768 research outputs found

    Estimating Waterfowl Densities in a Flooded Forest: a Comparison of Methods

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    During winter, aerial surveys are used to estimate densities of ducks that occupy open-water habitats. However, such surveys are ineffective for sampling forest-dwelling species, especially Aix sponsa (Wood Ducks), Anas platyrhynchos (Mallards), and Lophodytes cucullatus (Hooded Mergansers). We evaluated fixed-radius plot (FRP) and Reynolds and Goodrum variable-radius plot (VRP) methods for estimating waterfowl densities in a flooded hardwood bottomland. We constructed 15 elevated blinds on the Angelina River flood plain in eastern Texas and established a 1-ha FRP around each blind; color-coded markers were placed at fixed intervals from each blind. Observers surveyed waterfowl from blinds for 21 mornings during January–March, 1990. For FRPs, species, sex, and time a bird entered and exited the plot were recorded. For VRPs, similar data and estimated observer-to-bird distance were recorded. Data were arranged in a randomized block design and tested using 1-way analyses of variances. Wood Ducks, Mallards, and Hooded Mergansers comprised 68, 18, and 10% of the birds recorded, respectively. Wood Duck density estimates (per ha) for FRP, Reynolds VRP, and Goodrum VRP methods were 0.65, 0.49, and 1.00 (P \u3c 0.001), respectively; for Mallards, estimates were 0.27, 0.20, and 0.33 (P \u3c 0.001), respectively; and estimates were 0.09, 0.13, and 0.15 (P = 0.003) for Hooded Mergansers, respectively. Based on ease of implementation, complexity of data analyses, and precision of density estimates, the FRP and Goodrum VRP methods are recommended for sampling waterfowl in flooded forests

    Sustainable regeneration : everyday landscapes of food acquisition, Pendleton

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    The report is structured as follows. Chapter two provides the context to the research, outlining why a study of food acquisition and digital inclusion is necessary in Pendleton at this time, and why both issues are linked to the current regeneration programme. Chapter three sets out the methodology employed along with details of the recruitment of participants. Chapter four provides a detailed analysis of the findings from the digital skills side of the research including: digital usage, confidence and competence, and digital skills and shopping, and chapter five focuses on findings related to the food landscape. Chapter six summarises the key findings by identifying what is going well, making recommendations for changes at a variety of scale, as well as specific recommendations for the on-going regeneration programme, and recommendations for further research

    Beyond clinical trials: extending the role of the clinical research nurse into social care and homeless research

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    Aim: Clinical research nurses work at the fulcrum of clinical trials with clearly defined roles and responsibilities. In England, the National Institute for Health Research (the main funder of health research) has broadened its scope to encompass social care research. The expectation is that clinical research nurses will expand their skill set to support these new studies, many of which will employ qualitative and mixed methods. This discussion paper explores the challenges of facilitating this clinical academic workforce development through a case study of a homeless health and social care research project. This was one of the first studies to engage clinical research nurses in this new and expanded role. Background: Much of what is known about the research nurse workforce has been generated through studies of clinical trials in oncology. The ‘caring-recruiting’ dichotomy has been used as a heuristic device for identifying workforce issues that can impact on study delivery such as how intense pressure to recruit study participants leads to low job satisfaction. Design: This case study reflects on the authors' experiences of employing a clinical research nurse in a social care research project concerned with the discharge of homeless people from hospital. The ‘caring-recruiting’ dichotomy is used to generate new information about the relationship between workforce development and the successful delivery of social care research. Conclusion: The case study illuminates how social care research can generate different pressures and ethical challenges for research nurses. The time and skill it took to recruit study participants identified as ‘hard to reach’ was suggestive of the need to move beyond performance measures that prioritise recruitment metrics. The need for different types of staff supervision and training was also warranted as supporting study participants who were homeless was often distressing, leading to professional boundary issues. Relevance to workforce development: This study highlights that performance management, training and supervisory arrangements must be tailored to the characteristics of each new study coming onto the portfolio to ensure research nurses are fully supported in this new and expanded role

    Subsidizing Religious Participation through Groups: A Model of the “Megachurch” Strategy for Growth

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    Either despite or because of their non-traditional approach, megachurches have grown significantly in the United States since 1980. This paper models religious participation as an imperfect public good which, absent intervention, yields suboptimal participation by members from the church’s perspective. Megachurches address this problem in part by employing secular-based group activities to subsidize religious participation that then translates into an increase in the attendees’ religious investment. This strategy not only allows megachurches to attract and retain new members when many traditional churches are losing members but also results in higher levels of an individual’s religious capital. As a result, the megachurch may raise expectations of members’ levels of commitment and faith practices. Data from the FACT2000 survey provide evidence that megachurches employ groups more extensively than other churches, and this approach is consistent with a strategy to use groups to help subsidize individuals’ religious investment. Religious capital rises among members of megachurches relative to members of non-megachurches as a result of this strategy

    The changing landscape of biosimilars in rheumatology

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    Biosimilars remain a hot topic in rheumatology, and some physicians are cautious about their application in the real world. With many products coming to market and a wealth of guidelines and recommendations concerning their use, there is a need to understand the changing landscape and the real clinical and health-economic potential offered by these agents. Notably, rheumatologists will be at the forefront of the use of biosimilar monoclonal antibodies/soluble receptors. Biosimilars offer cost savings and health gains for our patients and will play an important role in treating rheumatic diseases. We hope that these lower costs will compensate for inequities in access to therapy based on economic differences across countries. Since approved biosimilars have already demonstrated highly similar efficacy, it will be most important to establish pharmacovigilance databases across countries that are adequate to monitor long-term safety after marketing approval

    Homelessness and integrated care: an application of integrated care knowledge to understanding services for wicked issues

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    Purpose: People experiencing homelessness often have complex needs requiring a range of support. These may include health problems (physical illness, mental health and/or substance misuse) as well as social, financial and housing needs. Addressing these issues requires a high degree of coordination amongst services. It is, thus, an example of a wicked policy issue. The purpose of this paper is to examine the challenge of integrating care in this context using evidence from an evaluation of English hospital discharge services for people experiencing homelessness. Design/methodology/approach: The paper undertakes secondary analysis of qualitative data from a mixed methods evaluation of hospital discharge schemes and uses an established framework for understanding integrated care, the Rainbow Model of Integrated Care (RMIC), to help examine the complexities of integration in this area. Findings: Supporting people experiencing homelessness to have a good discharge from hospital was confirmed as a wicked policy issue. The RMIC provided a strong framework for exploring the concept of integration, demonstrating how intertwined the elements of the framework are and, hence, that solutions need to be holistically organised across the RMIC. Limitations to integration were also highlighted, such as shortages of suitable accommodation and the impacts of policies in aligned areas of the welfare state. Research limitations/implications: The data for this secondary analysis were not specifically focussed on integration which meant the themes in the RMIC could not be explored directly nor in as much depth. However, important issues raised in the data directly related to integration of support, and the RMIC emerged as a helpful organising framework for understanding integration in this wicked policy context. Practical implications: Integration is happening in services directly concerned with the discharge from hospital of people experiencing homelessness. Key challenges to this integration are reported in terms of the RMIC, which would be a helpful framework for planning better integrated care for this area of practice. Social implications: Addressing homelessness not only requires careful planning of integration of services at specific pathway points, such as hospital discharge, but also integration across wider systems. A complex set of challenges are discussed to help with planning the better integration desired, and the RMIC was seen as a helpful framework for thinking about key issues and their interactions. Originality/value: This paper examines an application of integrated care knowledge to a key complex, or wicked policy issue

    Assumption-Free Estimation of Heritability from Genome-Wide Identity-by-Descent Sharing between Full Siblings

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    The study of continuously varying, quantitative traits is important in evolutionary biology, agriculture, and medicine. Variation in such traits is attributable to many, possibly interacting, genes whose expression may be sensitive to the environment, which makes their dissection into underlying causative factors difficult. An important population parameter for quantitative traits is heritability, the proportion of total variance that is due to genetic factors. Response to artificial and natural selection and the degree of resemblance between relatives are all a function of this parameter. Following the classic paper by R. A. Fisher in 1918, the estimation of additive and dominance genetic variance and heritability in populations is based upon the expected proportion of genes shared between different types of relatives, and explicit, often controversial and untestable models of genetic and non-genetic causes of family resemblance. With genome-wide coverage of genetic markers it is now possible to estimate such parameters solely within families using the actual degree of identity-by-descent sharing between relatives. Using genome scans on 4,401 quasi-independent sib pairs of which 3,375 pairs had phenotypes, we estimated the heritability of height from empirical genome-wide identity-by-descent sharing, which varied from 0.374 to 0.617 (mean 0.498, standard deviation 0.036). The variance in identity-by-descent sharing per chromosome and per genome was consistent with theory. The maximum likelihood estimate of the heritability for height was 0.80 with no evidence for non-genetic causes of sib resemblance, consistent with results from independent twin and family studies but using an entirely separate source of information. Our application shows that it is feasible to estimate genetic variance solely from within-family segregation and provides an independent validation of previously untestable assumptions. Given sufficient data, our new paradigm will allow the estimation of genetic variation for disease susceptibility and quantitative traits that is free from confounding with non-genetic factors and will allow partitioning of genetic variation into additive and non-additive components

    Strategically Equivalent Contests

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    Using a two-player Tullock-type contest, we show that intuitively and structurally different contests can be strategically equivalent. Strategically equivalent contests generate the same best response functions and, as a result, the same equilibrium efforts. However, strategically equivalent contests may yield different equilibrium payoffs. We propose a simple two-step procedure to identify strategically equivalent contests. Using this procedure, we identify contests that are strategically equivalent to the original Tullock contest, and provide new examples of strategically equivalent contests. Finally, we discuss possible contest design applications and avenues for future theoretical and empirical research
