8,350 research outputs found

    In-flight total forces, moments and static aeroelastic characteristics of an oblique-wing research airplane

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    A low-speed flight investigation has provided total force and moment coefficients and aeroelastic effects for the AD-1 oblique-wing research airplane. The results were interpreted and compared with predictions that were based on wind tunnel data. An assessment has been made of the aeroelastic wing bending design criteria. Lateral-directional trim requirements caused by asymmetry were determined. At angles of attack near stall, flow visualization indicated viscous flow separation and spanwise vortex flow. These effects were also apparent in the force and moment data

    Ground-effect analysis of a jet transport airplane

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    An analysis of the ground effect of a jet transport airplane has been made. Data were obtained from recent flight tests primarily using the constant angle-of-attack approach technique. Reasonable results were obtained for ground-effect pitching moment and lift increments. These were compared with data from other sources, including computations, wind tunnel, and previous flight test. A recommended ground-effect model was developed from the results. A brief simulator study was conducted to determine the sensitivity of a particular configuration to this ground-effect model and its associated uncertainty

    Flight-determined aerodynamic derivatives of the AD-1 oblique-wing research airplane

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    The AD-1 is a variable-sweep oblique-wing research airplane that exhibits unconventional stability and control characteristics. In this report, flight-determined and predicted stability and control derivatives for the AD-1 airplane are compared. The predictions are based on both wind tunnel and computational results. A final best estimate of derivatives is presented

    Study of cost/benefit tradeoffs for reducing the energy consumption of the commercial air transportation system

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    Economic studies were conducted for three general fuel conserving options: (1) improving fuel consumption characteristics of existing aircraft via retrofit modifications; (2) introducing fuel efficient derivations of existing production aircraft and/or introducing fuel efficient, current state-of-the-art new aircraft; and (3) introducing an advanced state-of-the-art turboprop airplane. These studies were designed to produce an optimum airline fleet mix for the years 1980, 1985 and 1990. The fleet selected accommodated a normal growth market by introducing somewhat larger aircraft while solving for maximum departure frequencies and a minimum load factor corresponding to a 15% investment hurdle rate. Fuel burnt per available-seat-mile flown would drop 22% from 1980 to 1990 due to the use of more fuel efficient aircraft designs, larger average aircraft size, and increased seating density. An inflight survey was taken to determine air traveler attitudes towards a new generation of advanced turboprops

    Human Factors of Flight-deck Automation: NASA/Industry Workshop

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    The scope of automation, the benefits of automation, and automation-induced problems were discussed at a workshop held to determine whether those functions previously performed manually on the flight deck of commercial aircraft should always be automated in view of various human factors. Issues which require research for resolution were identified. The research questions developed are presented

    Aerothermal test results from the first flight of the Pegasus air-launched space booster

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    A survey of temperature measurements at speeds through Mach 8.0 on the first flight of the Pegasus air-launched booster system is discussed. In addition, heating rates were derived from the temperature data obtained on the fuselage in the vicinity of the wing shock interaction. Sensors were distributed on the wing surfaces, leading edge, and on the wing-body fairing or fillet. Side-by-side evaluations were obtained for a variety of sensor installations. Details of the trajectory reconstruction through first-stage separation are provided. Given here are indepth descriptions of the sensor installations, temperature measurements, and derived heating rates along with interpretations of the results

    Experimental characterization of the effects of pneumatic tubing on unsteady pressure measurements

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    Advances in aircraft control system designs have, with increasing frequency, required that air data be used as flight control feedback. This condition requires that these data be measured with accuracy and high fidelity. Most air data information is provided by pneumatic pressure measuring sensors. Typically unsteady pressure data provided by pneumatic sensing systems are distorted at high frequencies. The distortion is a result of the pressure being transmitted to the pressure sensor through a length of connective tubing. The pressure is distorted by frictional damping and wave reflection. As a result, air data provided all-flush, pneumatically sensed air data systems may not meet the frequency response requirements necessary for flight control augmentation. Both lab and flight test were performed at NASA-Ames to investigate the effects of this high frequency distortion in remotely located pressure measurement systems. Good qualitative agreement between lab and flight data are demonstrated. Results from these tests are used to describe the effects of pneumatic distortion in terms of a simple parametric model

    The impact of cockpit automation on crew coordination and communication. Volume 1: Overview, LOFT evaluations, error severity, and questionnaire data

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    The purpose was to examine, jointly, cockpit automation and social processes. Automation was varied by the choice of two radically different versions of the DC-9 series aircraft, the traditional DC-9-30, and the glass cockpit derivative, the MD-88. Airline pilot volunteers flew a mission in the simulator for these aircraft. Results show that the performance differences between the crews of the two aircraft were generally small, but where there were differences, they favored the DC-9. There were no criteria on which the MD-88 crews performed better than the DC-9 crews. Furthermore, DC-9 crews rated their own workload as lower than did the MD-88 pilots. There were no significant differences between the two aircraft types with respect to the severity of errors committed during the Line-Oriented Flight Training (LOFT) flight. The attitude questionnaires provided some interesting insights, but failed to distinguish between DC-9 and MD-88 crews

    Flight-determined stability and control derivatives for the F-111 Tact research aircraft

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    A flight investigation was conducted to provide a stability and control derivative data base for the F-111 transonic aircraft technology research aircraft. Longitudinal and lateral-directional data were obtained as functions of Mach number, angle of attack, and wing sweep. For selected derivatives, the flight results were correlated with derivatives calculated based on vehicle geometry. The validity of the angle of attack measurement was independently verified at a Mach number of 0.70 for angles of attack between 3 and 10 degrees