543 research outputs found

    Programa GENES - aplicativo computacional em estatística aplicada à genética

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    O principal objetivo do software GENES é ajudar pessoas que trabalham com análise genética e processamento de dados em programas de melhoramento, usando vários modelos biométricos. Este software tem várias janelas de ajuda que são muito amigáveis para o usuário. Mais informações sobre este programa estão disponíveis no livro "Programa GENES - Aplicativo Computacional em Genética e Estatística, 442. 1997". Pedidos de compra são bem-vindos no seguinte endereço: [email protected]. As cópias shareware do software GENES estão disponíveis em http://www.genetica.dbg.ufv.br.The main purpose of the GENES software is to help people working with genetic analysis and data processing in breeding programs, using several biometrics models. This software has several help windows that are very friendly to the user. More information about this program is available in the book "Programa GENES - Aplicativo Computacional em Genética e Estatística, 442. 1997". Purchase orders are welcome at the following address: [email protected]. Shareware copies of the GENES software are available at http://www.genetica.dbg.ufv.

    Optimum population size for genetic mapping in full sibling families

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o tamanho ótimo de populações de irmãos completos, para estudos de mapas de marcadores moleculares, por meio de simulações de genomas e tamanhos de populações.Foram simulados genomas parentais e amostras de populações de família de irmãos completos do tipo completamente informativas, e também não completamente informativas. As amostras geradas foram de 100, 200,400 e 600 indivíduos, com três grupos de ligação cada, e 11 marcas moleculares codominantes e multialélicas, espaçadas a dez centimorgans por grupo de ligação. Foram realizadas 100 repetições por amostra. Para populações completamente informativas, o tamanho populacional de 200 indivíduos é suficiente para recuperar as informações originais, contudo, para a população não completamente informativa, é necessária a utilização de uma população maior, de 600 indivíduos.The objective of this work was to evaluate the optimum size of populations for the study of genetic mapping of full sibling families, through data simulation of genome and populations. Parental genomes and population samples of full sibling families of both completely and non-completely informative types, were simulated. The generated samples had 100, 200, 400 and 600 individuals, with three linkage groups each, and 11 codominant multi-allelic molecular marks, spaced by ten centimorgans in each linkage group. One-hundred repetitions were accomplished by sample. In completely informative populations, the optimum size of 200 individuals is enough to rescue the original information, however, for the non-completely informative population, it is necessary a larger population, with 600 individuals

    Adaptability and stability of soybean genotypes recommended for Alto Paranaíba in Minas Gerais

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    The cultivation of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) stands out in the national and world scenario. Brazil, from different points of view, has a high productive capacity of this oilseed, which resulted in the classification of the country as the world's largest producer. The state of Minas Gerais is one of Brazil's agricultural granaries, and in soybean culture it is the sixth largest producing state. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the interaction genotypes x environments in soybean genotypes grown in Alto Paranaíba, Minas Gerais, and to identify genotypes with general response, those recommended for favorable or unfavorable environments through the different methodologies of adaptability and stability. Five experiments were conducted in the experimental block design, with four repetitions, in the 2020/2021 agricultural season, in which 14 soybean genotypes were analyzed by productivity, in kg ha-1. An individual analysis of variance was performed (for each environment) along with joint analysis of the experiments, average grouping test (for each environment), decomposition of the interaction between genotypes and pairs of environments and the adaptability and stability analyses were performed by the methods of Artificial Neural Networks, Lin and Binns modified by Carneiro and Centroid method. It was concluded that the interaction genotypes x environments was significant and between pairs of environments it was predominantly complex. The genotypes M5917IPRO, TMG7063IPRO and BMXFocoIPRO are recommended for general environment; the genotypes TMG2374IPRO and TMG7363RR are recommended for favorable environments; and the genotypes BS2606IPRO, TEC7849IPRO and BRS5980IPRO are recommended for unfavorable environments.The cultivation of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) stands out in the national and world scenario. Brazil, from different points of view, has a high productive capacity of this oilseed, which resulted in the classification of the country as the world's largest producer. The state of Minas Gerais is one of Brazil's agricultural granaries, and in soybean culture it is the sixth largest producing state. Thus, the objective was to evaluate the interaction genotypes x environments in soybean genotypes grown in Alto Paranaíba, Minas Gerais, and to identify genotypes with general response, those recommended for favorable or unfavorable environments through the different methodologies of adaptability and stability. Five experiments were conducted in the experimental block design, with four repetitions, in the 2020/2021 agricultural season, in which 14 soybean genotypes were analyzed by productivity, in kg ha-1. An individual analysis of variance was performed (for each environment) along with joint analysis of the experiments, average grouping test (for each environment), decomposition of the interaction between genotypes and pairs of environments and the adaptability and stability analyses were performed. It was concluded that the interaction genotypes x environments was significant and between pairs of environments it was predominantly complex, the genotypes M5917IPRO, TMG7063IPRO and BMXFocoIPRO are recommended for general environment, the genotypes TMG2374IPRO and TMG7363RR are recommended for favorable environments, and the genotypes BS2606IPRO, TEC7849IPRO and BRS5980IPRO are recommended for unfavorable environments

    Diversidade genética de acessos de uvas de mesa baseada em caracteres morfoagronômicos

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    The conservation and characterization of grape (Vitis spp) genetic resources in germplasm banks have been the basis of its use in breeding programs that result in development of new cultivars. There are at least 10,000 grape cultivars kept in germplasm collection. The genetic diversity in 136 table grape accessions from the state of Bahia, Brazil, was evaluated. Continuous and discrete morphoagronomic traits were assessed. The clustering analysis by the Tocher otimization method resulted in 30 clusters (considering continuous morphoagronomic traits), and 9 clusters (taking into consideration multicategorical traits). There was no agreement between clusters obtained by both, continuous or discrete phenotypic descriptors, independent of the cluster method analysis used. A satisfactory genetic variability among the table grape accessions was observed.A conservação e caracterização dos recursos genéticos de videira (Vitis spp.) em bancos de germoplasma tem sido a base para a sua utilização nos programas de melhoramento, que resultam no desenvolvimento de novas cultivares, estimando-se a existência de pelo menos 10.000 cultivares de uva mantidos em coleções de germoplasma. Avaliou-se a diversidade genética presente em 136 acessos de uvas de mesa de uma coleção de germoplasma do estado da Bahia, com base em caraterísticas morfoagronômicas de variação contínua e discreta. A análise de agrupamento pelo método de Tocher resultou na formação de 30 grupos utilizando-se descritores morfo-agronômicos de variação contínua e 9 grupos, com base em caracteres multicategóricos. Não houve concordância entre os grupos obtidos pela análise de descritores fenotípicos contínuos e discretos, independente do método de agrupamento utilizado. Detectou-se a existência de variabilidade genética satisfatória entre os acessos de uvas de mesa da coleção

    Comparison of direct and indirect selection processes and selection indices in Eucalyptus grandis

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    Utilizando experimentos que envolviam famílias de meios-irmãos de Eucalyptus grandis, em seis locais, onde foram anotados dados de circunferência à altura do peito (CAP), altura de plantas (ALT), incidência de ferrugem (FER), incidência de cancro (CAN) e número de árvores normais por parcela (NAR), foram comparadas as metodologias de seleções direta e indireta e índices de seleção (clássico e de Pesek e Baker) com relação às características avaliadas. As seleções direta e indireta não apresentaram distribuição de ganhos genéticos esperados adequada aos propósitos do presente trabalho. O índice clássico e o de Pesek e Baker apresentaram distribuição de ganhos genéticos esperados mais equilibrada.This study used data from six experiments with half-sib families of Eucalyptus grandis, carried out at six localities, to evaluate the following traits: circumference at breast height (CAP), plant height (ALT), rust incidence (FER), canker incidence (CAN) and number of normal trees per plot (NAR). The direct and indirect selection methodologies were compared with the selection indices (classic and Pesek and Baker method) using all the traits. Neither selection method yielded the expected distribution of genetic gains. Both the classic and Pesek and Baker's indices produced a more suitable distribution of expected genetic gains

    Half a century of studying adaptability and stability in maize and soybean in Brazil

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    The study of adaptability and stability underlies the cultivar recommendation process for all crops. There is a considerable number of statistical methods available for this purpose, but little is known about their actual adoption by the Brazilian scientific community. The objective of this study was to carry out a systematic review of the scientific literature on the adaptability and stability methods used in maize and soybean in Brazil from scientific articles published between 1970 and 2017 in Brazilian journals. Article searches were carried out in journals indexed through the SciELO database. The articles were classified according to the year of publication and the adaptability and stability methods used. We also evaluated the pattern of association between methods. We found 113 articles on adaptability and stability in maize and soybean, in which 21 methods were listed. The most commonly used method was the Eberhart and Russell methodology. The Cruz, Torres, and Vencovsky along with the AMMI methods were also widely used. The number of articles using most methods decreased in the current decade, except for the GGE Biplot, MHPRVG, and Centroid methods. In studies with more than one method, the methods were more likely to be used together with the Eberhart and Russell methodology. Adaptability and stability in maize and soybean have been widely studied over the last several decades in Brazil, although the number of publications on this subject has decreased over this time period

    Linkage analysis between dominant and co-dominant makers in full-sib families of out-breeding species

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    As high-throughput genomic tools, such as the DNA microarray platform, have lead to the development of novel genotyping procedures, such as Diversity Arrays Technology (DArT) and Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs), it is likely that, in the future, high density linkage maps will be constructed from both dominant and co-dominant markers. Recently, a strictly genetic approach was described for estimating recombination frequency (r) between co-dominant markers in full-sib families. The complete set of maximum likelihood estimators for r in full-sib families was almost obtained, but unfortunately, one particular configuration involving dominant markers, segregating in a 3:1 ratio and co-dominant markers, was not considered. Here we add nine further estimators to the previously published set, thereby making it possible to cover all combinations of molecular markers with two to four alleles (without epistasis) in a full-sib family. This includes segregation in one or both parents, dominance and all linkage phase configurations

    Prediction of F3 populations based on unbalanced diallel crossing systems

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi predizer as propriedades de populações segregantes F3 (combinações híbridas) a partir de estudos dialélicos na geração F1. Para isso, foram avaliadas oito combinações híbridas, obtidas de cruzamentos compatíveis entre sete progenitores (Diacol Andino, Ica Lhanogrande, Ica Tundama, Rojo 70, Rio Tibagi, Carioca e Roxo), por meio dos esquemas de análises de cruzamentos dialélicos desbalanceados circulante e de meia-tabela. As combinações híbridas F1 e os progenitores foram conduzidos no delineamento inteiramente casualizado, com número de repetições por tratamento variável, e em casa de vegetação. A geração F3 foi conduzida em dois locais, em condições de campo, em delineamento de blocos completos casualizados. Foram avaliados os caracteres número de vagens por planta (NVP) e peso de sementes por planta (PSP). A predição por meio dos efeitos da capacidade geral de combinação (CGC) na F1 foi mais eficiente que a predição a partir do desempenho observado no F1 com relação à média dos dois caracteres agronômicos das populações segregantes F3 (combinações híbridas). Foram constatadas correlações negativas entre as gerações observadas e preditas, quando se utilizaram as informações do dialelo circulante desbalanceado.The objective of this paper was to predict the properties of F3 generation of the dry bean based on F1 generation data from diallel crosses. Eight hybrid combinations from compatible crosses between seven parents (Diacol Andino, Ica Lhanogrande, Ica Tundama, Rojo 70, Rio Tibagi, Carioca, and Roxo) were analyzed by comparing the unbalance circulating and partial diallel crossing systems. The F1 hybrid combinations and the parents were arranged in a complete randomized design with varying number of replications per treatment under greenhouse conditions. The F3 generation was grown in two areas under field conditions in a complete randomized block design. The following traits, number of pods per plant and seed weight per plant, were evaluated. Prediction based upon general capacity of combination (CGC) in F1 generation was more efficient than performance in F1 generation to predict F3 segregant hybrid combinations. Negative correlation between the generations observed and the predicted generations was noted when the unbalanced circulating diallel crossing systems were used

    Multiple Centroid Methodology to analyze genotype adaptability

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    This study was carried out to propose a modification of the centroid method. The method is modified in thechoice of the ideotype, to be defined according to the researcher's interest, using the bi-segmented regression model, ratherthan based on experimental data, which limit the comparison of genotypes. To illustrate the method, one trait was simulatedin 25 genotypes in 8 environments. For the simulations and statistical analyses the software package GENES was used. Themultiple centroid is more flexible than the original centroid method, since it can be used according to the researcher's objectiveand the desired recommendation strategy. It is also readily interpretable for recommendation and unambiguous. Besides, thenumber of genotypes of interest can be compared, making a detailed study possible, by separating the genotypes intorecommendation classes

    Rice genotype tolerance to iron in nutrient solution

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi identificar a concentração de ferro e a característica mais importante para estudos genéticos sobre tolerância à toxicidade deste elemento em arroz. Realizou-se o cultivo hidropônico de 20 genótipos desta cultura, crescidos coletivamente em caixas, nas concentrações de 10, 20, 40 e 80 mg L-1 de ferro. Foram avaliados os caracteres comprimento da raiz, massa da matéria seca da raiz, da parte aérea e total, e altura da planta. Após dez dias de crescimento em solução nutritiva, identificou-se, com base em técnicas uni e multivariadas, a concentração de 20 mg L-1 de ferro como a ideal para estudos genéticos em arroz, e o caráter massa da matéria seca total foi o que teve maior participação na contribuição relativa para a divergência genética entre os diversos genótipos de arroz estudados.The objective of this study was to identify iron concentration and the plant most important character to study rice genotypes tolerance to iron toxicity. A hydroponic culture experiment was carried out to evaluate 20 rice genotypes and 10, 20, 40 and 80 mg L-1 of iron concentration. Growth characters evaluated were: root length, root, canopy and total dry matter, and plant height. The seedlings were grown for 10 days in nutrient solution and 20 mg L-1 of Fe was found to be ideal for such study. Total plant dry matter was the most adequate parameter for such study due to its higher relative contribution in genetic variation of the genotypes evaluated