220 research outputs found

    Co-milling process of olives and oleaginous matrices with high nutritional value: a preliminary characterisation of the obtained oils

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    Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), grape seeds (GS) and pomegranate seeds (PS) are very popular for human consumption because of their nutraceutical properties. A co-milling of olives with GS or PS was carried out with the aim of a preliminary study of the lipidic and phenolic characteristics of the obtained vegetable oils, also during their shelf life. Results show that the use of GS and PS in the olive co-milling enriches the oil in healthy compounds, such as punicic acid and c-tocopherol. However, the co-milling process must be re-evaluated, since the compositional profile of the co-milled oils is just slightly different from EVOO. The oxidative state of the oils obtained suggests the use of a protective packaging combined with small containers in order to ensure a rapid consumption. With an appropriate formulation the co-milled oils could bring health-positive compounds and, simultaneously, raw materials could be valorised

    Effect of Different Egg Products on Lipid Oxidation of Biscuits

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    Egg products are one of the main ingredients used in bakery industries, and they contain cholesterol. Cholesterol su ers several chemical changes during the food processes, allowing some potentially toxic compounds called cholesterol oxidized products (COPs). Thus, the aim of this work was to study the evolution of lipid oxidation from eggs to egg products, and to evaluate the influence of egg products on COPs formation in biscuits formulated with them. The results confirmed that spray-drying technology improves the cholesterol oxidation 2.6 times compared to pasteurized eggs. Biscuit samples showed a COPs content that is strictly related to the egg products used. Samples formulated with spray-dried eggs noticed lower amounts of COPs compared to those formulated with pasteurized eggs. It is important to stress that COPs composition was di erent between the two samples, underlining that the kinetic of COPs formation is dependent on the type of egg products.Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) RYC-2015-1879

    Recovery of Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins and Other Phenolic Compounds with Established Bioactivity from Grape Seed By-Products

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    Grape seeds are a copious part of the grape pomace produced by wine and juice industry and they represent an interesting source of phenolic compounds. Proanthocyanidins (PAs) are the main class of grape seed phenols and are important dietary supplements for their well-known beneficial properties. In this study enriched extracts obtained from Chardonnay and Pignoletto grape seeds were characterized for their proanthocyanidins and other minor phenolic compounds content and composition. Seed PAs were fractionated using Sephadex LH-20, using different ethanol aqueous solutions as mobile phase and analysed by normal phase HPLC-FLD-ESI-MS. Monomers, oligomers up to dodecamers and polymers were recorded in all samples. For both cultivars, the extracts showed a high content in PAs. The determination of other phenolic compounds was carried out using a HPLC-QqQ-ESI-MS and Chardonnay samples reported a greater content compared to Pignoletto samples. Contrary to PAs fraction, extracts obtained with ethanol/water 50/50 (v/v) presented a significant higher phenolic content than the others.This project was supported by University of Granada (project PPJI2017.16)

    Study of the Effect of NaCl on Lipolysis in Parmigiano Reggiano Cheese

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    Lipolysis of PDO Parmigiano Reggiano cheese from different dairies was studied to evaluate the effect of sodiumchloride (NaCl) reduction on the lipidic fraction. The total and individual free fatty acid and diglyceride contents were determinedfor two groups of samples, normal NaCl content (1.50% p/p) and reduced NaCl content (1.37% p/p). In addition, fat, water, NaCl, and cholesterol contents were also determined. The NaCl content was 9.01% higher in the normal NaCl group than in the reduced NaCl group. The most abundant fatty acid was palmitic acid, followed by oleic, myristic, and stearic acid, which altogether accountedfor approximately 75% of the total content. Cheese with a normal NaCl content presented concentrations of C8:0 and C18:0 higher than those of reduced NaCl samples, while the latter showed a higher proportion of C10:0, C14:1c, and C16:0. The total free fatty acid and diglyceride contents were higher in the reduced NaCl samples, so a 9.01% reduction in the concentration of this component could accelerate the lipolysis process. On the contrary, the free fatty acid composition profile was similar in both groups.Fil: SalaberrĂ­a, Florencia. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - BahĂ­a Blanca. Planta Piloto de IngenierĂ­a QuĂ­mica. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de IngenierĂ­a QuĂ­mica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a QuĂ­mica; ArgentinaFil: Marzocchi, Silvia. Universidad de Bologna; ItaliaFil: Bortolazzo, Elena. Centro Ricerche Produzioni Animali Reggio Emilia; ItaliaFil: Carrin, Maria Elena. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones CientĂ­ficas y TĂ©cnicas. Centro CientĂ­fico TecnolĂłgico Conicet - BahĂ­a Blanca. Planta Piloto de IngenierĂ­a QuĂ­mica. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Planta Piloto de IngenierĂ­a QuĂ­mica; Argentina. Universidad Nacional del Sur. Departamento de IngenierĂ­a QuĂ­mica; ArgentinaFil: Caboni, Maria Fiorenza. Universidad de Bologna; Itali

    Wheat Germ and Lipid Oxidation: An Open Issue

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    Wheat germ (WG)’s shelf life after the milling process is incredibly short because of the presence of enzymes that aggravate the oxidation process; thus, stabilization is required in order to exploit the nutrients and bioactive compounds within WG. The critical point for the oxidation process is the mechanical treatment used to separate WG from the kernel, which exposes the lipid fraction to the air. Showing the connection between the quality of durum wheat, considering its storage management, and wheat germ oil (WGO), extracted with a cold press, solvent and supercritical CO2 , is the aim of the study. The acidity and peroxide values were analyzed to evaluate lipid oxidation, while fatty acids, tocols, sterols and policosanols were evaluated for WGO characterization. The first fundamental step to control lipid oxidation is raw material management. Subsequently, the tempering phase of durum wheat, which is applied before the degermination process, is the most critical point for oxidation to develop because of the increase in moisture in the caryopsis and the activation of lipase and lipoxygenase. This represents a paradox: in order to stabilize the germ with degermination, first it seems inevitable to carry out a process that destabilizes it. To retains its highest quality, this will lead to a better use of the whole grain by reducing WG and by-product waste

    Prunus Knotted-like genes. Genome-wide analysis, transcriptional response to Cytokinin in micropropagation, and rootstock transformation

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    Knotted1-like homeobox (KNOX) transcription factors are involved in plant development, playing complex roles in aerial organs. As Prunus species include important fruit tree crops of Italy, an exhaustive investigation of KNOX genes was performed using genomic and RNA-seq meta-analyses. Micropropagation is an essential technology for rootstock multiplication; hence, we investigated KNOX transcriptional behavior upon increasing 6-benzylaminopurine (BA) doses and the effects on GF677 propagules. Moreover, gene function in Prunus spp. was assessed by Gisela 6 rootstock transformation using fluorescence and peach KNOX transgenes. Based on ten Prunus spp., KNOX proteins fit into I-II-M classes named after Arabidopsis. Gene number, class member distribution, and chromosome positions were maintained, and exceptions supported the diversification of Prunus from Cerasus subgenera, and that of Armeniaca from the other sections within Prunus. Cytokinin (CK) cis-elements occurred in peach and almond KNOX promoters, suggesting a BA regulatory role in GF677 shoot multiplication as confirmed by KNOX expression variation dependent on dose, time, and interaction. The tripled BA concentration exacerbated stress, altered CK perception genes, and modified KNOX transcriptions, which are proposed to concur in in vitro anomalies. Finally, Gisela 6 transformation efficiency varied (2.6-0.6%) with the genetic construct, with 35S:GFP being more stable than 35S:KNOPE1 lines, which showed leaf modification typical of KNOX overexpression

    Screening of grated cheese authenticity by nir spectroscopy

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    Parmigiano–Reggiano (PR) cheese is one of the oldest traditional cheeses produced in Europe, and it is still one of the most valuable Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) cheeses of Italy. The denomination of origin is extended to the grated cheese when manufactured exclusively from whole Parmigiano-Reggiano cheese wheels that respond to the production standard. The grated cheese must be matured for a period of at least 12 months and characterized by a rind content not over 18%. In this investigation the potential of near infrared spectroscopy (NIR), coupled to different statistical methods, were used to estimate the authenticity of grated Parmigiano Reggiano cheese PDO. Cheese samples were classified as: compliance PR, competitors, non-compliance PR (defected PR), and PR with rind content greater then 18%. NIR spectra were obtained using a spectrophotometer Vector 22/N (Bruker Optics, Milan, Italy) in the diffuse reflectance mode. Instrument was equipped with a rotating integrating sphere. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was conducted for an explorative spectra analysis, while the Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) were used to classify spectra, according to different cheese categories. Subsequently the rind percentage and month of ripening were estimated by a Partial Least Squares regression (PLS). Score plots of the PCA show a clear separation between compliance PR samples and the rest of the sample was observed. Competitors samples and the defected PR samples were grouped together. The classification performance for all sample classes, obtained by ANN analysis, was higher of 90%, in test set validation. Rind content and month of ripening were predicted by PLS a with a determination coefficient greater then 0.95 (test set). These results showed that the method can be suitable for a fast screening of grated cheese authenticity

    Assessment of Lipid Quality in Commercial Omega-3 Supplements Sold in the French Market

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    Supplementation of omega-3 fatty acids is considered a valuable strategy to supply the low intake of these fatty acids. Thus, the safety of the supplements is an important milestone. Because of that, we analyzed 20 unflavored supplements sold in the French market for fatty acid and triglyceride composition, for EPA and DHA, and for tocol content, as well as for oxidative status. This study found that only 2.5% of the supplements did not meet their label claims for omega-3 content. TAG analysis showed high variability among the triglyceride distribution, and the same trend was also noticed for the tocol content; in fact, a high variability of the distribution of the six tocols (four tocopherols and two tocotrienols) was found among the samples. Of the tested products, all of them complied with peroxide value, p-anisidine value, and Totox values established by the Global Organization for EPA and DHA Omega-3s (GOED) and were not oxidized

    How Agrobacterium rhizogenes triggers de novo root formation in a recalcitrant woody plant: an integrated histological, ultrastructural and molecular analysis

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    Adventitious rooting might be induced in recalcitrant woody genotypes by infection with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, and, in some cases, might also require exogenous auxin. The objective of the present study was to determine how agrobacteria trigger root formation in the stem of a recalcitrant woody microcutting, which cytological events result from the combined presence of infection and exogenous auxin, and which types of roots are induced by infection. Microcuttings of a recalcitrant walnut (Fuglans regia), infected or not with A. rhizogenes strain 1855, were cultured with either indolebutyric acid (IBA), IAA, or without exogenous hormones, to induce rhizogenesis. They were cytohistologically and ultrastructurally investigated at various times in culture. Southern blot and PCR analyses were performed to verify the frequency of transgenic, chimeric and bacterium-containing roots. The infection was sufficient per se to stimulate rhizogenesis. Rooting on the infected cuttings was enhanced by exogenous IBA, which accelerated and increased root meristemoid formation, in comparison with without hormone treatment. Meristemoids were organized both directly by the cambial cells and indirectly by the callus, and showed a pluricellular origin. Inter and intracellular bacteria were observed in the stem throughout the culture period (30 d). They were preferentially present in the vessels, and mainly in those showing polyphenol deposition. In the infected IAA-treated cultures, a high level of secondary xylem formation occurred instead of rhizogenesis. Nontransformed roots were preferentially produced by the infected cuttings treated with the auxins. Bacterium-containing and chimeric roots were produced by infected cuttings independently of the treatment. Thus, in a recalcitrant walnut, nontransformed root meristemoids are stimulated by combining infection and exogenous indolebutyric acid. Furthermore, the persistence of bacteria in the stem during the culture and the pluricellular origin of the meristemoids explain the presence of the bacterium-containing and chimeric roots

    Classification of Pecorino cheeses produced in Italy according to their ripening time and manufacturing technique using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy.

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    Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, followed by linear discriminant analysis of the spectral data, was used to classify Italian Pecorino cheeses according to their ripening time and manufacturing technique. The Fourier transform infrared spectra of the cheeses were divided into 18 regions and the normalized absorbance peak areas within these regions were used as predictors. Linear discriminant analysis models were constructed to classify Pecorino cheeses according to different ripening stages (hard and semi-hard) or according to their manufacturing technique (fossa and nonfossa cheeses). An excellent resolution was achieved according to both ripening time and manufacturing technique. Also, a final linear discriminant analysis model considering the 3 categories (hard nonfossa, hard fossa, and semi-hard nonfossa) was constructed. A good resolution among the 3 categories was obtained
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