduce the false positive rate induced by the detection stage. We impose recall over precision in the detection correctness, and identify false positives patterns which are then included subsequently in a high-level decision making step. Results are presented for the case of 3 cameras placed consecutively in an inter-city tunnel. We demonstrate the increased tracking performance of our method compared to existing Bayesian filtering techniques for vehicle tracking in tunnel surveillance


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    In this paper an alternative method to solve Inequalities that is to consider the real line to locate the roots of the polynomial inequality and proceed as follows exposed: If the polynomial has distinct real roots, factoring proceed, place the roots of the polynomial on the real line and the intervals in which the sign is to analyze the polynomial are formed between each of the roots of it, the first being the one to the right of the main root and the last the one to the left of the lower root. Thus, in the first interval put the + sign as any element belonging to this interval is greater than all the roots of the polynomial, then in the following ranges the sign is placed and so on alternating signs + and restantes.Luego intervals in the solution set will be the union of the intervals according to the sign of the inequality.In other cases, the inequality took a polynomial inequality with distinct real roots and proceed the same way. The fact of placing the roots of the polynomial in one line, makes it easy to understand and becomes a rapid application method.En este trabajo se expone un metodo alternativo para resolver Inecuaciones que consiste en considerar la recta real para ubicar las raíces del polinomio de la inecuacion y proceder de la siguiente manera:Si el polinomio tiene raíces reales distintas, se procede a factorizar, ubicar las raíces del polinomio en la recta real y Los intervalos en los que se va a analizar el signo del polinomio son los que se forman entre cada una de las raíces del mismo, siendo el primero el que esta a la derecha de la raíz mayor y el último el que esta a la izquierda de la raiz menor. Así, en el primer intervalo colocamos el signo + ya que cualquier elemento perteneciente a ese intervalo es mayor que todas las raíces del polinomio, luego en los intervalos siguientes se coloca el signo − y as´ı sucesivamente se van alternando los signos + y − en los intervalos restantes.Luego el conjunto solucion sera la union de los intervalos con el signo de acuerdo a la inecuacion. En los otros casos, llevamos la inecuacion a una Inecuación con polinomio de raíces reales distintas y procedemos de igual manera. El hecho de ubicar las raíces del polinomio en una sola recta, hace fácil su comprensión y se convierte en un método de rápida aplicación.  

    Estrategia para la implementación y utilización de objetos de aprendizaje en la formación de profesores

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    Introducción: La implementación del uso de las tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones constituye el objetivo de la estrategia curricular homónima para las carreras universitarias. Elevar la calidad del aprendizaje a partir de los impactos de las tecnologías antes citadas constituye uno de los actuales retos. Objetivo: Proponer una estrategia metodológica para implementar el uso de los objetos de aprendizaje en las asignaturas del currículo base de las carreras de formación de profesores para la Educación Técnica y Profesional en la Universidad de Camagüey “Ignacio AgramonteLoynaz”. Material y Métodos: El estudio se realizó durante los años 2013 y 2014 en las carreras de formación de profesores para la Educación Técnica y Profesional de la Universidad de Camagüey “Ignacio AgramonteLoynaz”. Se emplearon diferentes métodos de los niveles teóricos y empíricos. La validación de la estrategia se realizó mediante el método Taller de socialización con especialistas. Resultados: La estrategia metodológica está estructurada en tres etapas, 9 direcciones y 36 acciones. Se plasman los objetivos de las direcciones y de allí se derivan las acciones, en las que se indican los participantes y los responsables. Conclusiones: La fundamentación teórica y metodológica de la estrategia metodológica para la implementación y utilización de objetos de aprendizaje en la formación de profesores para la Educación Técnica y Profesional que se concreta en el diagnóstico, la descripción de la implementación, las acciones estratégicas y la forma de evaluación valorados por los especialistas resultó aceptada como válida en el taller de socialización.Palabras clave: Estrategia metodológica, objeto de aprendizaje, formación de docentes, educación técnica y profesional, tecnologías de la información y las comunicaciones, currículo. AbstractIntroduction: The implementation of the use of information technology and communications is the goal of the homonymous curricular strategy for university courses. One of the current challenges of education is to raise the quality of learning from the impacts of the above technologies. Objective: To propose a methodological strategy to implement the use of learning objects in curricular training of teachers for technical schools at the University of Camagüey "Ignacio Agramonte Loynaz". Material and Methods: The study was conducted during 2013 and 2014 in major related to technical school teachers’ education. Several methods of theoretical and empirical levels are used. The evaluation of the strategy was accomplished by means of socialization workshops involving field specialists. Results: The methodological strategy is divided into three stages, nine dimensions and 36 actions.The objective of each stage is given together with their corresponding actions indicating participants and leaders in every case. Conclusions: The methodological strategy meets the requirements for this type of scientific output and has been validated with positive criteria by specialists.Key words: Learning object, teacher training, methodological strategy, technical schools, information technology and communications, curriculum.</p

    Integral education of sexuality with a professional approach in the training of teachers

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    The article is part of the research project "Integrative conception of the promotion of health and natural sciences in the initial and permanent teacher training", from the University of Pinar del Río "Hermanos Saíz Montes de Oca". It is an experimental research, in its pre-experimental variant and aimed to develop a pedagogical strategy that contributes to the comprehensive education of sexuality with a pedagogical professional approach, in the students of pedagogical careers. The methodological base was assumed as the dialectical-materialist method, which supported the use of methods of the theoretical level, used in the determination of the theoretical referents of the research and empirical level methods were used, which allowed to verify the current state of integral education of sexuality, in the students of the sample. The designed strategy is based on a system of principles, in which the principle of double intentionality of the integral education of sexuality in the training of teaching staff is emphasized. Its implementation in practice allowed the appropriation of content related to sexuality as a personality dimension, placing the student at the center of the process, such as being sexed, both individually and professionally, with the mission of contributing to education of the sexuality of others, a task that is part of his role as a teacher, which proved the validity of the proposal

    Effect of Different Cytokinins on Shoot Outgrowth and Bioactive Compounds Profile of Lemograss Essential Oil

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    Lemongrass (Cymbopogon citratus) essential oil (EO) is a major source of bioactive compounds (BC) with anticancer activity such as α-citral, limonene, geraniol, geranyl acetate, and β-caryophyllene. Comparative studies about cytokinin effects on BC profiles in lemongrass are missing. Here, we evaluated four cytokinins (2iP, tZ, BAP, and KIN) in two different osmotic media, MS-N (3% sucrose, 3 g L−1 Gelrite™) and MS-S (5% sucrose, 5 g L−1 Gelrite™). It results in a higher multiplication rate in BAP containing medium compared to tZ, KIN, and 2iP (p ≤ 0.05). While shoots grown on MS-N/BAP, tZ, and KIN exhibited a highly branching morphology, MS-N/2iP produced a less branching architecture. BC profile analysis of established plants in pots revealed that their maxima production depends on the in vitro shoot growth conditions: i.e., highest content (80%) of α-citral in plants that were cultured in MS-S/BAP (p ≤ 0.05), limonene (41%) in MS-N/2iP, or geranyl acetate (25.79%) in MS-S/2iP. These results indicate that it is possible to increase or address the production of BC in lemongrass by manipulating the cytokinin type and osmotic pressure in culture media. The culture protocol described here is currently successfully applied for somatic embryogenesis induction and genetic transformation in lemongrass

    Autologous Platelet-Rich Plasma in the Treatment of Perianal Fistula in Crohn’s Disease

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    [Aim] To assess clinical healing in patients with perianal Crohn’s disease with local intrafistular injection of autologous platelet-rich plasma.[Method] The pilot study was conducted at a single centre between January 2013 and December 2015. Autologous platelet-rich plasma was prepared in platelet-rich and platelet-poor fractions for local intrafistular injection in patients with proven, established perianal Crohn’s disease. Patients were permitted biological therapies, and the Perianal Crohn’s Disease Activity Index was recorded. Patients were followed for 48 weeks for clinical signs of healing (complete, partial or non-healing), monitoring fistula drainage, closure and epithelialization.[Results] The study included 29 patients (19 males; mean age 38 ± 12.8 years) with four exclusions in the operating room because surgery was not indicated and four lost to follow-up. Five adverse events were recorded, with two requiring the drainage of abscess collections. Of the 21 patients assessable at 24 weeks, there was complete healing, partial healing and non-healing in 7 (33.3%), 8 (38.1%) and 6 (28.6%) patients, respectively. By 48 weeks, there was complete healing, partial healing and non-healing in 6 (40%), 6 (40%) and 3 (20%) patients, respectively, with a reduction in the number of visible external fistula openings at both time points (P = 0.021). By the end of the study, there was a higher trend of healing if biological therapies were continued (85.7% with biologics vs. 75% without, P = 0.527), but there were no statistically significant differences and no differences in the Perianal Crohn’s Disease Activity Index.[Conclusion]Autologous platelet-rich plasma is safe in patients with perianal Crohn’s disease, with an acceptable healing rate over a medium-term follow-up, particularly if biological therapies are used concomitantly