1,915 research outputs found

    Labor Enforcement Issues in U.S. FTAs

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    [Excerpt] Labor provisions in free trade agreements (FTAs)—both in the U.S. and globally—were first included in the North American Agreement on Labor Cooperation (NAALC), the side agreement to the 1994 North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA). Since then provisions have evolved from commitments not just to enforce a country’s own domestic labor laws, but also to adopt and enforce core labor principles of the International Labor Organization (ILO). As mandated by Congress through trade promotion authority (TPA), recent U.S. FTAs also subject labor chapters to the same dispute settlement procedures as all other obligations. Some Members view strong worker rights provisions in U.S. FTAs as an important issue and they have raised concerns over FTA partner compliance with labor commitments and the U.S. record of enforcement. These issues were a part of the debate over the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) and in the NAFTA renegotiation

    Considerazioni in merito all’uso dei test mentali nella quantificazione del danno biologico di natura psichica

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    Gli autori, pur rimarcando la centralità del colloquio strutturato e dell’esame delle condizioni mentali per la valutazione del danno biologico di natura psichica, sottolineano altresì l’importanza, all’interno di un corretto esame psicodiagnostico, dei test mentali quale utile supporto per la quantificazione del danno stesso, a condizione di conoscerne peculiarità e limiti

    Leveraging M and S in Soft Skills Training for the DoD

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    Soft skills, also called "people skills," are typically hard to observe, quantify and measure. These skills have to do with how we relate to each other; communicating, listening, engaging in dialogue, giving feedback, cooperating as a team member, solving problems and resolving conflicts. Most of the soft skills training is scenario based, utilizing written or video-based scenarios. with limited or no branching, as well as quantitative feedback. This paper will outline a game-based approach to configurable, scenario-based, soft skills training. The paper will discuss the application of realistic visual behavior cues (e.g. body language, vocal inflection, facial expressions) and how these can benefit the learner. Using the concept of a "virtual vignette" this paper will discuss a prototype system intended to leach suicide prevention and provide qualitative feedback to the learner. The paper will also explore other soft skills training applications for this technolog

    High discharge rate characteristics of nickel-cadmium batteries for pulse load filtering

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    Several tests of specially fabricated nickel-cadmium batteries having circular disk type electrodes were considered. These batteries were evaluated as filter elements between a constant current power supply and a five hertz pulsed load demanding approximately twice the power supply current during the load on portion of the cycle. Short tests lasting 10,000 cycles were conducted at up to a 21 C rate and an equivalent energy density of over 40 Joules per pound. In addition, two batteries were subjected to 10 to the 7 charge/discharge cycles, one at a 6.5 C rate and the other at a 13 C rate. Assuming an electrode to battery weight ratio of 0.5, these tests represent an energy density of about 7 and 14 Joules per pound respectively. Energy density, efficiency, capacitance, average voltage, and available capacity were tracked during these tests. After 10 to the 7 cycles, capacity degradation was negligible for one battery and about 20% for the other. Cadmium electrode failure may be the factor limiting lifetime at extremely low depth of discharge cycling. The output was examined and a simple equivalent circuit was proposed

    3d printing technologies: Are their materials safe for conservation treatments?

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    3D printing technologies have been definitively introduced in conservation treatments. Despite the advantage of not requiring direct contact with the artwork, allowing the preservation of fragile objects, the printed item is located in direct contact with the object and the characterization of the filament used for the printing is not often taken into consideration. The following study was undertaken as an evaluation of filaments possibly employed for conservation treatments. The characterisation of the components was carried out through infrared spectroscopy, thermal and chromatographic analyses. Moreover, it was investigated whether such materials release volatile organic compounds (VOC) during their degradation process. Indeed, all of them released styrenic and alkyl compounds, all solvents for materials that can be found on artworks, employed by both, artist and conservator

    Chemotherapy accelerates immune-senescence and functional impairments of Vδ2pos T cells in elderly patients affected by liver metastatic colorectal cancer.

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    Human (gamma delta) γδ T cells are unconventional innate-like lymphocytes displaying a broad array of anti-tumor activities with promising perspectives in cancer immunotherapy. In this context, Vδ2pos T cells represent the preferential target of several immunotherapy protocols against solid tumors. However, the impact of both aging and chemotherapy (CHT) on Vδ2pos T cells is still unknown. The present study evaluates with multi-parametric flow cytometry the frequencies, terminal differentiation, senescence and effector-functions of peripheral blood and tumor infiltrating Vδ2pos T cells purified from liver metastases (CLM) of patients affected by colorectal cancer (CRC) compared to those of sex- and age-matched healthy donors. The peripheral blood of CLM patients underwent CHT is characterized by decreased amounts of Vδ2pos T cells showing a relative increase of terminally-differentiated CD27neg/CD45RApos (TEMRA) cells. The enrichment of this latter subset is associated with an increased expression of the senescent marker CD57. The acquisition of CD57 on TEMRA Vδ2pos T cells is also coupled with impairments in cytotoxicity and production of TNF-α and IFN-γ. These features resemble the acquisition of an immune-senescent profile by Vδ2pos T cells from CLM patients that received CHT, a phenomenon that is also associated with the loss of the co-stimulatory marker CD28 and with the induced expression of CD16. The group of CLM patients underwent CHT and older than 60 years old showed higher frequencies of CD57pos and TEMRA Vδ2pos T cells. Similar results were found for tumor infiltrating Vδ2pos T cell subset purified from CLM specimens of patients treated with CHT. The toxicity of CHT regimens also affects the homeostasis of Vδ2pos T cells by inducing higher frequencies of circulating CD57pos TEMRA subset in CLM underwent CHT and younger than 60 years old. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the enrichment of senescent Vδ2pos T cells in CLM patients is not only induced by patients' aging but also by the toxicity of CHT that further accelerates the accumulation of CD57pos TEMRA cells highly dysfunctional in their anti-tumor activities. These results are important to both predict the clinical outcome of CLM and to optimize those protocols of cell cancer immunotherapy employing unconventional Vδ2pos T cells

    Electronic structure of Ca1−x_{1-x}Srx_xVO3_3: a tale of two energy-scales

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    We investigate the electronic structure of Ca1−x_{1-x}Srx_xVO3_3 using photoemission spectroscopy. Core level spectra establish an electronic phase separation at the surface, leading to distinctly different surface electronic structure compared to the bulk. Analysis of the photoemission spectra of this system allowed us to separate the surface and bulk contributions. These results help us to understand properties related to two vastly differing energy-scales, namely the low energy-scale of thermal excitations (~kBTk_{B}T) and the high-energy scale related to Coulomb and other electronic interactions.Comment: 4 pages and 3 figures. Europhysics Letters (appearing

    A New Combination Method Based on Adaptive Genetic Algorithm for Medical Image Retrieval

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    Medical image retrieval could be based on the text describing the image as the caption or the title. The use of text terms to retrieve images have several disadvantages such as term-disambiguation. Recent studies prove that representing text into semantic units (concepts) can improve the semantic representation of textual information. However, the use of conceptual representation has other problems as the miss or erroneous semantic relation between two concepts. Other studies show that combining textual and conceptual text representations leads to better accuracy. Popularly, a score for textual representation and a score for conceptual representation are computed and then a combination function is used to have one score. Although the existing of many combination methods of two scores, we propose in this paper a new combination method based on adaptive version of the genetic algorithm. Experiments are carried out on Medical Information Retrieval Task of the ImageCLEF 2009 and 2010. The results confirm that the combination of both textual and conceptual scores allows best accuracy. In addition, our approach outperforms the other combination methods

    Let\u27s Talk About Ethics! A Qualitative Analysis of First-year Engineering Student Group Discussions Around Ethical Scenarios

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    Over the past decade, there has been a renewed interest in the scope and practice of ethics education in engineering curricula, especially in the first year. However, the form this education takes has varied considerably with each program. Active learning strategies such as discussions on ethical and societal issues have become increasingly common for assessing how students make ethical decisions. But probing the depths of the reasoning behind their decisions and how students discuss ethics in context with their peers has been under-studied and difficult. Furthermore, if first-year programs wish to implement effective instructional interventions aimed at improving ethical decision making skills, pre-assessment of student thought processes is required. This full research paper offers findings from the first phase of a multi-university research project, aimed at investigating the impact game-based instruction can have on the development of engineering students’ ethical awareness and decision making. Specifically, the research presented in this paper is guided by the following research question: How do engineering students reason through engineering-ethical scenarios prior to college-level ethics education? First-year engineering students across three universities in the northeast USA will participate in group discussions around engineering ethical scenarios derived from the Engineering Ethics Reasoning Instrument (EERI) and Toxic Workplaces: A Cooperative Ethics Card Game (developed by the researchers). The questions posed to the student groups center around primary morality concepts such as integrity, conflicting obligations, and the contextual nature of ethical decision making. An a priori coding schema based on these concepts will be utilized, along with an inductive thematic analysis to tease out emergent themes. Results from this research will provide insight into how first-year engineering students think and discuss ethics prior to formal instruction, which can inform curricular design and development strategy. The research also provides a curated series of ethical engineering scenarios with accompanying discussion questions that can be adopted in any first-year classroom for instructional and evaluative purposes

    The Chemical Origin of SEY at Technical Surfaces

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    The secondary emission yield (SEY) properties of colaminated Cu samples for LHC beam screens are correlated to the surface chemical composition determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. The surface of the "as received" samples is characterized by the presence of significant quantities of contaminating adsorbates and by the maximum of the SEY curve (dmax) being as high as 2.2. After extended electron scrubbing at kinetic energy of 10 and 500 eV, the dmax value drops to the ultimate values of 1.35 and 1.1, respectively. In both cases the surface oxidized phases are significantly reduced, whereas only in the sample scrubbed at 500 eV the formation of a graphitic-like C layer is observed. We find that the electron scrubbing of technical Cu surfaces can be described as occurring in two steps, where the first step consists in the electron induced desorption of weakly bound contaminants that occurs indifferently at 10 and at 500 eV and corresponds to a partial decrease of dmax, and the second step, activated by more energetic electrons and becoming evident at high doses, which increases the number of graphitic-like C-C bonds via the dissociation of adsorbates already contaminating the "as received" surface or accumulating on this surface during irradiation. Our results demonstrate how the kinetic energy of impinging electrons is a crucial parameter when conditioning technical surfaces of Cu and other metals by means of electron induced chemical processing.Comment: 6 pages, contribution to the Joint INFN-CERN-EuCARD-AccNet Workshop on Electron-Cloud Effects: ECLOUD'12; 5-9 Jun 2012, La Biodola, Isola d'Elba, Italy; CERN Yellow Report CERN-2013-002, pp.99-10
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