6 research outputs found

    Global perspectives on observing ocean boundary current systems

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    Ocean boundary current systems are key components of the climate system, are hometo highly productive ecosystems, and have numerous societal impacts. Establishmentof a global network of boundary current observing systems is a critical part of ongoingdevelopment of the Global Ocean Observing System. The characteristics of boundarycurrent systems are reviewed, focusing on scientific and societal motivations forsustained observing. Techniques currently used to observe boundary current systemsare reviewed, followed by a census of the current state of boundary current observingsystems globally. The next steps in the development of boundary current observingsystems are considered, leading to several specific recommendations

    narrating traditional iranian carpet merchants

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    Iranian carpet merchants developed a collective identitary narrative to enhance their capital creation in the social field of the German market, the field of Iranian foreign trade, and transnational bazari networks. This chapter goes beyond the practicalities of juggling resources across social fields: it explains the motivation behind this agency. Building on David Graeber's anthropology of value, as well as on studies about identity marketing and ethnic entrepreneurship, I show how the merchants' resources were evaluated between the 1950s and today to explain by which systems of value these social fields were shaped. From the confrontation between changing systems of value emerges Iranian carpet merchants' potential to increase the efficiency of their capital creation by—collectively—trying to redefine the meaning of their resources

    Biological and physical influences on marine snowfall at the equator

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    High primary productivity in the equatorial Atlantic and Pacific oceans is one of the key features of tropical ocean biogeochemistry and fuels a substantial flux of particulate matter towards the abyssal ocean. How biological processes and equatorial current dynamics shape the particle size distribution and flux, however, is poorly understood. Here we use high-resolution size-resolved particle imaging and Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler data to assess these influences in equatorial oceans. We find an increase in particle abundance and flux at depths of 300 to 600 m at the Atlantic and Pacific equator, a depth range to which zooplankton and nekton migrate vertically in a daily cycle. We attribute this particle maximum to faecal pellet production by these organisms. At depths of 1,000 to 4,000 m, we find that the particulate organic carbon flux is up to three times greater in the equatorial belt (1 degrees S-1 degrees N) than in off-equatorial regions. At 3,000 m, the flux is dominated by small particles less than 0.53 mm in diameter. The dominance of small particles seems to be caused by enhanced active and passive particle export in this region, as well as by the focusing of particles by deep eastward jets found at 2 degrees N and 2 degrees S. We thus suggest that zooplankton movements and ocean currents modulate the transfer of particulate carbon from the surface to the deep ocean