57 research outputs found

    Revisió dels fonaments teòrics de la gimnàstica abdominal hipopressiva

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    La gimnàstica abdominal hipopressiva (GAH) és un sistema de tonificació de la musculatura abdominal del sòl pelvià i dels estabilitzadors de la columna. Com a fet diferenciador s’al·lega que aquests exercicis no provoquen augment de la pressió abdominal. L’objectiu és avaluar la validesa dels fonaments teòrics de la GAH i fonamentar-ne la pràctica. Per a la qual cosa s’ha fet una revisió bibliogràfica. S’han trobat discrepàncies entre els fonaments teòrics de la GAH en els punts següents: a) La GAH estimula els centres espiratoris i inhibeix els inspiratoris. b) La GAH estimula el centre pneumotàxic. c) La GAH aconsegueix la relaxació postural diafragmàtica. d) Els centres supraespinals respiratoris modulen la tensió postural de la musculatura respiratòria. e) Entrenar la musculatura abdominal mitjançant exercicis fàsics disminueix el to postural. f) Per prevenir la incontinència urinària d’estrès, cal prioritzar la tonificació de les fibres musculars tipus i del sòl pelvià

    Heat Treatment of Fasteners

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    El proyecto se centra en buscar una solución a las quejas de los clientes debido a que los pernos provenientes del mismo horno no tenían la suficiente dureza. La empresa consideró que el problema estaba en el templado, ya que su estructura tras el quenching ( enfriamiento tras templado) no estaba transformada más del 90% en martensita. Se hizo un estudio de la altura límite de acumulación de pernos que se podía alcanzar en la cinta según la longitud y diámetro del perno. Primero se calculó un límite crítico en el caso que solo hubiera conducción, y luego con una ratio que indicaba el porcentaje de aire que había entre los pernos aumentaba esa altura límite según el tipo de perno. El sistema de detección fue un láser que leía la altura durante 30 segundos, realizaba la media de esas alturas y si era superior al límite crítico sonaba una alarma.Grado en Ingeniería en Tecnologías Industriale

    Litter Windrows in the South-East Coast of the Bay of Biscay: An Ocean Process Enabling Effective Active Fishing for Litter

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    Large scale convergence regions of floating marine litter are commonly observed in semi-enclosed seas as the Bay of Biscay. However, clean-up activities on such accumulation regions are limited by the spread of the large-size floating litter on the sea surface. Data gathered by a small-scale fishing vessel devoted to active fishing for floating litter activities during the spring and summer of 2018 reveals that the linear streaks of high concentration of floating litter (so-called litter "windrows") are common accumulation structures in the south-east coast of the Bay of Biscay. The random search of litter windrows for their collection through surface tows of macro-nets was proved to be an effective action for floating litter mitigation. A total of 196 tows collected 16.2 tons of floating marine litter in 68 working days. Most of the litter windrows were around 1 km length and, on average, accumulated 77.75 kg of floating marine litter. Fishing, shipping and aquaculture sectors were the source of 35% of the 4,130 litter items analyzed (55% in weight of the sourced items), and plastic was the most common type of material (96% in terms of items). A better understanding of the phenomenon of the litter windrows, capable to guide clean-up efforts in space and time, would provide a considerable improvement in the efficiency of mitigation actions to reduce the marine litter pollution. The observations of litter windrows in the coastal area of the south-east of the Bay of Biscay demonstrate the key role of submesoscale processes in the distribution of FML. The present work provides a thorough description of floating litter windrows in nature, which it was non-existent to date. The results are the kind of proof necessary to boost the research addressed on the submesoscale aggregations of FML. Coupling litter windrows observations with remote-sensing technology and high-resolution modeling techniques offer great opportunities for the mitigation actions against marine litter

    Optimización y rediseño de procesos de producción en laboratorio de protésico dental

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    En este proyecto se pretende buscar y encontrar ventajas competitivas a través de la planificación estratégica de un laboratorio protésico dental. El propósito del proyecto es el de controlar la producción para aumentar la productividad, y disminuir costes. Era necesario recopilar toda la información acerca del laboratorio, tanto en su parte más corporativa como son su misión y objetivos corporativos, su gama de productos, profundizando en el tipo de organización para el diseño, planificación de producción, asi como el control y la capacidad de producción en la planta de manufactura, distinguiendo las diversas técnicas e ingenierías utilizadas. Una vez conocido el entorno, se pone en marcha una planificación integral estratégica de la producción, proyectando de unas estrategias corporativas que permitirán rediseñar los procesos de fabricación en proyectos mediante el programa Microsoft Project. Obteniendo unos resultados en tiempos de producción, costes totales y costes por producto que serán evaluados para su optimización según las necesidades de la dirección del laboratorio. De esta manera, se sellan las conclusiones del proyecto en comparación con los objetivos planteados inicialmente. Incluso al final del proyecto plantean algunas de las posibilidades de mejora y márgenes de utilización que puede tener el proyecto más allá del actual presentado. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What the Project pretends is to search and find important advantages from a strategy planification plan on a dental manufacturing lab. The purpose is to control the production line, stepping up the productivity levels and taking down product costs. It was necessary to compile all corporative information of the company, such as objectives and all differents types of products, going deeply into design model, planification plan, control and capacity production on the manufacture plant. Once known how it works the laboratory, it is time to iniciate the integral strategy production plan. Will be projected some corporatives and well calculated strategies. These will be very useful to redesign manufacturing processes with Microsoft project programme, getting time production results, total costs and individual product costs. After that, all have been optimizing following direction necessities. Finally, the Project results have been compared with the inicial objetives proposed. In addition there are descrived some open possibilities for the Project.Ingeniería Industria

    Value‐based potentials: Exploiting quantitative information regularity patterns in probabilistic graphical models

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    This study was jointly supported by the Spanish Ministry of Education and Science under projects PID2019-106758GB-C31 and TIN2016-77902-C3-2-P, and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). Funding for open access charge from Universidad de Granada/CBUA.When dealing with complex models (i.e., models with many variables, a high degree of dependency between variables, or many states per variable), the efficient representation of quantitative information in probabilistic graphical models (PGMs) is a challenging task. To address this problem, this study introduces several new structures, aptly named value‐based potentials (VBPs), which are based exclusively on the values. VBPs leverage repeated values to reduce memory requirements. In the present paper, they are compared with some common structures, like standard tables or unidimensional arrays, and probability trees (PT). Like VBPs, PTs are designed to reduce the memory space, but this is achieved only if value repetitions correspond to context‐specific independence patterns (i.e., repeated values are related to consecutive indices or configurations). VBPs are devised to overcome this limitation. The goal of this study is to analyze the properties of VBPs. We provide a theoretical analysis of VBPs and use them to encode the quantitative information of a set of well‐known Bayesian networks, measuring the access time to their content and the computational time required to perform some inference tasks.Spanish Government PID2019-106758GB-C31 TIN2016-77902-C3-2-PEuropean Commissio

    The role of seagrass meadows in the coastal trapping of litter.

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    The accelerated discard and mismanagement of human-made products are resulting in the continued input of litter into the oceans. Models and field observations show how floating litter can accumulate in remote areas throughout the global ocean, but far less is known about the non-floating litter fraction. Seagrass meadows play an important role in the sediment and natural-debris dynamics, and likely also in the storage and processing of non-floating litter. In this work, non-floating litter was studied across six Posidonia oceanica meadows. Litter accumulated mainly around the landside edge of the meadow. The outer margin of the edge predominantly trapped macro-litter, whilst microplastics accumulated mainly along the inner margin. On average, macro-litter concentrations increased 3-fold after heavy rainfall. Retention of non-floating litter by coastal meadows facilitates the recurrent landward-seaward conveyance of the easily-transportable litter (mainly plastic items) and its fragmentation before it is buried or transferred to deeper areas.This work was supported by Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of the Government of Spain (‘MIDaS’ CTM2016-77106-R, 2016); University of Cadiz (FPUCA2018, Support for university professors training for doctoral students at the University of Cadiz); CEIMAR Foundation, C´adiz (Grant for international mobility of doctoral students for development of thesis in co-tutelage regime, 2019); ‘Diputaci´on de C´adiz’ and SEA-EU (Beca Talento, 2021)

    Towards Underwater Macroplastic Monitoring Using Echo Sounding

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    Plastics originating from land are mainly transported to the oceans by rivers. The total plastic transport from land to seas remains uncertain because of difficulties in measuring and the lack of standard observation techniques. A large focus in observations is on plastics floating on the water surface. However, an increasing number of observations suggest that large quantities of plastics are transported in suspension, below the water surface. Available underwater plastic monitoring methods use nets or fish traps that need to be deployed below the surface and are labor-intensive. In this research, we explore the use of echo sounding as an innovative low-cost method to quantify and identify suspended macroplastics. Experiments under controlled and natural conditions using a low-cost off-the-shelf echo sounding device show that plastic items can be detected and identified up to 7 m below the river surface. Eight different debris items (metal can, cup, bottles, food wrappers, food container) were characterized based on their reflection signature. Reflectance from plastic items diverged significantly from organic material and non-plastic anthropogenic debris. During a multi-day trial field expedition in the Guadalete river, Spain, we found that between 0.8 and 6.3 m depth considerable quantities of plastics are transported. As most plastic monitoring and removal strategies focus on the upper layer below the surface (up to approximately 1.5 m depth), a substantial share of the total plastic transport may be neglected. With this paper we 1) demonstrate that echo sounding is a promising tool for underwater plastic monitoring, and 2) emphasize the importance of an improved understanding of the existing plastic loads below the surface.SB was received funding from the Lamminga Fund and the department of Water Resources Management (TU Delft). The work of TE is supported by the Veni research program The River Plastic Monitoring Project with project number 18211, which is (partly) funded by the Dutch Research Council (NWO)

    The coastal waters of the south-east Bay of Biscay a dead-end for neustonic plastics

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    Numerical models point to the south-east Bay of Biscay as a convergence area for floating particles, including plastics. The few existing studies on plastic abundance in the area mainly focus on open waters and yet information on the coastal area is limited. To fill this gap, neustonic samples were taken along the coastal waters of the south-east Bay of Biscay (2017-2020) to define the spatial distribution of plastic abundances and composition. Results show an average plastic abundance of 739,395 +/- 2,625,271 items/km(2) (998 +/- 4338 g/km(2)). French waters were more affected, with five times higher plastic abundances than Spanish coasts. Microplastics represented 93 % of the total abundance of plastic items (28 % in weight), mesoplastics 7 % (26 %) and macroplastics 1 % (46 %). This study demonstrates that this area is a hotspot for plastic with levels in coastal waters similar to those in the Mediterranean Sea or other litter aggregation areas