1,102 research outputs found

    Numerical Implementation of a Critical State Model for Soft Rocks

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    This paper details the basic tasks for the numerical implementation of a simple elasto-plastic critical state model for bonded materials (i.e. soft rocks-hard soils) into the finite element program SNAC developed at the University of Newcastle in Australia. The first task described focusses on the derivation of the incremental constitutive relationships used to represent the mechanical response of a bonded/cemented material under saturated conditions. The second task presents how these stress-strain relations can be numerically integrated using an explicit substepping scheme with automatic error control. The third task concentrates on the verification of the substepping algorithm proposed. The model used to represent the saturated mechanical response of a bonded material combines the modified Cam clay with the constitutive relationships for cemented materials proposed in Gens & Nova (1993), but incorporates some flexibility on the degradation law adopted. The role of suction and other relevant aspects of unsaturated behaviour are also discussed at the end of the paper

    Correspondence from William Brooks Cabot, 1930-1946

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    Correspondence from William Cabot concerning Indian languages, culture, and history, which were digitized from Box 1, Folder 17, of the Fannie Hardy Eckstorm Papers. Documents that did not pertain to Native Americans in Maine were not digitized and were not included in this file.https://digitalcommons.library.umaine.edu/eckstorm_papers/1004/thumbnail.jp

    The Bases of Association Rules of High Confidence

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    We develop a new approach for distributed computing of the association rules of high confidence in a binary table. It is derived from the D-basis algorithm in K. Adaricheva and J.B. Nation (TCS 2017), which is performed on multiple sub-tables of a table given by removing several rows at a time. The set of rules is then aggregated using the same approach as the D-basis is retrieved from a larger set of implications. This allows to obtain a basis of association rules of high confidence, which can be used for ranking all attributes of the table with respect to a given fixed attribute using the relevance parameter introduced in K. Adaricheva et al. (Proceedings of ICFCA-2015). This paper focuses on the technical implementation of the new algorithm. Some testing results are performed on transaction data and medical data.Comment: Presented at DTMN, Sydney, Australia, July 28, 201

    Re-imagining the Command Line User Experience for Problem Solving

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    Though they appear to be arcane and outdated tools by modern standards, traditional command line interfaces (CLIs) still fnd heavy use by sysadmins, software developers and power users. This is largely due to the fact that for many of these users, graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are not often designed to scale to the functionality and control requirements of modern software systems.While CLIs can support powerful and effcient action, it is clear that they challenge usersfin many ways. In examining defciencies with CLIs, we can observe a principle problemfwhich affects the extent to which CLI users are able to effectively and effciently accomplishftheir goals, and, in particular perform action specifcation. This problem is characterised by a need for users to engage in exploratory activities in order to successfully execute validfcommands.The question explored within this dissertation is how this problem of exploration may be addressed, and in doing so, determine how CLIs can better support the solution of novel problems. This is explored through several studies involving expert CLI users, and deriving,testing and evaluating a design for a CLI with usability-enhancing features.Users were found to react well to command suggestion mechanisms, achieving faster tasksuccess and engaging in less documentation checking. However, their inclusion often lead to a less engaging experience for users, and there are still challenges for the integration offthese in real-world CLI software systems. As a consequence of these fndings and others, wefare able to arrive at an informed theoretical model of CLI user action specifcation, whichfmight be used to better understand how the experience of CLI users might be improved

    Assessing telluric correction methods for Na detections with high-resolution exoplanet transmission spectroscopy.

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    Using high-resolution ground-based transmission spectroscopy to probe exoplanetary atmospheres is difficult due to the inherent telluric contamination from absorption in Earth's atmosphere. A variety of methods have previously been used to remove telluric features in the optical regime and calculate the planetary transmission spectrum. In this paper we present and compare two such methods, specifically focusing on Na detections using high-resolution optical transmission spectra: (a) calculating the telluric absorption empirically based on the airmass, and (b) using a model of the Earth's transmission spectrum. We test these methods on the transmission spectrum of the hot Jupiter HD 189733 b using archival data obtained with the HARPS spectrograph during three transits. Using models for Centre-to-Limb Variation and the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, spurious signals which are imprinted within the transmission spectrum are reduced. We find that correcting tellurics with an atmospheric model of the Earth is more robust and produces consistent results when applied to data from different nights with changing atmospheric conditions. We confirm the detection of sodium in the atmosphere of HD 189733 b, with doublet line contrasts of -0.64 ±\pm 0.07 % (D2) and -0.53 ±\pm 0.07 % (D1). The average line contrast corresponds to an effective photosphere in the Na line located around 1.13 RpR_p. We also confirm an overall blueshift of the line centroids corresponding to net atmospheric eastward winds with a speed of 1.8 ±\pm 1.2 km/s. Our study highlights the importance of accurate telluric removal for consistent and reliable characterisation of exoplanetary atmospheres using high-resolution transmission spectroscopy

    SMOS-NEXT: A New Concept for Soil Moisture Retrieval from Passive Interferometric Observations

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    This book is a collection of 19 articles which reflect the courses given at the CollĂšge de France/Summer school “Reconstruction d'images − Applications astrophysiques“ held in Nice and FrĂ©jus, France, from June 18 to 22, 2012. The articles presented in this volume address emerging concepts and methods that are useful in the complex process of improving our knowledge of the celestial objects, including Earth
