1,164 research outputs found

    Designing citizen science tools for learning: lessons learnt from the iterative development of nQuire

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    This paper reports on a 4-year research and development case study about the design of citizen science tools for inquiry learning. It details the process of iterative pedagogy-led design and evaluation of the nQuire toolkit, a set of web-based and mobile tools scaffolding the creation of online citizen science investigations. The design involved an expert review of inquiry learning and citizen science, combined with user experience studies involving more than 200 users. These have informed a concept that we have termed ‘citizen inquiry’, which engages members of the public alongside scientists in setting up, running, managing or contributing to citizen science projects with a main aim of learning about the scientific method through doing science by interaction with others. A design-based research (DBR) methodology was adopted for the iterative design and evaluation of citizen science tools. DBR was focused on the refinement of a central concept, ‘citizen inquiry’, by exploring how it can be instantiated in educational technologies and interventions. The empirical evaluation and iteration of technologies involved three design experiments with end users, user interviews, and insights from pedagogy and user experience experts. Evidence from the iterative development of nQuire led to the production of a set of interaction design principles that aim to guide the development of online, learning-centred, citizen science projects. Eight design guidelines are proposed: users as producers of knowledge, topics before tools, mobile affordances, scaffolds to the process of scientific inquiry, learning by doing as key message, being part of a community as key message, every visit brings a reward, and value users and their time

    Differential down-modulation of HLA class I and II molecule expression on human tumor cell lines upon in vivo transfer

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    Previous evidence from our laboratory showed that Epstein–Barr virus–immortalized lymphoblastoid B cells undergo a prominent down-modulation of HLA-II molecule expression when injected intraperitoneally in SCID mice, while HLA-I remains almost unaffected. Since this phenomenon can alter the experimental outcome of therapeutic protocols of adoptive cell therapy, we decided to evaluate the behavior of MHC antigens in a panel of cell lines belonging to the B- and T-cell lineages, as well as in epithelial tumor cell lines. Cells were administered in mice either intraperitoneally or subcutaneously and recovered 4 days later for HLA molecule expression analysis. Collected data showed a highly heterogeneous in vivo behavior of the various cell lines, which could alternatively down-modulate, completely abrogate or maintain unchanged the expression of either MHC-I or MHC-II molecules. Moreover, the site of injection impacted differentially on these aspects. Although such phenomena still lack a comprehensive clarification, epigenetic mechanisms are likely to be involved as epigenetic drugs could partially counteract MHC down-modulation in vivo. Nonetheless, it has to be pointed out that careful attention must be paid to the assessment of therapeutic efficacy of translational protocols of adoptive immunotherapy, as modulation of MHC molecules on human target cells when transferred in a mouse environment could readily interfere with the desired and expected therapeutic effects

    A cytomorphological and immunohistochemical profile of aggressive B-cell lymphoma: high clinical impact of a cumulative immunohistochemical outcome predictor score

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    We analyzed morphological and immunohistochemical features in 174 aggressive B-cell lymphomas of nodal and extranodal origin. Morphological features included presence or absence of a follicular component and cytologic criteria according to the Kiel classification, whereas immunohistochemical studies included expression of CD10, BCL-2, BCL-6, IRF4/MUM1, HLA-DR, p53, Ki-67 and the assessment of plasmacytoid differentiation. Patients were treated with a CHOP-like regimen. While the presence or absence of either CD10, BCL-6 and IRF4/MUM1 reactivity or plasmacytoid differentiation did not identify particular cytomorphologic or site-specific subtypes, we found that expression of CD10 and BCL-6, and a low reactivity for IRF4/MUM1 were favourable prognostic indicators. In contrast, BCL-2 expression and presence of a monotypic cytoplasmic immunoglobulin expression was associated with an unfavourable prognosis in univariate analyses. Meta-analysis of these data resulted in the development of a cumulative immunohistochemical outcome predictor score (CIOPS) enabling the recognition of four distinct prognostic groups. Multivariate analysis proved this score to be independent of the international prognostic index. Such a cumulative immunohistochemical scoring approach might provide a valuable alternative in the recognition of defined risk types of aggressive B-cell lymphomas

    Evolutionary approaches for the reverse-engineering of gene regulatory networks: A study on a biologically realistic dataset

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Inferring gene regulatory networks from data requires the development of algorithms devoted to structure extraction. When only static data are available, gene interactions may be modelled by a Bayesian Network (BN) that represents the presence of direct interactions from regulators to regulees by conditional probability distributions. We used enhanced evolutionary algorithms to stochastically evolve a set of candidate BN structures and found the model that best fits data without prior knowledge.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We proposed various evolutionary strategies suitable for the task and tested our choices using simulated data drawn from a given bio-realistic network of 35 nodes, the so-called insulin network, which has been used in the literature for benchmarking. We assessed the inferred models against this reference to obtain statistical performance results. We then compared performances of evolutionary algorithms using two kinds of recombination operators that operate at different scales in the graphs. We introduced a niching strategy that reinforces diversity through the population and avoided trapping of the algorithm in one local minimum in the early steps of learning. We show the limited effect of the mutation operator when niching is applied. Finally, we compared our best evolutionary approach with various well known learning algorithms (MCMC, K2, greedy search, TPDA, MMHC) devoted to BN structure learning.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We studied the behaviour of an evolutionary approach enhanced by niching for the learning of gene regulatory networks with BN. We show that this approach outperforms classical structure learning methods in elucidating the original model. These results were obtained for the learning of a bio-realistic network and, more importantly, on various small datasets. This is a suitable approach for learning transcriptional regulatory networks from real datasets without prior knowledge.</p

    Temperature Modulates Plant Defense Responses through NB-LRR Proteins

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    An elevated growth temperature often inhibits plant defense responses and renders plants more susceptible to pathogens. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying this modulation are unknown. To genetically dissect this regulation, we isolated mutants that retain disease resistance at a higher growth temperature in Arabidopsis. One such heat-stable mutant results from a point mutation in SNC1, a NB-LRR encoding gene similar to disease resistance (R) genes. Similar mutations introduced into a tobacco R gene, N, confer defense responses at elevated temperature. Thus R genes or R-like genes involved in recognition of pathogen effectors are likely the causal temperature-sensitive component in defense responses. This is further supported by snc1 intragenic suppressors that regained temperature sensitivity in defense responses. In addition, the SNC1 and N proteins had a reduction of nuclear accumulation at elevated temperature, which likely contributes to the inhibition of defense responses. These findings identify a plant temperature sensitive component in disease resistance and provide a potential means to generate plants adapting to a broader temperature range

    Cytotoxicity of rhein, the active metabolite of sennoside laxatives, is reduced by multidrug resistance-associated protein 1

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    Anthranoid laxatives, belonging to the anthraquinones as do anthracyclines, possibly increase colorectal cancer risk. Anthracyclines interfere with topoisomerase II, intercalate DNA and are substrates for P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein 1. P-glycoprotein and multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 protect colonic epithelial cells against xenobiotics. The aim of this study was to analyse the interference of anthranoids with these natural defence mechanisms and the direct cytotoxicity of anthranoids in cancer cell lines expressing these mechanisms in varying combinations. A cytotoxicity profile of rhein, aloe emodin and danthron was established in related cell lines exhibiting different levels of topoisomerases, multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 and P-glycoprotein. Interaction of rhein with multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 was studied by carboxy fluorescein efflux and direct cytotoxicity by apoptosis induction. Rhein was less cytotoxic in the multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 overexpressing GLC4/ADR cell line compared to GLC4. Multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 inhibition with MK571 increased rhein cytotoxicity. Carboxy fluorescein efflux was blocked by rhein. No P-glycoprotein dependent rhein efflux was observed, nor was topoisomerase II responsible for reduced toxicity. Rhein induced apoptosis but did not intercalate DNA. Aloe emodin and danthron were no substrates for MDR mechanisms. Rhein is a substrate for multidrug resistance-associated protein 1 and induces apoptosis. It could therefore render the colonic epithelium sensitive to cytotoxic agents, apart from being toxic in itself

    Spatial and Temporal Trends of Global Pollination Benefit

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    Pollination is a well-studied and at the same time a threatened ecosystem service. A significant part of global crop production depends on or profits from pollination by animals. Using detailed information on global crop yields of 60 pollination dependent or profiting crops, we provide a map of global pollination benefits on a 5′ by 5′ latitude-longitude grid. The current spatial pattern of pollination benefits is only partly correlated with climate variables and the distribution of cropland. The resulting map of pollination benefits identifies hot spots of pollination benefits at sufficient detail to guide political decisions on where to protect pollination services by investing in structural diversity of land use. Additionally, we investigated the vulnerability of the national economies with respect to potential decline of pollination services as the portion of the (agricultural) economy depending on pollination benefits. While the general dependency of the agricultural economy on pollination seems to be stable from 1993 until 2009, we see increases in producer prices for pollination dependent crops, which we interpret as an early warning signal for a conflict between pollination service and other land uses at the global scale. Our spatially explicit analysis of global pollination benefit points to hot spots for the generation of pollination benefits and can serve as a base for further planning of land use, protection sites and agricultural policies for maintaining pollination services
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