7,630 research outputs found

    AA dependence of the γ\gamma- and pp-induced production of the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) from nuclei

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    Using results of a recent calculation of the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) in the nuclear medium, which show that the medium width is about five times the free width, we study the A dependence of the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) production cross section in the reactions γ A→K+Λ(1520)A′\gamma ~A \to K^+ \Lambda(1520) A^\prime and p A→p K+Λ(1520)A′p~ A \to p~ K^+ \Lambda(1520) A^\prime. We find a sizable A dependence in the ratio of the nuclear cross sections for heavy nuclei with respect to a light one due to the large value of the Λ(1520)\Lambda(1520) width in the medium, showing that devoted experiments, easily within reach in present facilities, can provide good information on that magnitude by measuring the cross sections studied here.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figure

    Chiral dynamics of hadrons in nuclei

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    In this talk I report on selected topics of hadron modification in the nuclear medium using the chiral unitary approach to describe the dynamics of the problems. I shall mention how antikaons, η\eta, and ϕ\phi are modified in the medium and will report upon different experiments done or planned to measure the ϕ\phi width in the medium.Comment: 10 pgs, 3 figs. Invited talk in the Workshop on in Medium Hadron Physics, Giessen, Nov 200

    His-Bundle Pacing in a Patient With Tricuspid and Mitral Prosthetic Valves Without Suitable Coronary Veins for Lead Placement

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    Atrioventricular block in patients with a prosthetic tricuspid valve and a pacemaker with a dysfunctional epicardial lead is not uncommon. In such instances, coronary sinus lead placement is the preferred option, but it has a failure rate of 10%-15%. An atrial transseptal left ventricular lead placement has been proposed as an alternative, but this approach is not feasible in patients with a prosthetic mitral valve. This analysis represents the first reported case of His-bundle pacing from the atria in a patient with prosthetic tricuspid and mitral valves, with no suitable coronary veins for lead placement. © 2021 The Author

    Estimulación de la rama izquierda a través de acceso venoso derecho

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    Varón de 51 años que ingresó por síncope, objetivándose en la monitorización un bloqueo auriculoventricular completo. Dado que el paciente presentaba disfunción sistólica ligera del ventrículo izquierdo, se decidió implantar un marcapasos definitivo con estimulación fisiológica de la rama izquierda del haz de His. Tras punciones axilar y subclavia izquierdas fallidas se realizó venografía, que mostró oclusión del sistema venoso izquierdo con abundante circulación colateral (fig. 1 A). Se canalizó el acceso venoso por punción subclavia derecha, logrando implantar el electrodo ventricular en la rama izquierda con ayuda de una vaina fija modificada de forma manual (modelo C315HIS, Medtronic, Minneapolis). No se objetivaron complicaciones en la radiografía postimplante (fig. 1 B). El QRS basal presentaba 142 ms, quedando finalmente un QRS estimulado de 98 ms (fig. 2 A y B). Los parámetros 24 horas tras el implante fueron correctos..

    Depolarization-repolarization synchrony after right ventricular and left bundle branch area pacing

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    Introduction: Left bundle branch area pacing (LBBAP) has been recently proposed to overcome the limitations associated with right ventricular pacing (RVP) and has been suggested as a new physiological pacing form with high feasibility and safety. A greater difference between QRS complex and T-wave angle directions has been proposed as a marker of abnormal electrical activity in several patient populations, but a comparison between these two pacing modalities has never been performed. The total cosine R to T (TCRT) is an ECG descriptor that accounts for depolarization-repolarization synchrony by measuring the difference between their directions. The purpose of this study was to compare TCRT in patients referred for RVP and LBBAP pacing as anti-bradycardia therapy. Methods: ECG recordings from 134 patients (82 LBBAP, 52 RVP) were classified into two groups, narrow QRS and wide QRS, depending on the patient’s QRS duration prior to implantation. In the post-implantation state, the TCRT index was calculated from a median beat calculated for each patient. Singular value decomposition was applied to the median beat in the eight independent ECG leads (I, II, V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6). The QRS complex and T wave loops in a three-dimensional space were determined from the first three components of the decomposition. TCRT was computed as the average of the cosines of the angles between the QRS complex directions and the maximum T wave direction. More positive values corresponded to more synchronized depolarization and repolarization processes while more negative values indicated larger differences in the orientation of the QRS and T wave loops and, therefore, greater dyssynchronization. Results: showed that TCRT took negative values for both techniques, RVP and LBBAP, and both groups, narrow and wide QRS, indicating that pacing generated dyssynchronization between ventricular depolarization and repolarization. Nevertheless, TCRT values for both groups were significantly more negative (p<0.01) for RVP than for LBBAP. We hypothesize that cardiac memory induced by pacing could account for these negative TCRT values. In any case, LBBAP did not increase the difference in the QRS complex and T wave loop orientations as much as RVP. Conclusion: LBBAP induces less dyssynchrony than RVP in the depolarization-repolarization process

    Strange and heavy mesons in hadronic matter

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    We present selected results on the properties of strange and heavy-flavoured mesons in a hot and dense nuclear medium, with emphasis in selfconsistent coupled-channel approaches based on the chiral Lagrangian. In the strangeness sector, we discuss how the enhanced reactivity of light strange vectors at FAIR conditions can be tied to in-medium effects on their predominant decay modes (e.g. /K* -> /K pi) and to the excitation of strange baryons in vector-meson nucleon interactions. In the heavy-flavour sector, we focus on recent determinations of the transport coefficients of charmed and bottomed mesons in a hadron gas at vanishing baryonic chemical potential. We comment on the role of microscopic transport simulations to establish a connection between theoretical models and experimental observables from heavy-ion collisions (HICs)

    Young stellar populations in type II quasars: timing the onset of star formation and nuclear activity

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    Despite the emerging morphological evidence that luminous quasar-like active galactic nuclei (AGN) are triggered in galaxy mergers, the natures of the triggering mergers and the order of events in the triggering sequence remain uncertain. In this work, we present a detailed study of the stellar populations of the host galaxies of 21 type II quasars, with the aim of understanding the sequence of events between the onset of the merger, the triggering of the associated starburst and the initiation of the quasar activity. To this end, we model highquality, wide spectral coverage, intermediate-resolution optical spectra of the type II quasars. We find that of the 21 objects, the higher order Balmer absorption lines, characteristic of young stellar populations (YSPs), are directly detected in ∼62 per cent of the sample. We also fit these spectra using a number of combinations of stellar and/or power-law components, representative of viable formation histories, as well as including the possibility of scattered AGN light. We find that ∼90 per cent of the type II quasar host galaxies require the inclusion of a YSP to adequately model their spectra, whilst 71 per cent of the sample require the inclusion of a YSP with age <100 Myr. Since the ages of the YSP in most type II quasar host galaxies are comparable with the expected lifetimes of the AGN activity, these results provide strong evidence that the quasars are triggered close to the peaks of the merger-induced starbursts

    Alfabetismo y habilidades transmedia de adolescentes en Uruguay

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    This article is situated in the framework of the project "Transmedia Literacy" (Horizon 2020 program) in which Uruguay participated through the Faculty of Information and Communication of the University of the Republic and that had as one of its objectives Identifying the skills that adolescents develop through through transmedia practices. The methodology consisted of a combination of questionnaires, workshops on video games and participatory culture, interviews and netgraphy. The findings show that adolescents go through their undeveloped digital experience a self-reflective dimension about the skills that in said scenarios acquire
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