18 research outputs found

    Think about and intervene In the territory through the Actor Network Theory

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    peer reviewedThe purpose of this essay is to reflect on the similarities between some theoretical positions on the concept of territory, and its articulation with the actor-network theory. The reflection focuses on proposing a way to understand the relationships between actors inside a dynamic of territorial intervention in public policies through the guidance of ANTLEM

    Water, power and territory: Local Strategies of Urban Management

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    peer reviewedWe report on results derived from investigations related with vicinal strategies on water management and their effects on the territorial configuration of Cochabamba (Bolivia) metropolitan area. These strategies and their effects are determined by several factors namely, water resources scarcity, accelerated urban growth, self-management legal possibilities and important levels of public investment in both municipal as well as metropolitan scales. The approach is done firstly by describing the features of the studied zone and the problematic of water in the region. Secondly, through the show and analysis of the different forms and strategies of water management, we pay special attention to their effects on the morphology of neighborhoods and the urban networks. The results show the generation of a different territorial ordering which, differing from the one usually adopted in the literature, seems to exhibit how certain types of networks create fragments instead of articulations

    Un acercamiento conceptual a los instrumentos de Planificación Territorial en Bolivia

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    peer reviewedThe text presented below is a preview of the research content of "The evolution of spatial planning in Bolivia", which aims to bridge the technical conceptual and legal gaps of spatial planning in the country, through a systematic background of the Bolivian planning experience. From a descriptive approach, this document shows the set of planning instruments used in the country in the past 60 years, as well as its most significant features. It comes from the study and analysis of a set of plans and technical frameworks produced within and outside the country, in order to try to characterize and differentiate each of the instruments according to areas and scales of intervention.RED

    The construction of plurinational territory. Bolivia from 1950 to 2010

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    As a result of a set of public policies and of the emergence of various social movements as of 1952 and especially in the years 1994 to 2006, Bolivia has known one of the most important processes of territorial restructuring and re organization of all its state structures. This article tackles the specific characteristics of the major transformations of the country in a period of more than 50 years; a period that led to the rise of what is now called the “Plurinational State of Bolivia”. This is done by analyzing the most important effects of certain public policies implemented between 1950 and 2010.LEM


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    In this article, we go back on two ways of taking into account the environmental dimension in urban planning and governance. We stress the difficult articulation between these two approaches – “urban ecology” and “urban environment” – and the actual impasse the discipline of urban planning finds itself in in its quest of the sustainable city. These two approaches for acting on the city by considering the complexity of its milieu build on different representations of this milieu and different modes of action legitimation. Negating each other, they can difficultly coexist, even less articulate. Through the example of water management in Cochabamba, we stress the tensions between these approaches. We point also to the awkward and marginalized position of urban planning and challenges it must face to regain a capacity of action in contemporary fragmented cities that know complex governance landscapes and rare or endangered resources

    La intervención al territorio: Un acercamiento conceptual a los instrumentos de planificación territorial en Bolivia

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    El texto presentado a continuación es un adelanto de los contenidos de investigación del libro “El devenir de la planificación territorial en Bolivia”, que pretende salvar los vacíos técnico conceptuales y legales de la planificación territorial en el país, a través de un “background” sistemático de la experiencia instrumental boliviana de planeación. Desde un enfoque descriptivo, el documento muestra el conjunto de instrumentos de planificación territorial utilizados en el país en los últimos 60 años, así como sus más significativas características. El mismo deviene del estudio y análisis de un conjunto de planes y marcos técnicos elaborados dentro y fuera del país, con el objeto de intentar caracterizar y diferenciar cada uno de los instrumentos de acuerdo a ámbitos y escalas de intervención

    Fragmentação urbana através de redes de água: o caso de Cochabamba, Bolívia

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    Ante la limitada capacidad del sector público en Bolivia para dotar de servicios básicos e infraestructuras al interior del área metropolitana de Cochabamba, decenas de organizaciones vecinales desarrollan prácticas y estrategias dirigidas a la autogestión de diferentes servicios, entre ellos el agua para consumo humano. estas estrategias alrededor de la autogestión del servicio de agua son desarrolladas por una serie de operadores locales de pequeña escala, pequeñas organizaciones  barriales cuyo fin principal es garantizar el acceso a servicios de agua mediante la administración de pequeños sistemas y redes de servicio de agua. Su acción permite el equitativo y permanente acceso al recurso; sin embargo, sus estrategias devienen en escenarios de fragmentación urbana donde cunden fuertes procesos de dislocación social, con pérdida de solidaridad entre vecinos y la división de la ciudad en centenares de fragmentos.Given the limited capacity of the public sector in Bolivia to provide basic services and infrastructure, within the metropolitan area of Cochabamba, multiple neighborhood organizations have developed practices and strategies aimed at self-management of different services, including water supply for human consumption. Strategies around self-management of the water service are developed by a series of small-scale local operators, small neighborhood organizations whose main purpose is to guarantee access to water services through the administration of local water systems and networks. Their actions allow equitable and permanent access to water, however, these strategies evolve in urban fragmentation where strong processes of social dislocation, loss of solidarity between neighbors and the division of the city into hundreds of fragments take place

    Fragmentación urbana por medio de redes de agua: el caso de Cochabamba, Bolivia

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    Ante la limitada capacidad del sector público en Bolivia para dotar de servicios básicos e infraestructuras al interior del área metropolitana de Cochabamba, decenas de organizaciones vecinales desarrollan prácticas y estrategias dirigidas a la autogestión de diferentes servicios, entre ellos el agua para consumo humano. estas estrategias alrededor de la autogestión del servicio de agua son desarrolladas por una serie de operadores locales de pequeña escala, pequeñas organizaciones  barriales cuyo fin principal es garantizar el acceso a servicios de agua mediante la administración de pequeños sistemas y redes de servicio de agua. Su acción permite el equitativo y permanente acceso al recurso; sin embargo, sus estrategias devienen en escenarios de fragmentación urbana donde cunden fuertes procesos de dislocación social, con pérdida de solidaridad entre vecinos y la división de la ciudad en centenares de fragmentos