483 research outputs found

    Using Functional Programming to recognize Named Structure in an Optimization Problem: Application to Pooling

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    Branch-and-cut optimization solvers typically apply generic algorithms, e.g., cutting planes or primal heuristics, to expedite performance for many mathematical optimization problems. But solver software receives an input optimization problem as vectors of equations and constraints containing no structural information. This article proposes automatically detecting named special structure using the pattern matching features of functional programming. Specifically, we deduce the industrially-relevant nonconvex nonlinear Pooling Problem within a mixed-integer nonlinear optimization problem and show that we can uncover pooling structure in optimization problems which are not pooling problems. Previous work has shown that preprocessing heuristics can find network structures; we show that we can additionally detect nonlinear pooling patterns. Finding named structures allows us to apply, to generic optimization problems, cutting planes or primal heuristics developed for the named structure. To demonstrate the recognition algorithm, we use the recognized structure to apply primal heuristics to a test set of standard pooling problems

    Agronomic performance and photosynthetically active radiation intercepted by maize intercropped with Brachiaria.

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    Maize and soybean are the main crops used for crop yield on Brazilian Cerrado biome. The off-season maize intercropped with ruzigrass [Urochloa ruziziensis (R. Germ. C.M. Evrard) Crins (Syn. Brachiaria ruziziensis Germ. Evrard)] increases soil cover and yield for crops in succession. However, the benefits on maize yield depend on the distribution and radiation-use efficiency (RUE) and its conversion to biomass. This study aimed to evaluate maize and ruzigrass yield in different cultivation systems. The experiment was carried out at Embrapa Agropecuária Oeste, in Dourados, MS, Brazil. The experiment design was randomized blocks, with seven treatments constituted by the combination of spacing between maize rows, single and intercropped, with ruzigrass in distribution methods. Photosynthetically active radiation, chlorophyll, leaf temperature, morphological characteristics and maize mass yield were evaluated in maize at the flowering stage (R1). Maize and ruzigrass yield were evaluated during maize maturation. The reduced spacing in single maize has a higher yield and lower radiation incidence in the ear. Maize intercropped with ruzigrass sown by broadcasting showed higher leaf temperature, lower plant height and lower maize leaf area. Morphological and physiological characteristics and maize grain yield were more influenced by planting methods than the presence of ruzigrass. The highest yield of dry matter and maize grain occurred in reduced spacing in maize, either alone or intercropped with ruzigrass

    High performance liquid chromatographic determination of 2-furaldehyde and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde in processes citrus juices

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    The occurrence of 2-furaldehyde (F) and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (HMF) in processed citrus juices is an indication of quality deterioration. A close relationship between flavor changes and F content exists, while HMF can give rise to browning reactions. Both F and HMF are formed during heat processing or storage at improper temperatures. The detection of these compounds becomes more and more important as aseptic processing and packaging of citrus juices are becoming widespread. Aseptic packaging allows higher temperatures during distribution and storage to be employed without microbial spoilage, but off-flavors develop as citrus products are exposed to these conditions. In this paper a method of determination by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is described. The method is based on the formation of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones of carbonyl compounds and subsequent reversed-phase separation of these derivatives. Derivatization is carried out by utilizing an acidic solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in acetonitrile. Precipitation of the derivatives of carbonyl compounds is thus avoided, and direct injection of the sample into the HPLC system is allowed. The determination offers a high specificity and a detection limit of the order of 10-8 mol/l for both analytes. Recoveries from an orange juice spiked at different levels are quantitative. Reproducibility data are presented

    Determination of cadmium (II) and zinc (II) in olive oils by derivative potentiometric stripping analysis

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    A method for the determination of cadmium (II) and zinc (II) in olive oils by derivative potentiometric stripping analysis after dry ashing of the sample is described. The metal ions were concentrated as their amalgams on a glassy carbon working electrode that was previously coated with a thin mercury film and then stripped by a suitable oxidant. Potential and time data were digitally converted into dt dE 121, and E was plotted vs. dt dE 121, thus increasing sensitivity of the method and improving resolution of the analysis. Quantitative analysis was carried out by the method of standard additions; a good linearity was obtained in the range of concentrations examined. Recoveries of 92\u2013102% for cadmium (II) and of 89\u201399% for zinc (II) were obtained from an olive oil spiked at different levels. The detection limits were 5.1 ng g 121 for cadmium (II) and 7.6 ng g 121 for zinc (II)

    High-performance liquid chromatographic determination of 2-furaldehyde in spirits

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    Official methods for the determination of 2-furaldehyde in spirits involve for a spectrophotometric evaluation, which is characterized by poor specificity. Gas chromatographic evaluations have also been proposed, which offer a much higher sensitivity, particularly when capillary columns are used. In this paper a high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method based on the formation of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones of carbonyl compounds and subsequent reversed-phase separation of these derivatives is described. Derivatization is carried out by utilizing an acidic solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in acetonitrile. Precipitation of the derivatives is avoided, and direct injection of the sample into the HPLC system is allowed. The determination offers a high specificity and a detection limit of the order of 10-8 mol/l. Accuracy and reproducibility data are presented

    High performance liquid chromatographic determination of 2-furaldehyde and 5- hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde in fruit juices

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    A method for the determination of 2-furaldehyde (F) and 5-hydroxymethyl-2-furaldehyde (HMF) in fruit juices by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) is described. The method is based on the formation of the 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazones of carbonyl compounds and subsequent separation of these derivatives. Derivatization is carried out by utilizing an acidic solution of 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine in acetonitrile. Precipitation of the derivatives of carbonyl compounds is thus avoided; and direct injection of the sample into the HPLC system is allowed. The procedure offers a high specificity and a detection limit of the order of 10\u20138 mol/L. Recoveries of 95-98% are obtained from apple juice spiked at different levels with both analytes. The reproducibility (mean of six determinations) is \ub1 2% for F and \ub1 3% for HMF

    Integração lavoura-pecuária-floresta. 2. Identificação e implantação de forrageiras na integração lavoura-pecuária.

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    RESUMO: Nos sistemas de integração Lavoura-Pecuária (iLP) existem arranjos e métodos de formação de pastagens que permitem aumentar a produção animal e alterar o ambiente, tornando-o mais favorável à produção de grãos. O cultivo de forrageiras solteiras ou em consórcio com culturas tem crescido, mas este assunto é novo para muitos técnicos e agricultores que têm dificuldade na identificação das espécies e cultivares de forrageiras. Com isso, eles têm dificuldade em implantar as pastagens e estabelecer seu manejo. Existem algumas características morfológicas, relacionadas à folha, à presença de cera e pelos e ao tipo de inflorescência, que permitem a identificação das cultivares de forrageira no campo, com facilidade. Entre as forrageiras disponíveis no mercado existem algumas como milheto, sorgo, Panicum maximum e Brachiaria spp., que apresentam características mais favoráveis ao cultivo em sistemas de iLP. Algumas forrageiras estabelecem com facilidade e são mais produtivas durante a estação seca e, ainda, são controladas com menor dose de herbicida e morrem com maior rapidez. Assim, é necessário menos tempo entre a dessecação e o estabelecimento de uma nova cultura em sucessão. Crop-Livestock-Forest Integration System. 2. Identifying and Establishing Forages in Integrated Crop-Livestock. ABSTRACT: There are arrangements and methods to establishing pasture in croplivestock integration systems (CLI) that may increase animal production and change cropping environment, making it more favorable to grain production. Cultivation of forages, either alone or mixed with other crops, has been improved, but this is a new subject to many farmers and technicians who have difficulty in identifying forage species and cultivars. Therefore, it is hard to assess forage establishment and appropriate management. There are some morphological characteristics related to leaves, to waxy and pubescence and to type of inflorescence which make easy to identify different cultivars in the field. Pearl millet, sorghum, Panicum maximum and Brachiaria spp. are some commercial forages which are suitable to CLI systems. Some forages are easily established and are more productive during dry season; additionally, they are burned down with a lower dose of herbicide and die more quickly. So, the time between the desiccation and the establishment of a new crop in succession is shorter.bitstream/item/60551/1/DOC.111.2011.CPAO.pd