24 research outputs found

    Preparo e aplicação da hidrotalcita para produção de biodiesel

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    Monografia (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade UnB Gama, 2015.Com o aumento do consumo energético mundial, a forte dependência dos combustíveis fósseis torna-se cada vez mais inviável. Com problemas ambientais, devido à sua combustão, ocasionando emissão de gases poluentes, e ao seu esgotamento de recursos, objetiva-se diversificar a matriz energética, focando nas fontes renováveis ou em processos mais ambientalmente amigáveis. O biodiesel é um biocombustível líquido importante no setor de transportes, para os veículos de motor de ciclo diesel, e por apresentar grande potencial na substituição total ou parcial, na forma de blendas, pesquisas na otimização da sua produção estão sendo realizadas. Atualmente, de acordo com a legislação federal, o diesel comercializado em todo território nacional deve conter 7% (v/v) de biodiesel. Nesse contexto, a busca por catalisadores heterogêneos é de extrema importância para processos cada vez mais sustentáveis e para alcançar melhores rendimentos. Pode-se citar dentre eles, a hidrotalcita a qual é um composto mineral chamado também de argilas aniônicas e que pode ser sintetizado. Com vantagens atrativas tais como: recuperação ao final do processo, reuso, uma produção mais limpa de produtos e subprodutos e devido à sua preparação ser considerada de baixo custo e reprodutível, o objetivo desse trabalho foi estudar a sua síntese e aplicá-la na produção de biodiesel. Os resultados das hidrotalcitas preparadas foram comparadas com uma hidrotalcita comercial. A partir do método da co-precipitação, todas apresentaram formação cristalina características e parâmetros semelhantes a da hidrotalcita mineral. Das reações de biodiesel, o melhor rendimento encontrado foi de 100%, com uma temperatura reacional de 100ºC por 4h, em uma razão óleo de soja: metanol de 1:18 e 10% (m/m) de catalisador. Essas condições foram otimizadas, pois foi possível diminuir a temperatura para uma melhor conversão. Além disso, a hidrotalcita calcinada a 550ºC foi eficaz para a reação de transesterificação, podendo ser melhorado o seu desempenho em futuros testes. ________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTWith the increase of global energy consumption, the strong dependence on fossil fuels becomes increasingly untenable. With environmental problems due to its combustion that results in greenhouse gas emissions, and their exhausted resources, the objective is to diversify the energy matrix, focusing on renewable sources or more environmentally friendly processes. Biodiesel is a liquid biofuel very important in the transportation sector, for motor vehicle diesel cycle, and because of its great potential in full or partial substitution in the form of blends, research on the optimization of its production are being developed. Currently, according to federal law, the diesel marketed throughout the country must contain 7% (v / v) of biodiesel. In this context, the search for heterogeneous catalysts is of extremely important to increase sustainable processes and to achieve better yields. It could be mentioned among them, which hydrotalcite is a mineral compound also called anionic clays that can be synthesized. With attractive advantages as: the recovery at the end of the process, reuse, cleaner production products and by-products and because of their preparation be considered inexpensive and reproducible, the objective of this work was to study their synthesis and apply them in biodiesel production. The results of the prepared hydrotalcites were compared with a commercial hydrotalcite. From the coprecipitation method, all of them showed crystalline characteristics and parameters similar to mineral hydrotalcite.. In the reactions of biodiesel, the best performance was 100%, with a reaction temperature of 100 °C for 4h in a soybean oil and methanol ratio: 1:18 and 10% (w / w) catalyst. These conditions were optimized because it was possible to reduce the temperature to a better conversion. In addition, the hydrotalcite calcined at 550 °C was effective for transesterification reaction and may be improved their performance in future tests

    LAVAGEM DE DINHEIRO: uma abordagem à luz da nova política criminal brasileira

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    O presente trabalho científico trata do crime de lavagem de dinheiro tendo como escopo propiciar um conhecimento geral sobre o tema, trazendo sua definição, divulgando informação capaz de favorecer a apuração de ilegalidades. Trata-se de uma visão abrangente da matéria, detalhando a realidade criminal, onde realiza-se técnicas criminosas cada vez mais elaboradas, que ultrapassam fronteiras e burlam diversos sistemas jurídicos, motivo pelo qual se tornou uma preocupação mundial. São analisadas ainda, as fases do crime de lavagem de dinheiro conforme o modelo elaborado pelo GAFI, ponderando que tais fases não precisam ocorrer efetivamente para se configurar o delito e que sua análise é importante para o entendimento do tema. Por fim, analisa as disposições penais relevantes e as inovações trazidas pela Lei 12.683/2012, refletindo atentamente se a novel Lei de Lavagem de Dinheiro traz a possibilidade de que a justiça seja realmente cumprida

    Cross-node Socioeconomic and Governance Assessments of MMAs

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    This report is concerned with the socioeconomic and governance dimension of Marine Managed Areas (MMAs), targeting key issues that still impede the design and implementation of MMAs. It looks into the objectives of the MMAs and which types of MMAs were effective at meeting their objectives. It evaluates how socio-economic (e.g., demographics) and governance (e.g. institutional frameworks and processes) characteristics impact on management effectiveness of MMAs (e.g. are wealthy communities correlated with more or less successful MMAs?). In general, this study assesses the social, economic and governance conditions of MMAs in North America (Central America)-Belize; South America (Northeastern)-Brazil; Oceania-Fiji; South America (Northwestern)-Ecuador; and North America (Central America)-Panama; in terms of their impact on factors such as economic development, quality of life, livelihoods, environmental awareness, stakeholder participation, and policy enforcement. The results will substantially contribute to the design and implementation of other socio-economic studies as well as to the employment of more effective MMA management practices in five countries and globally

    O Preconceito Sofrido Pela Mulher Como Profissional Médica Em Anápolis E Goiânia

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    Durante séculos as mulheres foram subjugadas à dominação masculina, tanto dentro do lar quanto fora dele, onde existia o que era e o que não era adequado para uma mulher. Visando adentrar no mercado de trabalho, a mulher enfrentou e ainda enfrenta muitas adversidades, principalmente quando essa inserção é em uma área considerada masculina pela sociedade, como é a medicina. As primeiras mulheres a ingressarem e formarem em medicina sofreram com preconceito por seus colegas e pela sociedade, durante e após sua formação, mas mesmo após quase dois séculos, as mulheres médicas ainda enfrentam grandes questões de preconceito de gênero. Descrever se ainda existe na prática médica o patriarcalismo histórico, persistindo os obstáculos advindos de preconceitos relacionados ao gênero. Estudo transversal, descritivo e de abordagem quantitativa. A população amostral será constituída por médicas atuantes nos municípios de Goiânia e Anápolis no estado de Goiás. Os dados serão coletados a partir de um questionário adaptado composto por 21 questões abertas e fechadas, será aplicado online por meio da plataforma Google Forms e terá seu link divulgado por meio de mídias sociais. Constatar a existência de preconceito contra mulheres médicas na atualidade

    Global Burden of Multiple Myeloma ASystematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2016

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    Introduction: Multiple myeloma (MM) is a plasma cell neoplasm with substantial morbidity and mortality. A comprehensive description of the global burden of MM is needed to help direct health policy, resource allocation, research, and patient care.Objective: To describe the burden of MM and the availability of effective therapies for 21 world regions and 195 countries and territories from 1990 to 2016.Design and Setting: We report incidence, mortality, and disability-adjusted life-year (DALY) estimates from the Global Burden of Disease 2016 study. Data sources include vital registration system, cancer registry, drug availability, and survey data for stem cell transplant rates. We analyzed the contribution of aging, population growth, and changes in incidence rates to the overall change in incident cases from 1990 to 2016 globally, by sociodemographic index (SDI) and by region. We collected data on approval of lenalidomide and bortezomib worldwide.Main Outcomes and Measures: Multiple myeloma mortality; incidence; years lived with disabilities; years of life lost; and DALYs by age, sex, country, and year.Results: Worldwide in 2016 there were 138 509 (95% uncertainty interval [UI], 121 000-155 480) incident cases of MM with an age-standardized incidence rate (ASIR) of 2.1 per 100 000 persons (95% UI, 1.8-2.3). Incident cases from 1990 to 2016 increased by 126% globally and by 106% to 192% for all SDI quintiles. The 3 world regions with the highest ASIR of MM were Australasia, North America, and Western Europe. Multiple myeloma caused 2.1 million (95% UI, 1.9-2.3 million) DALYs globally in 2016. Stem cell transplantation is routinely available in higher-income countries but is lacking in sub-Saharan Africa and parts of the Middle East. In 2016, lenalidomide and bortezomib had been approved in 73 and 103 countries, respectively.Conclusions and Relevance: Incidence of MM is highly variable among countries but has increased uniformly since 1990, with the largest increase in middle and low-middle SDI countries. Access to effective care is very limited in many countries of low socioeconomic development, particularly in sub-Saharan Africa. Global health policy priorities for MM are to improve diagnostic and treatment capacity in low and middle income countries and to ensure affordability of effective medications for every patient. Research priorities are to elucidate underlying etiological factors explaining the heterogeneity in myeloma incidence

    Global, Regional, and National Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Years of Life Lost, Years Lived With Disability, and Disability-Adjusted Life-Years for 29 Cancer Groups, 1990 to 2016:A Systematic Analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study

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    Importance: The increasing burden due to cancer and other noncommunicable diseases poses a threat to human development, which has resulted in global political commitments reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals as well as the World Health Organization (WHO) Global Action Plan on Non-Communicable Diseases. To determine if these commitments have resulted in improved cancer control, quantitative assessments of the cancer burden are required.Objective: To assess the burden for 29 cancer groups over time to provide a framework for policy discussion, resource allocation, and research focus.Evidence Review: Cancer incidence, mortality, years lived with disability, years of life lost, and disability-adjusted life-years (DALYs) were evaluated for 195 countries and territories by age and sex using the Global Burden of Disease study estimation methods. Levels and trends were analyzed over time, as well as by the Sociodemographic Index (SDI). Changes in incident cases were categorized by changes due to epidemiological vs demographic transition.Findings: In 2016, there were 17.2 million cancer cases worldwide and 8.9 million deaths. Cancer cases increased by 28% between 2006 and 2016. The smallest increase was seen in high SDI countries. Globally, population aging contributed 17%; population growth, 12%; and changes in age-specific rates, -1% to this change. The most common incident cancer globally for men was prostate cancer (1.4 million cases). The leading cause of cancer deaths and DALYs was tracheal, bronchus, and lung cancer (1.2 million deaths and 25.4 million DALYs). For women, the most common incident cancer and the leading cause of cancer deaths and DALYs was breast cancer (1.7 million incident cases, 535 000 deaths, and 14.9 million DALYs). In 2016, cancer caused 213.2 million DALYs globally for both sexes combined. Between 2006 and 2016, the average annual age-standardized incidence rates for all cancers combined increased in 130 of 195 countries or territories, and the average annual age-standardized death rates decreased within that timeframe in 143 of 195 countries or territories.Conclusions and Relevance: Large disparities exist between countries in cancer incidence, deaths, and associated disability. Scaling up cancer prevention and ensuring universal access to cancer care are required for health equity and to fulfill the global commitments for noncommunicable disease and cancer control