20,288 research outputs found

    Device measures conductivity and velocity of ionized gas streams

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    Coaxial arrangement of primary coil and two sensing secondary coils contained inside slender quartz tube inserted into ionized stream permits simultaneous determination of conductivity and linear velocity. System results agree favorably with theory

    Ceramic regenerator systems development program

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    Ceramic regenerator cores are considered that can be used in passenger car gas turbine engines, Stirling engines, and industrial/truck gas turbine engines. Improved materials and design concepts aimed at reducing or eliminating chemical attack were placed on durability tests/in industrial gas turbine engines. A regenerator core made from aluminum silicate shows minimal evidence of chemical attack damage after 7804 hours of engine test at 800 C and another showed little distress after 4983 hours at 982 C. The results obtained in ceramic material screening tests, aerothermodynamic performance tests, stress analysis, cost studies, and material specifications are also included

    The Angular Momentum Operator in the Dirac Equation

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    The Dirac equation in spherically symmetric fields is separated in two different tetrad frames. One is the standard cartesian (fixed) frame and the second one is the diagonal (rotating) frame. After separating variables in the Dirac equation in spherical coordinates, and solving the corresponding eingenvalues equations associated with the angular operators, we obtain that the spinor solution in the rotating frame can be expressed in terms of Jacobi polynomials, and it is related to the standard spherical harmonics, which are the basis solution of the angular momentum in the Cartesian tetrad, by a similarity transformation.Comment: 13 pages,CPT-94/P.3027,late

    Nondeterministic Instance Complexity and Proof Systems with Advice

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    Motivated by strong Karp-Lipton collapse results in bounded arithmetic, Cook and Krajíček [1] have recently introduced the notion of propositional proof systems with advice. In this paper we investigate the following question: Given a language L , do there exist polynomially bounded proof systems with advice for L ? Depending on the complexity of the underlying language L and the amount and type of the advice used by the proof system, we obtain different characterizations for this problem. In particular, we show that the above question is tightly linked with the question whether L has small nondeterministic instance complexity

    Structural and dynamical properties of liquid Si. An orbital-free molecular dynamics study

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    Several static and dynamic properties of liquid silicon near melting have been determined from an orbital free {\em ab-initio} molecular dynamics simulation. The calculated static structure is in good agreement with the available X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The dynamical structure shows collective density excitations with an associated dispersion relation which closely follows recent experimental data. It is found that liquid silicon can not sustain the propagation of shear waves which can be related to the power spectrum of the velocity autocorrelation function. Accurate estimates have also been obtained for several transport coefficients. The overall picture is that the dynamic properties have many characteristics of the simple liquid metals although some conspicuous differences have been found.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figure

    Intelligent environments: a manifesto

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    We explain basic features of an emerging area called Intelligent Environments. We give a short overview on how it has developed, what is the current state of the art and what are the challenges laying ahead. The aim of the article is to make aware the Computer Science community of this new development, the differences with previous dominant paradigms and the opportunities that this area offers to the scientific community and society

    Perturbative evolution of conformally flat initial data for a single boosted black hole

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    The conformally flat families of initial data typically used in numerical relativity to represent boosted black holes are not those of a boosted slice of the Schwarzschild spacetime. If such data are used for each black hole in a collision, the emitted radiation will be partially due to the ``relaxation'' of the individual holes to ``boosted Schwarzschild'' form. We attempt to compute this radiation by treating the geometry for a single boosted conformally flat hole as a perturbation of a Schwarzschild black hole, which requires the use of second order perturbation theory. In this we attempt to mimic a previous calculation we did for the conformally flat initial data for spinning holes. We find that the boosted black hole case presents additional subtleties, and although one can evolve perturbatively and compute radiated energies, it is much less clear than in the spinning case how useful for the study of collisions are the radiation estimates for the ``spurious energy'' in each hole. In addition to this we draw some lessons on which frame of reference appears as more favorable for computing black hole collisions in the close limit approximation.Comment: 11 pages, RevTex, 4 figures included with psfig, to appear in PR