1,593 research outputs found

    A Revolutionary Model to Improve Science Education, Teachers, and Scientists

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    To meet many modern global challenges, we need to promote scientific and technical literacy. The U.S. National Science Foundation (NSF) supports a “revolutionary” program to connect science education at all levels, from elementary through graduate school. The authors demonstrate how Maine has benefited from this program. They describe the University of Maine’s NSF-funded “GK-12 STEM” program, which placed graduate and advanced undergraduate science and technology students in elementary, middle, and high school classrooms; provided equipment for the schools; and offered training and professional development for the partner teachers. The authors urge the state, universities, and school districts to continue to use this model to increase science literacy and research capacity

    Live imaging of DORNRĂ–SCHEN and DORNRĂ–SCHEN-LIKE promoter activity reveals dynamic changes in cell identity at the microcallus surface of Arabidopsis embryonic suspensions

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    Key message Transgenic DRN::erGFP and DRNL::erGFP reporters access the window from explanting Arabidopsis embryos to callus formation and provide evidence for the acquisition of shoot meristem cell fates at the microcalli surface. Abstract The DORNRĂ–SCHEN (DRN) and DORNRĂ–SCHEN-LIKE (DRNL) genes encode AP2-type transcription factors, which are activated shortly after fertilisation in the zygotic Arabidopsis embryo. We have monitored established transgenic DRN::erGFP and DRNL::erGFP reporter lines using live imaging, for expression in embryonic suspension cultures and our data show that transgenic fluorophore markers are suitable to resolve dynamic changes of cellular identity at the surface of microcalli and enable fluorescence-activated cell sorting. Although DRN::erGFP and DRNL::erGFP are both activated in surface cells, their promoter activity marks different cell identities based on real-time PCR experiments and whole transcriptome microarray data. These transcriptome analyses provide no evidence for the maintenance of embryogenic identity under callus-inducing high-auxin tissue culture conditions but are compatible with the acquisition of shoot meristem cell fates at the surface of suspension calli

    Planning an integrated agriculture and health program and designing its evaluation: Experience from Western Kenya.

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    AbstractMulti-sectoral programs that involve stakeholders in agriculture, nutrition and health care are essential for responding to nutrition problems such as vitamin A deficiency among pregnant and lactating women and their infants in many poor areas of lower income countries. Yet planning such multi-sectoral programs and designing appropriate evaluations, to respond to different disciplinary cultures of evidence, remain a challenge. We describe the context, program development process, and evaluation design of the Mama SASHA project (Sweetpotato Action for Security and Health in Africa) which promoted production and consumption of a bio-fortified, orange-fleshed sweetpotato (OFSP). In planning the program we drew upon information from needs assessments, stakeholder consultations, and a first round of the implementation evaluation of a pilot project. The multi-disciplinary team worked with partner organizations to develop a program theory of change and an impact pathway which identified aspects of the program that would be monitored and established evaluation methods. Responding to the growing demand for greater rigour in impact evaluations, we carried out quasi-experimental allocation by health facility catchment area, repeat village surveys for assessment of change in intervention and control areas, and longitudinal tracking of individual mother-child pairs. Mid-course corrections in program implementation were informed by program monitoring, regular feedback from implementers and partners’ meetings. To assess economic efficiency and provide evidence for scaling we collected data on resources used and project expenses. Managing the multi-sectoral program and the mixed methods evaluation involved bargaining and trade-offs that were deemed essential to respond to the array of stakeholders, program funders and disciplines involved

    Population Genetics of Bowhead Whales (Baleana mysticetus) in the Western Arctic

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    Bowhead whales (Balaena mysticetus) in the Bering, Chukchi, and Beaufort seas experienced a severe reduction as a result of commercial whaling in the 19th century. Since the cessation of commercial whaling, the population has recovered to a size that is approaching pre-whaling estimates. Inupiat and Yupik communities in northern and western Alaska hunt these Western Arctic (WA) bowheads along their migratory path during spring and fall. This hunting is regulated by the International Whaling Commission. Recent but preliminary analysis of available genetic data (207 whales and 10 microsatellite markers) raised the question of the presence of multiple, genetically distinct populations within the WA bowheads. Here we re-examined this question on the basis of a study of 414 whales and 22 newly developed microsatellite loci. We identified widespread departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium; however, we were unable to detect significant evidence of multiple genetic populations within the WA bowheads that could explain this Hardy-Weinberg disequilibrium, particularly when compared to the strength of evidence for differentiation between WA bowheads and other populations from distant regions such as the Okhotsk Sea and eastern Canada. There was conclusive evidence of genetic differentiation among the three regions. The statistical rejection of panmixia within the WA improves our understanding of bowhead whale biology, and the lack of evidence for multiple populations within the WA enables risk-averse management of aboriginal hunting of Western Arctic bowhead whales.La population de baleines boréales (Balaena mysticetus) des mers de Béring, de Tchoukotka et de Beaufort a enregistré un grave déclin en raison de la pêche commerciale à la baleine au XIXe siècle. Depuis que la pêche commerciale à la baleine a cessé, la population de baleines boréales a connu un certain essor au point où elle approche maintenant les estimations de la taille qu’elle avait avant la pêche commerciale à la baleine. Les collectivités Inupiat et Yupik du nord et de l’ouest de l’Alaska chassent les baleines boréales de l’ouest de l’Arctique le long de leur voie de migration au printemps et à l’automne. La chasse est réglementée par l’International Whaling Commission. Des analyses récentes, bien que préliminaires, des données génétiques disponibles (207 baleines et 10 marqueurs microsatellites) ont soulevé la question de la présence de multiples populations génétiquement distinctes au sein de la population de baleines boréales de l’ouest de l’Alaska. Ici, nous avons réexaminé cette question en fonction de l’étude de 414 baleines et de 22 locis microsatellites nouvellement mis au point. Nous avons remarqué d’importantes déviations de l’équilibre de Hardy-Weinberg; toutefois, nous n’avons pas pu trouver de preuve significative de populations génétiques multiples au sein des baleines boréales de l’ouest de l’Alaska qui pourrait expliquer ce déséquilibre de Hardy-Weinberg, plus particulièrement en comparaison avec la force de la preuve de différenciation entre les baleines boréales de l’ouest de l’Arctique et d’autres populations de régions distantes telles que la mer d’Okhotsk et l’est du Canada. Il y avait des preuves concluantes de différenciation génétique entre les trois régions. Le rejet statistique de la panmixie au sein de l’ouest de l’Arctique améliore notre compréhension de la biologie des baleines boréales, et le manque de preuves de populations multiples dans l’ouest de l’Arctique donne lieu à la gestion de l’aversion au risque de la chasse à la baleine boréale de l’ouest de l’Arctique par les Autochtones

    Beyond binary retention in HIV care: Predictors of the dynamic processes of patient engagement, disengagement, and re-entry into care in a US clinical cohort

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    Objectives: Studies examining engagement in HIV care often capture cross-sectional patient status to estimate retention and identify predictors of attrition, which ignore longitudinal patient care-seeking behaviors. We describe the cyclical nature of (dis)engagement and re-entry into HIV care using the state transition framework. Design: We represent the dynamic patterns of patient care-retention using five states: engaged in care, missed one, two, three, or more expected visits, and deceased. Then we describe various care-seeking behaviors in terms of transitioning from one state to another (e.g. from disengaged to engaged). This analysis includes 31 009 patients enrolled in the Center for AIDS Research Network of Integrated Systems (CNICS) in the United States from 1996 to 2014. Method: Multistate models for longitudinal data were used to identify barriers to retention and subgroups at higher risk of falling out of care. Results: The initial 2 years following primary engagement in care were a crucial time for improving retention. Patients who had not initiated antiretroviral therapy, with lower CD4+ cell counts, higher viral load, or not having an AIDS-defining illness were less likely to be retained in care. Conclusion: Beyond the individual patient characteristics typically used to characterize retention in HIV care, we identified specific periods of time and points in the care continuum associated with elevated risk of transitioning out of care. Our findings can contribute to evidence-based recommendations to enhance long-term retention in CNICS. This approach can also be applied to other cohort data to identify retention strategies tailored to each population

    Threshold criterion for wetting at the triple point

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    Grand canonical simulations are used to calculate adsorption isotherms of various classical gases on alkali metal and Mg surfaces. Ab initio adsorption potentials and Lennard-Jones gas-gas interactions are used. Depending on the system, the resulting behavior can be nonwetting for all temperatures studied, complete wetting, or (in the intermediate case) exhibit a wetting transition. An unusual variety of wetting transitions at the triple point is found in the case of a specific adsorption potential of intermediate strength. The general threshold for wetting near the triple point is found to be close to that predicted with a heuristic model of Cheng et al. This same conclusion was drawn in a recent experimental and simulation study of Ar on CO_2 by Mistura et al. These results imply that a dimensionless wetting parameter w is useful for predicting whether wetting behavior is present at and above the triple temperature. The nonwetting/wetting crossover value found here is w circa 3.3.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figure

    Effects of watershed land use on nitrogen concentrations and δ15 Nitrogen in groundwater

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    Author Posting. © The Authors, 2005. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Springer for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Biogeochemistry 77 (2006): 199-215, doi:10.1007/s10533-005-1036-2.Eutrophication is a major agent of change affecting freshwater, estuarine, and marine systems. It is largely driven by transportation of nitrogen from natural and anthropogenic sources. Research is needed to quantify this nitrogen delivery and to link the delivery to specific land-derived sources. In this study we measured nitrogen concentrations and δ15N values in seepage water entering three freshwater ponds and six estuaries on Cape Cod, Massachusetts and assessed how they varied with different types of land use. Nitrate concentrations and δ15N values in groundwater reflected land use in developed and pristine watersheds. In particular, watersheds with larger populations delivered larger nitrate loads with higher δ15N values to receiving waters. The enriched δ15N values confirmed nitrogen loading model results identifying wastewater contributions from septic tanks as the major N source. Furthermore, it was apparent that N coastal sources had a relatively larger impact on the N loads and isotopic signatures than did inland N sources further upstream in the watersheds. This finding suggests that management priorities could focus on coastal sources as a first course of action. This would require management constraints on a much smaller population.This work was supported by funds from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant Program, from the Cooperative Institute for Coastal and Estuarine Environmental Technology, from Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection to Applied Science Associates, Narragansett, RI, as well as from Palmer/McLeod and NOAA National Estuarine Research Reserve Fellowships to Kevin Kroeger. This work is the result of research sponsored by NOAA National Sea Grant College Program Office, Department of Commerce, under Grant No. NA86RG0075, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution Sea Grant Project No. R/M-40
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