24 research outputs found

    Uma inesquecível conversa com Max M artins

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    Pela segunda vez, Max Martins estava diante de alunos do curso de Letras da Universidade Federal do Pará (UFPA). Ele fora convidado a participar, naquele ano de 2000, de uma semana de gravações de depoimentos sobre produção de textos, à qual já tinham comparecido alguns dos mais talentosos paraenses, de diversas áreas da cultura do estado, como o publicitário Oswaldo Mendes, o teatrólogo Edyr Augusto Proença, o romancista Vicente Cecim e o jornalista Lúcio Flávio Pinto. O poeta, naquela ocasião, já apresentava as primeiras marcas das enfermidades que iriam persegui-lo pelos anos seguintes até sua morte, no dia 9 de fevereiro de 2009. Demonstrava certa dificuldade para articular suas frases, em contraste com a fluência que lhe conferiam o vigor criativo e a plena maturidade intelectual de oito anos antes, quando foi ouvido pela primeira vez

    Elderberry Concentrate Juice Industrial By-Products Characterization and Valorisation

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    The elderberry juice industry generates by-products that can be valorised as a source of valuable compounds, namely anthocyanins and carbohydrates recovered from pomace and retentate. This work aims to valorise the anthocyanins and carbohydrates present in pomace and retentate, focused on the analysis and characterization of the polysaccharides present and their use for the stability of pink beverages. The present work shows that pomace contains 50% of carbohydrates, in which glucose and xylose are the major constituents, probably arising from cellulose and xyloglucans of cell walls polysaccharides and from the moiety of main anthocyanins present in berry skin. The concentrated juice is rich mainly in free sugars (55%), glucose and fructose, containing also pectic polysaccharides. However, a large amount of compounds are retained in the ultrafiltration membranes of 100 kDa, constituting the retentate, comprising 52% of water insoluble material. The remaining 48% constitutes the water-soluble fraction, composed of 47% of free sugars, mainly fructose (80%), and 14% of polymeric material constituted by 38% of pectic polysaccharides and 44% of anthocyanins. The use of the colourant in the form of a complex pectic polysaccharides-anthocyanins allowed to achieve a higher colour stability than the isolated anthocyanins, over more than 22 days. This property allowed to use the retentate water soluble fraction as a natural colourant ingredient to develop a stable pink tonic water

    Declining prevalence of hepatitis A virus antibodies among children from low socioeconomic groups reinforces the need for the implementation of hepatitis A vaccination in Brazil

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    Age-related seroprevalence studies that have been conducted in Brazil have indicated a transition from a high to a medium endemicity of hepatitis A virus (HAV) infection in the population. However, most of these studies have focused on urban populations that experience lower incidence rates of HAV infection. In the current study, the prevalence of anti-HAV antibodies was investigated in children with a low socioeconomic status (SES) that live on the periphery of three capital cities in Brazil. A total of 1,162 dried blood spot samples were collected from individuals whose ages ranged from one-18 years and tested for anti-HAV antibodies. A large number of children under five years old (74.1-90%) were identified to be susceptible to HAV infection. The anti-HAV antibody prevalence reached ≥ 50% among those that were 10-14 years of age or older. The anti-HAV prevalence rates observed were characteristics of regions with intermediate level of hepatitis A endemicity. These data indicated that a large proportion of children with a low SES that live at the periphery of urban cities might be at risk of contracting an HAV infection. The hepatitis A vaccine that is currently offered in Brazil is only available for high-risk groups or at private clinics and is unaffordable for individuals with a lower SES. The results from this study suggest that the hepatitis A vaccine should be included in the Brazilian National Program for Immunisation

    Osteoarthritis in Latin America Study of Demographic and Clinical Characteristics in 3040 Patients

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    Artículo de publicación ISISin acceso a texto completoBackground Latin America is a heterogeneous region made up of different populations, cultures, latitudes, altitudes, and immigrants from different areas and ethnic groups. Objective The purpose of this study is to describe the clinical and demographic profile of patients with osteoarthritis (OA) evaluated by a selected group of rheumatologists in 13 Latin American countries. Methods A descriptive, observational, cross-sectional study was conducted in 13 Latin American countries of patients with symptomatic OA. Data were collected over a 3-month period using an ad hoc questionnaire to evaluate the clinical and demographic features of OA seen by rheumatologists. Results Among the 3040 patients, their average age was 62.5 years, and female-to-male ratio was 4.8:1. Patients with body mass index of greater than 30 kg/m(2) or obesity was found in 38.2%. Approximately 88% had primary OA. Joints with OA were as follows: knee 31.2%, hand 9.5%, hand and knee 22.9%, proximal and distal interphalangeal joints (erosive OA) 6.5%, axial 6.6%, and hip 1.3%. Approximately 88.5% had radiographic severity of grade 2 or 3 on Kellgren-Lawrence scale (0-4). Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs were the predominant OA treatment included in combinations with glucosamine sulfate/chondroitin and viscosupplementation. Associated comorbidities included hypertension (39%), obesity (36.3%), diabetes mellitus (12%), and without comorbidity (12.7%). Conclusions This is 1 of the largest population studies that evaluated the characteristics of OA in 3040 patients evaluated by rheumatologists in 13 Latin American countries. This study provides important data for each Latin American country to develop new health care planning in management of OA.National Institutes of Health P20GM104937-0