30,945 research outputs found

    Bone: Osteoblastoma

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    Review on Bone: Osteoblastoma, with data on clinics, and the genes involved

    BETter insight into PRC2-mutated T-ALL

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    Single Image Super-Resolution Using Multi-Scale Convolutional Neural Network

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    Methods based on convolutional neural network (CNN) have demonstrated tremendous improvements on single image super-resolution. However, the previous methods mainly restore images from one single area in the low resolution (LR) input, which limits the flexibility of models to infer various scales of details for high resolution (HR) output. Moreover, most of them train a specific model for each up-scale factor. In this paper, we propose a multi-scale super resolution (MSSR) network. Our network consists of multi-scale paths to make the HR inference, which can learn to synthesize features from different scales. This property helps reconstruct various kinds of regions in HR images. In addition, only one single model is needed for multiple up-scale factors, which is more efficient without loss of restoration quality. Experiments on four public datasets demonstrate that the proposed method achieved state-of-the-art performance with fast speed

    Exploration of alternative splicing events in ten different grapevine cultivars

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    Background: The complex dynamics of gene regulation in plants are still far from being fully understood. Among many factors involved, alternative splicing (AS) in particular is one of the least well documented. For many years, AS has been considered of less relevant in plants, especially when compared to animals, however, since the introduction of next generation sequencing techniques the number of plant genes believed to be alternatively spliced has increased exponentially. Results: Here, we performed a comprehensive high-throughput transcript sequencing of ten different grapevine cultivars, which resulted in the first high coverage atlas of the grape berry transcriptome. We also developed findAS, a software tool for the analysis of alternatively spliced junctions. We demonstrate that at least 44 % of multi-exonic genes undergo AS and a large number of low abundance splice variants is present within the 131.622 splice junctions we have annotated from Pinot noir. Conclusions: Our analysis shows that similar to 70 % of AS events have relatively low expression levels, furthermore alternative splice sites seem to be enriched near the constitutive ones in some extent showing the noise of the splicing mechanisms. However, AS seems to be extensively conserved among the 10 cultivars

    DFT Modeling of the Adsorption of Trimethylphosphine Oxide at the Internal and External Surfaces of Zeolite MFI

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    The characterization of the acidity of zeolites allows a direct correlation with their catalytic activity. To this end, probe molecules are utilized to obtain a ranking of acid strengths. Trimethylphosphine oxide (TMPO) is a widely used probe molecule, which allows the sensing of solid acids by using 31P NMR. We have performed calculations based on the density functional theory to investigate the Brønsted acid (BA) sites in zeolite MFI by adsorbing TMPO as a probe molecule. We have considered the substitution of silicon at the T2 site by aluminum, both at the internal cavity and at the external surface. The different acid strengths observed in the zeolite MFI when probed by TMPO (very strong, strong, and weak) may depend on the basicity of the centers sharing the acid proton. If the proton lies between the TMPO and one of the framework oxygen atoms binding the Al, the acidity is strong. When the framework oxygen atom is not directly binding the Al, it is less basic and a shortening of the TMPO–H distance is observed, causing an acid response of very strong. Finally, if two TMPO molecules share the proton, the TMPO–H distance elongates, rendering a weak acid character

    Model Systems of Human Intestinal Flora, to Set Acceptable Daily Intakes of Antimicrobial Residues

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    The veterinary use of antimicrobial drugs in food producing animals may result in residues in food, that might modify the consumer gut flora. This review compares three model systems that maintain a complex flora of human origin: (i) human flora associated (HFA) continuous flow cultures in chemostats, (ii) HFA mice, and (iii) human volunteers. The "No Microbial Effect Level" of an antibiotic on human flora, measured in one of these models, is used to set the accept¬able daily intake (ADI) for human consumers. Human volunteers trials are most relevant to set microbio¬log¬ical ADI, and may be considered as the "gold standard". However, human trials are very expensive and unethical. HFA chemostats are controlled systems, but tetracycline ADI calculated from a chemostat study is far above result of a human study. HFA mice studies are less expensive and better controlled than human trials. The tetracycline ADI derived from HFA mice studies is close to the ADI directly obtained in human volunteers
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