386 research outputs found

    Release Properties of Paracetamol Granulationa Formulated with Gum from the Fresh Fruits of Theobroma Cacao

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    Theobroma cacao gum, TCG was derived as a dry powder from fresh fruits of Theobroma cacao. Various granulations of paracetamol were prepared with TCG at the concentrations of 0.5 – 4% w/w. Similar formulations were prepared using sodium carboxymethyl cellulose, SCMC and acacia gums as standards. In each case the release properties of the drug were studied in both 0.1 N HCl and 0.1 N NaOH. Generally, drug release showed TCG < SCMC< acacia. For example, the T20 - values in 0.1 N HCl at 4 % adhesive concentration were as follows: acacia, 17 min, SCMC, 20 min, TCG, 43 min. A change in dissolution medium from 0.1 N HCl to 0.1 N NaOH markedly increased drug release. Release in 0.1 N NaOH was in the order TCG < SCMC< acacia.Keywords: Theobroma cacao polysaccharide, paracetamol, granulations, drug release, dissolution mediaNigerian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, Vol. 8 No 1 pp. 46 - 55 (September 2010

    Assessment of Pb, Zn, As, Ni, Cu, Cr and Cd in Agricultural Soils around Settlements of Abandoned Lead-Zinc Mine in Mkpuma Ekwoku, South-eastern, Nigeria

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    This study was carried out to assess the level, distribution and the contamination status of Pb, Zn, As, Ni, Cu, Cr and Cd in agricultural soils around the settlements of Abandoned Lead-Zinc Mine in Nkpuma Ekwoku, Southeastern, Nigeria. The mean concentrations of the heavy metals, Pb, Zn, As, Ni, Cu, Cr and Cd are 109.55, 210, 1.83, 2.34, 8.24, 12.66 and 8.57 mg/kg respectively. The values obtained were compared with the established soil sediment standard by Canadian Council of Ministers of Environment (CCME). Generally most samples around the abandoned Pb/Zn mine show higher concentration of Pb, Zn, Cd, and Cr compare to individual Effect Range Low (ERL) values of the elements while Cu, and Ni were below both Effect Range Low (ERL) and Effect Range Medium values. However, Cd and Cr exceed the Effect Range Medium of the elements. Pollution Load Index (PLI) was found to be generally low in all the locations whereas the contamination factor (CF) values for metals like Pb, Zn and Cd are >1 while CF values of As, Cu, Cr and Ni are <1. The contamination is most probably resulted from the mineralized veins and mining of the ores.Keywords: heavy metals; soil contamination; lead-zinc; Mkpuma-Ekwok

    On the Power Efficiency of Artificial Neural Network (ANN) and the Classical Regression Model

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    This research work presents new development in the field of natural science, where comparison is made theoretically on the efficiency of both classical regression models and that of artificial neural network models, with various transfer functions without data consideration. The results obtained based on variance estimation indicates that ANN is better which coincides with the results of Authors in the past on the efficiency of ANN over the traditional regression models. The certain conditions required for ANN efficiency over the conventional regression models were noted only that the optimal number of hidden layers and neurons needed to achieve minimum error is still open to further investigation.Key words

    Role of Women in Farm and Family Decision Making Process in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu State, Nigeria

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    Women are key players in the agricultural sector of most developing countries like Nigeria. But, despite their well recognized roles, men have continued to dominate both farm and non-farm decision making process. This study investigated the role of women in farm and family decision making process in Udi L.G.A of Enugu State, Nigeria. Multi-stage random sampling technique was employed in collecting primary data from 120 respondents with the aid of a questionnaire and interview schedule. Both descriptive and inferential statistical tools were used in data analysis. Result showed that women influenced decisions on the following farming activities: sowing/planting, fertilizer applications, marketing of farm products among others. They also took part in non-agricultural farming decisions such as marriage issues, domestic activities, family medical and health issues among others. The result of multiple regression analysis showed a high value of  R2 of 78.1% which indicates that about 78.1% change in participation of women farmers in farm and family decision-making was caused by changes in the socio-economic characteristics of the women farmers. The null hypothesis was rejected at 5% level of significance. This shows that the socio-economic characteristics of the women farmers influenced significantly their participation in decision making. The result of factor analysis identified institutional, socio-cultural and financial constraints as hindrances to women full participation in farm and non-farm decision making. It was concluded that empowering women through direct involvement in development and implementation of agricultural policies and projects can enhance their decision-making ability. Necessary recommendations such as legislative changes, formation of functional women groups and reform of land tenure system in favour of women were made among others. Keywords: Agriculture, Women, Role, Farm, Family, Decision Making, Enugu State, Nigeria

    Maximum Likelihood Estimation of the Kumaraswamy Exponential Distribution with Applications

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    The Kumaraswamy exponential distribution, a generalization of the exponential, is developed as a model for problems in environmental studies, survival analysis and reliability. The estimation of parameters is approached by maximum likelihood and the observed information matrix is derived. The proposed models are applied to three real data sets

    Determinants of Productivity among Firms Producing Agribusiness-Based Raw Materials and Those Using Them for Production in Abia State, Nigeria

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    The study was designed to analyze the determinants of productivity among firms with specialization in producing and using agricultural products respectively in Abia State, Nigeria. Data were collected with structured questionnaire from 72 randomly selected firms comprising firms using and producing agricultural products respectively. Data were analyzed using simple descriptive statistics, chi-square and multiple regression analyses models. Results show that majority (56.25%) of firms using agricultural products are experienced and acclimatized to the investment climate of the area, 68.75% and 71.42% of the firms using and producing agricultural products respectively never borrowed their start-up capital, 87.7% and 100% of the firms producing and using of agricultural products in the study area have asset worth of  N1-N10 million naira respectively and, there is a deep impression that marketing problems in conjunction with capital inadequacy (68.75%) have profoundly constrained the productivity of both firms. It further revealed that there is a significant difference between employee qualification and productivity and also a significant difference between on-job training and productivity of the firms. The multiple regression analysis showed that taxation and amount paid to employees was significant and negatively related to productivity whereas, amount invested in manpower and working condition of employees was significant and positively related to productivity. On the basis of the results, the study recommended among other factors, improved and good wages and salaries incentives to employees as a panacea for their continual stay with the firms. This will also boost their morale and enhance productivity. Keywords: productivity, firms, producing, agricultural products

    On Comparison of Exponential and Hyperbolic Exponential Growth Models in Height/Diameter Increment of PINES (Pinus caribaea)

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    A new tree growth model called the hyperbolic exponential nonlinear growth model is suggested. Its ability in model prediction was compared with the Malthus or exponential growth model an approach which mimicked the natural variability of heights/diameter increment with respect to age and therefore provides more realistic height/diameter predictions as demonstrated by the results of the Kolmogorov Smirnov test and Shapiro-Wilk test. The mean function of top height/Dbh over age using the two models under study predicted closely the observed values of top height/Dbh in the Hyperbolic exponential nonlinear growth models better than the ordinary exponential growth model without violating most of the assumptions about the error term

    On Comparison of Some Imputation Techniques in Multivariate Data Analysis

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    Listwise or pairwise deletion as the method of handling missing data in multivariate data leads to loss of statistical power, biased results and underestimation of standard errors and P-values.Four imputation techniques namely Regression, Stochastic, Expectation-Maximization (EM) and Multiple Imputation (MI) were considered and compared in terms of preserving the original distribution of the (multivariate) data and the relationships among the variables before the techniques were applied. Results show that none of the techniques performed absolutely better than the rest leaving the choice of imputation techniques in any dataset on the objectives of the researcher. Keyword: Imputation, missing data, Expectation Maximization, Multiple Imputation, Root Mean Square Error

    Lithofacies and paleo depositional environment of the rocks of Nkpuma-Akpatakpa, Izzi, Southeast Nigeria

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    A detailed geological investigation of Nkpuma-akpatakpa, Izzi, Southeast Nigeria, done on a map scale of 1: 25,000, showed its lithofacies as brown shales, dark-grey shales, mudstones, siltstones and limestones. These lithofacies have been organized into two main lithostratigraphic units namely, brown shales (Unit A) and dark-grey shales (unit B). The brown colour of shales (unit A) suggests high content of ferric oxide due to intense weathering and low metamorphism caused by volcanism in the area. The dark colour of shale (unit B) suggests deposition in anoxic or reducing environment. Its dark-grey colour and the presence of bivalves suggest deposition in a low energy, marine environment. The abundance of illite which increases with depth indicates deeply buried shale not less than 3,500 m below surface. The presence of shelly limestone indicates shallow, warm, silt-free and clean marine environment. The intact shells of bivalves suggest deposition in a low energy protected shoreline where wave action is limited. Sedimentary structures like fissility and laminations, also suggest deposition in low energy marine setting. Pyroclastic rocks mapped in the area have been interpreted as volcanic tuffs and agglomerates interstratified with the shales.Key words: Lithofacies, depositional environment, rocks, Nkpuma-akpatakpa, Izzi

    Effect of Selection Process on Organizational Performance in the Brewery Industry of Southern Nigeria

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    The aim of this paper is to investigate the “Effect of Selection Process on Organizational Performance in the Brewery Industry of Southern Nigeria”.  Guided by Reflection and Attribution Theory, the research sought to: (i) ascertain the extent to which there was a positive relationship between employment tests and creativity, (ii) determine the extent to which there was a positive relationship between selection interview and profitability. Two hypotheses were formulated to guide the study. Through proportionate stratified random sampling, 328 individuals were selected from the organizations of study.  Responses from the questionnaire were complemented with personal interviews of some selected management staff.  The data obtained were analyzed using frequency tables and the values expressed in percentages. Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used for testing the hypotheses and t-test was used for testing the level of significance of correlation coefficient at 5% error and 3-degrees of freedom.  The findings of this study are: there is a positive relationship between employment tests and creativity; there is a positive relationship between selection interview and profitability. Keywords: Selection process, Organization performance, Employment tests, Selection interview
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