1,897 research outputs found

    Selección genética de plantas elites de palma aceitera, utilizando software SELEGEN REML/BLUP

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    Oil palm cultivation is one of the Peruvian Amazon, which generates more interest among investors, which has allowed to install at least 70 thousand of ha. When Peru has entered oil palm seeds of high genetic value, resistance to disease, pests and high performance, but over time has experienced variability in different ecosystems of the country. This study aimed to computerized genetic selection for selection of elite plants of high performance fresh fruit bunches (FFB) of oil palm. For the computerized genetic analysis were available from SELEGEN Rml/Bloop software program that is designed for the analysis and selection. Benin and Ivory Coast are the ones with the best average, the minimum value is 22.1 kg/plant and the maximum value corresponds to 375.9 kg/plant. The 2301 hybrid has the best average performance, followed by the hybrid 2401, the maximum yield extreme values exceeding 340 kg/plant. The first year, the average yield was 46.62 kg/plant and for the third year of production, the average rose to 142.82 kg/pl. Individual performance repeatability for RFF kg/plant in both groups 2007 and 2008 was 0.10 and the repeatability of the average crop was 0.87 and 0.82 for groups 2007 and 2008, respectively. This led to a selective accuracy of 0.93 for 2007 and 0.90 for the group 2008.La palma aceitera es uno de cultivos de la Amazonía Peruana, que genera en los inversionistas mayor interés, que ha permitido instalar al menos 70 mil ha. Al Perú ha ingresado semillas de palma aceitera de alto valor genético, por su resistencia a enfermedad, plagas y alto rendimiento, pero durante el tiempo ha experimentado variabilidad en los diferentes ecosistemas del país. Este trabajo tuvo por objetivo la selección genética computarizada para la selección de plantas elites de alto rendimiento de racimos de fruta fresca (RFF) de palma aceitera. Para realizar el análisis genético computarizado, se dispuso del software SELEGEN Rml/Blup, que es un programa diseñado para el análisis y la selección. Benin y Costa de Marfil son las que tienen mejor promedio, cuyo valor mínimo es de 22,1 kg/planta y el valor máximo corresponde de 375,9 kg/planta. El hibrido 2301 tiene los mejores promedios de rendimiento, seguido por el híbrido 2401, cuyo valores de rendimiento extremos máximo superior a 340 kg/planta. El primer año, el rendimiento promedio fue de 46,62 kg/planta y para el tercer año de producción el promedio pasó a 142,82 kg/pl. La repetibilidad individual para rendimiento de RFF kg/planta en ambos grupos 2007 y 2008 fue de 0,10 y la repetibilidad del promedio de cosechas fue de 0,87 y 0,82 para los grupos 2007 y 2008, respectivamente. Esto propició una exactitud selectiva de 0,93 para el grupo 2007 y de 0,90 para el grupo del 2008

    NN interaction in a Goldstone boson exchange model

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    Adiabatic nucleon-nucleon potentials are calculated in a six-quark nonrelativistic chiral constituent quark model where the Hamiltonian contains a linear confinement and a pseudoscalar meson (Goldstone boson) exchange interaction between quarks. Calculations are performed both in a cluster model and a molecular orbital basis, through coupled channels. In both cases the potentials present an important hard core at short distances, explained through the dominance of the [51]_{FS} configuration, but do not exhibit an attractive pocket. We add a scalar meson exchange interaction and show how it can account for some middle-range attraction.Comment: 32 pages with 12 eps figures incorporated, RevTeX. Final version published in PR

    Sample Preparation for N-Glycosylation Analysis of Therapeutic Monoclonal Antibodies by Electrophoresis

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    There are a considerable number of biopharmaceuticals that have been approved for clinical use in the past decade. Over half of these new generation drugs are glycoproteins, such as monoclonal antibodies or other recombinant glycoproteins, which are mostly produced in mammalian cell lines. The linked carbohydrate moieties affect not only their physicochemical properties and thermal stability but also crucial features like receptor-binding activity, circulating half-life, as well as immunogenicity. The structural diversity of these attached glycans can be manifested in altered monosaccharide composition and linkages/positions among the monosaccharide building blocks. In addition, as more and more biosimilar products hit the market, understanding the effects of their glycosylation modifi cation has become a recent target in effi cacy and safety issues. To ensure consistent quality of these products, glycosylation profi les have to be monitored and controlled in all steps of the manufacturing process, i.e., from clone selection to lot release. In this paper, we describe some of the recently introduced and commonly used sample preparation techniques for capillary electrophoresis (CE)-based profi ling and structural elucidation of N-glycans. The presented pro- tocols include protein A affi nity partitioning of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs), enzymatic release of the N-linked glycans, labeling of the liberated carbohydrates, reaction mixture purifi cation techniques to remove the excess labeling reagent, and high-resolution and rapid capillary electrophoresis-laser-induced fl uorescence (CE-LIF)-based profi ling of the labeled and purifi ed N-glycans

    Characterizing the hypertensive cardiovascular phenotype in the UK Biobank

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    Aims: To describe hypertension-related cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR) phenotypes in the UK Biobank considering variations across patient populations. Methods and results: We studied 39 095 (51.5% women, mean age: 63.9 ± 7.7 years, 38.6% hypertensive) participants with CMR data available. Hypertension status was ascertained through health record linkage. Associations between hypertension and CMR metrics were estimated using multivariable linear regression adjusting for major vascular risk factors. Stratified analyses were performed by sex, ethnicity, time since hypertension diagnosis, and blood pressure (BP) control. Results are standardized beta coefficients, 95% confidence intervals, and P-values corrected for multiple testing. Hypertension was associated with concentric left ventricular (LV) hypertrophy (increased LV mass, wall thickness, concentricity index), poorer LV function (lower global function index, worse global longitudinal strain), larger left atrial (LA) volumes, lower LA ejection fraction, and lower aortic distensibility. Hypertension was linked to significantly lower myocardial native T1 and increased LV ejection fraction. Women had greater hypertension-related reduction in aortic compliance than men. The degree of hypertension-related LV hypertrophy was greatest in Black ethnicities. Increasing time since diagnosis of hypertension was linked to adverse remodelling. Hypertension-related remodelling was substantially attenuated in hypertensives with good BP control. Conclusion: Hypertension was associated with concentric LV hypertrophy, reduced LV function, dilated poorer functioning LA, and reduced aortic compliance. Whilst the overall pattern of remodelling was consistent across populations, women had greater hypertension-related reduction in aortic compliance and Black ethnicities showed the greatest LV mass increase. Importantly, adverse cardiovascular remodelling was markedly attenuated in hypertensives with good BP control

    Repeatability of Cardiac Magnetic Resonance Radiomics: A Multi-Centre Multi-Vendor Test-Retest Study

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    Aims: To evaluate the repeatability of cardiac magnetic resonance (CMR) radiomics features on test-retest scanning using a multi-centre multi-vendor dataset with a varied case-mix. Methods and Results: The sample included 54 test-retest studies from the VOLUMES resource (thevolumesresource.com). Images were segmented according to a pre-defined protocol to select three regions of interest (ROI) in end-diastole and end-systole: right ventricle, left ventricle (LV), and LV myocardium. We extracted radiomics shape features from all three ROIs and, additionally, first-order and texture features from the LV myocardium. Overall, 280 features were derived per study. For each feature, we calculated intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC), within-subject coefficient of variation, and mean relative difference. We ranked robustness of features according to mean ICC stratified by feature category, ROI, and cardiac phase, demonstrating a wide range of repeatability. There were features with good and excellent repeatability (ICC ≥ 0.75) within all feature categories and ROIs. A high proportion of first-order and texture features had excellent repeatability (ICC ≥ 0.90), however, these categories also contained features with the poorest repeatability (ICC < 0.50). Conclusion: CMR radiomic features have a wide range of repeatability. This paper is intended as a reference for future researchers to guide selection of the most robust features for clinical CMR radiomics models. Further work in larger and richer datasets is needed to further define the technical performance and clinical utility of CMR radiomics

    Utilizing individual fish biomass and relative abundance models to map environmental niche associations of adult and juvenile targeted fishes

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    Many fishes undergo ontogenetic habitat shifts to meet their energy and resource needs as they grow. Habitat resource partitioning and patterns of habitat connectivity between conspecific fishes at different life-history stages is a significant knowledge gap. Species distribution models were used to examine patterns in the relative abundance, individual biomass estimates and environmental niche associations of different life stages of three iconic West Australian fishes. Continuous predictive maps describing the spatial distribution of abundance and individual biomass of the study species were created as well predictive hotspot maps that identify possible areas for aggregation of individuals of similar life stages of multiple species (i.e. spawning grounds, fisheries refugia or nursery areas). The models and maps indicate that processes driving the abundance patterns could be different from the body size associated demographic processes throughout an individual's life cycle. Incorporating life-history in the spatially explicit management plans can ensure that critical habitat of the vulnerable stages (e.g. juvenile fish, spawning stock) is included within proposed protected areas and can enhance connectivity between various functional areas (e.g. nursery areas and adult populations) which, in turn, can improve the abundance of targeted species as well as other fish species relying on healthy ecosystem functioning

    Habitat Specialization in Tropical Continental Shelf Demersal Fish Assemblages

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    The implications of shallow water impacts such as fishing and climate change on fish assemblages are generally considered in isolation from the distribution and abundance of these fish assemblages in adjacent deeper waters. We investigate the abundance and length of demersal fish assemblages across a section of tropical continental shelf at Ningaloo Reef, Western Australia, to identify fish and fish habitat relationships across steep gradients in depth and in different benthic habitat types. The assemblage composition of demersal fish were assessed from baited remote underwater stereo-video samples (n = 304) collected from 16 depth and habitat combinations. Samples were collected across a depth range poorly represented in the literature from the fringing reef lagoon (1–10 m depth), down the fore reef slope to the reef base (10–30 m depth) then across the adjacent continental shelf (30–110 m depth). Multivariate analyses showed that there were distinctive fish assemblages and different sized fish were associated with each habitat/depth category. Species richness, MaxN and diversity declined with depth, while average length and trophic level increased. The assemblage structure, diversity, size and trophic structure of demersal fishes changes from shallow inshore habitats to deeper water habitats. More habitat specialists (unique species per habitat/depth category) were associated with the reef slope and reef base than other habitats, but offshore sponge-dominated habitats and inshore coral-dominated reef also supported unique species. This suggests that marine protected areas in shallow coral-dominated reef habitats may not adequately protect those species whose depth distribution extends beyond shallow habitats, or other significant elements of demersal fish biodiversity. The ontogenetic habitat partitioning which is characteristic of many species, suggests that to maintain entire species life histories it is necessary to protect corridors of connected habitats through which fish can migrate

    Learning to segment when experts disagree

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    Recent years have seen an increasing use of supervised learning methods for segmentation tasks. However, the predictive performance of these algorithms depend on the quality of labels, especially in medical image domain, where both the annotation cost and inter-observer variability are high. In a typical annotation collection process, different clinical experts provide their estimates of the “true” segmentation labels under the influence of their levels of expertise and biases. Treating these noisy labels blindly as the ground truth can adversely affect the performance of supervised segmentation models. In this work, we present a neural network architecture for jointly learning, from noisy observations alone, both the reliability of individual annotators and the true segmentation label distributions. The separation of the annotators’ characteristics and true segmentation label is achieved by encouraging the estimated annotators to be maximally unreliable while achieving high fidelity with the training data. Our method can also be viewed as a translation of STAPLE, an established label aggregation framework proposed in Warfield et al. [1] to the supervised learning paradigm. We demonstrate first on a generic segmentation task using MNIST data and then adapt for usage with MRI scans of multiple sclerosis (MS) patients for lesion labelling. Our method shows considerable improvement over the relevant baselines on both datasets in terms of segmentation accuracy and estimation of annotator reliability, particularly when only a single label is available per image. An open-source implementation of our approach can be found at https://github.com/UCLBrain/MSLS

    Getting “Just Deserts” or Seeing the “Silver Lining”: The Relation between Judgments of Immanent and Ultimate Justice

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    People can perceive misfortunes as caused by previous bad deeds (immanent justice reasoning) or resulting in ultimate compensation (ultimate justice reasoning). Across two studies, we investigated the relation between these types of justice reasoning and identified the processes (perceptions of deservingness) that underlie them for both others (Study 1) and the self (Study 2). Study 1 demonstrated that observers engaged in more ultimate (vs. immanent) justice reasoning for a "good" victim and greater immanent (vs. ultimate) justice reasoning for a "bad" victim. In Study 2, participants' construals of their bad breaks varied as a function of their self-worth, with greater ultimate (immanent) justice reasoning for participants with higher (lower) self-esteem. Across both studies, perceived deservingness of bad breaks or perceived deservingness of ultimate compensation mediated immanent and ultimate justice reasoning respectively. © 2014 Harvey and Callan