1,795 research outputs found

    Large-scale mass wasting in the western Indian Ocean constrains onset of East African rifting

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    Faulting and earthquakes occur extensively along the flanks of the East African Rift System, including an offshore branch in the western Indian Ocean, resulting in remobilization of sediment in the form of landslides. To date, constraints on the occurrence of submarine landslides at margin scale are lacking, leaving unanswered a link between rifting and slope instability. Here, we show the first overview of landslide deposits in the post-Eocene stratigraphy of the Tanzania margin and we present the discovery of one of the biggest landslides on Earth: the Mafia mega-slide. The emplacement of multiple landslides, including the Mafia mega-slide, during the early-mid Miocene is coeval with cratonic rifting in Tanzania, indicating that plateau uplift and rifting in East Africa triggered large and potentially tsunamigenic landslides likely through earthquake activity and enhanced sediment supply. This study is a first step to evaluate the risk associated with submarine landslides in the region

    Cost-effectiveness of a complex intervention in general practice to increase uptake of long-acting reversible contraceptives in Australia.

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    Objective The aim of this study was to evaluate the cost-effectiveness of the Australian Contraceptive ChOice pRoject (ACCORd) intervention. Methods An economic evaluation compared the costs and outcomes of the ACCORd intervention with usual care (UC). Data from the ACCORd trial were used to estimate costs and efficacy in terms of contraceptive uptake and quality of life. Rates of contraceptive failure and pregnancy were sourced from the literature. Using a Markov model, within-trial results were extrapolated over 10 years and subjected to univariate sensitivity analyses. Model outputs were expressed as the cost per quality-adjusted life years (QALY) gained and cost per unintended pregnancy resulting in birth (UPB) avoided. Results Over 10 years, compared with UC, initiating contraception through the ACCORd intervention resulted in 0.02 fewer UPB and higher total costs (A2505vsA2505 vs A1179) per woman. The incremental cost-effectiveness of the ACCORd intervention versus UC was A1172perQALYgainedandA1172 per QALY gained and A7385 per UPB averted. If the start-up cost of the ACCORd intervention was removed, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was A81perQALYgainedandA81 per QALY gained and A511 per UPB averted. The results were most sensitive to the probability of contraceptive failure, the probability of pregnancy-related healthcare service utilisation or the inclusion of the costs of implementing the ACCORd intervention. Conclusions From a health system perspective, if implemented appropriately in terms of uptake and reach, and assuming an implicit willingness to pay threshold of A$50 000 the ACCORd intervention is cost-effective. What is known about the topic? The uptake of long-active reversible contraceptives (LARC) in Australia is low. The ACCORd trial assessed the efficacy of providing structured training to general practitioners (GPs) on LARC counselling, together with access to rapid referral to insertion clinics. What does this paper add? This study is the first to assess the cost-effectiveness of a complex intervention in the general practice setting aimed at increasing the uptake of LARC in Australia. What are the implications for practitioners? The results show that implementing a complex intervention in general practice involving GP education and the availability of rapid referral to LARC insertion clinics is a cost-effective approach to increase LARC use and its attending efficacy. If the majority of Australian GPs were able to deliver effectiveness-based contraceptive counselling and either insert LARC or use a rapid referral process to a LARC insertion clinic, the additional cost associated with the purchase of LARC products and their insertion would be offset by reductions to health system costs as a result of fewer UPB and abortions. Moreover, the benefits to women's physical and psychological health of avoiding such events is substantial

    The nutritional status of people with alkaptonuria: An exploratory analysis suggests a protein/energy dilemma.

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    BackgroundAlkaptonuria (AKU) is a disorder of tyrosine/protein metabolism leading to accumulation of homogentisic acid. Clinical management historically recommended reducing dietary protein intake, especially in childhood, which has since been discredited in the literature. For the first time, analysis of baseline cross-sectional nutritional surveillance data from a large cohort of AKU patients is presented, which has clinical implications in all aspects of treatment planning.MethodSeventy-four patients (mean 55 years) admitted to the National Alkaptonuria Centre (NAC), underwent a global nutritional assessment, which included objective anthropometry, bioimpedance measures, habitual nutritional intake using a 7-day food diary and key nutritional biomarkers, including 24 hours urinary nitrogen, serum albumin, total protein and total 25-hydroxy vitamin D. All data was compared with cohort norms or recommended nutrient intakes for health (RNI). The potential beneficial impact of protein and anti-inflammatory nutrients such as vitamin C, selenium, and zinc were statistically interrogated against the AKU severity score index (AKUSSI)-a validated measure of disease progression stratified by age.ResultsFifty percent of AKU patients reported some level of protein restriction at some point in their lives. In comparison with national data sets, AKU patients present with significantly lower than predicted mid-upper arm circumference, grip strength, BMI, total energy and protein intake, and higher than predicted percentage body fat. They therefore meet the ESPEN criteria as "clinically undernourished." Severity fluctuates over the life course. No statistical association is identified between protein intake, expressed as %RNI or g/kg, or anti-inflammatory nutrients, including vitamin C as a high dose supplement on the severity of the disease, when correlated against the validated AKUSSI score.ConclusionAKU patients are at risk of protein depletion associated with a "perfect storm" of risk factors: historical, poorly evidenced recommendations to reduce total protein intake; limited mobility as the condition progresses, compromising muscle integrity; frequent hospital admissions for major surgery associated with multiple joint replacements, creating pinch points of high metabolic demand and the potential impact of the disease itself. As this is the first time this risk has been identified, the authors consider the dietetic implications of nitisinone treatment, which requires dietary protein control to manage the acquired tyrosinaemia. The lack of statistically significant evidence to support dietary manipulation of any kind to impede disease progression in AKU is demonstrated

    Characterization and Comparison of 2 Distinct Epidemic Community-Associated Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus Clones of ST59 Lineage.

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    Sequence type (ST) 59 is an epidemic lineage of community-associated (CA) methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates. Taiwanese CA-MRSA isolates belong to ST59 and can be grouped into 2 distinct clones, a virulent Taiwan clone and a commensal Asian-Pacific clone. The Taiwan clone carries the Panton-Valentine leukocidin (PVL) genes and the staphylococcal chromosomal cassette mec (SCCmec) VT, and is frequently isolated from patients with severe disease. The Asian-Pacific clone is PVL-negative, carries SCCmec IV, and a frequent colonizer of healthy children. Isolates of both clones were characterized by their ability to adhere to respiratory A549 cells, cytotoxicity to human neutrophils, and nasal colonization of a murine and murine sepsis models. Genome variation was determined by polymerase chain reaction of selected virulence factors and by multi-strain whole genome microarray. Additionally, the expression of selected factors was compared between the 2 clones. The Taiwan clone showed a much higher cytotoxicity to the human neutrophils and caused more severe septic infections with a high mortality rate in the murine model. The clones were indistinguishable in their adhesion to A549 cells and persistence of murine nasal colonization. The microarray data revealed that the Taiwan clone had lost the ΓΈ3-prophage that integrates into the Ξ²-hemolysin gene and includes staphylokinase- and enterotoxin P-encoding genes, but had retained the genes for human immune evasion, scn and chps. Production of the virulence factors did not differ significantly in the 2 clonal groups, although more Ξ±-toxin was expressed in Taiwan clone isolates from pneumonia patients. In conclusion, the Taiwan CA-MRSA clone was distinguished by enhanced virulence in both humans and an animal infection model. The evolutionary acquisition of PVL, the higher expression of Ξ±-toxin, and possibly the loss of a large portion of the Ξ²-hemolysin-converting prophage likely contribute to its higher pathogenic potential than the Asian-Pacific clone

    Does rearing laying hens in aviaries adversely affect long-term welfare following transfer to furnished cages?

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    This study tests the hypothesis that hens that are reared in aviaries but produce in furnished cages experience poorer welfare in production than hens reared in caged systems. This hypothesis is based on the suggestion that the spatial restriction associated with the transfer from aviaries to cages results in frustration or stress for the aviary reared birds. To assess the difference in welfare between aviary and cage reared hens in production, non-beak trimmed white leghorn birds from both rearing backgrounds were filmed at a commercial farm that used furnished cage housing. The videos were taken at 19 and 21 weeks of age, following the birds' transition to the production environment at 16 weeks. Videos were analysed in terms of the performance of aversion-related behaviour in undisturbed birds, comfort behaviour in undisturbed birds, and alert behaviour directed to a novel object in the home cage. A decrease in the performance of the former behaviour and increase in the performance of the latter two behaviours indicates improved welfare. The results showed that aviary reared birds performed more alert behaviour near to the object than did cage reared birds at 19 but not at 21 weeks of age (Pβ€Š=β€Š0.03). Blood glucose concentrations did not differ between the treatments (P>0.10). There was a significant difference in mortality between treatments (Pβ€Š=β€Š0.000), with more death in aviary reared birds (5.52%) compared to cage birds (2.48%). The higher mortality of aviary-reared birds indicates a negative effect of aviary rearing on bird welfare, whereas the higher duration of alert behavior suggests a positive effect of aviary rearing

    Lipopolysaccharide Renders Transgenic Mice Expressing Human Serum Amyloid P Component Sensitive to Shiga Toxin 2

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    Transgenic C57BL/6 mice expressing human serum amyloid P component (HuSAP) are resistant to Shiga toxin 2 (Stx2) at dosages that are lethal in HuSAP-negative wild-type mice. However, it is well established that Stx2 initiates extra-intestinal complications such as the haemolytic-uremic syndrome despite the presence of HuSAP in human sera. We now demonstrate that co-administering purified Escherichia coli O55 lipopolysaccharide (LPS), at a dosage of 300 ng/g body weight, to HuSAP-transgenic mice increases their susceptibility to the lethal effects of Stx2. The enhanced susceptibility to Stx2 correlated with an increased expression of genes encoding the pro-inflammatory cytokine TNFΞ± and chemokines of the CXC and CC families in the kidneys of LPS-treated mice, 48 hours after the Stx2/LPS challenge. Co-administering the glucocorticoid dexamethasone, but not the LPS neutralizing cationic peptide LL-37, protected LPS-sensitized HuSAP-transgenic mice from lethal doses of Stx2. Dexamethasone protection was specifically associated with decreased expression of the same inflammatory mediators (CXC and CC-type chemokines and TNFΞ±) linked to enhanced susceptibility caused by LPS. The studies reveal further details about the complex cascade of host-related events that are initiated by Stx2 as well as establish a new animal model system in which to investigate strategies for diminishing serious Stx2-mediated complications in humans infected with enterohemorrhagic E. coli strains

    Conducting research in individual patients: lessons learnt from two series of N-of-1 trials

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    BACKGROUND: Double-blind randomised N-of-1 trials (N-of-1 trials) may help with decisions concerning treatment when there is doubt regarding the effectiveness and suitability of medication for individual patients. The patient is his or her own control, and receives the experimental and the control treatment during several periods of time in random order. Reports of N-of-1 trials are still relatively scarce, and the research methodology is not as firmly established as that of RCTs. Recently, we have conducted two series of N-of-1 trials in general practice. Before, during, and after data-collection, difficulties regarding outcome assessment, analysis of the results, the withdrawal of patients, and the follow-up had to be dealt with. These difficulties are described and our solutions are discussed. DISCUSSION: To prevent or anticipate difficulties in N-of-1 trials, we argue that that it is important to individualise the outcome measures, and to carefully consider the objective, type of randomisation and the analysis. It is recommended to use the same dosages and dosage forms that the patient used before the trial, to start the trial with a run-in period, to formulate both general and individualised decision rules regarding the efficacy of treatment, to adjust treatment policies immediately after the trial, and to provide adequate instructions and support if treatment is adjusted. SUMMARY: Because of the specific characteristics of N-of-1 trials it is difficult to formulate general 'how to do it' guidelines for designing N-of-1 trials. However, when the design of each N-of-1 trial is tailored to the specific characteristics of each individual patient and the underlying medical problem, most difficulties in N-of-1 trials can be prevented or overcome. In this way, N-of-1 trials may be of help when deciding on drug treatment for individual patients

    Extragalactic Results from the Infrared Space Observatory

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    More than a decade ago the IRAS satellite opened the realm of external galaxies for studies in the 10 to 100 micron band and discovered emission from tens of thousands of normal and active galaxies. With the 1995-1998 mission of the Infrared Space Observatory the next major steps in extragalactic infrared astronomy became possible: detailed imaging, spectroscopy and spectro-photometry of many galaxies detected by IRAS, as well as deep surveys in the mid- and far- IR. The spectroscopic data reveal a wealth of detail about the nature of the energy source(s) and about the physical conditions in galaxies. ISO's surveys for the first time explore the infrared emission of distant, high-redshift galaxies. ISO's main theme in extragalactic astronomy is the role of star formation in the activity and evolution of galaxies.Comment: 106 pages, including 17 figures. Ann.Rev.Astron.Astrophys. (in press), a gzip'd pdf file (667kB) is also available at http://www.mpe.mpg.de/www_ir/preprint/annrev2000.pdf.g

    Phase I trial of CYT997, a novel cytotoxic and vascular-disrupting agent

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    BACKGROUND: CYT997 is a novel microtubule inhibitor and vascular-disrupting agent with marked preclinical anti-tumour activity. METHODS: This phase I dose-escalation study assessed the safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of CYT997 administered by continuous intravenous infusion over 24 h every 3 weeks to patients with advanced solid tumours

    Inactivation of Staphylococcal Phenol Soluble Modulins by Serum Lipoprotein Particles

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    Staphylococcus aureus virulence has been associated with the production of phenol soluble modulins (PSM). PSM are known to activate, attract and lyse neutrophils. However, the functional characterizations were generally performed in the absence of human serum. Here, we demonstrate that human serum can inhibit all the previously-described activities of PSM. We observed that serum can fully block both the cell lysis and FPR2 activation of neutrophils. We show a direct interaction between PSM and serum lipoproteins in human serum and whole blood. Subsequent analysis using purified high, low, and very low density lipoproteins (HDL, LDL, and VLDL) revealed that they indeed neutralize PSM. The lipoprotein HDL showed highest binding and antagonizing capacity for PSM. Furthermore, we show potential intracellular production of PSM by S. aureus upon phagocytosis by neutrophils, which opens a new area for exploration of the intracellular lytic capacity of PSM. Collectively, our data show that in a serum environment the function of PSM as important extracellular toxins should be reconsidered
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