103 research outputs found

    Espaço, movimento e palavra: Reflexões em torno de três casos de irrequietude

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    Dissertação de Mestrado apresentada ao ISPA - Instituto Universitário, na especialidade de Psicologia ClínicaApesar do progresso científico e tecnológico verificado na genética e na biologia, continua a não ser evidente a existência de uma raiz neurobiológica para a irrequietude, que carece, no contexto atual, de uma abordagem compreensiva. São descritos três casos de crianças irrequietas entre os 5 e os 7 anos de idade, sendo exploradas as suas histórias familiares, em conjunto com observações dos seus movimentos durante as sessões. Procura-se relacionar a irrequietude com as suas trajetórias de vida, enquadrando as dinâmicas familiares e relacionais, em modelos teóricos. São referidos, entre outros, conceitos de Serge Lebovici, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Donald Winnicott, Margaret Mahler, e Emílio Salgueiro. A irrequietude é entendida no contexto de uma insuficiente organização pessoal, com fundamentos no período pré-natal. Fases relevantes para o desenvolvimento psíquico e para a organização corporal, são relacionadas com desentendimentos nas interações precoces, nomeadamente na relação primária mãe-bebé, e na emergência da dinâmica triangular. As dificuldades escolares surgem como consequência de uma capacidade simbólica bloqueada, que impede a capacidade de abstração e de contenção, restando a via motora para a descarga das ansiedades. A intervenção terapêutica é perspectivada no sentido de promover um espaço contentor, capaz de conferir significado simbólico ao movimento da criança irrequieta. A utilização da palavra, atribuindo significado aos momentos de jogo, ajudará a criança a pensar o movimento, organizando pensamento e corpo, diversificando os recursos para lidar com as suas ansiedades. ------- ABSTRACT ------ Despite the scientific and technological progress on genetics and biology, it still remains elusive the existence of a neurobiological root for restlessness, which lacks, on the actual context, a comprehensive approach. Three cases of restless children between 5 and 7 years old are described, from which are explored their family histories, along with observations regarding the movements seen in session. We try to relate the restlessness with their life trajectories, framing their familiar and relational dynamics in theoretical models. Amongst others, we approach concepts of Serge Lebovici, Melanie Klein, Wilfred Bion, Donald Winnicott, Margaret Mahler, and Emílio Salgueiro. The restlessness is understood in the context of an insufficient personal organization, with foundations in the pre-birth period. Relevant phases for psychic development and body organization, are related with misunderstandings in early interactions, especially regarding the mother-baby relationship, and the emergence of the triangular dynamic. School difficulties come up as a consequence of a blocked symbolic capacity, which prevents the ability for abstraction and to contain, remaining the motor path for the discharge of anxieties. Therapeutic intervention is conceived as to promote a container space, capable of attributing a symbolic significance to the movement of the restless child. The use of word, in giving meaning to play moments, will help the child to think its own movement, organizing thought and body, and diversifying the resources in order to deal with anxieties

    Intermediate water masses off south-southwest Portugal: Chemical tracers

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    Biogeochemical tracers, as dissolved oxygen and nutrients, were measured during several surveys carried out between 1999 and 2001, off south-southwestern Portugal. The dense vertical and horizontal sampling allows the extensions of intermediate water masses present in the region to be resolved. A subsurface minimum salinity water layer, exhibiting values of apparent oxygen utilization (AOU) in the range 40 – 60 μmol/kg and intruding into the study area mainly from the south-southwest, is proposed to be a remnant of the Subarctic Intermediate Water (SAIW). A deeper salinity minimum displaying high concentrations of nutrients and AOU (~100 μmol/kg) and identified as a branch of the Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW), is observed to derive from the western African coast and to penetrate the area predominantly from the south-southeastern side. The salty and warm Mediterranean Water (MW) present in the same density range as the fresher intermediate waters, reveals differentiated chemical properties at the various depths depending on the surrounding waters. Analysis of water masses gives an indication that the collapse of the fresher waters into a narrow range of salinity values (35.58 –35.64) at intermediate levels is favored by the strong presence of the MW outflow, and that the admixture of the fresher waters with the MW outflow very likely induces the formation, splitting and spreading of several MW cores extending westwards along the Portuguese coast

    Burkitt's Lymphoma in a pregnant woman: case report and review of the literature

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    "Burkitt’s lymphoma (BL) is an aggressive B-cellmalignancy with very high proliferation rate,more common inmales than females. Here, we describe a case of Burkitt’s lymphoma in a 24-week pregnant woman with cervical and abdominal involvement. The common genetic event of virtually all BL is a reciprocal chromosomal translocation involving the proto-oncogene MYC and one of the Ig gene heavy or light chain loci. Supportive treatment was administered until early delivery, after which the patient was treated according to protocol LMB96. Pregnancy and tumorogenesis share some important events such as immunologic tolerance, angiogenesis, and editing the host immune response. Little is known about the relationship between these events in pregnancy and in tumorogenesis.

    Aprender com a vida: aquisição de competências de literacia em contextos informais

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    O paradigma da aprendizagem ao longo da vida que tem vindo a ser consolidado pelas instituições europeias e mundiais com responsabilidades ao nível da educação, implicou a tomada de consciência da necessidade de serem reconhecidas formalmente as aprendizagens realizadas em contextos não formais e informais. Nesse sentido, foram concebidos e implementados, em vários países, dispositivos de validação de competências, destacando-se, como boa prática, o sistema português de reconhecimento, validação e certificação de competências. Com este pano de fundo, problematiza-se o conceito de aprendizagem informal e procura-se, a um nível macro, mapear este fenómeno em Portugal, de forma comparativa com os outros países europeus. A um nível micro, analisam-se os percursos de vida de adultos que, partindo de uma escolaridade formal limitada, adquiriram, em contextos não escolares, competências de literacia validadas no âmbito do referido sistema. Procura-se compreender a influência desses contextos no desenvolvimento de disposições individuais e na aquisição de competências de literacia, a partir de relatos biográficos orais (entrevistas) e escritos (Portefólios Reflexivos de Aprendizagens).The paradigm of lifelong learning that has been consolidated by European and worldwide institutions with responsibilities at the level of education implied the awareness of the need to formally recognize learning carried out in non-formal and informal contexts. In this sense, competences validation devices were designed and were implemented in several countries. The Portuguese system of recognition, validation and certification of skills is recognized, among them, as a good practice. With this background, this research discusses the concept of informal learning and maps, at a macro level, this phenomenon in Portugal, in comparison with the other European countries. At a micro level, it examines the pathways of life of adults who had limited schooling and have acquired literacy skills in non-school contexts, trying to understand the influence of these contexts in the development of individual dispositions and on the acquisition of literacy skills, from oral (interviews) and written (Reflexive Learning Portfolios) biographical reports

    Da comunicação ao sistema de informação: o Santo Ofício e o Algarve (1700-1750)

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    O objeto desta dissertação centra-se no estudo do sistema de informação do Santo Oficio. Mais concretamente, nas relações de comunicação entre o tribunal de Évora e o território mais distante, jurisdicionalmente, sob o seu domínio, o Algarve, no período compreendido entre 1700 e 1750. Pretende-se avaliar o papel deste espaço na gestão da informação protagonizada por aquele tribunal de distrito e a importância dos mecanismos utilizados para o controlo desse mesmo território. Importará conhecer, assim, os procedimentos administrativos diligenciados pela rede de agentes e auxiliares ao serviço do Santo Ofício como canais de produção, distribuição e circulação da massa documental. Por fim, conhecer as formas de organização, controlo e acesso informacionais aplicados pela inquisição para a gestão da sua estrutura organizacional. /Abstract: This dissertation focus on the study of the information system of the Holy Office, more precisely on the communication relations between the Inquisition of Évora and the Algarve, the furthest jurisdictional territory under its rule, between 1700 and 1750. We aim at evaluating the role played by this area in the management of the information given by that District Court and the importance of the mechanisms used to control that same territory. lt will be important to know the administrative procedure taken by the net of agents and assistants at the service of the Holy Office who acted as channels of production, distribution and circulation of documents. Lastly it is also important to know the ways in which the Inquisition organized, controlled and had access to information in order to manage its organizational structure

    Caso para Diagnóstico

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    Blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor is a rare, highly aggressive systemic neoplasm for which effective therapies have not yet been established. We describe a 73-year-old man with multiple nodules and patches emerging on the trunk and limbs. Lesional skin biopsy revealed a plasmacytoid dendritic cell tumor with dense dermal infiltrate of tumor cells with blastoid features. No apparent systemic involvement was identified in the initial stage. The patient was treated with prednisone daily, with notorious improvement of the skin lesions, although no complete remission was obtained. During the six-month follow-up period, no disease progression was documented, but fatal systemic progression occurred after that period of time

    A Mesa da Consciência e Ordens o tenha assim entendido: o sistema de informação das ordens militares no século XVIII

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    A Mesa da Consciência e Ordens o tenha assim entendido: o sistema de informação das Ordens Militares no século XVIII O objecto desta dissertação, escorado na análise sistémica, centra-se no estudo do sistema de informação das Ordens Militares. Intenta revelar a estrutura organizacional, os circuitos de informação associados aos procedimentos administrativos e as principais tipologias inerentes aos trâmites processuais agenciados sobretudo pela Mesa da Consciência e Ordens. À semelhança do que ocorria em outros órgãos da administração central, também este tribunal se encontrava sob o jugo institucional que exigia o sigilo em todos os seus procedimentos. Era uma instituição que lidava, por vezes, com a honra e, por isso, a confidencialidade era fundamental. Nesta abordagem, destacam-se os processos de concessão de hábitos, pela natureza dos seus inquéritos. Para além destes processos, selecionaram-se, nesta investigação, os de nomeação de oficiais e os de provimentos em igrejas e benefícios das Ordens Militares. Analisaram-se, também, as relações internas e externas estabelecidas pela Mesa da Consciência para atingir os seus fins. Em suma, no período Moderno, os tentáculos das Ordens Militares consubstanciavam-se num sistema que se projectava em várias unidades orgânicas, dispersas territorialmente, que sustentavam o fluxo de informação entre as secretarias e os juízos, os conventos/mosteiros, os benefícios eclesiásticos e outras entidades. O protagonismo da Mesa da Consciência e Ordens não ofuscava a relevância dos arquivos dos conventos e de outros cartórios; ao invés, estavam todos teoricamente articulados e a todos eles se apelava com alguma frequência. Além disso, o tribunal das Ordens recorreu a outros sistemas, num ambiente de partilha do recurso informacional, que alimentou as suas actividades. Nesse contexto, estabeleceu-se uma teia de relações, numa constante interacção com o exterior, quer pelos indivíduos que com ela interagiam, quer pela estrutura mais global da polissinodia na qual se inseria; Abstract: The Mesa da Consciência shall understand and execute: The Military Orders’ information system in the 18th century The main goal of this dissertation is to reconstruct the Military Orders’ information system in the 18th century. It is our purpose to know the organizational structure, the information circuits connected with the administrative procedures and the inherent typology associated with the main processual ways managed by the Mesa da Consciência e Ordens. As it happened with other organs of the Portuguese central administration, the Mesa da Consciência demanded secrecy in their procedures. Sometimes this institution dealt with honour and therefore confidentiality was fundamental. In this approach special attention was given to the background investigations for receiving insignias of knights, to the appointment of officials and to the provisioning in churches and benefices. They are the most commons procedures in Mesa da Consciência everyday life. It is also important to analyse the internal and external relations established by the Mesa da Consciência in order to attain their goals. The global workflow created a system that projected itself in some organic unities scattered along the Portuguese territory, which supported the information flow among the secretaries, the convents/ monasteries, the juízos and the ecclesiastical benefices. In Early Modern Times, the outstanding position of the Mesa da Consciência e Ordens did not diminish the relevance of the convents’ archives and of other registry offices; on the contrary, all were theoretically articulated and appeals were occasionally made to every one of them. On the other side, the Court of Orders turned to other systems in an atmosphere of sharing information resources that fed their activities. In this context a network of relationships was established in a constant interaction with the outside world, not only by the individuals that interacted with it, but also by a wider structure supported by the Royal Councils of which the Mesa da Consciência was part

    Missões empresariais com enquadramento oficial: um processo standard?

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    Trabalho de projetoNa estrutura organizativa do Estado, a AICEP enquadra-se no setor empresarial, sendo a entidade pública promotora de várias ações que vão desde a organização de missões empresariais, feiras, exposições, visitas de importadores, até à divulgação de oportunidades de negócio, informação sobre mercados e ações de capacitação empresarial. A aplicação do conceito de estandardização nas diversas conceções de Administração foi variando ao longo do tempo. A Organização Científica do Trabalho de Taylor coloca a tónica sobretudo nos aspetos formais da organização, na especialização das incumbências, na estandardização e uniformidade dos processos de trabalho. Ford foi um dos mais conhecidos percursores desta conceção administração, que através da racionalização dos elementos de produção idealizou a linha de montagem, permitindo a produção em série. A conceção de Weber está pensada para produzir produtos e serviços standard aos destinatários da sua atividade. A estandardização do processo organizativo de missões empresariais é encarada como uma ferramenta de gestão e controlo. Representa a forma eficaz de gerir e organizar as atividades do serviço que agregam valor, permite a compreensão da missão a realizar, prever acontecimentos futuros, planear ações e controlar tarefas, gerando um padrão de qualidade reconhecido pelo destinatário dos produtos e serviços prestados. O objeto de análise do presente estudo pretende responder à questão da possibilidade de organizar missões empresariais com enquadramento oficial recorrendo a um processo pré-estabelecido, onde se encontra definido o objetivo, as diversas atividades, intervenientes, as interações interdepartamentais, prazos a cumprir e momentos decisórios. Para o efeito, propõe-se a introdução da componente tecnológica, através da criação de uma plataforma online de gestão do processo organizativo da missão, alojada no site da AICEP. Sucintamente, é cada vez mais premente trabalharmos no sentido de termos organismos públicos, cujos serviços se adequem às exigências do tecido empresarial, de atuarem metodicamente nas diversas abordagens a mercados externos para, de forma concertada, prestarem o melhor serviço no auxílio à internacionalização do tecido empresarial português. Tal redundará na melhoria da relação entre organismos públicos e empresas, pela simplificação e organização dos processos que servem de base à prestação de um serviço. A existência de um processo de organização de missões empresariais com enquadramento oficial será de todo benéfica como método de base, gerador de segurança e resultados mínimos, indutores de eficácia e qualidade do serviço prestado.Within the structure of the State, AICEP is part of the business sector, set up to meet state functions that go beyond sovereignty. AICEP is considered the promoter of various activities ranging from organizing trade missions, trade fairs, exhibitions, visits to importers, business opportunities, market information and training activities business. Taylor and The Scientific Organization of Work puts strong emphasis on the formal aspects of the organization, the structure rather than in people. The key elements of this theory lie in specialization of tasks, standards and uniformity in work processes, control unit and the centralization of decision making. Ford was one of the forerunners of this design: rationalization of production elements envisioned the assembly line, allowing mass production. In Weber's conception of economic efficiency values are manifest in the rational allocation of resources within the organizational structure and obedience to the formal requirements of the tasks to perform. The standardization of the organizational process of trade missions is seen as a tool of management and control. Is the effective way to manage and organize the way the service activities add value. The answer to the question of the possibility of organizing business missions with official framework using a pre-established process were our main goal. We propose the introduction of technology through the setting up of an online platform for managing the process, housed on the site of AICEP. Succinctly, it is increasingly pressing that we work towards a public sector whose services suit to the needs of the business, from acting methodically the various approaches to foreign markets, in a concerted manner, providing the best service in assisting the internationalization of the Portuguese business. This will result in the improvement of the relationship between public and private sector business by simplifying and organizing processes that underpin service providing. The existence of a process of organizing business missions with official framework will be beneficial as a method that will generate safety and minimum results, inducing efficiency and quality of service

    An Unusual Presentation of Metastatic Breast Carcinoma

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    Cutaneous metastasis from a carcinoma is a relatively uncommon phenomenon. Prompt diagnosis is crucial, as it will have future implications, particularly regarding prognosis and treatment. Skin metastases can be suspected and recognized earlier through physical examination than metastases in other organs or systems. However, they can be a diagnostic challenge due to the variable clinical presentation. This case highlights the importance of having a high index of suspicion for cutaneous metastases, especially in patients with a previous history of cancer

    Meta-Analysis of MS-Based Proteomics Studies Indicates Interferon Regulatory Factor 4 and Nucleobindin1 as Potential Prognostic and Drug Resistance Biomarkers in Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma

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    Funding: Rune Matthiesen is supported by Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (CEEC position, 2019–2025 investigator). This article is a Fiigureresult of the projects (iNOVA4Health— UIDB/04462/2020), supported by Lisboa Portugal Regional Operational Programme (Lisboa2020), under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement, through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). This work is also funded by FEDER funds through the COMPETE 2020 Programme and National Funds through FCT—Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology under the project numbers: PTDC/BTM-TEC/30087/2017 and PTDC/BTM-TEC/30088/2017.The prognosis of diffuse large B cell lymphoma (DLBCL) is inaccurately predicted using clinical features and immunohistochemistry (IHC) algorithms. Nomination of a panel of molecules as the target for therapy and predicting prognosis in DLBCL is challenging because of the divergences in the results of molecular studies. Mass spectrometry (MS)-based proteomics in the clinic represents an analytical tool with the potential to improve DLBCL diagnosis and prognosis. Previous proteomics studies using MS-based proteomics identified a wide range of proteins. To achieve a consensus, we reviewed MS-based proteomics studies and extracted the most consistently significantly dysregulated proteins. These proteins were then further explored by analyzing data from other omics fields. Among all significantly regulated proteins, interferon regulatory factor 4 (IRF4) was identified as a potential target by proteomics, genomics, and IHC. Moreover, annexinA5 (ANXA5) and nucleobindin1 (NUCB1) were two of the most up-regulated proteins identified in MS studies. Functional enrichment analysis identified the light zone reactions of the germinal center (LZ-GC) together with cytoskeleton locomotion functions as enriched based on consistent, significantly dysregulated proteins. In this study, we suggest IRF4 and NUCB1 proteins as potential biomarkers that deserve further investigation in the field of DLBCL sub-classification and prognosis.publishersversionpublishe