168 research outputs found

    Cardiovascular disease in type 1 diabetes mellitus

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    O risco de doença arterial coronariana (DAC) nos pacientes com diabetes melito tipo 1 (DM1) é conhecido desde o final dos anos 1970, sendo atualmente a principal causa de mortalidade na população adulta com diabetes tipo 1 de longa duração. A patogênese do processo aterosclerótico nesta doença ainda é obscura, acreditando-se que a hiperglicemia desenvolva aí um papel importante, entretanto vários estudos epidemiológicos mostraram que a associação entre doença coronariana e glicemia, em pacientes com DM1 seja fraca. Dados recentes do estudo DCCT/EDIC mostram que o grupo que recebeu tratamento insulínico intensificado durante o DCCT desenvolveu graus menores de aterosclerose, relacionado aos valores reduzidos de HbA1c durante a fase ativa do estudo, com melhor proteção nos pacientes mais jovens e com menor duração da doença. Há também evidências de que os benefícios são maiores nos pacientes sem nefropatia quando comparados aos com doença renal. Outros fatores de risco importante para o desenvolvimento de DAC em pacientes com DM1 são os mesmos descritos para DM2, incluindo os componentes da síndrome metabólica e marcadores de resistência insulínica. Sugere-se que pacientes com DM1 devam ter o melhor controle glicêmico possível, desde o início da sua doença acrescido de vigilância e tratamento rígido dos fatores de riscos clássicos para DAC, principalmente naqueles com história familiar de DM2.The association between type 1 diabetes and coronary heart disease has become very clear since the late 1970. It has been demonstrated that there is an important increased risk in morbidity and mortality caused by coronary artery disease in young adults with type 1 diabetes compared with the non diabetic population. The underlying pathogeneses is still poorly understood. While the role of glycemic control in the development of microvascular disease complication is well established its role in CVD in patients with DM1 remains unclear with epidemiologic studies reporting conflicting data. Recent findings from the DCCT/EDIC showed that prior intensive diabetes treatment during the DCCT was associated with less atherosclerosis, largely because of reduced level of HbA1c during the DCCT. The improvement of glycemic control itself appeared to be particularly effective in younger patients with shorter duration of the disease. Other analyses suggested the glycemia may have a stronger effect on CAD in patients without than in those with albuminúria. Other major determinants of coronary artery disease are the components of metabolic syndrome and the surrogate measure of insulin resistence: eGDR. It is proposed that patients with DM1 should have aggressive medical therapy, risk factor modification and careful monitoring not only of his blood sugar but also of the other processes involved in the atherosclerotic process, mostly the ones with family history of type 2 diabetes

    O projeto de profissionalização docente no contexto da reforma educacional iniciada nos anos 1990

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    Este artigo focaliza a reforma da formação inicial de professores da educação básica, em implementação pelo Estado brasileiro desde os anos de 1990. Os elementos centrais dessa reforma evidenciam que o processo de profissionalização toma por base conceitos e práticas que têm origem no campo do trabalho. A noção de competências ocupa lugar central e implementa uma nova lógica educativa, subordinando a esta o currículo e a organização das instituições de formação, objetivando construir um novo tipo de professor, com capacidades subjetivas consoantes àquelas demandadas pelo mercado e pelas novas formas de sociabilidade exclusiva que caracterizam as sociedades capitalistas contemporâneas. O dispositivo legal mais recente - a Portaria nº. 1.403, de 9 de junho de 2003, que pretendeu instituir o Sistema Nacional de Certificação e Formação Continuada de Professores, deu continuidade a esse processo de reforma referenciado em uma perspectiva técnico-instrumental, mas foi recentemente sustado pelo novo dirigente do Ministério de Educação, sob forte pressão do movimento dos educadores. As propostas pelas quais luta o movimento docente nas últimas décadas - formação de qualidade, incentivo às faculdades e centros de educação das universidades como espaços privilegiados de formação de professores, construção da profissionalização e da autonomia e do desenvolvimento intelectual do docente, precisam ser recuperadas neste momento, para que se transformem em efetivas políticas públicas

    Electrospun nanosized cellulose fibers using ionic liquids at room temperature

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    Aiming at replacing the noxious solvents commonly employed, ionic-liquid-based solvents have been recently explored as novel non-volatile and non-flammable media for the electrospinning of polymers. In this work, nanosized and biodegradable cellulose fibers were obtained by electrospinning at room temperature using a pure ionic liquid or a binary mixture of two selected ionic liquids. The electrospinning of 8 wt% cellulose in 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate medium (a low viscosity and room temperature ionic liquid capable of efficiently dissolving cellulose) showed to produce electrospun fibers with average diameters within (470 ± 110) nm. With the goal of tailoring the surface tension of the spinning dope, a surface active ionic liquid was further added in a 0.10 : 0.90 mole fraction ratio. Electrospun cellulose fibers from the binary mixture composed of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium acetate and 1-decyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquids presented average diameters within (120 ± 55) nm. Scanning electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction analysis, nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and thermogravimetric assays were used as core methods to evaluate the structural integrity, morphology and crystallinity of the raw, electrospun, and regenerated samples of cellulose. Moreover, the photoluminescence spectra of both raw and electrospun fibers were acquired, and compared, indicating that the cellulose emitting centers are not affected by the dissolution of cellulose in ionic liquids. Finally, the use of non-volatile solvents in electrospinning coupled to a water coagulation bath allows the recovery of the ionic fluid, and represents a step forward into the search of environmentally friendly alternatives to the conventional approaches

    From Passive to Radical Revolution in Venezuela’s Populist Project

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    In December 2001, Hugo Chávez and others changed Venezuela’s Bolivarian revolutionary project, which consisted of replacing a corrupt and elitist constitution with a fair and popular one, into a radical one. In its early stages the project corresponded to what Gramsci called a “passive revolution.” Attempts by opposition forces to crush the construction of a new populist hegemony (a coup in April 2002 and an indefinite strike in December 2002) were met with popular mobilization that reaffirmed Chávez’s hegemonic project. The radical revolution consisted of social programs designed to alleviate the suffering of the poor and consolidated a new hegemonic structure among Venezuela’s lower classes. The concept of “radical revolution” provides a theoretical alternative for assessing the extent to which a political project can be described as populist