11 research outputs found

    Mémoire phonologique et visuospatiale chez les enfants sourds: Des nouvelles du front

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    Fundamental questions about the short term memory (STM) in deaf children are still debated. This article addresses the question of the cognitive model of STM in sign language (SL), and the assumptions about differences between spans in SL and spoken language (SL). It also discusses recent theoretical advances on STM in the normal hearing population that could be extrapolated for understanding of STM in SL. Finally, concrete paths for professionals are proposed.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Analgésie péridurale obstétricale et lombalgie du post-partum: un lien de cause à effet?

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    peer reviewedbackache is a common problem in the general population. the prevalence of backpain is increased during pregnancy and after delivery. early studies have suggested that labor epidural analgesia might be associated with an increased incidence of backache in the postpartum period. However, these initial studies were retrospective and their design included several methodological deficiencies. All the prospective studies published afterwards (prospective cohort studies and 3 ran- domized controlled trials) yield the same result : there is no relationship between labor epidural analgesia and long-term postpartum backpain. pregnant women must be aware of this in order to make an informed and appropriate choice about labor epidural analgesia, the most effective technique for intra- partum pain relief.resume : Aujourd’hui, les lombalgies sont un problème fré- quent dans la population générale. leur prévalence est encore plus élevée au cours de la grossesse et après celle-ci. des études anciennes suggèrent que l’analgésie obstétricale pourrait être responsable d’une augmentation de l’incidence des lombalgies au cours du post-partum. il faut cependant remarquer que ces études sont rétrospectives et de piètre qualité méthodologique. toutes les études prospectives réalisées depuis sont de bien meilleure qualité. elles concluent qu’il n’y a pas de lien entre l’analgésie péridurale au cours du travail et les lombalgies pro- longées du post-partum. cette information doit être fournie aux femmes désirant bénéficier d’une analgésie périmédullaire lors de leur accouchement afin de leur permettre de prendre une décision en toute connaissance de cause

    ვასილ მჟავანაძე და გივი ჯავახიშვილი

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    ცენტრში: გივი ჯავახიშვილი, ვასილ მჟავანაძეგივი ჯავახიშვილი - საქართველოს მინისტრთა საბჭოს თავმჯდომარე. ვასილ მჟავანაძე - ქართველი საბჭოთა პარტიული მოღვაწე, გენერალ-ლეიტენანტი (1944). საქართველოს სსრ კომპარტიის პირველი მდივანი 1953-1972 წლებში

    Improve animal health to reduce livestock emissions: quantifying an open goal

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    Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from livestock production must be urgently tackled to substantially reduce their contribution to global warming. Simply reducing livestock numbers to this end risks impacting negatively on food security, rural livelihoods and climate change adaptation. We argue that significant mitigation of livestock emissions can be delivered immediately by improving animal health and hence production efficiency, but this route is not prioritized because its benefits, although intuitive, are poorly quantified. Rigorous methodology must be developed to estimate emissions from animal disease and hence achievable benefits from improved health through interventions. If, as expected, climate change is to affect the distribution and severity of health conditions, such quantification becomes of even greater importance. We have therefore developed a framework and identified data sources for robust quantification of the relationship between animal health and greenhouse gas emissions, which could be applied to drive and account for positive action. This will not only help mitigate climate change but at the same time promote cost-effective food production and enhanced animal welfare, a rare win-win in the search for a sustainable planetary future

    Persistent headaches one year after bacterial meningitis: prevalence, determinants and impact on quality of life

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    International audienceBackground: Little is known on headaches long-term persistence after bacterial meningitis and on their impact on patients' quality of life.Methods: In an ancillary study of the French national prospective cohort of community-acquired bacterial meningitis in adults (COMBAT) conducted between February 2013 and July 2015, we collected self-reported headaches before, at onset, and 12 months (M12) after meningitis. Determinants of persistent headache (PH) at M12, their association with M12 quality of life (SF 12), depression (Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale) and neuro-functional disability were analysed.Results: Among the 277 alive patients at M12 87/274 (31.8%), 213/271 (78.6%) and 86/277 (31.0%) reported headaches before, at the onset, and at M12, respectively. In multivariate analysis, female sex (OR: 2.75 [1.54-4.90]; p < 0.001), pre-existing headaches before meningitis (OR: 2.38 [1.32-4.30]; p < 0.01), higher neutrophilic polynuclei percentage in the CSF of the initial lumbar puncture (OR: 1.02 [1.00-1.04]; p < 0.05), and brain abscess during the initial hospitalisation (OR: 8.32 [1.97-35.16]; p < 0.01) were associated with M12 persistent headaches. Neither the responsible microorganism, nor the corticoids use were associated with M12 persistent headaches. M12 neuro-functional disability (altered Glasgow Outcome Scale; p < 0.01), M12 physical handicap (altered modified Rankin score; p < 0.001), M12 depressive symptoms (p < 0.0001), and M12 altered physical (p < 0.05) and mental (p < 0.0001) qualities of life were associated with M12 headaches.Conclusion: Persistent headaches are frequent one year after meningitis and are associated with quality of life alteration

    One-Year Sequelae and Quality of Life in Adults with Meningococcal Meningitis: Lessons from the COMBAT Multicentre Prospective Study

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    Trial registration: ClinicalTrial.Gov identification number NCT01730690.International audienceIntroduction: COMBAT is a prospective, multicentre cohort study that enrolled consecutive adults with community-acquired bacterial meningitis (CABM) in 69 participating centres in France between February 2013 and July 2015 and followed them for 1 year.Methods: Patients aged at least 18 years old, hospitalised with CABM were followed during their hospitalisation and then contacted by phone 12 months after enrolment. Here we present the prevalence of sequelae at 12 months in a subgroup of patients with meningococcal meningitis.Results: Five of the 111 patients with meningococcal meningitis died during initial hospitalisation and two died between discharge and 12 months, leaving 104 patients alive 1 year after enrolment, 71 of whom provided 12-month follow-up data. The median age was 30.0 years and 54.1% of the patients had no identified risk factor for meningitis. More than 30% reported persistent headache, more than 40% were not satisfied with their sleep and 10% had concentration difficulties. Hearing loss was present in about 15% of the patients and more than 30% had depressive symptoms. About 13% of the patients with a previous professional activity had not resumed work. On the SF-12 Health Survey, almost 50% and 30% had physical component or mental component scores lower than the 25th percentile of the score distribution in the French general population. There was a non-significant improvement in the patients' disability scores from hospital discharge to 12 months (p = 0.16), but about 10% of the patients had residual disability.Conclusions: Although most patients in our cohort survive meningococcal meningitis, the long-term burden is substantial and therefore it is important to ensure a prolonged follow-up of survivors and to promote preventive strategies, including vaccination

    Relationship between serotypes, disease characteristics and 30-day mortality in adults with invasive pneumococcal disease

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