118 research outputs found

    Evaluation in a dog model of three antimicrobial glassy coatings: Prevention of bone loss around implants and microbial assessments

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    This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License.-- et al.[Objectives]: The aim of the present study is to evaluate, in a ligature-induced peri-implantitis model, the efficacy of three antimicrobial glassy coatings in the prevention of biofilm formation, intrasulcular bacterial growth and the resulting peri-implant bone loss. [Methods]: Mandibular premolars were bilaterally extracted from five beagle dogs. Four dental implants were inserted on each hemiarch. Eight weeks after, one control zirconia abutment and three with different bactericidal coatings (G1n-Ag, ZnO35, G3) were connected. After a plaque control period, bacterial accumulation was allowed and biofilm formation on abutments was observed by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). Peri-implantitis was induced by cotton ligatures. Microbial samples and peri-implant crestal bone levels of all implant sites were obtained before, during and after the breakdown period. [Results]: During experimental induce peri-implantitis: colony forming units counts from intrasulcular microbial samples at implants with G1n-Ag coated abutment remained close to the basal inoculum; G3 and ZnO35 coatings showed similar low counts; and anaerobic bacterias counts at control abutments exhibited a logarithmic increase by more than 2. Bone loss during passive breakdown period was no statistically significant. Additional bone loss occurred during ligature-induce breakdown: 0.71 (SD 0.48) at G3 coating, 0.57 (SD 0.36) at ZnO35 coating, 0.74 (SD 0.47) at G1n-Ag coating, and 1.29 (SD 0.45) at control abutments; and statistically significant differences (p<0.001) were found. The lowest bone loss at the end of the experiment was exhibited by implants dressing G3 coated abutments (mean 2.1; SD 0.42). [Significance]: Antimicrobial glassy coatings could be a useful tool to ward off, diminish or delay periimplantitis progression.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) and The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) under the projects MAT2012-38645 and 201360E012 respectively. B. Cabal acknowledges financial support from JAE-Doc program (CSIC, cofounded by FSE).Peer Reviewe

    Antibacterial and antifungal activity of ZnO containing glasses

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    A new family of non-toxic biocides based on low melting point (1250°C) transparent glasses with high content of ZnO (15–40wt%) belonging to the miscibility region of the B2O3-SiO2-Na2O-ZnO system has been developed. These glasses have shown an excellent biocide activity (logarithmic reduction >3) against Gram- (E. coli), Gram+ (S. aureus) and yeast (C. krusei); they are chemically stable in different media (distilled water, sea-like water, LB and DMEN media) as well as biocompatible. The cytotoxicity was evaluated by the Neutral Red Uptake using NIH-3T3 (mouse embryonic fibroblast cells) and the cell viability was >80%. These new glasses can be considered in several and important applications in the field of inorganic non-toxic biocide agents such as medical implants, surgical equipment, protective apparels in hospitals, water purifications systems, food packaging, food storages or textiles.This study has been supported by Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CSIC) project reference number 201360E012 and by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation MAT2012-38645. C. Prado and B. Cabal acknowledge financial support from JAE-Doc program (CSIC, cofounded by FSE).Peer Reviewe

    Inhibitory effect on in vitro Streptococcus oralis biofilm of a soda-lime glass containing silver nanoparticles coating on titanium alloy

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    This is an open-access article.-- et al.This paper reports the effect of soda-lime-glass-nAg coating on the viability of an in vitro biofilm of Streptococcus oralis. Three strains (ATCC 35037 and two clinical isolates from periodontitis patients) were grown on coated with glass, glass containing silver nanoparticles, and uncoated titanium alloy disks. Two different methods were used to quantify biofilm formation abilities: crystal violet staining and determination of viable counts. The influence of the surface morphology on the cell attachment was studied. The surface morphology was characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and using a profilometer. SEM was also used to study the formation and the development of biofilm on the coated and uncoated disks. At least a >99.7% inocula reduction of biofilm respect to titanium disks and also to glass coated disks was observed in the glass-nAg coated disks for all the studied strains. A quantitative evaluation of the release of silver was conducted in vitro to test whether and to what extend the biocidal agent (silver) could leach from the coating. These findings suggest that the biofilm formation of S. oralis strains is highly inhibited by the glass-nAg and may be useful for materials which require durable antibacterial effect on their surfaces, as it is the case of dental implants. © 2012 Cabal et al.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the project MAT2009-14542-C02-01.Peer Reviewe

    New insights into the use and circulation of reindeer antler in northern Iberia during the Magdalenian (ca. 21-13 cal ka BP)

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    Interactions between prehistoric foragers and reindeer at the end of the Pleistocene are still poorly documented in northern Iberia, particularly the reasons and means by which their antlers were collected, processed and circulated. Here we review the main osseous industries dated to between 21 and 13 cal ka BP, focusing on the use and circulation of reindeer antler as a raw material for the production of weapons and tools by Magdalenian foragers. Thirty-six reindeer antler artefacts were identified from 11 Iberian sites that are located at either end of the Pyrenees: the Cantabrian region to the west, and to a lesser extent, in Catalonia to the east. Despite biases in the identification of production objectives (end-products), a detailed techno-typological, chronological and geographical analysis of these assemblages reveals both the existence of a consistent reindeer antler industry in northern Iberia and long-distance connections between the Cantabrian region and the Pyrenees. The integration of contemporary macrofaunal data makes it possible to explore the extension of the reindeer?s ecological niche in northern Iberia, as well as strategies for the acquisition and circulation of reindeer antler in the peninsula. Assuming that some reindeer assemblages result from the import of raw materials to supply manufacturing activities, we propose a scenario where the acquisition of reindeer antlers may have been organised at a local scale in the Basque region, and potentially in the neighbouring territories of Navarre, Cantabria and Asturias. On the other hand, in Catalonia, the combination of both faunal and technological data supports the hypothesis that reindeer antlers were imported (along with pelts) over longer distances, probably from the northern Pyrenees.This research was primarily financed by an international collaboration between the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033) and the European Union (NextGenerationEU/PRTR) as part of the HumAntler project (PCI2021-122053-2 B) based at the Grupo I + D + i EvoAdapta (UC). Funding was also provided by the UMR-5608 TRACES laboratory of the University of Toulouse and PID2020-114462 GB-I00 of the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (University of Salamanca)

    Nanocomposites of silver nanoparticles embedded in glass nanofibres obtained by laser spinning

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    Nanocomposites made of non-woven glass fibres with diameters ranging from tens of nanometers up to several micrometers, containing silver nanoparticles, were successfully fabricated by the laser spinning technique. Pellets of a soda-lime silicate glass containing silver nanoparticles with varying concentrations (5 and 10 wt%) were used as a precursor. The process followed to obtain the silver nanofibres did not agglomerate significantly the metallic nanoparticles, and the average particle size is still lower than 50 nm. This is the first time that glass nanofibres containing silver nanoparticles have been obtained following a process different from electrospinning of a sol–gel, thus avoiding the limitations of this method and opening a new route to composite nanomaterials. Antibacterial efficiency of the nanosilver glass fibres, tested against one of the most common Gram negative bacteria, was greater than 99.99% compared to the glass fibres free of silver. The silver nanoparticles are well-dispersed not only on the surface but are also embedded into the uniform nanofibres, which leads to a long lasting durable antimicrobial effect. All these novel characteristics will potentially open up a whole new range of applications.Xunta de Galicia | Ref. 10DPI303014PRMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación | Ref. MAT2009-14542-C02-0

    Histological response of soda-lime glass-ceramic bactericidal rods implanted in the jaws of beagle dogs

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    Bacterial and fungal infections remain a major clinical challenge. Implant infections very often require complicated revision procedures that are troublesome to patients and costly to the healthcare system. Innovative approaches to tackle infections are urgently needed. We investigated the histological response of novel free P2O5 glass-ceramic rods implanted in the jaws of beagle dogs. Due to the particular percolated morphology of this glass-ceramic, the dissolution of the rods in the animal body environment and the immature bone formation during the fourth months of implantation maintained the integrity of the glass-ceramic rod. No clinical signs of inflammation took place in any of the beagle dogs during the four months of implantation. This new glass-ceramic biomaterial with inherent bactericidal and fungicidal properties can be considered as an appealing candidate for bone tissue engineeringThis work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (MICINN) under the projects MAT2012-38645. A.P. Tomsia work was supported by the National Institutes of Health/National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIH/NIDCR) Grant No. 1R01DE015633S

    Broad virus inactivation using inorganic micro/nano-particulate materials

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    Inorganic materials can provide a set of tools to decontaminate solid, liquid or air containing viral particles. The use of disinfectants can be limited or not practical in scenarios where continuous cleaning is not feasible. Physicochemical differences between viruses raise the need for effective formulations for all kind of viruses. In the present work we describe two types of antimicrobial inorganic materials: i) a novel soda-lime glass (G3), and ii) kaolin containing metals nanoparticles (Ag or CuO), as materials to disable virus infectivity. Strong antiviral properties can be observed in G3 glass, and kaolin-containing nanoparticle materials showing a reduction of viral infectivity close to 99%. in the first 10 ​min of contact of vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV). A potent virucidal activity is also present in G3 and kaolin containing Ag or CuO nanoparticles against all kinds of viruses tested, reducing more than 99% the amount of HSV-1, Adenovirus, VSV, Influenza virus and SARS-CoV-2 exposed to them. Virucidal properties could be explained by a direct interaction of materials with viruses as well as inactivation by the presence of virucidal elements in the material lixiviates. Kaolin-based materials guarantee a controlled release of active nanoparticles with antiviral activity. Current coronavirus crisis highlights the need for new strategies to remove viruses from contaminated areas. We propose these low-cost inorganic materials as useful disinfecting antivirals in the actual or future pandemic threats.This research was performed with support from The Spanish National Research Council (CSIC) (Project No 202060E109). M.F. is grateful to the Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid for research project No. 2017-T1/BIO-4992 (“Atracción de Talento” Action) cofunded by Universidad Complutense de Madrid. This publication was also supported by the European Virus Archive GLOBAL (EVA-GLOBAL) project that has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program ​under grant agreement 871029. S. R.-R. was supported by the the FPI fellowship funded by Universidad San Pablo CEU. J.A-H. was supported by the PFIS fellowship co-funded by the FEDER/FSE and the ISCIII

    Genome Instability and Transcription Elongation Impairment in Human Cells Depleted of THO/TREX

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    THO/TREX connects transcription with genome integrity in yeast, but a role of mammalian THO in these processes is uncertain, which suggests a differential implication of mRNP biogenesis factors in genome integrity in yeast and humans. We show that human THO depletion impairs transcription elongation and mRNA export and increases instability associated with DNA breaks, leading to hyper-recombination and γH2AX and 53BP1 foci accumulation. This is accompanied by replication alteration as determined by DNA combing. Genome instability is R-loop–dependent, as deduced from the ability of the AID enzyme to increase DNA damage and of RNaseH to reduce it, or from the enhancement of R-loop–dependent class-switching caused by THOC1-depletion in CH12 murine cells. Therefore, mammalian THO prevents R-loop formation and has a role in genome dynamics and function consistent with an evolutionary conservation of the functional connection between these mRNP biogenesis factors and genome integrity that had not been anticipated