97 research outputs found

    Emigración y retención de Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787) en un área marina protegida del Mediterráneo central occidental

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    This study describes the results obtained by applying the Arnason Schwartz multistate mark-recapture model to eight years of data collected in and around a small no-fishing marine protected area (MPA; 4 km2) in the central western Mediterranean. From 1997 to 2004, a total of 4044 specimens of Palinurus elephas (Fabr., 1787) were tagged and 317 recaptured. The most parsimonious model which best explained the data variability was that of a temporally constant rate of apparent survival and movement in each of the two strata. The absence of any temporal influence in the apparent survival rate inside the no-take area suggested that spillover and mortality are constant for each period of the study. The lower apparent survival rate in surrounding zones than inside the MPA (0.26 ± 0.04 (SE) vs 0.94 ± 0.03 (SE)) is presumed to be a function of fishing effort. A continuous movement of P. elephas across the boundary of the small MPA was also tested. This information on retention of lobsters in the MPA contributes to our understanding of the effect of introducing MPAs into a managed commercial fishery system.Este estudio presenta los resultados de aplicar el modelo multiestado de marcado y recaptura de Arnason Schwartz a una serie de ocho años de datos recolectados en el interior y alrededor de una pequeña área marina protegida (AMP) vedada a la pesca (4 km2) del Mediterráneo central occidental. Desde 1997 a 2004, un total de 4044 ejemplares de Palinurus elephas (Fabr., 1787) fueron marcados, de los cuales 317 fueron recapturados. El modelo más parsimonioso que explicó mejor la variabilidad de los datos fue aquel con una tasa temporal constante de aparente supervivencia y movimiento entre los dos estratos. La ausencia de influencia temporal sobre la tasa de supervivencia aparente en el interior del área protegida, sugirió que el “spillover” y la mortalidad son constantes para cada periodo del estudio. La menor tasa aparente de supervivencia en zonas alrededor de la reserva respecto al interior de la misma (0.26 ± 0.04 (SE) vs 0.94 ± 0.03 (SE)) se considera que es una función del esfuerzo pesquero. Un movimiento continuo de P. elephas a través de los límites de la pequeña AMP fue evaluado. Esta información sobre la retención de langostas en el AMP contribuye a comprender el efecto de la introducción de AMPs en un sistema regulado de pesquería comercial

    Emigration and retention of <i>Palinurus elephas</i> (Fabricius, 1787) in a central western Mediterranean marine protected area

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    Este estudio presenta los resultados de aplicar el modelo multiestado de marcado y recaptura de Arnason Schwartz a una serie de ocho años de datos recolectados en el interior y alrededor de una pequeña área marina protegida (AMP) vedada a la pesca (4 km2) del Mediterráneo central occidental. Desde 1997 a 2004, un total de 4044 ejemplares de Palinurus elephas (Fabr., 1787) fueron marcados, de los cuales 317 fueron recapturados. El modelo más parsimonioso que explicó mejor la variabilidad de los datos fue aquel con una tasa temporal constante de aparente supervivencia y movimiento entre los dos estratos. La ausencia de influencia temporal sobre la tasa de supervivencia aparente en el interior del área protegida, sugirió que el "spillover" y la mortalidad son constantes para cada periodo del estudio. La menor tasa aparente de supervivencia en zonas alrededor de la reserva respecto al interior de la misma (0.26 ± 0.04 (SE) vs 0.94 ± 0.03 (SE)) se considera que es una función del esfuerzo pesquero. Un movimiento continuo de P. elephas a través de los límites de la pequeña AMP fue evaluado. Esta información sobre la retención de langostas en el AMP contribuye a comprender el efecto de la introducción de AMPs en un sistema regulado de pesquería comercial

    An unusual finding of Sepietta oweniana (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae) egg clutch

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    An unusual finding of Sepietta oweniana egg clutch at 544 m depth is described within an updating study of the reproductive aspects of the species in Sardinian waters. Egg species identity was determined by genetic analysis and morphological and biometrical data of the eggs, embryos and one newly hatched specimen are reported and discussed. Illustrations of the eggs, spermatophores and spermatangia by photographic material are also included. Data on bathymetric distribution and sexual maturity are reported and compared with data already available for the species in other geographical areas of distributio

    Descubrimiento inusual de una puesta de Sepietta oweniana (Cephalopoda: Sepiolidae)

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    An unusual finding of Sepietta oweniana egg clutch at 544 m depth is described within an updating study of the reproductive aspects of the species in Sardinian waters. Egg species identity was determined by genetic analysis and morphological and biometrical data of the eggs, embryos and one newly hatched specimen are reported and discussed. Illustrations of the eggs, spermatophores and spermatangia by photographic material are also included. Data on bathymetric distribution and sexual maturity are reported and compared with data already available for the species in other geographical areas of distribution.Se describe un descubrimiento inusual de una puesta de Sepietta oweniana a 544 m de profundidad, en el ámbito de un estudio de aspectos reproductivos de la especie en aguas de Cerdeña. Los huevos se identificaron por medio de análisis genéticos. En este trabajo se presentan y discuten datos morfológicos y biométricos de los huevos, embriones y de un especimen recién nacido. Se incluye material fotográfico de los huevos, espermatóforos y espermatangia. Se presentan datos de distribución batimétrica y madurez sexual y se comparan con datos existentes de la especie en otras áreas geográficas de distribución

    Pautas de movimiento de la langosta Palinurus elephas (Fabricius, 1787) desde un área protegida en el Mediterráneo occidental central

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    Movement patterns of the spiny lobster Palinurus elephas were determined from 389 individuals (total tagged 5666) tag-recaptured inside a no-take area of the central western Mediterranean and its surrounding zone. High site association and limited movements in tagged lobsters was observed; 60.4% of lobsters moved less than 2 km from the centre of the area (site of release). No clear relationship between lobster movement pattern and sex or size was observed; however, it seemed that the largest males and females tended to be more resident, thus contributing to the rebuilding of the biomass of local lobsters. Most lobsters undertook migrations in the southwest direction. The increased availability of shelters and food towards the southwest could have contributed to the lobsters’ movement. The results of our research indicate that the small size of the protected area and the scale of the movement exhibited by tagged lobsters allows a proportion of the lobster population to move out of the protected area and become susceptible to capture in the adjacent fishery.Se determinaron las pautas de movimiento de 389 individuos de la langosta Palinurus elephas (total marcados 5666) marcados y recapturados en el interior de un área protegida (sin captura) así como de su área circundante. En las langostas marcadas se observó una elevada asociación al lugar de liberación, así como movimientos limitados: el 60.4% de las langostas se movieron menos de 2 km desde el centro del área de liberación. No se observó ninguna clara relación entre las pautas de movimiento de las langostas y su sexo y talla; no obstante, hay una tendencia a que los machos y hembras grandes muestren un comportamiento más residente, contribuyendo así al aumento de la biomasa local. La mayor parte de langostas mostró migraciones en dirección sudoeste. La mayor disponibilidad de refugios y alimento hacia el sudoeste pudo haber contribuído al movimiento de las langostas. Los resultados de este estudio indican que el pequeño tamaño del área protegida y la escala de movimientos mostrados por las langostas marcadas permite a una porción de la población su salida del área protegida y su susceptibilidad a la captura en la pesquería adyacente

    Movement patterns of the spiny lobster <em>Palinurus elephas</em> (Fabricius, 1787) from a central western Mediterranean protected area

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    Movement patterns of the spiny lobster Palinurus elephas were determined from 389 individuals (total tagged 5666) tag-recaptured inside a no-take area of the central western Mediterranean and its surrounding zone. High site association and limited movements in tagged lobsters was observed; 60.4% of lobsters moved less than 2 km from the centre of the area (site of release). No clear relationship between lobster movement pattern and sex or size was observed; however, it seemed that the largest males and females tended to be more resident, thus contributing to the rebuilding of the biomass of local lobsters. Most lobsters undertook migrations in the southwest direction. The increased availability of shelters and food towards the southwest could have contributed to the lobsters' movement. The results of our research indicate that the small size of the protected area and the scale of the movement exhibited by tagged lobsters allows a proportion of the lobster population to move out of the protected area and become susceptible to capture in the adjacent fishery

    Distribution of spawning and nursery grounds for deep–water red shrimps in the central western Mediterranean Sea

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    The presence of spawning and nursery grounds of Aristeids in the central western Mediterranean Sea were investigated using fishery-independent data (trawl surveys, 1994–2012). Spatial distributions were generated for mature animals and recruits, for both spring/summer and autumn data, using an inverse distance-weighted deterministic interpolation. The persistence index was used to identify stable spawning and nursery grounds in the Sardinian slope region for Aristaeomorpha foliacea and Aristeus antennatus. Areas of aggregation for recruits and mature females appear to be connected with important physical habitat features. The analysis also suggests a seasonal bathymetric distribution for nursery areas. The recruits of A. foliacea are located in the upper part of the continental slope (377-450 m) in spring/summer and reach greater depths (468-628 m) in autumn. For A. antennatus, for which nursery areas only emerge in autumn, there is presumably an opposite ontogenic migration, from deep sea to upper slope, during the summer (575-681 m). The results also indicate a partial overlap between the nursery and spawning grounds of both species. In this particular area, local environmental conditions such as upwelling events or the presence of canyons and seamounts seem to play an important role in their distribution. This study also generated relevant information on the spatial and temporal distribution of seasonal or persistent aggregations of spawners and recruits, providing scientific elements to suggest the protection of these important resources

    Stock discrimination of two European squids (Illex coindetii, Loligo forbesii) by statolith shape analysis

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    We evaluated the feasibility of classifying ommastrephid and loliginid squid species by statolith shape analysis into fisheries management units or stocks. Statoliths of Illex coindetii (Verany, 1839) and Loligo forbesii (Steenstrup, 1856) were studied from multiple areas of the North East Atlantic and Northern Mediterranean Sea during 2021–2022. I. coindetii and L. forbesii individuals were categorized into multiple stocks across the areas studied. Stocks migrating between fishing areas as well as multiple stocks in the same area, as identified for L. forbesii in this study, need to be considered for sustainable fisheries management

    Dinámica espaciotemporal a largo plazo de comunidades de cefalópodos en el mar Mediterráneo

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    The Mediterranean Sea shows a trend of increasing temperature and decreasing productivity from the western to the eastern basin. In this work we investigate whether this trend is reflected in the cephalopod assemblages found throughout the Mediterranean. Data obtained with bottom trawl surveys carried out during the last 22 years by EU Mediterranean countries were used. In addition to analysing spatial differences in cephalopod assemblages, we also analysed putative temporal changes during the last two decades. For this purpose, the basin was spatially divided into bioregions, the trawling grounds were subdivided into depth strata, and the dataset was split into two time series of 11 years each. All analyses were done using PRIMER software. The species richness did not vary with the longitudinal gradient, though in most bioregions it showed a mild decrease with depth before plummeting in the deepest waters. Cluster analysis revealed four different bathymetric assemblages in all bioregions. Despite the contrasting conditions between basins and the claims of biodiversity loss, our study revealed that spatial and temporal differences during the last two decades were restricted to changes in the relative abundance of species from a common pool of species inhabiting the whole Mediterranean.El mar Mediterráneo muestra un patrón de aumento de la temperatura y disminución de la productividad de la cuenca occidental a la oriental. En este trabajo se investiga si este patrón se refleja en las comunidades de cefalópodos que habitan el Mediterráneo. Se utilizaron datos obtenidos en campañas de arrastre de fondo realizadas durante los últimos 22 años por la mayoría de países mediterráneos de la UE. Junto con el análisis de las diferencias espaciales en las comunidades de cefalópodos, también se analizaron cambios temporales durante las dos últimas décadas. Para ello, la cuenca se dividió espacialmente en diferentes bioregiones, mientras que el conjunto de datos se dividió en dos series temporales de 11 años cada una. Todos los análisis se realizaron utilizando el software PRIMER. La riqueza específica no varió con el gradiente longitudinal, aunque en la mayoría de las bioregiones mostró una leve disminución con la profundidad antes de desplomarse en el estrato más profundo. El análisis cluster reveló cuatro comunidades batimétricas diferentes en todas las bioregiones. A pesar de las contrastadas condiciones ambientales entre las cuencas y las afirmaciones de pérdida de biodiversidad, nuestro estudio reveló que las diferencias espaciales y temporales durante las dos últimas décadas se limitaron a cambios en la abundancia relativa de las especies a partir de un conjunto faunístico común que habita todo el Mediterráneo

    The Use of Reproductive Indicators for Conservation Purposes: The Case Study of Palinurus elephas in Two Fully Protected Areas and Their Surrounding Zones (Central-Western Mediterranean)

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    Simple Summary The European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas is a species with a high commercial value that inhabits the Mediterranean Sea and the adjacent Atlantic waters and is classified by IUCN as vulnerable due to its continuous overfishing. In this study, we analyse the reproductive parameters of P. elephas populations in two different fully protected areas, including their surrounding commercial zones, in Sardinia (Italy, central-western Mediterranean), where a restocking programme was carried out. Here, data on fecundity, size at maturity, vitellogenin concentration and temporal trends of egg production of P. elephas was provided, and the relevance of this information for fisheries management and conservation planning is discussed. In 1990s, the European spiny lobster Palinurus elephas, one of the most commercially important species in the Mediterranean, exhibited a population decline. For this reason, fully protected areas (FPAs) appeared effective in re-establishing natural populations and supporting fishery-management objectives. Here, the reproductive parameters of P. elephas populations in two different FPAs (Su Pallosu and Buggerru, central-western Mediterranean), where a restocking programme was carried out, and in their surrounding commercial zones, were investigated from quantitative and qualitative perspectives. The comparison of fecundity between females collected inside and outside FPAs did not show statistical differences as well as the vitellogenin concentration, which did not vary among eggs of different size classes of females caught inside and outside the FPAs, indicating the same reproductive potential. The study demonstrated a benefit of overexploited populations in terms of enhancement of egg production overtime (15 years for Su Pallosu and 6 years for Buggerru) with a mean egg production 4.25-5.5 times higher at the end of the study than that observed at the beginning of the study. The main driver of eggs production appeared to be size, with larger lobsters more present inside the FPAs than outside. Given these results, the dominant contribution of the two studied FPAs to the regional lobster reproduction is remarkable