145 research outputs found

    Secondary metabolites with ecologic and medicinal implications in Anthemis cretica subsp. petraea from Majella National Park

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    Anthemis cretica subsp. petraea (Ten.) Greuter is a plant belonging to the Asteraceae family and endemic of central Italy. In this paper, the first analysisof the ethanolic fraction of samples collected in the Majella National Park is reported. Seven compounds were isolated and identified namely parthenolide (1), 9α-acetoxyparthenolide (2), tamarixetin (3), 7-hydroxycoumarin (4), 4'-hydroxyacetophenone (5), leucanthemitol (conduritol F) (6),and proto-quercitol (7). Isolation of the compounds was achieved by means ofcolumn chromatography (CC), while their identification was achieved through spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques. The presence of these compounds is of great relevance. Compounds 1 and 2 are chemosystematic markers of the family, thus confirming the correct botanical classification of the species. Conversely, compounds 3, 5,and 7 were identified for the first time in the species and, instead, confirm the tendency of endemic entities to develop characteristic metabolite patterns in respect to cosmopolite species. Moreover, the presence of compounds 6 and 7 has ecologic implications and may be linked to this taxon’s adaption to dry environments. The production of these osmolytes may, in fact, represent the reason why this species is able to survive in extreme conditions of aridity. Lastly, from a medicinal standpoint, the isolated compounds are endowed with interesting biological activities and may justify, on a molecular base, the widespread traditional uses of the Anthemis species, as well as a basis for the use ofthe subspecies petraea

    Characterization of Thymus vulgaris Subsp. vulgaris Community by Using a Multidisciplinary Approach: A Case Study from Central Italy

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    Thymus vulgaris L. is an emblematic species of the Mediterranean tradition. As a crop, this species has been spread wherever possible by man around the World. Often escaped from cultivations, defining its natural environment and the limits of its natural range is very much complicated as these have been greatly altered and influenced by human presence, in a positive or in a negative way. In addition to ecology and biogeography studies, we carried out human ecology research to understand whether, in a multidisciplinary (pan-ecological) approach, the case study of the Th. vulgaris subsp. vulgaris community can be considered of natural or of naturalised origin. An ecological, bio-geographical, and floristic review on this species is reported to help the discussion. Our study could be a good way to improve scientific discussions and applications even for other places and other situations. Some outlook and proposals are reported to improve management and conservation measures, in order to foster our ”green-sphere” protection strategies through plants

    Isoflavones and other compounds from the roots of Iris marsica I. Ricci E Colas. Collected from Majella National Park, Italy

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    In this study, a phytochemical analysis was performed, for the first time, on Iris marsica I. Ricci e Colas. In particular, the attention was focused on the constituents of the roots. Twenty-one compounds were isolated by column chromatography and were analyzed/identified by NMR spectroscopy and mass spectrometry. They all own chemotaxonomic, ethno-pharmacological and nutraceutical relevance which allowed us to provide a phytochemical rationale, for the correct botanical classification of this species, for the employment of its roots in folk medicine like for all the other species belonging to the Iris genus and, lastly, for their further uses as food with important healthy benefits. All of these parts were broadly discussed about within the text

    New syntaxon names for the Italian Quercus cerris woods

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    Based on the results of a previous nomenclatural revision of the Italian Quercus cerris forests, 31 syntaxon names are here validated or described as new and 5 lectotypes are designated

    Cushion plant morphology controls biogenic capability\ua0and facilitation effects of Silene acaulis along\ua0an elevation gradient

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    The stress-gradient hypothesis (SGH) predicts that the balance of plant\u2013plant interactions shifts along abiotic environmental gradients, with facilitation becoming more frequent under stressful conditions. However, recent studies have challenged this perspective, reporting that positive interactions are, in some cases, more common at the intermediate level of environmental severity gradients. Here, we test whether and how neighbour effects by Silene acaulis cushions vary along a 700 m wide altitudinal transect, in relation to cushion morphological traits and environmental severity. Field measurements along the gradient, within and outside cushions, included (i) species richness and cover of coexisting vascular plants; (ii) cushion morphology; (iii) above- and below-ground microclimate; and (iv) soil quality. We used the relative interaction index to decouple neighbour trait effects and environmental severity effects on plant diversity at different elevations. The ability of the cushion plant to facilitate heterospecifics shifts considerably along the elevation gradient, being greatest at the intermediate level. On the other hand, Silene morphological traits steadily change along the gradient, from lax, soft and flat-shaped cushion habits at low elevation to tightly knit and dome-shaped habits at high elevation. Cushion morphological changes are associated with mitigating effects on microclimate, indicating that cushions effectively act as a heat-trap at medium and high elevations, while at low elevations the soft and flat cushions avoid excessive heat accumulation by tight coupling with the surrounding atmosphere. At the upper end of the gradient, cushion cespitose\u2013pulvinate compactness and high stem density appear to be critical traits in modulating the net effect of plant\u2013plant interaction, since the space available for hosting other vascular species is considerably reduced. In conclusion, this work provides a mechanistic link between plant morphological traits, associated biogenic microclimate changes and variation in net plant\u2013plant interactions along the explored severity gradient. Our findings support an alternative conceptual model to SGH, with plant facilitation collapsing at the upper extreme of the abiotic stress gradient

    A revised phytosociological nomenclature for the Italian Quercus cerris woods

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    This paper aims to revise the phytosociological nomenclature of the Quercus cerris woods occurring in Italy with particular attention to associations, subassociations, and suballiances. The syntaxa included in this revision were selected based on a physiognomical criterion, i.e., woods with dominance or codominance of Quercus cerris. The nomenclatural revision complied with the International Code of Phytosociological Nomenclature. Correct names and Authors' citations were considered for all the syntaxa analyzed (121), and, in most cases, other information about nomenclatural types, localities, synonyms, classification, and other notes was reported. As regards the alliance level, the correct application of the name Melittio albidae-Quercion frainetto ―whose original diagnosis and type-association occur in Italy― was discussed. In all, 31 syntaxon names were validated or described: two suballiances (Campanulo medii-Ostryenion carpinifoliae and Pulmonario apenninae-Carpinenion betuli), nine associations and 20 subassociations. Five lectotypes were also designated

    Integrazioni alla flora vascolare dell’Italia centrale.

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    Additions to the vascular flora of the Central Italy. In this work new floristic records for 46 units are reported for some regions of Central Italy. Particularly 25 are new or confirmed to Abruzzo, 1 is new to Marche and 1 to Molise. In addition new distribution data for 18 units rare or interesting in Abruzzo and 1 in Molise regions have been recorded. The survey was carried out from 2010 to 2015 through field research, revision of herbarium specimens and literature studies. Some recorded species are particularly interesting from a phytogeo¬graphical or conservational point of view as they are very rare in Cen¬tral Italy. The results also show a high presence of new alien species

    Contributo alla flora del Parco Nazionale della Majella

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    Viene presentato un ulteriore contributo alla ricca flora del Parco Nazionale della Majella. In particolare, 15 nuove entità vengono segnalate per la prima volta ed una viene confermata nell’area protetta. Per altre entità, rare sul territorio regionale, vengono segnalate nuove stazioni all’interno del Parco. Il contributo conferma come la ricerca sul campo sia di fondamentale importanza per approfondire le conoscenze sul patrimonio naturale, anche nel caso di territori abbastanza ben conosciuti come quello del Parco Nazionale della Majella.A further contribution to the rich flora of the Majella National Park is presented. In particular, 15 entities are reported for the first time and one is confirmed in the protected area. New localities are also indicated, inside the Park, for some plant species that are very rare in the Abruzzo region. It is confirmed that field research is of crucial importance in expanding our knowledge of the natural heritage, even in a fairly well known territory as that of the Majella National Park

    Antioxidant and α-glucosidase inhibitory activity of Achillea tenorii

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    Context: There is a need for the discovery of novel natural remedies to prevent and treat metabolic disorders such as hyperglycemia, type II non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus, and obesity. Several Achillea species have been utilized for centuries all around the world and are generally considered effective as hypoglycemic. Objective: Considering the ethnobotanical uses of Achillea genus, we evaluated the in vitro inhibitory activity of Achillea tenorii Grande (Asteraceae) extract on a-glucosidase, which is a valuable target to prevent and treat metabolic disorders. We also tested its antioxidant activity. Moreover, the phytochemical profile was discussed from a chemotaxonomic point of view. Materials and methods: In vitro a-glucosidase inhibition of crude ethanolic extract obtained from the aerial parts was assayed as well as the in vitro antioxidant activity (ABTS, DPPH, and FRAP-FZ tests) was measured. The extract was characterized from a phytochemical point of view by means of spectroscopic analysis. Results: The extract results endowed with a-glucosidase inhibitory activity (IC50 32 mg/mL) with a particular mechanism of action definable as un-competitive, which differed from the mechanism observed for the best-known a-glucosidase inhibitor (acarbose and miglitol). In addition, a considerable antioxidant potential has been found for A. tenorii extract, which resulted mainly constituted by phenolic compounds such as caffeoylquinic acids and flavonoids. Discussion and conclusions: These results suggest the potential of A. tenorii as a possible natural remedy to prevent and treat metabolic disorders of carbohydrates