81 research outputs found

    In vitro modulatory effects of colonic microflora by olive oil iridoids.

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    The Mediterranean diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, and grains as well as olive oil and olives, has been associated with a lower risk of coronary heart disease and cancer. The beneficial role of olive oil has been related to its fatty acid composition and the presence of phenolic compounds. The present research aimed to study the biological activity of some olive oil iridoids, such as hydroxytyrosol and tyrosol, as microbial inhibitors and their in vitro effects on modulation of human intestinal microflora. Among the tested strains, Bifidobacterium longum , Lactobacillus salivarius , and Bacteroides vulgatus showed the highest sensitivity to the tested compounds; however, the inhibitory effect of iridoids seemed to be more effective when a mix of olive oil iridoids, instead of pure hydroxytyrosol, was used. The fermentation experiments showed that olive oil iridoids modulate the intestinal microflora, leading to a higher production of total short chain fatty acids and in particular of butyrate. These are important conditions well known to be associated with a protective effect against colon cancer development. Key words: olive oil iridoids, hydroxytyrosol, intestinal microflora, semi-continuous culture syste

    A Survey on Computational Propaganda Detection

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    Propaganda campaigns aim at influencing people's mindset with the purpose of advancing a specific agenda. They exploit the anonymity of the Internet, the micro-profiling ability of social networks, and the ease of automatically creating and managing coordinated networks of accounts, to reach millions of social network users with persuasive messages, specifically targeted to topics each individual user is sensitive to, and ultimately influencing the outcome on a targeted issue. In this survey, we review the state of the art on computational propaganda detection from the perspective of Natural Language Processing and Network Analysis, arguing about the need for combined efforts between these communities. We further discuss current challenges and future research directions.Comment: propaganda detection, disinformation, misinformation, fake news, media bia

    Chemical composition and antimicrobial activity of the essential oil of Ferulago campestris (Besser) Grecescu growing in central Italy

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    Impact of Probiotic SYNBIO Administered by Vaginal Suppositories in Promoting Vaginal Health of Apparently Healthy Women

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate whether vaginal administration of probiotic Lactobacillus results in their colonization and persistence in the vagina and whether it promotes normalization and maintenance of pH and Nugent score. A single-arm, open-label controlled towards the baseline (pre–post) study including 35 apparently healthy women was conducted. Each woman was examined three times during the study. Women were instructed to receive daily for 7 days, the probiotic suppositories SYNBIO® gin (Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501® and Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502®). Vaginal swabs were collected during visit 1, 2, and 3 to determine the total lactobacilli count, the presence of the two administered bacteria, the measure of the pH, and the estimation of Nugent score. Evaluation of treatment tolerability was based on analysis of the type and occurrence of adverse events. The probiotic vaginal suppository was well tolerated and no side effects were reported. Intermediate Nugent score was registered in 40 % of women at visit 1 and these intermediate scores reverted to normal at day 7 (end of treatment) in 20 % of subjects. Administration of SYNBIO® gin contributed to a significant increase in the lactobacilli level at visit 2. Molecular typing revealed the presence of the two strains originating from SYNBIO® gin in 100 % of women at visit 2 and 34 % at visit 3. No significant changes were registered for pH between visits. The SYNBIO® gin product is safe for daily use in healthy women and it could be useful to restore and maintain a normal vaginal microbiota

    Probiotics and red fruit extracts with bioactive properties for innovative dietary supplements for human health.

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    Alimenti funzionali e nutraceutici per la salute. A cura delle Piattaforme Tematiche di Ateneo su "Alimenti e Nutrizione" e "Salute Umana ed Animale

    Biogenic amines as freshness index of meat wrapped in a new active packaging system formulated with essential oils of Rosmarinus officinalis

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    Biogenic amines (BAs) are considered as an important indicator of freshness and quality of food. In this work, a new active packaging (AP) system for meat that, incorporating essential oil of Rosmarinus officinalis at 4% (w/w), inhibits the increase of BAs and the bacteria involved into their production was developed. BAs were analyzed by a SPE-HPLC-DAD method during the storage time of meat (0–7 d, 4 C). Results showed that, in each monitored day, Biogenic Amine Index (BAI) expressed in mgkg1 is lower in meat wrapped in AP with respect to that packed in polycoupled packaging (PP) (from 19% to 62%). A strong correlation was found between the inhibition of increase of putrescine, cadaverine, histamine and their bacteria producers such as Enterobacteriaceae, Pseudomonas spp. and Brocothrix thermospacta. By exploiting antimicrobial and antioxidant action of essential oil of R. officinalis, the new APs contribute to increase the shelf life of fresh meat and to preserve its important nutrients

    Pilot-scale Production and Viability Analysis of Freeze-Dried Probiotic Bacteria Using Different Protective Agents

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    The functional food industry requires an improvement of probiotic strain stability during storage, especially when they are stored at room temperature. In this study, the viability of freeze-dried Lactobacillus rhamnosus IMC 501® and Lactobacillus paracasei IMC 502® using different protective agents (i.e., glycerine, mannitol, sorbitol, inulin, dextrin, Crystalean®) was determined and compared with semi skimmed milk (SSM) control. No significant differences were observed between the tested protectants and the control (SSM) during storage at refrigerated conditions. During storage at room temperature, only glycerine was found to stabilize viability better than other tested substances

    VaIutazione delI'attivitĂ  prebiotica dell'estratto di Ienticchie sul microbiota intestinale mediante modello di fermentazione in vitro.

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    Razionale dello studio. Lestratto di lenticchia d un prodotto di origine vegetale che puo essere d'aiuto nella prevenzione/cura di una serie di patologie. L'oggetto del presente studio in vitro è la verifica dell'effetto preblotico dell'estratto di lenticchie, ricco in soiasaponine, nel favorire l'equilibrio della microflora intestinale. Metodi. Lo studio è stato eseguito utilizzando un modello di fermentazione in vitro per testare l'attività prebiotica dell'estratto di lenticchie rispetto ad un controllo, su di una flora batterica intestinale umana standard. Risultati. I risultati hanno mostrato un'azione prebiotica dell'estratto di lenticchie con un aumento significativo del numero dei bifidobatteri. lnfatti nel test di controllo la concentrazione dei bifidobatteri rimane stabile (circa 10E4 log UFC/ml), mentre nei test effettuati con inulina e con l'estratto di lenticchie è stato osservato un significativo (p<0,05) incremento di 3 log del loro numero, evidenziando quindi proprietà bifidogeniche dell'estratto testato simili a quelle dell'inulina. Conclusioni. l'estratto di lenticchie, nella forma liofila, rappresenta un importante ingrediente per la realizzazione di nutraceutici allo scopo di svolgere un effetto benefico a livello intestinale e di prevenire e trattare disordini gastrointestinali. Questo composto è inoltre totalmente di derivazione naturale in quanto estratto esclusivamente da un legume edibile e rappresenta una reale innovazione nel campo degli integratori dato che attualmente non ci sono prodotti in commercio aventi una tale formulazione
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