319 research outputs found

    Repellent effect of volatile fatty acids on lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus)

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    Volatile fatty acids (VFAs) are a group of common metabolites and semiochemicals mediating information transfer between higher organisms and bacteria, either from microbiome or external environment. VFAs commonly occur among various insect orders. There are numerous studies exploring their influence on the behavior of different insect species. In relation to the papers published by J. E. McFarlane in 1985, we assessed the effects of formic, acetic, propionic, butyric and valeric acids on the spatial preference of the lesser mealworm (Alphitobius diaperinus), a common pest of stored food grain products and the poultry industry. The main aim of the presented study was to provide new angles in VFA research, recreating the classical study both with new methods and on economically significant pest species. This paper presents a novel method of continuous, simultaneous assessment of site preference and the travelled distance in a constant-flow olfactometer. All the tested VFAs, except valeric acid, had a significant repellent effect, with formic acid being effective even at the lowest used concentration. Additionally, the VFAs significantly altered the distance travelled by the insects. The obtained results indicate a potential role for VFAs in the olfactory guided behavior of A. diaperinus. It is suspected that the reaction to the presence of VFAs may deviate from the specificity of species’ original habitat

    Rethinking Plato’s Theory of Art: Aesthetics and the Timaeus

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    The Timaeus presents a fascinating account of the cosmos. It includes a creation myth that introduces the figure known as the Demiurge who, despite the fact that he is the cause of the sensible world, is reverently attributed with reason, and whose creation – the cosmos – is actually beautiful and good. In this dialogue Plato offers his readers a panorama of the universe. But just what are his intentions for this? Is his approach a precursor to the methods of natural science,1 or does the Timaeus fall under the category of theology? This thesis will discuss the outcome Plato wished to achieve by finally writing on cosmology and how the methods used to accomplish these ends reveal a more existential attitude towards aesthetics

    Occupational therapy for stroke patients - A systematic review

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    Ergotherapie helpt patiënten die een beroerte gehad hebben bij het revalideren. Ook mensen met reumatoïde artritis (RA) hebben baat bij ergotherapie, onder andere door instructie over gewrichtsbeschermende maatregelen. Dit blijkt uit NIVEL onderzoek in opdracht van het Reumafonds en het College voor Zorgverzekeringen (CvZ). NIVEL onderzoeker Esther Steultjens vergeleek, schiftte en analyseerde de resultaten van al het onderzoek naar de effectiviteit van ergotherapie bij Reumatoïde Artritis (37 wetenschappelijke studies) en beroertes (32 wetenschappelijke studies) van de afgelopen 40 jaar. De resultaten zijn gebaseerd op een klein aantal, omdat de meeste gevonden studies van beperkte kwaliteit zijn. Beroerte Steultjens concludeert dat bij mensen die een beroerte gehad hebben ergotherapie de sociale participatie en de zelfredzaamheid bevordert. Vaardigheidstraining leidt ook tot enige verbetering van de zelfredzaamheid. Ze vond onvoldoende bewijs voor het nut van spalken om de spierspanning te verminderen. Per jaar krijgen ongeveer 32.000 mensen in Nederland een beroerte. Na een jaar heeft 66% van de overlevenden problemen met zelfstandig functioneren, driekwart van de overlevenden heeft problemen met een zinvolle tijdsbesteding. Steultjens: "Uit dit onderzoek blijkt dat ergotherapie een belangrijke rol heeft in de multidisciplinaire aanpak van de revalidatie van mensen met een beroerte." Reumatoïde artritis (RA) Steultjens concludeert dat er bewijs is dat ergotherapie bij mensen met RA een positief effect heeft op het kunnen verrichten van dagelijkse activiteiten en op het verlichten van pijn. Vooral instructies over het nemen van gewrichtsbeschermende maatregelen hebben invloed op het functioneren. Het spalken van aangedane ledematen lijkt de pijn te verminderen, ook al kan het de patiënt hinderen bij het bewegen. RA is een chronische ontsteking van de gewrichten die het dagelijks functioneren van ongeveer 145.000 Nederlanders beperkt. Ergotherapie is een vorm van paramedisch handelen die zich richt op het verbeteren van het dagelijks functioneren. De ergotherapeutische behandeling streeft ernaar het uitvoeren van taken te vergemakkelijken door met de patiënten sommige dagelijkse activiteiten te trainen en ze voor andere compensatiestrategieën aan te leren. Andere onderdelen van de ergotherapeutische behandeling zijn het geven van leefstijladviezen (zoals gewrichtsbeschermende of energiebesparende maatregelen) en advies/instructie over hulpmiddelen en spalktherapie. Het onderzoek is opgezet en uitgevoerd volgens de richtlijnen van de Cochrane Collaboration. Dit is een internationale organisatie die het maken, actualiseren en verspreiden van de resultaten van systematisch literatuuronderzoek naar de effecten van gezondheidszorg tot doel heeft. Arthritis Care & Research, Volume 47, Issue 6, 2002 Occupational therapy for rheumatoid arthritis: A systematic review Esther M. J. Steultjens , Joost Dekker, Lex M. Bouter, Dirkjan van Schaardenburg, Marie-Antoinette H. van Kuyk, Cornelia H. M. van den Ende Arthritis Care & Research is het Official Journal of the Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals

    Upper extremity function and activity in facioscapulohumeral dystrophy and limb-girdle muscular dystrophies:A systematic review

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    Purpose: The aims of this review were (1) to provide insight into the natural course of upper-extremity (UE) impairments and UE activity limitations associated with facioscapulohumeral dystrophy (FSHD) and limb-girdle muscular dystrophies (LGMD), and (2) to provide an overview of outcome measures used to evaluate UE function and activity in patients with FSHD and LGMD. Methods: Scientific literature databases (PubMed, MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL and Cochrane) were searched for relevant publications. Inclusion criteria: (1) studies that included persons with a diagnosis of FSHD or LGMD; and (2) studies that reported the natural course of the UE functions and/or activity with outcome measures at these levels. Results: 247 publications were screened, of which 16 fulfilled the selection criteria. Most studies used manual muscle testing (MMT) to evaluate UE function and the Brooke Scale to evaluate UE mobility activities. The clinical picture of UE impairments and limitations of UE activities in FSHD and LGMD patients was highly variable. In general, FSHD and LGMD patients experience difficulty elevating their upper extremities and the execution of tasks takes considerably longer time. Conclusions: The clinical course of UE impairments and activity limitations associated with FSHD and LGMD is difficult to predict due to its high variability. Although measures like MMT and the Brooke Scale are often used, there is a lack of more specific outcome measures to assess UE function and UE capacity and performance in daily life. Measures such as 3D motion analysis and electromyography (EMG) recordings are recommended to provide additional insight in UE function. Questionnaires like the Abilhand are recommended to assess UE capacity and accelerometry to assess UE performance in daily life.Implications for RehabilitationThere is a need for specific outcome measures on the level of UE activity.Both the level of capacity and performance should be assessed.Possible outcome measures include 3D motion analysis to assess UE function, questionnaires like the Abilhand to assess UE capacity and accelerometry to assess performance of UE activities in daily life

    Neoplastic tumor of the right ventricle of the heart - a case report

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    The increasing number of metastatic heart tumors is observed due to increasing frequency of cancer cases. Malignant melanoma, germ cell carcinomas, hematologic and lymphatic neoplasms, breast and lungs carcinomas and carcinoma of esophagus are the most often origins of metastatic tumors to the heart. In this case, patient was addmited to the Cardiology Department with suspicion of myocarditis. The only anomaly found during admission was tumor in right ventricle of the heart. After we decided of surgical treatment of the tumor, patient state worsened and she died. Autopsy confirmed our diagnose of metastatic origin of the tumor.Wzrost zapadalności na nowotwory powoduje zwiększenie liczby chorych z przerzutami odległymi, w tym do mięśnia sercowego i osierdzia. Do nowotworów, które najczęściej dają przerzuty do serca, należą: czerniak złośliwy, nowotwory wywodzące się z komórek rozrodczych, nowotwory układu krwiotwórczego i limfatycznego, rak płuca, przełyku i piersi. W opisanym przypadku chorą skierowano do Kliniki Kardiologii Śląskiej Akademii Medycznej w Katowicach z podejrzeniem zapalenia mięśnia sercowego. Jedyną nieprawidłowością stwierdzaną podczas przyjęcia była zmiana guzowata w prawej komorze serca. Po konsultacji kardiochirurgicznej i podjęciu decyzji o operacyjnym odbarczeniu prawej komory doszło do nagłego pogorszenia stanu chorej, a następnie jej zgonu. Wynik sekcji potwierdził rozpoznanie guza przerzutowego

    Left atrial myxoma in a patient with advanced coronary artery disease qualified to undergo heart surgery - case report

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    Śluzak przedsionka jest najczęściej występującym łagodnym guzem serca. W przypadku gdy jest bezobjawowy, często jego rozpoznanie jest przypadkowe. Z uwagi na takie powikłania z nim związane, jak: zatorowość obwodowa i płucna, zamknięcie ujść przedsionkowo-komorowych, zaburzenia rytmu serca lub nagły zgon, istotne jest jego wczesne rozpoznanie i leczenie. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono przypadek chorego zgłaszającego tylko pogorszenie tolerancji wysiłku. We wczesnej diagnostyce echokardiograficznej wykonanej u badanego uwidoczniono zmianę w lewym przedsionku, natomiast w dalszej diagnostyce tego guza stwierdzono współistniejące, istotne zmiany zwężające w tętnicach wieńcowych. Chorego zakwalifikowano do operacyjnego usunięcia guza i jednoczesnego zabiegu pomostowania naczyń wieńcowych.Atrial myxoma is one of the most common benign heart tumors and when asymptomatic its diagnosis is often the case. Due to its complications — peripheral and the pulmonary embolism, the atrio-ventricular orifice closure, arrhythmias or sudden cardiac death — early diagnosis and treatment are important. In this report we want to present a case of a patient with only fatigue as a symptom of illness. Early echocardiographic evaluation showed a tumor in the left atrium and further tests of the tumor revealed the coincidence of advanced coronary artery stenoses. The patient was qualified to undergo tumor excision and coronary artery by-pass grafting

    Factors influencing students’ startups intention – a case study at universities in Ho Chi Minh City

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    Ovaj rad nastao je kao odgovor na potrebu da se identificiraju čimbenici koji utječu na stavove studenata o pokretanju startupa u periodu od 2019. – 2020. godine, tijekom izbijanja bolesti COVID-19. Istraživanje je provedeno na uzorku od 2.141 studenta na dvanaest sveučilišta u Ho Chi Minh Cityju. Ovim istraživanjem otkriva se što potiče studente na proučavanje i oblikovanje start-up ideja za pokretanje novog posla. Pritom je utjecaj okoline od presudne važnosti za samopouzdanje studenata i njihov pozitivan stav prema poduzetništvu da bi potakli studentsku želju za realizaciju start-up poslovanja. Ovo je istraživanje pokazalo da kako opće i radno okruženje tako i pozitivni i negativni stavovi izravno i neizravno utječu na namjeru studenata za osnivanjem startup-tvrtki. Rezultati ukazuju na potrebu da vlada i sveučilišta posvete više pozornosti na čimbenike okruženja budući da izravno utječu na mogućnosti i pružanje potpore namjeri studenata za osnivanjem start-up biznisa.This paper has been written in response to the need to identify the factors of environment affecting students’ attitudes on startups intention within the period 2019-2020, at the time of the COVID-19 breakout. For this purpose, the research was conducted on the sample of 2,141 students in twelve universities in Ho Chi Minh City. This research finds out what motivates students to learn, shape start-up ideas as to start a new business, and how an environment approach affects students’ startup intention as to gain confidence and positive feelings about the entrepreneurship. This study shows that both general and task environment, as well as positive and negative attitudes directly and indirectly affected students’ startup intention. The implication of the findings of this study suggests that the government and universities should pay more attention to environment factors because of its providing opportunities and support to students’ startup intention

    Generación de emprendimientos innovadores en aprendices del centro CEGAFE, Tunja

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    This article presents a bibliographic review, where the concepts of entrepreneurship, entrepreneurial skills and the role of Higher Education Institutions in the generation of entrepreneurial culture are mainly addressed, being the result of a first approach to the construction of the state of the art to design a methodological proposal that allows to encourage the generation of innovative ventures in the apprentices of the CEGAFE center in the city of Tunja, in order to contribute to the improvement of their quality of life, that of their family and the Boyacá community in general. Este artículo presenta una revisión bibliográfica, donde se abordan principalmente los conceptos de emprendimiento, capacidades de los emprendedores y el papel de las Instituciones de Educación Superior  en la generación de la cultura  emprendedora, siendo el resultado de una primera aproximación a la construcción del estado del arte para  diseñar una propuesta metodológica que permita incentivar la generación de emprendimientos innovadores en los aprendices del centro CEGAFE en la ciudad de Tunja, con el fin de contribuir en el mejoramiento de su calidad de vida, la de su familia y comunidad boyacense en general.&nbsp