640 research outputs found

    Measuring Black Hole Formations by Entanglement Entropy via Coarse-Graining

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    We argue that the entanglement entropy offers us a useful coarse-grained entropy in time-dependent AdS/CFT. We show that the total von-Neumann entropy remains vanishing even when a black hole is created in a gravity dual, being consistent with the fact that its corresponding CFT is described by a time-dependent pure state. We analytically calculate the time evolution of entanglement entropy for a free Dirac fermion on a circle following a quantum quench. This is interpreted as a toy holographic dual of black hole creations and annihilations. It is manifestly free from the black hole information problem.Comment: 25 pages, Latex, 8 figure

    Positivity, entanglement entropy, and minimal surfaces

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    The path integral representation for the Renyi entanglement entropies of integer index n implies these information measures define operator correlation functions in QFT. We analyze whether the limit n1n\rightarrow 1, corresponding to the entanglement entropy, can also be represented in terms of a path integral with insertions on the region's boundary, at first order in n1n-1. This conjecture has been used in the literature in several occasions, and specially in an attempt to prove the Ryu-Takayanagi holographic entanglement entropy formula. We show it leads to conditional positivity of the entropy correlation matrices, which is equivalent to an infinite series of polynomial inequalities for the entropies in QFT or the areas of minimal surfaces representing the entanglement entropy in the AdS-CFT context. We check these inequalities in several examples. No counterexample is found in the few known exact results for the entanglement entropy in QFT. The inequalities are also remarkable satisfied for several classes of minimal surfaces but we find counterexamples corresponding to more complicated geometries. We develop some analytic tools to test the inequalities, and as a byproduct, we show that positivity for the correlation functions is a local property when supplemented with analyticity. We also review general aspects of positivity for large N theories and Wilson loops in AdS-CFT.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figures. Changes in presentation and discussion of Wilson loops. Conclusions regarding entanglement entropy unchange

    Moduli Spaces of Cold Holographic Matter

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    We use holography to study (3+1)-dimensional N=4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory with gauge group SU(Nc), in the large-Nc and large-coupling limits, coupled to a single massless (n+1)-dimensional hypermultiplet in the fundamental representation of SU(Nc), with n=3,2,1. In particular, we study zero-temperature states with a nonzero baryon number charge density, which we call holographic matter. We demonstrate that a moduli space of such states exists in these theories, specifically a Higgs branch parameterized by the expectation values of scalar operators bilinear in the hypermultiplet scalars. At a generic point on the Higgs branch, the R-symmetry and gauge group are spontaneously broken to subgroups. Our holographic calculation consists of introducing a single probe Dp-brane into AdS5 times S^5, with p=2n+1=7,5,3, introducing an electric flux of the Dp-brane worldvolume U(1) gauge field, and then obtaining explicit solutions for the worldvolume fields dual to the scalar operators that parameterize the Higgs branch. In all three cases, we can express these solutions as non-singular self-dual U(1) instantons in a four-dimensional space with a metric determined by the electric flux. We speculate on the possibility that the existence of Higgs branches may point the way to a counting of the microstates producing a nonzero entropy in holographic matter. Additionally, we speculate on the possible classification of zero-temperature, nonzero-density states described holographically by probe D-branes with worldvolume electric flux.Comment: 56 pages, 8 PDF images, 4 figure

    Entanglement of heavy quark impurities and generalized gravitational entropy

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    We calculate the contribution from non-conformal heavy quark sources to the entanglement entropy (EE) of a spherical region in N=4 SUSY Yang-Mills theory. We apply the generalized gravitational entropy method to non-conformal probe D-brane embeddings in AdS_5×S^5, dual to pointlike impurities exhibiting flows between quarks in large-rank tensor representations and the fundamental representation. For the D5-brane embedding which describes the screening of fundamental quarks in the UV to the antisymmetric tensor representation in the IR, the EE excess decreases non-monotonically towards its IR asymptotic value, tracking the qualitative behaviour of the one-point function of static fields sourced by the impurity. We also examine two classes of D3-brane embeddings, one which connects a symmetric representation source in the UV to fundamental quarks in the IR, and a second category which yields the symmetric representation source on the Coulomb branch. The EE excess for the former increases from the UV to the IR, whilst decreasing and becoming negative for the latter. In all cases, the probe free energy on hyperbolic space with β = 2π increases monotonically towards the IR, supporting its interpretation as a relative entropy. We identify universal corrections, depending logarithmically on the VEV, for the symmetric representation on the Coulomb branch

    Corner contributions to holographic entanglement entropy

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    The entanglement entropy of three-dimensional conformal field theories contains a universal contribution coming from corners in the entangling surface. We study these contributions in a holographic framework and, in particular, we consider the effects of higher curvature interactions in the bulk gravity theory. We find that for all of our holographic models, the corner contribution is only modified by an overall factor but the functional dependence on the opening angle is not modified by the new gravitational interactions. We also compare the dependence of the corner term on the new gravitational couplings to that for a number of other physical quantities, and we show that the ratio of the corner contribution over the central charge appearing in the two-point function of the stress tensor is a universal function for all of the holographic theories studied here. Comparing this holographic result to the analogous functions for free CFT's, we find fairly good agreement across the full range of the opening angle. However, there is a precise match in the limit where the entangling surface becomes smooth, i.e., the angle approaches π\pi, and we conjecture the corresponding ratio is a universal constant for all three-dimensional conformal field theories. In this paper, we expand on the holographic calculations in our previous letter arXiv:1505.04804, where this conjecture was first introduced.Comment: 62 pages, 6 figures, 1 table; v2: minor modifications to match published version, typos fixe

    Holographic c-theorems in arbitrary dimensions

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    We re-examine holographic versions of the c-theorem and entanglement entropy in the context of higher curvature gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence. We select the gravity theories by tuning the gravitational couplings to eliminate non-unitary operators in the boundary theory and demonstrate that all of these theories obey a holographic c-theorem. In cases where the dual CFT is even-dimensional, we show that the quantity that flows is the central charge associated with the A-type trace anomaly. Here, unlike in conventional holographic constructions with Einstein gravity, we are able to distinguish this quantity from other central charges or the leading coefficient in the entropy density of a thermal bath. In general, we are also able to identify this quantity with the coefficient of a universal contribution to the entanglement entropy in a particular construction. Our results suggest that these coefficients appearing in entanglement entropy play the role of central charges in odd-dimensional CFT's. We conjecture a new c-theorem on the space of odd-dimensional field theories, which extends Cardy's proposal for even dimensions. Beyond holography, we were able to show that for any even-dimensional CFT, the universal coefficient appearing the entanglement entropy which we calculate is precisely the A-type central charge.Comment: 62 pages, 4 figures, few typo's correcte

    A novel insight of sentinel lymph node concept based on 1-3 positive nodes in patients with pT1-2 gastric cancer

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Sentinel node (SN) biopsy has been practiced in gastric cancer in recent years, and many studies focused on the distribution of solitary lymph node metastasis (SLM) to assess the pattern of SN. In fact, there is usually more than one SN existing in gastric cancer. The distribution of SNs needs to be further re-evaluated.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>A total of 289 patients in pT1-2 stage with 1-3 positive nodes confined to same compartment were included in this study with informed consents. The primary lesion was solitary (≤ 5.0 cm in diameter) and D2 or D3 lymph node dissection had been performed. The location of metastatic lymph nodes was analyzed retrospectively.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Most positive nodes occurred in N1 compartment, with frequency of 79.6% to 85.7% based on site of tumor. In the lower third of stomach, no. 6 was the most common metastatic site and no. 3 was the second; the order was reversed for SLM. With increasing depth of tumor invasion, a progressively augmented nodal involvement was shown. Nearly a half appeared transverse metastasis when the tumor located at the lesser or greater curvature. Among skip metastasis, no. 7, 8a, 9 and 11p were the most common metastatic sites and the prognosis was as similar as that of patients with N1 involved only.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The 1-3 positive nodes in the same compartment should be possible SNs, and most of which are restricted in N1 in pT1-2 gastric cancer. Transversal and 2 stations lymph node metastasis are common.</p

    Holographic evolution of the mutual information

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    We compute the time evolution of the mutual information in out of equilibrium quantum systems whose gravity duals are Vaidya spacetimes in three and four dimensions, which describe the formation of a black hole through the collapse of null dust. We find the holographic mutual information to be non monotonic in time and always monogamous in the ranges explored. We also find that there is a region in the configuration space where it vanishes at all times. We show that the null energy condition is a necessary condition for both the strong subadditivity of the holographic entanglement entropy and the monogamy of the holographic mutual information.Comment: 32 pages, 16 figure