19 research outputs found

    Sparse N-way Partial Least Squares by L1-penalization

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    [EN] N-PLS, as the natural extension of PLS to N-way structures, tries to maximize the covariance between an X and a Y N-way data arrays. It provides a useful framework for fitting prediction models to N-way data. However, N-PLS by itself does not perform variable selection, which indeed can facilitate interpretation in different situations (e.g. the so-called ¿¿omics¿ data). In this work, we propose a method for variable selection within N-PLS by introducing sparsity in the weights matrices WJ and WK by means of L1-penalization. The sparse version of N-PLS is able to provide lower prediction errors by filtering all the noise variables and to further improve interpretability and usability of the N-PLS results. To test Sparse N-PLS performance two different simulated data sets were used, whereas to show its utility in a biological context a real time course metabolomics data set was used.Hervás-Marín, D.; Prats-Montalbán, JM.; Garcia-Cañaveras, J.; Lahoz Rodríguez, AG.; Ferrer, A. (2019). Sparse N-way Partial Least Squares by L1-penalization. Chemometrics and Intelligent Laboratory Systems. 185:85-91. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemolab.2019.01.004S859118

    Síntesis de la cronoestratigrafía y evolución sedimentaria de los sistemas lacustres evaporíticos y carbonatados neógenos de la Cuenca de Calatayud-Montalbán.

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    La Cuenca terciaria de Calatayud-Montalbán consta de dos subcuencas diferentes separadas por el umbral de Daroca (Cuenca de Calatayud en el sector septentrional y Cuenca de Montalbán en el sector meridional). Estas cuencas presentan una evolución sedimentaria muy similar de los sistemas lacustres neógenos evaporíticos y carbonáticos, que generalmente ocupan los sectores centrales de ambas depresiones. En la Cuenca de Calatayud, se reconocen tradicionalmente en el Neógeno tres unidades sedimentarias mayores denominadas Unidad Inferior, Intermedia y Superior separadas por dos rupturas sedimentarias principales. Las dos primeras tienen carácter evaporítico, mientras que la última tiene un carácter fluviolacustre. En los sectores centrales de la Cuenca de Montalbán, el sondeo Barrachina-l y las secciones estratigráficas complementarias han permitido apreciar una evolución sedimentaria muy similar para las unidades neógenas, con facies evaporíticas y carbonáticas muy parecidas, aunque con una cronoestratigrafía diferente y la ausencia del registro sedimentario del Mioceno medio a Plioceno. En este trabajo también se describe por vez primera la presencia de un nivel volcanoclástico intercalado entre las facies evaporíticas del Mioceno inferior de la Cuenca de Montalbán. Las asociaciones minerales identificadas en los depósitos lacustres del Mioceno inferiormedio de ambos sectores de la cuenca, muestran una secuencia que evoluciona desde facies lacustres evaporíticas de alto grado de hipersalinidad, hacia facies lacustres evaporíticas de baja-moderada salinidad. Solamente, el registro sedimentario de la Cuenca de Calatayud permite asegurar que esta evolución sedimentaria se completa con la presencia de facies carbonáticas fluviolacustres características de aguas dulces en el Mioceno superior. Esta secuencia de precipitación salina responde a un cambio progresivo en la hidroquímica de los sistemas lacustres relacionado con un cambio gradual de las condiciones climáticas que comenzaría en el Rambliense y se extendería, al menos, durante todo el Mioceno medio. Las diferencias cronoestratigráficas entre los dos sectores de la misma depresión deben estar relacionados con los diferentes condicionantes tectónicos y/o geomorfológicos a los que se han visto sometidas ambas cuencas durante el Mioceno. [ABSTRACT] The Tertiary Calatayud-Montalbán Basin consists of two distinct sub-basins separated by the Daroca High (Calatayud Basin in the northern sector and Montalbán Basin in the southern sector). These basins present a quite similar sedimentary evolution of the Neogene evaporitic and carbonatic lacustrine systems, that generally occupy central locations in both basins. Three main sedimentary units (Lower, Intermediate and Upper units) divided by two main sedimentary breaks are traditionally described in the Calatayud Basin. The Lower and Intermediate units have evaporitic sedimentation, whilst the Upper Unit is tipically freshwater fluviolacustrine sedimentation. In the central areas of the Montalbán basin, the Barrachina-l drill hole and complementary stratigraphic sections showed a very similar sedimentary evolution of the Neogene units, with similar evaporitic and carbonatic facies, but different chronostratigraphy. The Upper MiocenePliocene sedimentary record of the Montalbán Basin is absent. In addition, this work presents the first occurrence of a volcanoclastic layer interbedded in the Lower Miocene evaporitic facies of the Montalbán Basin. The identified mineral assemblages of the lacustrine deposits of both sectors of the basin, show an evolutionary sequence during the Lower-Middle Miocene from hypersaline to lower moderated salinity lacustrine facies. This evolutionary trend is only complete in the sedimentary record of the Calatayud Basin, where freshwater carbonatic fluviolacustrine facies are described in the Upper Miocene. This precipitation sequence is the result of a progressive hydrochemical change of the lacustrine systems related to a climatic change from the Ramblian to the Middle Miocene. Differences in the chronostratigraphy of both basins should be related to distinct tectonic scenarios and/or geomorphologic features during the Miocene

    Perfiles Paleokársticos en el techo de la unidad intermedia del Mioceno de la Cuenca de Madrid.

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    En el techo de la Unidad Intermedia del Mioceno de la Cuenca de Madrid se ha desarrollado un paleokarst temprano, somero y de forma tabular que muestra un marcado control litológico y del dispositivo de facies deposicionales en su génesis. Integrando criterios geomorfológicos, petrográficos y geoquímicos se ha establecido una zonación hidrogeológica en los perfiles paleokársticos estudiados, diferenciándose: (i) una zona vadosa caracterizada por la existencia de cavidades alargadas en la vertical tapizadas discontinuamente por espeleotemas y otros cementos vadosos; (ii) una franja de oscilación del nivel freático de unos 3-7 metros de espesor, caracterizado por el desarrollo extensivo de cuerpos brechoides estratiformes, la yuxtaposición de cementos vadosos y freáticos y los contenidos más bajos en Fe y Mn en el material encajante, y (iii) una zona freática caracterizada por un aumento en los valores de 813C y el predominio de la cementación freática. La correlación de los perfiles paleokárticos revela una paleogeografía para el techo de la Unidad Intermedia con un paisaje topográficamente descendente de norte a sur en la cuenca para el Vallesiense. [ABSTRACT] An intra-Vallesian (Upper Miocene) paleokarst developed at the top of the Intermediate Miocene Unit in the continental Madrid basin is recognized. This paleokarst is a early shallow, tabular-shaped karst that shows a marked control by the depositional facies pattem and lithologies. By integrating morphological, petrological and geochemical data, three hydrogeological or environmental zones have been established throughout the paleokarstic profiles: (i) a vadose zone, characterized by vertically elongated caves and discontinuous speleothems and vadose cements (ii) a 3-7 m thick water table fringe, characterized by the wide development of stratiform breccia bodies, the superimposition of both vadose and phreatic features, and the lowest Fe and Mn contents in host-rock carbonates; and (iii) a phreatic zone characterized by an increase of 813C values and the predominance of phreatic cementation. The paleogeographic reconstruction for the intra-Vallesian paleokarst using paleokarstic profiles reveals relative topographic highs to the north and topographic lows to the south drawing the paleokarst landscape

    Pseudoanticlines structures induced by fluidization in the Intermediate Unit of the Calatayud basin

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    Soft sediment deformation structures are described in a dolomitic palustrine-lacustrine sequence in the neogene Calatayud basin. Pseudoanticlines with associated dish structures are possibly result of a fluidization process related with groundwater saline flows proceeding from an adjacent evaporitic paleorelie

    Sedimentological characterization of Upper Miocene-Pliocene fluviolacustrine and tuffaceous systems of the Calatayud Basin (Zaragoza)

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    A complex fluviolacustrine calcareous system with associated autochtonous tufa deposits is recognized in the Upper Miocene-Pliocene of the Neogene Calatayud Basin. A detailed sedimentological analysis of the calcareous sediments reveals a wide spectrum óf facies associations mainly related to reworking of tufa deposits including products such as oncolithic tufas and less common phytoclastic and intraclastic tufa

    Tectonic structures in the basement of the Madrid basin and its influence in the sedimentary cover

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    A group of NW-SE strike-slip faults have been recognized in the basement of the eastern part of Madrid basin. The sedimentary data considered concern m a in ly isopach map of Miocene Intermediate Unit as well as palaeogeographical distribution of depositional environments. The structural research has been focused on faults and folds analysis which affect both the Altomira Range (eastern margin of the Madrid basin) and the Neogene cover in the basin. These basement faults controlled the tectonic structuration of Altomira Range during upper Oligocene-lower Miocene and the Neogene sedimentatio

    Inorganic deterioration affecting the Altamira Cave, N Spain: quantitative approach to wall-corrosion (solutional etching) processes induced by visitors

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    In order to study the wall corrosion processes induced by visitors in the Altamira Cave (northern Spain), a multidisciplinary study was conducted in the cave. For a period of 1 year, a microclimate monitoring system, measuring the temperature, relative humidity, CO2 and 222Rn concentrations was operated. Host rock samples were collected as well as indoor and outdoor atmospheric particulate matter. These data are used for a quantitative assessment of the wall corrosion processes. The presence of visitors was found to enhance the corrosion processes up to 78 times in comparison with the natural processes. Outdoor air pollution did not have a significant affect