1,555 research outputs found

    Ganho ponderal gestacional : impacto na saúde da mulher

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    Enquadramento: O aumento ponderal elevado durante a gravidez pode ocasionar frequentemente aumento de peso no pós-parto e posterior obesidade na mulher, tal como nos revelam os mais diversos estudos científicos nacionais e internacionais. Objetivos: Analisar a relação existente entre o ganho ponderal gestacional e as variáveis sociodemográficas e obstétricas bem como analisar a sua relação com o estado nutricional atual da mulher. Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo retrospetivo, quantitativo, descritivo e correlacional, de uma amostra não probabilística por conveniência, constituída por 1424 mulheres cujos filhos nasceram entre 2004 e 2006. Resultados: A maioria das participantes tinha entre 19 e 35 anos quando engravidou, residem numa zona urbana, são casadas, com o ensino secundário/tecnológico e empregadas. A maioria não teve diabetes gestacional e o ganho ponderal gestacional, foi em média de 11,81 kg. A maioria teve um ganho ponderal abaixo do recomendado. Quanto ao estado nutricional atual, encontramos uma média de peso de 64,71 kg, que representa um IMC = 25.03 com um valor mínimo de 39 kg (IMC=15.90) e um valor máximo de 122 kg (IMC=43.67). A maioria apresenta atualmente um peso eutrófico. A escolaridade, a residência, a idade materna e a diabetes gestacionais são variáveis que influenciam o ganho ponderal gestacional. Apenas as variáveis sociodemográficas (escolaridade, residência e situação laboral) apresentam uma relação estatisticamente significativa com o estado nutricional atual da mulher. Analisando a relação entre o estado nutricional atual da mulher com o ganho ponderal gestacional, verificamos que estas apresentam uma relação de dependência estatisticamente significativa, ou seja, as mulheres que apresentam atualmente peso eutrófico, foram as que tiveram um ganho ponderal gestacional abaixo do recomendado, enquanto as que têm pré-obesidade e obesidade tiveram aumento ponderal gestacional acima do recomendado. Conclusão: Perante uma epidemia mundial de obesidade, bem como um aumento da prevalência da obesidade nas mulheres em idade reprodutiva e um aumento do ganho de peso na gravidez, torna-se imperioso que o enfermeiro de ESMOG estabeleça um plano de intervenções precoces e eficazes antes, durante e após a gravidez, de forma a reduzir os riscos maternos e fetais, presentes e futuros. Os fatores obstétricos, sociodemográficos e comportamentais, são determinantes para o ganho de peso gestacional e consequentes repercussões na saúde da mulher. Palavra-chave: Ganho Ponderal gestacional; Obesidade; gravidez; IMC.ABSTRACT Background: The high weight increase during pregnancy can cause postpartum weight gain often and later obesity in women, as we reveal the most diverse national and international scientific studies. Objectives: To Analyze the relationship between gestational weight gain and socio-demographic variables and obstetric and analyze your relationship with current nutritional status of women. Methods: This is a retrospective study, quantitative, descriptive and co relational, a non-probability sample of convenience, composed of 1424 women whose children were born between 2004 and 2006. Results: Most of the participants had between 19 and 35 years old when she got pregnant, reside in an urban zone, are married, with the secondary/technology and employed. Most had gestational diabetes and gestational weight gain, was on average of 11.81 pounds. Most had a weight gain below the recommended. As for the current nutritional status, we found an average of 64.71 weight kg, which represents a BMI = 25.03 with a minimum value of 39 kg (BMI = 15.90) and a maximum value of 122 kg (BMI = 43.67). Most have currently a eutrophic weight. Schooling, residence, maternal age and gestational diabetes are variables that influence the gestational weight gain. Only demographic variables (schooling, housing and labour status) present a statistically significant relationship with current nutritional status of women. Analyzing the relation the current nutritional state of the woman with the gestational weight gain profit enters, verifies that these present a relation of statistical significant dependence, that is, the women that present eutrófic weight currently, had been the ones that had a gestational weight gain profit below of the recommended one, while the ones that have daily pre-obesity and obesity had gestational weight gain increase above of the recommended one. Conclusion: Faced with a worldwide epidemic of obesity, as well as an increase in the prevalence of obesity in women of reproductive age and an increase in weight gain in pregnancy, it becomes imperative that the ESMOG nurse establish a plan of early and effective interventions before, during and after pregnancy, to reduce the maternal and fetal risks, present and future. Obstetric factors, sociodemographic and behavioral characteristics, are crucial for gestational weight gain and consequent repercussions on women's health. Keyword: gestational Weight Gain; Obesity; pregnancy; IMC

    Spatial and temporal variation in population structure of Hemigrammus marginatus (Characiformes: Characidae) in streams of the Ivinhema River Basin, Brazil

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    The present study has assessed spatial and temporal variations in the length structure of Hemigrammus marginatus Ellis, 1911 and estimated growth parameters for the species. Sampling was carried out in five streams in the Vitoria and Piravevě sub-basins of the Ivinhema River from January to December 2002. A total of 933 specimens of H. marginatus were caught (97 in the Vitoria sub-basin and 836 in the Piravevě sub-basin). Mean length of the individuals caught in the Piravevě sub-basin was shorter (21.58 mm, SD = 4.67) than that of individuals caught in the Vitoria sub-basin (29.24 mm, SD = 4.42). Analysis of condition factor calculated from the weight/length relationship revealed that the values were constant both spatially (between sub-basins) and temporally (throughout the year). In the Piravevě sub-basin, the theoretical maximal length estimated for this species was 37.26 mm, with natural mortality rate of 1.22 year1, growth rate (k) of 0.66 year1, and growth performance index (9) of 3.80 and 4.25 years of longevity. The input of new individuals in the population occurs twice per year, with greater recruitment at the peak of the rainy season (May) and the peak of the dry season (August). © 2012 Sociedade Brasileira de Zoología. All rights reserved

    Age group, location or pedagogue: factors affecting parental choice of kindergartens in Hungary

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    Hungary has experienced significant political, economic, demographic and social changes since the end of Soviet domination in the 1990s. The gradual move towards liberal-democracy has been accompanied by growing emphasis on individualism, choice and diversity. Universal kindergarten provision for 5-6 year olds is a long established feature of the Hungarian education system, but little is known about parental choice (Török, 2004). A case study (Yin, 2004) of factors influencing parental choice and satisfaction was undertaken in one Hungarian town. This was based on a survey of 251 parents of children attending both mixed-age and same-age groups across 12 kindergartens. Parents suggested that the most important influences were geographical location and the individual pedagogue(s). Given that traditionally each pedagogue follows ‘their’ cohort from kindergarten entry to primary school, their influence appears heightened. Although generally satisfied with their chosen arrangement, parents from same-age groups expressed significantly more confidence and satisfaction, particularly in relation to cognitive development and preparation for school. Parents appear less convinced about the trend towards mixed-age groups and questions are raised about sufficiency of evidence of their benefits in a Hungarian context and the driving factors behind change

    High-throughput sequencing of black pepper root transcriptome

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    Abstract\ud \ud Background\ud Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) is one of the most popular spices in the world. It is used in cooking and the preservation of food and even has medicinal properties. Losses in production from disease are a major limitation in the culture of this crop. The major diseases are root rot and foot rot, which are results of root infection by Fusarium solani and Phytophtora capsici, respectively. Understanding the molecular interaction between the pathogens and the host’s root region is important for obtaining resistant cultivars by biotechnological breeding. Genetic and molecular data for this species, though, are limited. In this paper, RNA-Seq technology has been employed, for the first time, to describe the root transcriptome of black pepper.\ud \ud \ud Results\ud The root transcriptome of black pepper was sequenced by the NGS SOLiD platform and assembled using the multiple-k method. Blast2Go and orthoMCL methods were used to annotate 10338 unigenes. The 4472 predicted proteins showed about 52% homology with the Arabidopsis proteome. Two root proteomes identified 615 proteins, which seem to define the plant’s root pattern. Simple-sequence repeats were identified that may be useful in studies of genetic diversity and may have applications in biotechnology and ecology.\ud \ud \ud Conclusions\ud This dataset of 10338 unigenes is crucially important for the biotechnological breeding of black pepper and the ecogenomics of the Magnoliids, a major group of basal angiosperms.FAPESPAUFPAFINEPCAPE

    Effects of 16 weeks of a physical exercise program on blood markers, functional autonomy and level of depression in elderly and old adults.

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    O objetivo foi analisar os efeitos de um programa de exerc?cio f?sico sobre marcadores sangu?neos, autonomia funcional e n?vel de depress?o. Um total de 112 sujeitos com doen?as metab?licas controladas por hipocolesterolemia e hipoglicemiantes distribu?dos em dois grupos participaram do estudo; grupo composto por 54 membros com idade m?dia de 62,11 anos e grupo controle (GC) com 58 indiv?duos com idade m?dia de 63,03 anos. Foi observado que a ur?ia, creatina e as vari?veis pot?ssio n?o apresentaram diferen?a interessante entre os dois momentos do estudo, enquanto TGP e s?dio obtiveram redu??es nos valores m?dios de 2,46 mg / dl e 10 mg / dl com grande efeito de ?p2 0,153, ?p2 0,43 e signific?ncia p <0,047 e p <0,039 ao comparar os dois momentos entre os grupos exerc?cio / controle. A qualidade da for?a entre os momentos pr? e p?s entre os grupos exerc?cio / controle mostrou um aumento de 2,53 kgf de pequeno efeito de ?p2,23 para o grupo exerc?cio, enquanto o controle reduziu. Tamb?m houve diferen?as entre o pr? e o p?s-treinamento nos indicadores de autonomia funcional dos grupos GC. O GE reduziu os n?veis de depress?o em rela??o ao GC. Concluiu-se que o treinamento f?sico realizado por 16 semanas foi eficaz na redu??o dos n?veis de s?dio, a vari?vel TGP, aumento dos n?veis de for?a dos membros superiores, al?m de favorecer a melhora da capacidade funcional e reduzir os n?veis de depress?o.The objective was to analyze the effects of a physical exercise program on blood markers, functional autonomy and level of depression. A total of 112 subjects with metabolic diseases controlled by hypocholesterolemia and hypoglycemics distributed in two groups participated in the study; group composed of 54 members with mean age of 62.11 years and control group (CG) with 58 individuals with a mean age of 63.03 years. It was observed that urea, creatine and potassium variables did not present an interesting difference between the two moments of the study, while TGP and sodium obtained reductions in mean values of 2.46 mg / dl and 10 mg / dl with a great effect of ?p2 0.153, ?p2 0.43 and significance p <0.047 and p <0.039 when comparing the two moments between the exercise / control groups. The quality of the force between the pre and post moments between the exercise / control groups showed an increase of 2.53 kgf of small effect of ?p2,23 for the exercise group, while the control reduced. There were also differences between pre and post-training in the functional autonomy indicators of the CG groups. The GE reduced the levels of depression compared to the CG. It was concluded that physical training performed for 16 weeks was effective in reducing sodium levels, the TGP variable, increased strength levels of the upper limbs, as well as improving functional capacity and reducing depression levels