2,819 research outputs found

    Economic pressure, parent personality and child development : an interactionist analysis

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    That positive personality characteristics in the youth age of the G2 would predict less economic stresses in the adult age. At the same time, these positive personality traits were expected to stop the negative family processes that are likely to hinder a competent development in G3. The findings were consistent with the selection aspect in the interactionist model. The model also said beforehand that economic stress and other family-related stress processes influenced the development of G3 over the earlier G2 personality. The socialization aspect in the interactionist model thus also received support. However,The findings were consistent with this social selection. The model also predicted that of the G1 personality. This social causation of the interactionist model also received support. (Author\u27s abstract) The findings suggest that the relationship between the individual and the individual is the same. This social causation of the interactionist model also received support. (Author\u27s abstract) The findings suggest that the relationship between the individual and the individual is the same. This social causation of the interactionist model also received support. (Author\u27s abstract) The findings suggest that the relationship between the individual and the individual is the same

    The Intersection of Privacy and Security

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    There is a common misconception that privacy and security are the same thing. The reality is that while there is an intersection of these two topics, there are differences between security and privacy. This paper sets up through illustrations some similarities and differences between these topics

    Economic pressure, parent personality and child development: an interactionist analysis

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    "Der gegenwĂ€rtige ökonomische Abschwung in den USA und auf der ganzen Welt hat wieder die Aufmerksamkeit auf die Prozesse gelenkt, durch die Familien und Kinder durch ökonomische HĂ€rten belastet sind. Diese Studie betrachtet die Reaktionen auf ökonomische HĂ€rten in einer Stichprobe von Erwachsenen, die zum ersten Mal vor 20 Jahren befragt wurden, als sie noch Jugendliche waren. Insgesamt 271 der ursprĂŒnglichen G2 Jugendlichen (Durchschnittsalter M = 25.6 Jahre) nahmen an dieser Studie zusammen mit ihren kleinen Kindern (G3, Durchschnittsalter M = 2.31 Jahre zum ersten Erhebungszeitpunkt) und, in 81% der FĂ€lle, zusammen mit dem anderen Elternteil des Kindes. Die Datenanalysen folgten einem interaktionistischen Modell und gingen davon aus, dass positive Persönlichkeitseigenschaften im Jugendalter der G2 weniger ökonomische Belastungen im Erwachsenenalter vorhersagen wĂŒrden. Gleichzeitig wurde erwartet, dass diese positiven Persönlichkeitseigenschaften die negativen Familienprozesse aufhalten wĂŒrden, die eine kompetente Entwicklung in G3 wahrscheinlich behindern. Die Befunde waren mit dem Selektionsaspekt im interaktionistischen Modell konsistent. Das Model sagte darĂŒber hinaus vorher, dass ökonomischen Belastungen und andere familienbezogene Stressprozesse die Entwicklung von G3 ĂŒber die frĂŒhere G2 Persönlichkeit beeinflussten. Der Sozialisationsaspekt im interaktionistischen Modell erhielt also auch UnterstĂŒtzung. Die Befunde sprechen dafĂŒr, dass die Beziehung zwischen den ökonomischen Bedingungen und der Entwicklung von Kindern einen dynamischen Prozess aus Selektion und Sozialisation darstellt, der ĂŒber Zeit und ĂŒber Generationen zum Tragen kommt." (Autorenreferat)"The current economic downturn in the U.S. and around the world has refocused attention on the processes through which families and children are affected by economic hardship. This study examines the response to economic pressure of a cohort of youth first studied 20 years ago as adolescents and now grown to adulthood. A total of 271 of the original G2 adolescents (M age = 25.6 years) participated in the study with their young child (G3, M age = 2.31 years at the first time of assessment) and the child's other parent in 81% of the cases. Data analyses were guided by the interactionist model which proposed that positive G2 personality attributes during adolescence would predict lower economic pressure during adulthood and would diminish the negative family processes related to economic pressure expected to disrupt competent G3 development. The findings were consistent with this social selection aspect of the interactionist model. The model also predicted that economic pressure and other aspects of the related family stress process would affect G3 development net of earlier G2 personality. This social causation aspect of the interactionist model also received support. The findings suggest that the relationship between economic conditions and child development reflect a dynamic process of selection and causation that plays out over time and generations." (author's abstract

    Couple Resilience to Economic Pressure Over Time and Across Generations

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    Research suggests that economic stress disrupts perceived romantic relationship quality; yet less is known regarding the direct influence of economic stress on negative behavioral exchanges between partners over time. Another intriguing question concerns the degree to which effective problem-solving might protect against this hypothesized association. To address these issues, the authors studied two generations of couples who were assessed approximately 13 years apart (Generation 1: N = 367, Generation 2: N = 311). On average and for both generations, economic pressure predicted relative increases in couples’ hostile, contemptuous, and angry behaviors; however, couples who were highly effective problem solvers experienced no increases in these behaviors in response to economic pressure. Less effective problem solvers experienced the steepest increases in hostile behaviors in response to economic pressure. Because these predictive pathways were replicated in both generations of couples it appears that these stress and resilience processes unfold over time and across generations

    30P. Federated Identity Management: Why is Adoption so Low?

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    As enterprises extend internal systems and applications to external users, it is important to ensure that the user experience operates seamlessly between disparate organizations. To meet this challenge, Federated Identity Management (FIM, also single sign-on) provides an economically efficient and convenient way of providing connectivity to customers, partners, suppliers, and others. FIM is a topic of widespread discussion with rapid growth predicted for almost ten years. This growth has not happened. This prescriptive study identifies some key factors contributing to the slow adoption of FIM technology, including technological complexities, lack of trust between partners, and the complications and expenditures involved in establishing and maintaining contractual agreements between partners

    Socioeconomic risk, parenting during the preschool years and child health age 6 years

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    Parent–child relationships and parenting processes are emerging as potential life course determinants of health. Parenting is socially patterned and could be one of the factors responsible for the negative effects of social inequalities on health, both in childhood and adulthood. This study tests the hypothesis that some of the effect of socioeconomic risk on health in mid childhood is transmitted via early parenting. Methods: Prospective cohort study in 10 USA communities involving 1041 mother/ child pairs, selected at birth at random with conditional sampling. Exposures: income, maternal education, maternal age, lone parenthood, ethnic status and objective assessments of mother child interaction in the first 4 years of life covering warmth, negativity and positive control. Outcomes: mother’s report of child’s health in general at 6 years. Modelling: multiple regression analyses with statistical testing of mediational processes. Results: All five indicators of socioeconomic status (SES) were correlated with all three measures of parenting, such that low SES was associated with poor parenting. Among the measures of parenting maternal warmth was independently predictive of future health, and among the socioeconomic variables maternal education, partner presence and ‘other ethnic group’ proved predictive. Measures of parenting significantly mediated the impact of measures of SES on child health. Conclusions: Parenting mediates some, but not all of the detectable effects of socioeconomic risk on health in childhood. As part of a package of measures that address other determinants, interventions to support parenting are likely to make a useful contribution to reducing childhood inequalities in health

    Air Stripping Designs and Reactive Water Purification Processes for the Lunar Surface

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    Air stripping designs are considered to reduce the presence of volatile organic compounds in the purified water. Components of the wastewater streams are ranked by Henry's Law Constant and the suitability of air stripping in the purification of wastewater in terms of component removal is evaluated. Distillation processes are modeled in tandem with air stripping to demonstrate the potential effectiveness and utility of these methods in recycling wastewater on the Moon. Scaling factors for distillation and air stripping columns are presented to account for the difference in the lunar gravitation environment. Commercially available distillation and air stripping units which are considered suitable for Exploration Life Support are presented. The advantages to the various designs are summarized with respect to water purity levels, power consumption, and processing rates. An evaluation of reactive distillation and air stripping is presented with regards to the reduction of volatile organic compounds in the contaminated water and air. Among the methods presented, an architecture is presented for the evaluation of the simultaneous oxidation of organics in air and water. These and other designs are presented in light of potential improvements in power consumptions and air and water purities for architectures which include catalytic activity integrated into the water processor. In particular, catalytic oxidation of organics may be useful as a tool to remove contaminants that more traditional distillation and/or air stripping columns may not remove. A review of the current leading edge at the commercial level and at the research frontier in catalytically active materials is presented. Themes and directions from the engineering developments in catalyst design are presented conceptually in light of developments in the nanoscale chemistry of a variety of catalyst materials
