160 research outputs found

    Zero-Annotation Object Detection with Web Knowledge Transfer

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    Object detection is one of the major problems in computer vision, and has been extensively studied. Most of the existing detection works rely on labor-intensive supervision, such as ground truth bounding boxes of objects or at least image-level annotations. On the contrary, we propose an object detection method that does not require any form of human annotation on target tasks, by exploiting freely available web images. In order to facilitate effective knowledge transfer from web images, we introduce a multi-instance multi-label domain adaption learning framework with two key innovations. First of all, we propose an instance-level adversarial domain adaptation network with attention on foreground objects to transfer the object appearances from web domain to target domain. Second, to preserve the class-specific semantic structure of transferred object features, we propose a simultaneous transfer mechanism to transfer the supervision across domains through pseudo strong label generation. With our end-to-end framework that simultaneously learns a weakly supervised detector and transfers knowledge across domains, we achieved significant improvements over baseline methods on the benchmark datasets.Comment: Accepted in ECCV 201

    Structure propagation for zero-shot learning

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    The key of zero-shot learning (ZSL) is how to find the information transfer model for bridging the gap between images and semantic information (texts or attributes). Existing ZSL methods usually construct the compatibility function between images and class labels with the consideration of the relevance on the semantic classes (the manifold structure of semantic classes). However, the relationship of image classes (the manifold structure of image classes) is also very important for the compatibility model construction. It is difficult to capture the relationship among image classes due to unseen classes, so that the manifold structure of image classes often is ignored in ZSL. To complement each other between the manifold structure of image classes and that of semantic classes information, we propose structure propagation (SP) for improving the performance of ZSL for classification. SP can jointly consider the manifold structure of image classes and that of semantic classes for approximating to the intrinsic structure of object classes. Moreover, the SP can describe the constrain condition between the compatibility function and these manifold structures for balancing the influence of the structure propagation iteration. The SP solution provides not only unseen class labels but also the relationship of two manifold structures that encode the positive transfer in structure propagation. Experimental results demonstrate that SP can attain the promising results on the AwA, CUB, Dogs and SUN databases

    A Deep Dive into Adversarial Robustness in Zero-Shot Learning

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    Machine learning (ML) systems have introduced significant advances in various fields, due to the introduction of highly complex models. Despite their success, it has been shown multiple times that machine learning models are prone to imperceptible perturbations that can severely degrade their accuracy. So far, existing studies have primarily focused on models where supervision across all classes were available. In constrast, Zero-shot Learning (ZSL) and Generalized Zero-shot Learning (GZSL) tasks inherently lack supervision across all classes. In this paper, we present a study aimed on evaluating the adversarial robustness of ZSL and GZSL models. We leverage the well-established label embedding model and subject it to a set of established adversarial attacks and defenses across multiple datasets. In addition to creating possibly the first benchmark on adversarial robustness of ZSL models, we also present analyses on important points that require attention for better interpretation of ZSL robustness results. We hope these points, along with the benchmark, will help researchers establish a better understanding what challenges lie ahead and help guide their work.Comment: To appear in ECCV 2020, Workshop on Adversarial Robustness in the Real Worl

    Invertible Zero-Shot Recognition Flows

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    © 2020, Springer Nature Switzerland AG. Deep generative models have been successfully applied to Zero-Shot Learning (ZSL) recently. However, the underlying drawbacks of GANs and VAEs (e.g., the hardness of training with ZSL-oriented regularizers and the limited generation quality) hinder the existing generative ZSL models from fully bypassing the seen-unseen bias. To tackle the above limitations, for the first time, this work incorporates a new family of generative models (i.e., flow-based models) into ZSL. The proposed Invertible Zero-shot Flow (IZF) learns factorized data embeddings (i.e., the semantic factors and the non-semantic ones) with the forward pass of an invertible flow network, while the reverse pass generates data samples. This procedure theoretically extends conventional generative flows to a factorized conditional scheme. To explicitly solve the bias problem, our model enlarges the seen-unseen distributional discrepancy based on a negative sample-based distance measurement. Notably, IZF works flexibly with either a naive Bayesian classifier or a held-out trainable one for zero-shot recognition. Experiments on widely-adopted ZSL benchmarks demonstrate the significant performance gain of IZF over existing methods, in both classic and generalized settings

    Deep Learning versus Classical Regression for Brain Tumor Patient Survival Prediction

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    Deep learning for regression tasks on medical imaging data has shown promising results. However, compared to other approaches, their power is strongly linked to the dataset size. In this study, we evaluate 3D-convolutional neural networks (CNNs) and classical regression methods with hand-crafted features for survival time regression of patients with high grade brain tumors. The tested CNNs for regression showed promising but unstable results. The best performing deep learning approach reached an accuracy of 51.5% on held-out samples of the training set. All tested deep learning experiments were outperformed by a Support Vector Classifier (SVC) using 30 radiomic features. The investigated features included intensity, shape, location and deep features. The submitted method to the BraTS 2018 survival prediction challenge is an ensemble of SVCs, which reached a cross-validated accuracy of 72.2% on the BraTS 2018 training set, 57.1% on the validation set, and 42.9% on the testing set. The results suggest that more training data is necessary for a stable performance of a CNN model for direct regression from magnetic resonance images, and that non-imaging clinical patient information is crucial along with imaging information.Comment: Contribution to The International Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge 2018, survival prediction tas

    Branch&Rank for Efficient Object Detection

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    Ranking hypothesis sets is a powerful concept for efficient object detection. In this work, we propose a branch&rank scheme that detects objects with often less than 100 ranking operations. This efficiency enables the use of strong and also costly classifiers like non-linear SVMs with RBF-χ2 kernels. We thereby relieve an inherent limitation of branch&bound methods as bounds are often not tight enough to be effective in practice. Our approach features three key components: a ranking function that operates on sets of hypotheses and a grouping of these into different tasks. Detection efficiency results from adaptively sub-dividing the object search space into decreasingly smaller sets. This is inherited from branch&bound, while the ranking function supersedes a tight bound which is often unavailable (except for rather limited function classes). The grouping makes the system effective: it separates image classification from object recognition, yet combines them in a single formulation, phrased as a structured SVM problem. A novel aspect of branch&rank is that a better ranking function is expected to decrease the number of classifier calls during detection. We use the VOC’07 dataset to demonstrate the algorithmic properties of branch&rank.ISSN:0920-5691ISSN:1573-140

    Discovering Multi-relational Latent Attributes by Visual Similarity Networks

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    Abstract. The key problems in visual object classification are: learning discriminative feature to distinguish between two or more visually similar categories ( e.g. dogs and cats), modeling the variation of visual appear-ance within instances of the same class (e.g. Dalmatian and Chihuahua in the same category of dogs), and tolerate imaging distortion (3D pose). These account to within and between class variance in machine learning terminology, but in recent works these additional pieces of information, latent dependency, have been shown to be beneficial for the learning process. Latent attribute space was recently proposed and verified to capture the latent dependent correlation between classes. Attributes can be annotated manually, but more attempting is to extract them in an unsupervised manner. Clustering is one of the popular unsupervised ap-proaches, and the recent literature introduces similarity measures that help to discover visual attributes by clustering. However, the latent at-tribute structure in real life is multi-relational, e.g. two different sport cars in different poses vs. a sport car and a family car in the same pose-what attribute can dominate similarity? Instead of clustering, a network (graph) containing multiple connections is a natural way to represent such multi-relational attributes between images. In the light of this, we introduce an unsupervised framework for network construction based on pairwise visual similarities and experimentally demonstrate that the constructed network can be used to automatically discover multiple dis-crete (e.g. sub-classes) and continuous (pose change) latent attributes. Illustrative examples with publicly benchmarking datasets can verify the effectiveness of capturing multi- relation between images in the unsuper-vised style by our proposed network.

    Vehicle Detection Using Alex Net and Faster R-CNN Deep Learning Models: A Comparative Study

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    This paper has been presented at : 5th International Visual Informatics Conference (IVIC 2017)This paper presents a comparative study of two deep learning models used here for vehicle detection. Alex Net and Faster R-CNN are compared with the analysis of an urban video sequence. Several tests were carried to evaluate the quality of detections, failure rates and times employed to complete the detection task. The results allow to obtain important conclusions regarding the architectures and strategies used for implementing such network for the task of video detection, encouraging future research in this topic.S.A. Velastin is grateful to funding received from the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement no. 600371, el Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (COFUND2013-51509) and Banco Santander. The authors wish to thank Dr. Fei Yin for the code for metrics employed for evaluations. Finally, we gratefully acknowledge the support of NVIDIA Corporation with the donation of the GPUs used for this research. The data and code used for this work is available upon request from the authors

    Object Detection Through Exploration With A Foveated Visual Field

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    We present a foveated object detector (FOD) as a biologically-inspired alternative to the sliding window (SW) approach which is the dominant method of search in computer vision object detection. Similar to the human visual system, the FOD has higher resolution at the fovea and lower resolution at the visual periphery. Consequently, more computational resources are allocated at the fovea and relatively fewer at the periphery. The FOD processes the entire scene, uses retino-specific object detection classifiers to guide eye movements, aligns its fovea with regions of interest in the input image and integrates observations across multiple fixations. Our approach combines modern object detectors from computer vision with a recent model of peripheral pooling regions found at the V1 layer of the human visual system. We assessed various eye movement strategies on the PASCAL VOC 2007 dataset and show that the FOD performs on par with the SW detector while bringing significant computational cost savings.Comment: An extended version of this manuscript was published in PLOS Computational Biology (October 2017) at https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.100574
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