129 research outputs found
Perceção do bem-estar sexual e qualidade de vida da mulher com incontinência urinária
Enquadramento: A incontinência urinária (UI) é um problema comum entre as mulheres de todas as idades, constitui um problema clínico major, e representa uma causa significativa de insatisfação sexual e deterioração da qualidade de vida (QDV).
Objetivos: Avaliar a qualidade de vida das mulheres com IU; analisar em que medida as variáveis sociodemográficas, obstétricas e ginecológicas e os estilos de vida interferem com a QDV das mulheres com IU; analisar a influência do impacto e da valorização da IU na QDV das mulheres; determinar se a satisfação sexual influencia a QDV das mulheres com IU.
Métodos: Optou-se por um estudo não experimental, de natureza quantitativa, do tipo descritivo-correlacional e explicativo. Para avaliar as variáveis em estudo, o instrumento de colheita de dados é constituído por um questionário (caracterização sociodemográfica, caracterização obstétrica e ginecológica, estilos de vida) e escalas [Escala do Impacto da Incontinência (ICIQ-SF Short Form), Valorização da Incontinência Urinária, Questionário de King’s Health Questionnaire (KHQ), Escala da Sexualidade]. O tipo de amostragem utilizado foi o não probabilístico por conveniência, constituído por 305 mulheres, utentes de um Centro de Saúde e de um Hospital da região centro do País , na faixa etária dos 29 aos 75 anos.
Resultados: Na generalidade, as variáveis sociodemográficas, obstétricas e ginecológicas e os estilos de vida interferem na QDV das mulheres com IU; na amostra em estudo, há mulheres com uma QDV fraca e moderada, ainda que a maioria a tenha percecionado como elevada; a maioria das mulheres referiu que a IU tem impacto na sua vida, bem como apresentava incontinência urinária de esforço; maioritariamente, as mulheres não molham a cama, não perdem urina durante a relação sexual, não têm infeções urinárias, dores na bexiga, nem têm problemas relacionados com a perda de urina; a maioria das mulheres com uma QDV fraca e a maioria das mulheres com uma QDV moderada revelou uma sexualidade fraca, enquanto a maioria das mulheres com uma QDV elevada apresentou uma sexualidade alta; quanto maior o impacto da IU na mulher, mais elevada é a perceção de saúde; quantos mais filhos tiveram, mais idade e quanto maior é a incontinência de urgência, maior é a perceção da saúde; quanto maior o impacto da IU na mulher, mais elevado é o seu impacto na QDV; quanto maior a estima sexual, quanto maior é a incontinência de esforço, a preocupação sexual e o número de vezes que esteve grávida, maiores são as suas limitações e maior é o seu impacto na QDV; quanto maior a incontinência de esforço na mulher, mais elevadas são as limitações físicas; quanto maior o impacto na incontinência e maior a incontinência de urgência, maiores são as limitações físicas; quanto maior é a incontinência de esforço, a idade e o IMC mais elevadas são as
limitações sociais nas mulheres. Inferiu-se que quanto maior é o impacto da IU, mais elevadas são as relações pessoais; quanto maior a incontinência de esforço, os anos de perda de urina e o total da sexualidade, mais afetada é a relação pessoal, mais afetadas estão as emoções, mais sonolência têm as mulheres, e maior é a deterioração da QDV.
Conclusão: Concluiu-se que nas mulheres com IU estão afetados vários domínios da sua existência, o que interfere na sua QDV.
Palavras-chave: Incontinência urinária; Mulher, Bem-Estar Sexual; Qualidade de Vida.ABSTRACT
Background: Urinary incontinence (UI) is a common problem among women of all ages, is a major clinical problem and represents a significant cause of sexual dissatisfaction and deterioration of quality of life (QOL).
Objectives: To evaluate the quality of life of women with UI, analyze the extent to which sociodemographic, obstetric and gynecological and lifestyles interfere with the QOL of women with UI; analyze the influence of impact and recovery of UI on the women QOL; whether sexual satisfaction influences the QOL of women with UI.
Methods: We chose a non-experimental, quantitative, descriptive-correlational and explanatory study. To assess the study variables, the data collection instrument consists of a questionnaire (sociodemographic, obstetric and gynecological characteristics, lifestyles) and scales [Scale of the Impact of Incontinence (ICIQ-SF Short Form), Valuing Urinary Incontinence, King's Health Questionnaire (KHQ), Scale of Sexuality].
For convenience the used sampling was not probabilistic, consisting of 305 women, users of a health center and a hospital in the central region of the country, ranging in age from 29 to 75 years.
Results: In general, sociodemographic, obstetric and gynecological and lifestyle influence the QOL of women with UI; in the sample, there are women with a weak to moderate QOL, although most have it classified as high; mostly women had stress urinary incontinence and stated that UI has an impact on your life; mostly women do not wet the bed, do not lose urine during sexual intercourse, did not have urinary infections, bladder pain, or have problems related to the loss of urine; the majority of women with a poor QOL and most women with a moderate QOL showed a weak sexuality, while most women with a high QOL showed a high sexuality; the greater the impact of UI in women the higher is the perception of health; how many more children they had, the older they are and the higher is urgency incontinence, greater the perception of health; the greater the impact of UI in women, the higher its impact on QOL; the greater sexual esteem, the greater stress incontinence, the greater sexual concerns and the greater number of times that she was pregnant, the higher are its limitations and its impact on QOL; the greater the stress incontinence in women, the higher are physical limitations; the greater the impact on incontinence and the greater urgency incontinence, the higher are the physical limitations; the greater the stress incontinence, the age and BMI, the higher social women limitations. We infer that the greater the impact of UI, the higher the personal relationships; the greater stress incontinence, the years of leakage and total sexuality, most affected are the personal relationship and the emotions, more women had sleepiness, the higher the severity and the higher the deterioration in QOL.Conclusion: We concluded that in women with UI various areas of its existence are affected, which interferes with their QOL.
Keywords: Urinary incontinence, Women, Sexual Wellness, Quality of Life
Repercussões dos estilos de vida no rendimento escolar dos adolescentes
Introdução: À adolescência atribuem-se transformações físicas, psicológicas,
cognitivas e socioculturais, que contribuem para a formação da personalidade, e que
expõem o adolescente a novos contextos de vida que o levam à aquisição de
comportamentos, hábitos e estilos de vida determinantes da sua saúde na idade adulta.
Por outro lado, em ambiente escolar, preconiza-se que o jovem estude e que tenha
rendimento académico.
Objetivos: Pretendemos identificar os fatores associados ao rendimento escolar
dos adolescentes, nomeadamente as variáveis sociodemográficas, de contexto à
escola e académicas; analisar a influência que os estilos de vida (prática de atividade
física, hábitos de consumo de tabaco, drogas e álcool, comportamento alimentar,
ocupação de tempos livres, hábitos de higiene e de promoção da saúde,
comportamentos de risco e de segurança rodoviária, hábitos de sono e de repouso)
podem ter na predição da qualidade do rendimento escolar dos adolescentes; e
analisar a relação que essas variáveis estabelecem entre si.
Participantes e métodos: Estudo quantitativo, de corte transversal, descritivo e
correlacional, explicativo, e retrospetivo. O inquérito por questionário de administração
direta e a escala de rendimento escolar de Fermin, adotada por Duarte (2008), foram
os instrumentos selecionados para a recolha de informação. Recorremos a uma
amostragem não probabilística por conveniência constituída por 380 adolescentes a
frequentar o 7º, 8º e 9º anos de escolaridade, no ano letivo de 2011/2012, da escola
básica dos 2º e 3º ciclo do concelho em Viseu.
Resultados: As raparigas, os estudantes mais novos, os que vivem em zona
rural, os de mais alto nível socioeconómico, os que têm pai ou mãe com o ensino
secundário ou superior são os que protagonizam melhor rendimento escolar. São
também, os adolescentes com menos anos de escolaridade, os que nunca reprovaram,
os que residem mais próximo da escola, e os que gastam menos tempo na deslocação
para a escola os que obtêm melhor rendimento escolar. Igualmente, são os que
colaboram em atividades domésticas, praticam desporto / atividade física, que não
fumam, não bebem, não se drogam, não consomem bebidas estimulantes, que fazem
uma refeição adequada e saudável, que ocupam menos tempo por dia no computador
e jogos interativos, tv, que por semana convivem moderadamente com os amigos, com
boa qualidade de sono, que mais dormem, que antes de dormir vêm vídeo, estudam,
fazem leituras, e não usam o computador também apresentam melhor rendimento
Conclusão: O rendimento escolar associou-se a variáveis sociodemográficas,
contextuais à escola e académicas, aos estilos de vida e aos hábitos de sono. Concluise
portanto que os comportamentos dos jovens são determinantes quer para a
manutenção de uma vida saudável como também se refletem no desenvolvimento
cognitivo, nas capacidades de concentração, de memória, de raciocínio, de
comunicação, de interação, de atitudes e de valores com implicações diretas no
rendimento escolar e no bem-estar geral do adolescente.
Palavras – chave: rendimento escolar, estilos de vida, adolescência,
Introduction: In adolescence attribute transformations are physical, psychological,
cognitive and sociocultural factors that contribute to the formation of personality, and
that expose adolescents to new contexts of life that lead to the acquisition of
behaviors, habits and lifestyle determinants of their health in adulthood. On the other
hand, in the school environment, it is recommended that young study and has
academic performance
Objectives: We aim to identify the factors associated with the academic performance
of adolescents, including sociodemographic, school and academic context, to
analyze the influence that the lifestyles (physical activity, smoking habits, drug and
alcohol behavior food, leisure activities, hygiene and health promotion, risk behavior
and road safety, sleep habits and sleep) may have to predict the quality of the
academic performance of adolescents and to analyze the relationship between these
variables establish themselves.
Participants and Methods: A quantitative, cross-sectional, descriptive, correlational,
explanatory, and retrospective. The questionnaire survey of direct administration and
academic performance scale (adapted of Fermin, 2005) instruments were selected
for the collection of information. We use a non-probability sample of convenience
consisting of 380 adolescents attending the 7th, 8th and 9th years of education in
academic year 2011/2012, primary school 2nd and 3rd cycle of the county in Viseu.
Results: Girls, younger students, those living in rural areas, the higher
socioeconomic status, those who have a parent with secondary or higher education
are those who star better student. They are also, adolescents with fewer years of
education, those who never rejected, those living closest to the school, and they
spend less time traveling to school to get the best academic performance. Also, are
collaborating on domestic activities in sport / physical activity, do not smoke, do not
drink, do not do drugs, do not consume stimulant drinks, which make a meal fit and
healthy, which occupy less time per day on the computer and games interactive tv,
live moderately than a week with friends, with good quality sleep, more sleep, that
sleep before watching video, study, do readings, and do not use the computer also
have better school performance
Conclusion: The school performance was associated with sociodemographic,
contextual school and academic to the lifestyles and habits of sleep. It is therefore
concluded that the behavior of young people are crucial both for the maintenance of
a healthy life as also reflected in cognitive development, concentration skills,
memory, reasoning, communication, interaction, attitudes and values with direct
implications on school performance and overall well-being of adolescents
Words - Tags: School performance, lifestyles, adolescence, sleep
The Impacts of Politics and Ethnicity on Volunteering
This article examines how national and local ethno?politics impact on volunteering by taking a cross?country comparative perspective: Kenya and Mozambique. In both countries societal fragmentation along ethno?political lines is mirrored within the volunteer landscape and reduces the positive impacts of volunteering. The role of international volunteers (IVs) from the global North and, in the case of Kenya, national volunteers (NVs), to address these divisions is discussed. The effects of the support of the volunteering for development sector in such ethnically and politically fragmented contexts is also explored. The findings from the current research show that the perceived neutrality of the IV and NV means they may face less risk in attempting to step outside of existing political and ethnic confines than local volunteers or citizens functioning within these environments. Through this neutrality, IVs and NVs may be provided with a unique opportunity to use this position to assuage some of these societal fractions
A Philosophically Plausible Formal Interpretation of Intuitionistic Logic
This study addresses the mediating role of settlement patterns in the relationship between urbanization and start-up activity. Places do not operate in a vacuum and to understand the effect of 'own' density on start-up patterns, we need to account for the urban spillovers or borrowed size that they may experience from other places nearby. The results can explain the empirical ambiguity in the relationship between urbanization and start-up patterns: the relationship between urbanization and start-up rates becomes more similar between countries when controlling for country-specific settlement patterns by including a spatially lagged urbanization variable and variables measuring the distance to urban centers. Accounting for the relative location of places and relevant sorting effects, we find that 'own' density has a consistently negative effect on start-up activity. Yet, access to other places has a generally positive effect. This implies that nearby regions profit from the advantages offered by urban environments without having to deal with the costs involved
Reclaiming the local in EU peacebuilding: Effectiveness, ownership, and resistance
Since the early 2000s, the "local turn" has thoroughly transformed the field of peacebuilding. The European Union (EU) policy discourse on peacebuilding has also aligned with this trend, with an increasing number of EU policy statements insisting on the importance of "the local." However, most studies on EU peacebuilding still adopt a top-down approach and focus on institutions, capabilities, and decision-making at the EU level. This special issue contributes to the literature by focusing on bottom-up and local dynamics of EU peacebuilding. After outlining the rationale and the scope of the special issue, this article discusses the local turn in international peacebuilding and identifies several interrelated concepts relevant to theorizing the role of the local, specifically those of effectiveness, ownership, and resistance. In the conclusion, we summarize the key contributions of this special issue and suggest some avenues for further research
Gene polymorphisms against DNA damage induced by hydrogen peroxide in leukocytes of healthy humans through comet assay: a quasi-experimental study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Normal cellular metabolism is well established as the source of endogenous reactive oxygen species which account for the background levels of oxidative DNA damage detected in normal tissue. Hydrogen peroxide imposes an oxidative stress condition on cells that can result in DNA damage, leading to mutagenesis and cell death. Several potentially significant genetic variants related to oxidative stress have already been identified, and angiotensin I-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitors have been reported as possible antioxidant agents that can reduce vascular oxidative stress in cardiovascular events.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>We investigate the influences of haptoglobin, manganese superoxide dismutase (MnSOD Val9Ala), catalase (CAT -21A/T), glutathione peroxidase 1 (GPx-1 Pro198Leu), ACE (I/D) and gluthatione S-transferases GSTM1 and GSTT1 gene polymorphisms against DNA damage and oxidative stress. These were induced by exposing leukocytes from peripheral blood of healthy humans (N = 135) to hydrogen peroxide (H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub>), and the effects were tested by comet assay. Blood samples were submitted to genotyping and comet assay (before and after treatment with H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>at 250 μM and 1 mM).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>After treatment with H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2 </sub>at 250 μM, the GPx-1 polymorphism significantly influenced results of comet assay and a possible association of the Pro/Leu genotype with higher DNA damage was found. The highest or lowest DNA damage also depended on interaction between GPX-1/ACE and Hp/GSTM1T1 polymorphisms when hydrogen peroxide treatment increased oxidative stress.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The GPx-1 polymorphism and the interactions between GPX-1/ACE and Hp/GSTM1T1 can be determining factors for DNA oxidation provoked by hydrogen peroxide, and thus for higher susceptibility to or protection against oxidative stress suffered by healthy individuals.</p
Neutron-diffraction studies of amorphous CNx materials
The results of neutron-diffraction experiments performed on two samples of amorphous CNx, with nitrogen concentrations of 5 and 30 at. %, prepared by a combination of filtered cathodic are and Kaufman-type ion source, are presented. Increasing the N content of the samples is seen to cause a decrease of the average bond length and the first coordination number. An increase in the average bond angle from 113 degrees to 121 degrees is also observed. The pair-distribution functions indicate that N incorporation results in some transformation of sp(3) C sites to sp(2) sites, but there is no evidence for N inducing the formation of crystalline graphitic clusters, and the overall structure remains amorphous. A direct subtraction of the two data sets emphasizes the loss of sp(3) bonds and the increasing sp(2) character of the higher-N-content sample, and shows the occurrence of a variety of bonding environments for N. More limited information on second neighbor correlations involving N is also revealed
Reframing professional development through understanding authentic professional learning
Continuing to learn is universally accepted and expected by professionals and other stakeholders across all professions. However, despite changes in response to research findings about how professionals learn, many professional development practices still focus on delivering content rather than enhancing learning. In exploring reasons for the continuation of didactic practices in professional development, this article critiques the usual conceptualization of professional development through a review of recent literature across professions. An alternative conceptualization is proposed, based on philosophical assumptions congruent with evidence about professional learning from seminal educational research of the past two decades. An argument is presented for a shift in discourse and focus from delivering and evaluating professional development programs to understanding and supporting authentic professional learning
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