16 research outputs found

    The most vagile host as the main determinant of population connectivity in marine macroparasites

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    Although molecular ecology of macroparasites is still in its infancy, general patterns are beginning to emerge, e.g. that the most vagile host in a complex life cycle is the main determinantof the population genetic structure of their parasites. This insight stems from the observation that populations of parasites with only freshwater hosts are more structured than those with terrestrial or airborne hosts. Until now, the same has not been tested for marine systems, where, in theory, a fully marine life cycle might sustain high dispersal rates because of the absence of Obvious physical barriers in the sea. Here, we tested whether a marine trematode parasite that utilises migratory birds exhibited weaker population genetic structure than those whose life cycle utilises marine fish as the vagile host. Part of the mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase 1 (COI) gene wassequenced from individual sporocysts from populations along the Atlantic coast of Europe and North Africa. Strong population structure (Φ-ST = 0.25, p < 0.0001) was found in the fully marinetrematode Bucephalus minimus (hosted by fish), while no significant structure (Φ-ST = 0.015, p = 0.19257) was detected in Gymnophallus choledochus (hosted by birds). However, demographicmodels indicate recent colonisation rather than high dispersal as an alternative explanation of the low levels of structure observed in G. choledochus. Our study is the first to identify significant genetic population structure in a marine autogenic parasite, suggesting that connectivity between populations of marine parasites can be limited despite the general potential for high dispersal of their hosts in the marine environment

    Heterogeneous microgeographic genetic structure of the common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) in the Northeast Atlantic Ocean: biogeographic barriers and environmental factors

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    Knowledge of genetic structure at the finest level is essential for the conservation of genetic resources. Despite no visible barriers limiting gene flow, significant genetic structure has been shown in marine species. The common cockle (Cerastoderma edule) is a bivalve of great commercial and ecological value inhabiting the Northeast Atlantic Ocean. Previous population genomics studies demonstrated significant structure both across the Northeast Atlantic, but also within small geographic areas, highlighting the need to investigate fine-scale structuring. Here, we analysed two geographic areas that could represent opposite models of structure for the species: (1) the SW British Isles region, highly fragmented due to biogeographic barriers, and (2) Galicia (NW Spain), a putative homogeneous region. A total of 9250 SNPs genotyped by 2b-RAD on 599 individuals from 22 natural beds were used for the analysis. The entire SNP dataset mostly confirmed previous observations related to genetic diversity and differentiation; however, neutral and divergent SNP outlier datasets enabled disentangling physical barriers from abiotic environmental factors structuring both regions. While Galicia showed a homogeneous structure, the SW British Isles region was split into four reliable genetic regions related to oceanographic features and abiotic factors, such as sea surface salinity and temperature. The information gathered supports specific management policies of cockle resources in SW British and Galician regions also considering their particular socio-economic characteristics; further, these new data will be added to those recently reported in the Northeast Atlantic to define sustainable management actions across the whole distribution range of the species

    Future oceanic warming and acidification alter immune response and disease status in a commercial shellfish species, Mytilus edulis L.

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    Increases in atmospheric carbon dioxide are leading to physical changes in marine environments including parallel decreases in ocean pH and increases in seawater temperature. This study examined the impacts of a six month exposure to combined decreased pH and increased temperature on the immune response and disease status in the blue mussel, Mytilus edulis L. Results provide the first confirmation that exposure to future acidification and warming conditions via aquarium-based simulation may have parallel implications for bivalve health. Collectively, the data suggests that temperature more than pH may be the key driver affecting immune response in M. edulis. Data also suggests that both increases in temperature and/or lowered pH conditions may lead to changes in parasite abundance and diversity, pathological conditions, and bacterial incidence in M. edulis. These results have implications for future management of shellfish under a predicted climate change scenario and future sustainability of shellfisheries. Examination of the combined effects of two stressors over an extended exposure period provides key preliminary data and thus, this work represents a unique and vital contribution to current research efforts towards a collective understanding of expected near-future impacts of climate change on marine environments

    The occurrence of haplosporidian parasites, Haplosporidium nelsoni and Haplosporidium sp., in oysters in Ireland

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    The phylum Haplosporidia is a group of obligate protozoan parasites that infect a number of freshwater and marine invertebrates. Haplosporidian parasites have caused significant mortalities in commercially important shellfish species worldwide. In this study, haplosporidia were detected in Pacific oysters Crassostrea gigas originating in Ireland and were subsequently identified independently in laboratories both in Ireland and in Spain as Haplosporidium nelsoni. In Ireland, H. nelsoni plasmodia were also observed in the heart tissue of a single Ostrea edulis. A range of techniques including heart smear screening, histology, standard polymerase chain reaction (PCR), direct sequencing and in situ hybridisation with an H. nelsoni specific DNA probe were carried out to confirm diagnosis. This is the first reporting of H. nelsoni in oysters in Ireland and this is the first reporting of the detection of this haplosporidian in O. edulis. In Ireland, another haplosporidian was also observed in a single O. edulis during heart smear screening. PCR and DNA sequencing were carried out and indicated the presence of a Haplosporidium sp., most likely Haplosporidium armoricanum. The low prevalence and intensity of infection of both haplosporidian species in Irish C. gigas and in particular O. edulis may indicate that their presence is inconsequential

    Infection of Mytilus edulis

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