9,163 research outputs found

    Brasil e Portugal - Afinidades eletiva no trato da política e da cultura

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    Este trabajo trata de las afinidades que han existido entre Portugal y Brasil en la primera mitad del siglo XX, cuando al amparo del Estado Novo instalado en ambos países, por Antonio de Oliveira Salazar y Getúlio Vargas, respectivamente, se crearon condiciones de amplia cooperación cultural y de control de la producción artística y de la libertad de expresión. This article examines the relations between Portugal and Brasil on the first half of the XXth Century, when «Estado Novo» was established in both countries by Antonio de Oliveira Salazar and Getúlio Vargas respectively with close cultural cooperation and similar ways to manage artistic works and freedom of expression

    antes, durante e depois

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    O presente trabalho tem diferentes objetivos: o primeiro deles é apresentar resultados da pesquisa que vem sendo realizada pelo Observatório de Comunicação, Liberdade de Expressão e Censura (OBCOM-USP), a partir do Arquivo Miroel Silveira da Escola de Comunicações e Artes da Universidade de São Paulo (AMS/ECA-USP), sobre censura aos meios de comunicação e à produção artística. O tema da liberdade de expressão tem se tornado cada vez mais importante para os estudos de comunicação. O segundo objetivo é, relembrando os 60 anos do suicídio do presidente Getúlio Vargas, falar de sua atuação no controle e intervenção sobre a imprensa e a produção artística. Ele foi o criador do sistema de censura que vigorou no Brasil de 1937 a 1988 (quando a Constituição eliminou os órgãos oficiais de censura), através do Departamento de Imprensa e Propaganda (DIP), do qual o Arquivo Miroel Silveira é resultado e exemplo. O terceiro objetivo do presente trabalho é mostrar que a censura moral ou estética é um subterfúgio para o principal intuito de toda censura, que é controlar a produção simbólica e impedir a crítica e a dissidência. Isso será feito através da análise dos documentos do processo 268 de censura prévia da peça Ben-Hur, de 1943, que deveria estrear em São Paulo. Finalmente, o quarto objetivo deste texto é mostrar que a extinção dos órgãos oficiais de censura, a chamada censura “clássica”, não evitou que outros meios indiretos, plurais, particulares e governamentais continuassem a controlar meios de comunicação e manifestações artísticas, impedindo a livre expressão.This article has several aims: the first one is to show the results of a research that has been conducted by the Observatório de Comunicação, Liberdade de Expressão e Censura (OBCOM-USP), from the Arquivo Miroel Silveira of the Escola de Comunicações e Artes of São Paulo University (AMS/ECA-USP), on censorhip of media and artistic production. The theme of freedom expression has become increasingly important for the communication studies. The second aim is, recalling the 60th anniversary of President Getúlio Vargas’s suicide, to talk about his role in the control and intervention on press and artistic production

    Implementation of a structural monitoring network in the new stone masonry bridge in Vila Fria - Portugal

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    This paper reports on the case of a new stone masonry bridge fully instrumented for structuralmonitoring under service loading. Both the monitoring scope and the instrumentation actuallyinstalled are described for this singular type of new construction. The acquisition systems aswell as remote data transmission and archive are also addressed. Some preliminarymonitoring results are included

    Diferenças no acesso mnésico a memórias genéricas, episódicas e autobiográficas em crianças

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Psicologia (área de especialização em Psicologia Clínica)O presente estudo tem como objectivo analisar três tipos de memória – genérica, episódica e autobiográfica – em quatro faixas etárias. A memória genérica permite esboçar as linhas gerais de um acontecimento familiar sem fornecer detalhes do momento e do local específico, sendo auxiliada por guiões que contém as rotinas para as situações que são repetidas, ajudando a saber o que esperar e como actuar. Relativamente à memória episódica, a sua característica principal é a capacidade de recordar acontecimentos específicos, algo que aconteceu uma vez num momento e local específico. Para a existência de recordações episódicas são necessários três elementos: a noção de tempo subjectivo, a “viagem mental no tempo” e a consciência autonoética. A memória autobiográfica, permite especificar um acontecimento que ocorreu num momento e local específico no passado pessoal, tendo este um significado especial e uma função social, em que é partilhado algo de si próprio com os outros, formando a sua história da vida. Ao longo da idade, há uma maturação dos três tipos mnésicos referidos, havendo por isso diferenças etárias. Os factores desenvolvimentais que contribuem para uma maior facilidade de recordação de um acontecimento são variados. Destaca-se a participação activa, o desenvolvimento sócio-cultural e sócio-construtivista, o desenvolvimento da linguagem e da narrativa, a interacção com os adultos na partilha de acontecimentos, o estilo parental de comunicação dos acontecimentos, e a noção de si mesmo no tempo através da consciência temporal. O presente estudo é composto por dois objectivo centrais: a evolução dos três tipos de memória ao longo da idade e a dependência de determinados tipos de memórias em função do tipo de questões, tendo em conta as diferenças etárias. Para o efeito, a 112 crianças (40 de 4 anos; 28 de 6 anos; 24 de 8 anos; e 20 de 10 anos) foi feita uma entrevista semi-estruturada centrando-se em quatro temáticas que fazem parte da vida das crianças: a ida para a escola, a ida para a cama, o aniversário e a festa de natal na escola. Para cada uma das quatro temáticas foram criadas questões susceptíveis de evocar memórias genéricas, episódicas e autobiográficas. Os resultados mostraram uma evolução no número de memórias evocadas ao longo da idade, sendo a memória genérica a mais prevalente, seguida da memória episódica e como menos prevalente a memória autobiográfica. Verificou-se também um “efeito de congruência” entre o tipo de questão e as memórias produzidas decorrentes desse mesmo tipo, ou seja, as crianças produzem mais memórias congruentes com o tipo de pergunta do que incongruentes. Contudo, relativamente às memórias incongruentes com o tipo de questão, os resultados mostram que a produção de memórias difere consoante o tipo de questão, havendo um padrão consistente para todas as idades. Os resultados revelaram ainda, relativamente a memória episódica, que à medida que as crianças produzem maior número de memórias episódicas, mais beneficiam de prompts.The present study has the purpose to analyze three types of memory - generic, episodic and autobiographical - in four age groups. The generic memory allows sketch the outlines of a family event without providing details of specific time and place, being aided by scripts that contains routines for situations that are repeated, helping to know what to expect and how to act. In regard to episodic memory, its main feature is the ability to recall specific events, something that happened once in a specific time and place. The existence of episodic memories requires three elements: the notion of subjective time, the "mental time travel" and consciousness autonoetic. The autobiographical memory allows you to specify an event that occurred at a specific time and place staff in the past, this has a special meaning and a social function, which is shared something of himself with others, making their life story. Throughout the ages, there is a maturity of three types mnesic referred to, which means that age differences. The developmental factors that contribute to a greater facilitation of recall of an event are varied. We emphasize the active participation, socio-cultural and socio-constructivist development, language and narrative development, interaction with adults in the sharing of events, parenting style of communication events, and sense of self in time through the consciousness of time. This study consists of two central objective: the evolution of three types of memory over the age and dependence on certain types of memory depending on the type of issues, taking into account the age differences. To this end, 112 children (40 to 4 years 28 6 years, 24 of 8 years, and 20 to 10 years) was made a semi-structured interview focusing on four themes that are part of children's lives: the way to school, going to bed, birthday and Christmas party at school. For each of this four thematic issues that were created to evoke memories, generic, episodic and autobiographical. The results showed a trend in the number of memories evoked along the age, generic memory being the most prevalent, followed by episodic memory and less prevalent as autobiographical memory. There was also an "effect of congruence" between the type of question and the memories of that produced under the same type, in other words, children produce more memories congruent with the question of what kind of incongruous. However, for the memories incongruous with the type of question, the results show that the production of memories differs depending on the type of question, there is a consistent pattern for all ages. The results also revealed, for episodic memory, that as children produce a greater number of episodic memories, the more benefit they have from prompts

    Technology as a resource to promote mathematics teaching

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    PTDC/CED-EDG/32422/2017This paper aims to show how a range of technologies may be used as a resource to promote mathematics teaching. This study occurred in the framework of a STEM Continuing Professional Development Programme targeted to in-service primary school teachers. In this study we use a qualitative methodology and an interpretative approach by means of a case study. We conclude that technological resources enable the development of mathematical tasks appropriate for the primary school syllabus, that motivate students to learn this subject matter.publishersversioninpres

    Understanding COVID_19 pandemic with STEM education

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    FCT-Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P., PTDC/CED-EDG/32422/2017

    Promoting interdisciplinarity with science and technology

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    This work is supported by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I. P., in the context of the project PTDC/CED-EDG/32422/2017.This paper aims to investigate a way of integrating mathematics, science and technology in primary school, which is considered critical to better prepare students for the real-life challenges of modern world. To achieve this purpose, it is necessary to innovate teachers' practices being crucial to promote their professional development. This study employs the case study of two teachers who participated in a continuing professional development programme developed by the authors of this paper. With a qualitative methodology and an interpretative approach, it was verified that teachers were able to innovate their practices revealing knowledge and skills to create and develop mathematical interdisciplinary tasks in class with their students. In addition, teachers recognized impact on their students and that these practices promoted their interest to learn these subject matters. We argue that it was a collaborative context between teachers with the support of the educators that gave the teachers knowledge and skills to be able to develop this approach in class. We conclude that it is possible to promote interdisciplinarity with mathematics, science and technology in the context of a collaborative teachers' professional development programme.publishersversionpublishe

    Promoting mathematics teaching in the framework of STEM integration

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    PTDC/CED-EDG/32422/2017A growing number of studies and reports all over the world refer to the importance of integrating Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), in order to meet the increasing challenges of the 21st Century. In particular, STEM education can be an innovative way of learning and teaching mathematics. But, despite recommendations to relate these subjects, there is lack of research about STEM integration and there is the need of more empirical research about this subject. This paper presents an empirical study about the development and implementation of mathematical interdisciplinary tasks related to STEM integration in the context of primary school teachers Continuing Professional Development. With a qualitative methodology and an interpretative approach based on a case study, findings of our research show that it is possible to promote the teaching of mathematics in the framework of STEM integration by supporting teachers in the development and implementation of interdisciplinary tasks.publishersversionpublishe

    An augmented reality application to engage students in STEM education

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    This work is supported by national funds through FCT - Foundation for Science and Technology, I. P., in the context of the project PTDC/CED-EDG/32422/2017This paper proposes a Mobile Augmented Reality application to engage students in STEM education. With a design research methodology, the SolarSystemGO game, initially designed to promote learning about our Solar System, is being developed by undergraduate higher education students supervised by higher education teachers from a Portuguese polytechnic. After several cycles of implementation of the game (design research cycles), which took place over two academic years, we argue that the SolarSystemGO game can be a resource to develop mathematical contents in formal and informal learning environments. Based on our research and experience in the field, we sustain the importance of developing Mobile Augmented Reality games that engage students and motivate them to learn interdisciplinary subject matters adequate to primary school syllabus.publishersversioninpres