203 research outputs found

    Multiatom Quantum Coherences in Micromasers as Fuel for Thermal and Nonthermal Machines

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    In this paper we address the question: To what extent is the quantum state preparation of multiatom clusters (before they are injected into the microwave cavity) instrumental for determining not only the kind of machine we may operate but also the quantitative bounds of its performance? Figuratively speaking, if the multiatom cluster is the "crude oil", the question is: Which preparation of the cluster is the refining process that can deliver a "gasoline" with a "specific octane"? We classify coherences or quantum correlations among the atoms according to their ability to serve as (i) fuel for nonthermal machines corresponding to atomic states whose coherences displace or squeeze the cavity field, as well as cause its heating; and (ii) fuel which is purely "combustible", i.e., corresponds to atomic states that only allow for heat and entropy exchange with the field and can energize a proper heat engine. We identify highly promising multiatom states for each kind of fuel and propose viable experimental schemes for their implementation.Comment: 13 pages, 8 figure

    Work and Heat Value of Bound Entanglement

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    Entanglement has recently been recognized as an energy resource which can outperform classical resources if decoherence is relatively low. Multi-atom entangled states can mutate irreversibly to so called bound entangled (BE) states under noise. Resource value of BE states in information applications has been under critical study and a few cases where they can be useful have been identified. We explore the energetic value of typical BE states. Maximal work extraction is determined in terms of ergotropy. Since the BE states are non-thermal, extracting heat from them is less obvious. We compare single and repeated interaction schemes to operationally define and harvest heat from BE states. BE and free entangled (FE) states are compared in terms of their ergotropy and maximal heat values. Distinct roles of distillability in work and heat values of FE and BE states are pointed out. Decoherence effects in dynamics of ergotropy and mutation of FE states into BE states are examined to clarify significance of the work value of BE states. Thermometry of distillability of entanglement using micromaser cavity is proposed.Comment: 22 pages, 10 figure

    An optimal stopping problem for spectrally negative Markov additive processes

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    Previous authors have considered optimal stopping problems driven by the running maximum of a spectrally negative L\'evy process XX, as well as of a one-dimensional diffusion. Many of the aforementioned results are either implicitly or explicitly dependent on Peskir's maximality principle. In this article, we are interested in understanding how some of the main ideas from these previous works can be brought into the setting of problems driven by the maximum of a class of Markov additive processes (more precisely Markov modulated L\'evy processes). Similarly to previous works in the L\'evy setting, the optimal stopping boundary is characterised by a system of ordinary first-order differential equations, one for each state of the modulating component of the Markov additive process. Moreover, whereas scale functions played an important role in the previously mentioned work, we work instead with scale matrices for Markov additive processes here. We exemplify our calculations in the setting of the Shepp-Shiryaev optimal stopping problem, as well as a family of capped maximum optimal stopping problems.Comment: 31 page

    Koncentracije serumskog prokalcitonina i C-reaktivnog proteina u pasa s degenerativnom bolešću mitralnog zaliska i infektivnim endokarditisom

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    This study aimed to investigate the clinical significance of serum C-reactive protein (CRP) and procalcitonin (PCT) concentrations in dogs with degenerative mitral valve disease (DMVD) and infective endocarditis. It also aimed to evaluate whether there is a relationship between the degree of disease and serum PCT and CRP concentrations. A total of 100 dogs with MVD were prospectively recruited into the study. According to clinical/laboratory signs and echocardiography, the dogs were divided into infective and degenerative groups. The degenerative group was also classified into four stages based on the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM) guidelines (Stages A-D). Serum PCT and CRP concentrations were determined with dog-specific commercial test kits. The serum CRP (P<0.05) and PCT (P<0.001) concentrations in the infective group were significantly higher than the degenerative group. In the degenerative group, the serum CRP concentration of stage D dogs was significantly higher than the other stages (P<0.001), and the degree of disease correlated significantly positively with serum CRP concentration (r=0.531 P=0.000). In conclusion, serum CRP and PCT concentrations may aid traditional diagnostic techniques to differentiate infective and degenerative mitral valve disease. This study also demonstrated that serum CRP concentrations were elevated in Stage D dogs, and that there is a positive correlation between the degree of disease and serum CRP concentration. This can be useful in determining the severity of the inflammatory state in dogs with DMVD.Cilj rada bio je istražiti kliničku važnost serumskih koncentracija C-reaktivnog proteina (CRP) i prokalcitonina (PCT) u pasa s degenerativnom bolešću mitralnog zaliska (DMVD) i infektivnim endokarditisom. Također, cilj je bio i procijeniti postoji li povezanost između stupnja bolesti i serumskih koncentracija PCT-a i CRP-a. U prospektivno istraživanje uključeno je ukupno je 100 pasa s MVD-om. Prema kliničko laboratorijskim znakovima i ehokardiografiji psi su podijeljeni u skupinu s infektivnom i skupinu s degenerativnom bolešću. Psi s degenerativnom bolešću razvrstani su u četiri stadija (A-D) prema smjernicama American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine (ACVIM). Koncentracije serumskog PCT-a i CRP-a određene su komercijalnim testnim setovima specifičnima za pse. Koncentracije serumskog CRP-a i PCT-a u skupini pasa s infektivnom bolešću bile su znakovito više (P<0,05 i P<0,001) nego one u skupini pasa s degenerativnom bolešću. U skupini s degenerativnom bolešću serumske koncentracije CRP-a u pasa sa stadijem D bile su znakovito više nego u pasa s ostalim stadijima (P<0,001). Stupanj bolesti bio je u znakovitoj pozitivnoj korelaciji sa serumskim koncentracijama CRP-a (r = 0,531, P=0,000). Zaključno, serumske koncentracije CRP-a i PCT-a mogu pomoći tradicionalnim dijagnostičkim metodama u razlikovanju infektivne i degenerativne bolesti mitralnog zaliska. Istraživanje je pokazalo i povišene serumske koncentracije CRP-a u pasa sa stadijem D te pozitivnu korelaciju između stupnja bolesti i koncentracije CRP-a. Navedeno može biti korisno pri procjeni težine upalnog stanja u pasa s DMVD-om

    Temperature control in dissipative cavities by entangled dimers

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    We show that the temperature of a cavity field can be drastically varied by its interaction with suitably-entangled atom pairs (dimers) traversing the cavity under realistic atomic decoherence. To this end we resort to the hitherto untapped resource of naturally entangled dimers whose state can be simply controlled via molecular dissociation, collisions forming the dimer, or unstable dimers such as positronium. Depending on the chosen state of the dimer, the cavity-field mode can be driven to a steady-state temperature that is either much lower or much higher than the ambient temperature, despite adverse effects of cavity loss and atomic decoherence. Entangled dimers enable much broader range of cavity temperature control than single `phaseonium' atoms with coherently-superposed levels. Such dimers are shown to constitute highly caloric fuel that can ensure high efficiency or power in photonic thermal engines. Alternatively, they can serve as controllable thermal baths for quantum simulation of energy exchange in photosynthesis or quantum annealing.Comment: 12 pages, 6 figure

    A price to pay: Turkish and American retaliation for threats to personal and family honor

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    Two studies investigated retaliatory responses to actual honor threats among members of an honor culture (Turkey) and a dignity culture (northern U.S.). The honor threat in these studies was based on previous research which has shown that honesty is a key element of the conception of honor and that accusations of dishonesty are threatening to one’s honor. In both studies, participants wrote an essay describing the role of honesty in their lives and received feedback on their essay accusing them of being dishonest (vs. neutral feedback). Turkish participants retaliated more strongly than did northern U.S. participants against the person who challenged their honesty by assigning him/her to solve more difficult tangrams over easy ones (Study 1) and by choosing sensory tasks of a higher level of intensity to complete (Study 2). Study 2 added a relational honor condition, in which participants wrote about honesty in their parents’ lives and examined the role of individual differences in honor values in retaliation. Endorsement of honor values predicted retaliation among Turkish participants in both the personal and relational honor conditions, but not among northern U.S. participants

    Modeling the Effect of Channel Tapering on the Pressure Drop and Flow Distribution Characteristics of Interdigitated Flow Fields in Redox Flow Batteries

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    This article belongs to the Special Issue CFD Applications in Energy Engineering Research and Simulation.Optimization of flow fields in redox flow batteries can increase performance and efficiency, while reducing cost. Therefore, there is a need to establish a fundamental understanding on the connection between flow fields, electrolyte flow management and electrode properties. In this work, the flow distribution and pressure drop characteristics of interdigitated flow fields with constant and tapered cross-sections are examined numerically and experimentally. Two simplified 2D along-the-channel models are used: (1) a CFD model, which includes the channels and the porous electrode, with Darcy’s viscous resistance as a momentum sink term in the latter; and (2) a semi-analytical model, which uses Darcy’s law to describe the 2D flow in the electrode and lubrication theory to describe the 1D Poiseuille flow in the channels, with the 2D and 1D sub-models coupled at the channel/electrode interfaces. The predictions of the models are compared between them and with experimental data. The results show that the most influential parameter is γ , defined as the ratio between the pressure drop along the channel due to viscous stresses and the pressure drop across the electrode due to Darcy’s viscous resistance. The effect of Re in the channel depends on the order of magnitude of γ , being negligible in conventional cells with slender channels that use electrodes with permeabilities in the order of 10−12m2 and that are operated with moderate flow rates. Under these conditions, tapered channels can enhance mass transport and facilitate the removal of bubbles (from secondary reactions) because of the higher velocities achieved in the channel, while being pumping losses similar to those of constant cross-section flow fields. This agrees with experimental data measured in a single cell operated with aqueous vanadium-based electrolytes.This work was supported by the research project PID2019-106740RB-I00 of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, the project PEM4ENERGY-CM-UC3M funded by the call "Programa de apoyo a la realización de proyectos interdisciplinares de I+D para jóvenes investigadores de la Universidad Carlos III de Madrid 2019-2020" under the frame of the "Convenio Plurianual Comunidad de Madrid-Universidad Carlos III de Madrid", and the Energy and Environment Research Grant of the Spanish Iberdrola Foundation

    Cultures of honor

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    Cultures of honor developed in contexts in which a person’s livelihood was easily stolen (such as a herd of animals) and the rule of law was weak. In such contexts, men were required to develop a reputation for toughness and willingness to retaliate quickly and aggressively when threatened, so that others would not consider stealing their property. Consequently, cultures of honor have developed ideologies, norms, and practices that reinforce the importance of maintaining social respect through aggressive means if necessary. In this chapter, we first briefly review the initial work by anthropologists, sociologists and historians that described cultures of honor in the Mediterranean region and southern US states. This early work formed the foundation of research by Nisbett, Cohen, and their colleagues, who carefully articulated a psychological theory of how concerns for honor may explain higher rates of aggression and violence in southern US states compared to northern states. We then summarize research on components of honor, behavioral and psychological consequences of honor, and socialization practices that maintain cultures of honor. We finish by discussing possible future directions and methodological considerations in research on cultures of honor. This research has extended the scope of cultural psychology by going beyond the more common east-west comparisons; it has the potential to help explain behavior of groups that have not been widely studied by social psychologists