30 research outputs found

    Ethylene supports colonization of plant roots by the mutualistic fungus Piriformospora indica

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    The mutualistic basidiomycete Piriformospora indica colonizes roots of mono- and dicotyledonous plants, and thereby improves plant health and yield. Given the capability of P. indica to colonize a broad range of hosts, it must be anticipated that the fungus has evolved efficient strategies to overcome plant immunity and to establish a proper environment for nutrient acquisition and reproduction. Global gene expression studies in barley identified various ethylene synthesis and signaling components that were differentially regulated in P. indica-colonized roots. Based on these findings we examined the impact of ethylene in the symbiotic association. The data presented here suggest that P. indica induces ethylene synthesis in barley and Arabidopsis roots during colonization. Moreover, impaired ethylene signaling resulted in reduced root colonization, Arabidopsis mutants exhibiting constitutive ethylene signaling, -synthesis or ethylene-related defense were hyper-susceptible to P. indica. Our data suggest that ethylene signaling is required for symbiotic root colonization by P. indica

    Surviving Sepsis Campaign: International guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008

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    SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Lange-afstandstransport van Persistente Organische Verontreinigingen, I: Beschrijving van oppervlakte-atmosfeer uitwisselings modules en implementatie in EUROS

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    Beschrijving van een model voor de uitwisseling van gasvormige Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) tussen het aardoppervlak en de atmosfeer, en de toepassing in het Euleriaanse verspreidingsmodel EUROS. Als voorbeeld is de netto depositie van lindaan over Europa berekend. Bij niet-emissiegebieden op land werd gevonden dat natte depositie verantwoordelijk is voor gemiddeld 75% van de totale toevoer van lindaan, terwijl gemiddeld ongeveer 30% re-emissie optrad. Op zee bleek droge depositie, de belangrijkste bron van lindaan, verantwoordelijk voor gemiddeld 72% van de totale toevoer, en bedroeg de fractie re-emissie gemiddeld 15%. De concentraties van lindaan in neerslagwater van een aantal stations rond de Noordzee worden door het model met een factor 3 overschat. Een model gevoeligheidsanalyse laat zien dat de emissiedata de grootste bron van onzekerheid zijn.Concerns a description of a model for the exchange of gaseous Persistent Organic Pollutants (POP) at land and sea surfaces and its application in the Eulerian air pollution transport model EUROS. Sample simulations of the net deposition of lindane over Europe are discussed. For non-emission areas over land, wet deposition was found to account for on average 75% of the total input of lindane, while on average 30% of this input re-volatilizes. Over sea, dry deposition accounts for on average 72% of the total input, the average re-volatilization fraction being 15%. The concentrations of lindane in rainwater for a number of stations around the North Sea are overestimated by the model by about a factor of 3. A model response analysis showed that the emission data are the main cause of uncertainty in the calculated concentrations.DGM/L