504 research outputs found

    El mundo femenino en algunos cuentos de Rima de Vallbona

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    With brand awareness, many people can easily recognize the brand. In addition to brand awareness, companies need to build relationships with consumers to increase brand recall or what is known as brand associations. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of brand awareness and brand associations on consumer loyalty. The type of data used is quantitative data sourced from primary data through distributing questionnaires. The population in this research is 100 respondents. Sampling method using purposive sampling Data were analyzed using multiple linear regression and calculated with IBM SPSS 25. Obtained research shows that there is brand awareness and brand associations that have a significant effect on consumer loyalty, therefore indicating that in increasing consumer loyalty, it will be better if marketing department management increases brand awareness and brand association. Maintaining and increasing good interactions with its customers, the company continues to provide the things that its consumers desire to keep consumers satisfied and remain loyal.Adanya kesadaran merek, banyak orang dapat dengan mudah mengenali merek tersebut. Selain kesadaran merek, perusahaan perlu membangun hubungan pada konsumen untuk meningkatkan daya ingat pada sebuah merek atau yang disebut dengan asosiasi merek. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis pengaruh kesadaran merek dan asosiasi merek pada loyalitas konsumen. Jenis data yang digunakan adalah data kuantitatif yang bersumber dari data primer melalui penyebaran kuesioner. Populasi pada penelitian ini ialah 100 responden. Metode pengambilan sampel mempergunakan purposive sampling Data dianalisis mempergunakan regresi linear berganda dan dihitung dengan IBM SPSS 25. Perolehan penelitian memperlihatkan bahwasanya kesadaran merek dan asosiasi merek mempengaruhi secara signifikan pada loyalitas konsumen, maka dari itu menunjukkan bahwa dalam meningkatkan loyalitas konsumen, akan lebih baik jika manajemen bagian pemasaran meningkatkan kesadaran merek dan asosiasi merek. Menjaga dan meningkatkan interaksi yang baik dengan para konsumennya, perusahaan terus memberikan hal-hal yang menjadi keinginan konsumennya untuk menjaga supaya konsumen tetap puas dan tetap loyal

    Cambodia Country Case Study: Integration of Mine Action into the Country Development Framework

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    Internal CIDA country case study which outlines benefits and rationale for integrating mine action into official development programming in mine affected regions. Aimed at CIDA country desk officers. Cambodia was chosen for a country case study based on criteria it met for the Government of Canada\u27s International Policy Strategy as a bilateral country of priority and the criteria created by the CIDA Mine Action Unit: Cambodia ratified the Ottawa Convention in 1999; its mine and UXO contamination are a large obstacle in Cambodia\u27s development of poverty reduction; and the bilateral desk has the potential to integrate mine action into their programming


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    Summary In Latin America and the Caribbean, Canada has supported recipient country efforts to implement tough economic reforms. There has been considerable debate within Canada on the impact of these reforms on the ‘poor’ within the region, particularly in Latin America, which suffers from extreme income disparities. The nature of Canadian aid, i.e. tied and grant financed, and recent reductions in the Canadian aid budget have made it very difficult for Canada to fund directly large poverty interventions with their associated high local costs. The most efficient and effective means to support economic reform and poverty alleviation programming was through balance of payments support and the generation of counterpart funds for poverty alleviation activities. A unique feature of some of the counterpart fund mechanisms created by the Canadian aid programme was that they were off budgetary, with funding channelled through the non?governmental and private sectors. This was viewed as the most effective means to facilitate the participation and empowerment of the poorer segments of the population. Résumé Les fonds de contrepartie: l'expérience canadienne dans la région Amérique latine/Caraïbes Le Canada a prêté son aide aux pays donataires en Amérique latine et aux Caraïbes qui désiraient mettre en vigueur des réformes économiques sévères. Il existe un sérieux débat au sein du Canada même concernant l'impact de ces réformes sur les ‘pauvres’ dans cette région, et notamment en Amérique latine, où d'énormes disparités se constatent dans les revenus. Le caractère même de l'aide canadienne, à savoir l'aide liée et l'aide non remboursable, ainsi que les réductions qui sont intervenues récemment dans le budget d'aide internationale du Canada, font que ce pays n'arrive que très difficilement à financer en direct les interventions de grande envergure de lutte contre la pauvreté, ni leurs coûts locaux très onéreux. Le moyen le plus efficace et le plus rentable d'appuyer les réformes économiques et les programmes d'allégement de la pauvreté a été celui du soutien de la balance des paiements, parallèlement avec la génération de fonds de contrepartie réservés aux activités d'allègement de la pauvreté. Une caractéristique exclusive de certains mécanismes de financement en contrepartie créés par le programme d'aide du Canada est que ces mécanismes sont restés hors?budgétaires, les financements étant canalisés par voie du secteur privé et non?gouvernemental. Cette technique fut censée être le moyen le plus rentable de restituer le pouvoir aux sections les plus déshéritées de la population, et de faciliter leur participation. Resumen Fondos de contrapartida: la experiencia canadiense en América Latina y en el Caribe En Latinoamérica y en el Caribe, Canàdá ha respaldado los esfuerzos de los países beneficiarios por implementar duras reformas economicas. Ha habido un debate considerable en el país sobre el impacto de estas reformas en los ‘pobres’ de la región, particularmente en América Latina, que sufre de disparidades extremas en cuanto a ingresos. La índole de la asistencia canadiense, es decir, limitada a los productos canadienses financiada con y subvenciones, y las recientes reducciones en su presupuesto de ayuda han hecho que resulte muy difícil para Canadá financias intervenciones directas ‘anti?pobreza’ con sus altos costos locales asociados. La forma más eficiente y efectiva de apoyar la reforma económica y los programas de mitigación de pobreza ha sido a través del respaldo a la balanza de pagos y la creación de fondos de contrapartida para estas actividades ‘anti?pobreza’. Un rasgo único de algunos de estos mecanismos de fondos de contrapartida creados por el programa canadiense de asistencia ha sido el hecho de estar fuera del presupuesto, con fondos canalizados a través del sector privado y no oficial. Se ha llegado a la conclusión de que éste ha sido el medio mas efectivo de facilitar la participación de los sectores mas necesitados de la población

    Plantar poesia

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    Não há liberdade de criação se a gente faz concessões ao ambiente literário. Inclusive, o fazer diferente é uma armadilha para muita gente que tenta romper com a tradição, na presunção de inovar. A inovação é resultado de um processo, às vezes, doloroso, no qual se busca uma linguagem própria. O artista não inventa nem o mundo, nem uma nova linguagem, mas sintetiza seu repertório linguístico e emocional, a partir da experimentação, da recombinação dos elementos culturais, artísticos e vivenciais que o caracterizam ser


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    As an approach in development, Strategy as Practice appropriates other theories with ontological and epistemological assumptions that converge for the construction of their analytical body. Therefore, in this discipline, the assumptions of the Structurationist and Historical-Cultural Activity Theory are to be found as grounded frameworks. This theoretical essay puts forward an argument concerning the appropriation of the Historical-Cultural Activity Theory by the Activity-Based View that figures as one of the analytical epistemological structures of Strategy as Practice. The analytical procedure is guided by the central aim of stimulating the debate about the ontological and epistemological assumptions of assimilation between one theory and the other added goal to dismantle an argument concerning the Ontology of Strategic Practice. The results of the analytical argument reveal that there is adequate ontological and epistemological coherence in the incorporation of the Historical-Cultural Activity Theory by the Activity-Based View


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    Financing educational development : proceedings of an international seminar held in Mont Sainte Marie, Canada, 19-21 May 1982

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    Meeting: Meeting of Education Donor Agency Representatives, 19-21 May 1982, Mont Sainte Marie, Que., CAFrench version available in IDRC Digital Library: Financement du développement éducationnel : compte rendu du séminaire international tenu au Mont Sainte-Marie, Canada, 19-21 mai 198
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